God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn
The most frequently asked question on homeschool forums is, “How do I do this?” and the number one complaint is, “David won’t do (fill in the blank). How can I get him to do it?” God Schooling answers these questions and more. Parents gain the insight and confidence to teach their own children as they learn from experts, Biblical references, and the author’s own experiences from nearly fifteen years of homeschooling.
God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn
The most frequently asked question on homeschool forums is, “How do I do this?” and the number one complaint is, “David won’t do (fill in the blank). How can I get him to do it?” God Schooling answers these questions and more. Parents gain the insight and confidence to teach their own children as they learn from experts, Biblical references, and the author’s own experiences from nearly fifteen years of homeschooling.
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God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn

God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn

by Julie Polanco
God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn

God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn

by Julie Polanco


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The most frequently asked question on homeschool forums is, “How do I do this?” and the number one complaint is, “David won’t do (fill in the blank). How can I get him to do it?” God Schooling answers these questions and more. Parents gain the insight and confidence to teach their own children as they learn from experts, Biblical references, and the author’s own experiences from nearly fifteen years of homeschooling.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781683508632
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Publication date: 09/04/2018
Pages: 215
Sales rank: 837,557
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x (d)

About the Author

Julie Polanco started walking in the love and grace of Jesus Christ in 2000. She is active in the women’s ministry and on the worship team at a nondenominational evangelical church in the Chicago area. She and her husband have homeschooled their four children from the beginning, graduating their first in 2016. Julie is a regular contributor for Old Schoolhouse Magazine, as well as for the magazine’s official blog Homeschooling with Heart, and is the high school botany instructor for www.schoolhouseteachers.com. Her involvement in the homeschool community includes serving on the board of her local support group, starting her own support group, and teaching science and writing classes in her home and in cooperatives. Currently, she maintains a blog that discusses homeschooling, Christian living, and the writing life at www.juliepolancobooks.com.

Read an Excerpt


Biblical Support for Natural Learning

When I first decided to homeschool my kids, I had no idea what it would be like, but I was sure it was going to be great. I had visions of obedient, respectful children who were so excited to learn, they hung on to my every word and couldn't wait for the next new topic. I poured over curriculum catalogs and magazines, my mind whirring with all the possibilities. Everything looked so attractive and promised hours of learning adventures. Everyone promised that their product would create a love of learning in my children, that it would be easy to do, that my children would be successful, and on and on.

I have to admit that I am a sucker for glamorous advertising. I loved books and nifty paper crafts so much, I wanted to believe that what they said was true. Maybe you have done this, too. I chose activities based on what I thought would be fun, what I enjoyed doing, and if I liked it, surely, the kids would like it. Right? Oh, sure. I read some books on learning styles, and I even read some books on different methods of homeschooling. There were elements of Charlotte Mason that I liked, and there were elements of classical education that I liked. I thought that unit study was a great idea, too. The only method that I definitely stayed away from was textbooks.

In spite of all my enthusiasm, things were not all rosy and wonderful. By the time my oldest daughter, Tiger, was seven years old, I was beginning to burn out already. I had been in the habit of spending hours poring over catalogs and websites trying to find the perfect books and activities. I spent my free time writing up objectives, lessons, questions, crafts, and more. I invested so much of myself in trying to come up with the perfect teaching materials, but when I would try to present everything I had so painstakingly prepared, I was faced with ...

Moans and groans. Hawk and Tiger talking at the same time and laughing while I was reading. Stick figures and sloppy coloring instead of neat work (Tiger's drawings that she did on her own were amazing, but she never put in that kind of effort for me). Slumping in the chairs, laying on the table, making noises with their mouths, their feet, their hands. I would go to the bathroom and when I would come back, they would have disappeared. Can you relate?

When Butterfly was born, I felt I could no longer do this and needed a curriculum. Well, that was not the answer, either. In the next year, Hawk refused to do any lessons I asked him to do. I am not saying that he didn't learn anything; he just didn't want to learn anything from me. I took it personally. Who did he think he was trying to exert some control over his own learning? I saw him as a disobedient little boy, and I am ashamed to say that he spent far too many days looking at the wall. I had tried bribery with candy and other treats, but he didn't care. He didn't care about looking at the wall, either. At first, I thought that was what I needed to do. A child must learn obedience, right? Except that my discipline wasn't working. He was detaching from me and acting out in other ways.

He was not the only one who exhibited problems. My daughter, Tiger, talked to me about her dreams less and less and was bordering on depression, and the baby, Butterfly, was challenging. I hadn't even been parenting that long, I hadn't even been homeschooling that long, and everything seemed to be unraveling. God, didn't you call us to homeschool? Didn't you make it abundantly clear? If we're supposed to homeschool, then why isn't it working? I thought that doing Your Will would give me joy. I don't have any joy. I want to give up, and if you don't do something, I'm putting them in school next year. He answered my cry, but not in the way I expected. I had hoped that He would make my children more obedient to my plan. Instead, He led me on a journey to make me more obedient to His plan.

He led me on a journey to re-examine my goals, my relationships, everything. It has not always been an easy journey, but God is a patient and loving teacher. He made sure that I learned what I needed to learn (and continue to learn still). Where he led me was to a life without school, what many would call an unschooled life. The things that he taught me along the way, the things I discovered through prayer and experience, are recorded for you here. Join me on my journey where I finally found joy and peace.

Enslavement Versus Freedom

One of my favorite verses from the Bible regarding natural learning, or what some call unschooling, is Galatians 5:1: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Paul was writing regarding the legalistic religious requirements of his day. We are not only free from religiosity but anything that can become religious or dogmatic.

Curriculum can be a great tool as long as it does not become our religion. What do I mean by that? Anything that we follow just for the sake of following it, anything that we become so dedicated to that we feel like a failure if we don't follow its dictates, anything that enslaves us with its rules, can become our religion. Curriculum is meant to be a guide to help us accomplish our goals. The curriculum is not the goal. Too many times I have heard moms say something like, "Well, Michael is still in third grade this summer because we didn't finish the curriculum." Whoa! The curriculum has usurped the family's goals or become the family's goals. These moms have become slaves to their chosen curriculum; it has become their religion.

In my own journey, as I said, I started out creating my own unit studies but, when my third child, Butterfly, was born, I felt I needed a curriculum. All the time I was using this curriculum, neat ideas for things to do with my three small children kept floating into my head. Hey, remember that article you saw about the egg floating on the water? That would be really fun to try. Hey, there's a neat website about dead logs. You should check it out and take them out to the woods. Today would be a great day to visit the arboretum. Weren't you going to make a cave diorama with little bats and stuff?

As fun as they sounded, I sadly ignored them, rationalizing that I was distracted and that I needed to finish the curriculum first. I condensed it a bit, but I was determined that because I had spent $300 on it, I was going to finish it. Even though it was not appropriate for my four-year-old, Hawk, even though my seven-year-old, Tiger, was getting tired of it and only put in a half-hearted effort, I was going to stick with it and finish. I had allowed it to take control of my home, and it had become a religion to me. However, I did not learn my lesson at first. I bought the curriculum several times over the course of the years, but used it for shorter and shorter periods of time. It was like the devil was putting doubts in my ear, whispering, "Gee, it's going to be hard to get to the library every two weeks or so. Maybe you should get a curriculum and save yourself the trouble. Yeah, it's a few hundred dollars, but what's your time worth? You could use it again or sell it later. Come on. It looks so fun."

I became enslaved to the fears that drove my decision. Maybe you have some of these fears. I was afraid that my child wouldn't measure up next to her public-schooled peers. I feared the close scrutiny of relatives. I feared that she might have gaps. I feared I wasn't challenging her enough and that I wasn't doing enough. If she didn't understand something that was commonly taught to her peers, then I worried that there was something wrong with her or that I was doing something wrong. I wanted so badly to do everything right and I was so afraid that I was doing everything wrong. It was such an incredible burden that it finally sank me into depression. It was then that God gave me a vision of what it could be like.

Be Still and Know I am Lord

He began to speak to me about homeschooling and the first thing He said was, "Be still and know that I am Lord." Does my story sound like your story? Are you in that place where you are desperately searching for a different way? Do you feel restless and uneasy, burdened by worries and fears? Be still. Know that He is Lord. Know that He is Lord. Know that He is Lord. Do you really truly believe that God is Lord of your life or do you say it with head knowledge, not heart knowledge? Do you truly know that you are not the lord of your life? Do you truly understand what being lord means? These words spoke directly to my heart because I have struggled with control in my life. God spoke truth into my circumstances.

Because all my life I had always felt like everything I did was for someone else's approval and someone else's agenda, I was desperately trying to gain control of something and that something ended up being my children. In all my life, I felt that I had never done anything just because I wanted to. Even the choice to homeschool was for the benefit of the children, at first. I had to give up the dream of graduate school and endure the pain of ostracism because now I was just a housewife. I had to admit to God that I was resentful and controlling. He began to show me all the blessings of being at home, that He loves me, that all that has happened in my life has been turned to good, and that I need to fully surrender to Him to be able to fully receive His joy. And, as often happens when we abandon ourselves to Him, he gave me back my dreams. He enabled me to take freelance writing projects and to write this book. Now, I am writing more books under my own name and as a ghostwriter.

It took several weeks of meditating on what it means to be still and know God to begin to fully comprehend what He was saying to me. When it started to sink in, my burden began to feel lighter. Joy and peace slowly started to seep into my heart. He began to lead me toward becoming more relaxed in my homeschooling approach. He put in my heart a desire to serve other Christian women who felt led in the same way. Suddenly, I had companions in my journey that I didn't have before. He began to direct me to websites and blogs about a lifestyle of learning, relaxed homeschooling, and Christ-led unschooling. As I relaxed, he showed me, through the children themselves, how He leads them to discover his truths.

May 14, 2007

Today, I just let them play outside all day. It was hot, and I just felt like giving them a break. They came up with plenty of their own learning experiences, though. Tiger made several attempts to figure out how to make a bucket of water tied to a string dump its load into a bowl waiting below, for instance. They pretended to be cells and put stickers on themselves to represent DNA.

July 2, 2007

The kids got up late. In fact, I had to wake Tiger up. That was fine, though, because she stayed up late asking me questions about God and the why of it all. We went to Fullersburg Woods with another homeschool family, and we were there for 2 hours doing the longest trail they have. They saw butterflies, frogs, a heron, fish, cicadas, other insects, and of course, many trees and plants. They poked around in the water, climbed trees, looked into likely animal homes, and other stuff kids do in the wild.

Many of us start homeschooling in a spirit of fear, as I was describing earlier. We are afraid that the school environment will harm our child, we are afraid that the schools aren't doing enough for our child, we are afraid that our child won't have an edge when it comes to college, and on and on.

Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11: 28-30). His yoke is to simply follow him. That is what He told all of His disciples: "Follow me." There are no other requirements. But when we follow Him, He says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind." (Matthew 22: 37). These two verses taken together mean that I can come before Him, lay down my worries and my fears, sit at His feet with complete and utter devotion, and simply obey.

Simply obey. What does that mean? When Jesus was at the home of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:41-42, Martha was distracted by all the preparations, and she got angry because her sister, Mary, wasn't helping her. Instead, she was sitting at the feet of Jesus. Jesus basically said that Martha worried too much and should sit at his feet, too. Obeying means that we keep our eyes on Him, not on the distractions of this world, not on all the preparations that we supposedly need to be doing. If we are walking closely with the Lord, He will show us exactly what to do at exactly the right time.

An example that comes to mind is something that happened recently in Tiger's life. Tiger is now eighteen and, in her last year of high school, she took a class at the junior college near us. I had been thinking that she ought to take general education classes there so that they would transfer to a university if she later chose to go. God had a different plan. As I was driving home from the city thinking about how she should register soon, He clearly said to me that she should take a class that would teach her how to use software. Software? I thought. How weird. That won't transfer, but okay, God. When I got home, I looked through the course catalog and pointed out to Tiger courses that taught software. One of them was called Digital Art. She thought that sounded interesting and it would introduce her to the Adobe Creative Suite. After taking that class, she decided to take the next one in the sequence because she loved it so much. In fact, she has decided that she wants to be a graphic designer. What if I hadn't listened to God and did what I thought, instead?

Walking with God is freeing. In II Corinthians 3:17, Paul says, "Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. He didn't set us free to do whatever we want. He set us free so that we would be unencumbered by our past; by the mistakes of our parents, teachers, and community; and by our current hang-ups, fears, and sinful nature so that we could follow Him and become like Him. He set us free from all that would keep us from discovering and doing His Will, and that includes setting us free from the world's standards of what education looks like.

"God was with Him"

The first question every homeschooler asks me when we first meet is, "What curriculum do you use?" That is often the same question we ask ourselves when we are planning a homeschool year. What we need to ask ourselves first is, what is God's Will for this child? And, a corollary to that, what is God's Will for my family? We say we trust God, but then we plan out each and every moment of our children's lives right up to college, sometimes even picking the college. Do we truly, truly trust God? Do we truly believe it when Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Or, do we say to ourselves, "Well, yes, but we don't know what God has planned so we better make sure our son is prepared for anything." If God has prepared these works for your child to do, then won't He make sure that s/he is adequately prepared for them? Doesn't He prepare you to do His Will in the most miraculous, mind-boggling ways that have very little to do with your own efforts? Do you think that the Creator of the Universe would leave your child's future, His future, entirely in your hands? Remember, our children are being prepared for a future that doesn't exist yet. That includes more than just careers.

My son, Hawk, spent many of his early years building stuff. He built with Legos, mostly, but also with wood, clay, and later, with metal. Over time, he developed the unique capacity to know how to make almost anything from whatever materials were at hand. I thought for sure this would mean that he would grow up to be a carpenter or maybe even an engineer. Then, two things happened in 2016. He had the opportunity to learn how to use the machines in a fabrication lab, better known as a Maker Lab, and he wanted to learn how to do 3-D animation out of a love for Pixar and DreamWorks films.

He was hooked. He was particularly interested in 3-D printing his own creations and soon learned how to do 3-D modeling as well. There has suddenly been a watershed of opportunities for him in this field, leading him to gain the attention of game developers. In addition, he won second place in an entrepreneur competition, earning him enough money to buy a 3-D printer for himself. God just opened door after door for him in ways I could never have imagined, let alone planned. His early years prepared him to have an understanding of 3-D objects that would never have come if he hadn't been allowed to spend his time "playing."


Excerpted from "God Schooling"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Julie Polanco.
Excerpted by permission of Morgan James Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

How to Use This Book,
Part 1: Dispelling Myths,
Chapter 1 Biblical Support for Natural Learning,
Chapter 2 Motivation & Excellence,
Part 2: Practice,
Chapter 3 Thoughts on Teaching Children Under Age Eight,
Chapter 4 Thoughts on Teaching Children Aged Eight to Twelve,
Chapter 5 Giving Teens the Wings to Fly,
Chapter 6 Spreading the Banquet,
Chapter 7 Getting Started,
Chapter 8 Some Q & A,
Chapter 9 Record-Keeping and Structure,
Concluding Remarks,
About the Author,

From the B&N Reads Blog

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