God and His Coexistent Relations to the Universe: Scientific Advances of the Little Gods from Pantheism Through Deism, Theism, and Atheism to Panenthe

God and His Coexistent Relations to the Universe: Scientific Advances of the Little Gods from Pantheism Through Deism, Theism, and Atheism to Panenthe

by George D Shollenberger
God and His Coexistent Relations to the Universe: Scientific Advances of the Little Gods from Pantheism Through Deism, Theism, and Atheism to Panenthe

God and His Coexistent Relations to the Universe: Scientific Advances of the Little Gods from Pantheism Through Deism, Theism, and Atheism to Panenthe

by George D Shollenberger


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In the book, God and His Coexistent Relations to the Universe, the author is rejecting the universe that Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein have accepted for a long period. To replace this old universe, an improved universe appeared from the thoughts of Confucius, Anaxagoras, Plato, and Jesus, who taught the death of our sun in Ch. 24 of Matthew. Unfortunately, this teaching by Jesus was quieted for fifteen centuries by Irenaeus, until Copernicus stood up and said that earth is not the center of the universe. So, an improved universe was becoming very interesting to many scientists.. This improved universe of Copernicus would expand when Kepler found that our sun has a system of eight precise planets. Slowly, the improved universe would become very clear when Leibniz found the immortal human souls and when Galileo found the bodies are made by these immortal souls. In 1766, Ben Franklin went to Germany in order to learn the immortal souls of Leibniz. In the next ten years, Americans would separate America from England, which still accepts the old universe. After this separation, more discoveries would come to the USA from German and Chinese thoughts. For example, Riemann would tell the world that the relationships of bodies in the universe can be determined only by our senses and measurements. With Riemann’s statement, the author concluded that God is always active. The author also found that God and the bodies in the universe come together with co-existent concepts. With these advances, the author rejects the old universe and says that the people of many nations will form a new religion under an active God.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781491855317
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 01/29/2014
Pages: 446
Sales rank: 1,130,799
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.13(d)

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God and His Coexistent Relations to The Universe

Scientific Advances of The Little Gods from Pantheism through Deism, Theism, and Atheism to Panentheism

By George D. Shollenberger

AuthorHouse LLC

Copyright © 2014 George D. Shollenberger
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4918-5532-4


Proving God's Existence

For thousands of years godly rulers and philosophers sought a political system that could serve people instead of ruling them. However, such a political system was not found until the United States of America (USA) came into existence in 1776 as the first free nation. To free themselves, the American colonists became revolutionists and declared their independence from England by preparing and distributing the Declaration of Independence. But, England did not accept this declaration as a natural human right. So, the Revolutionary War was started and was won by the colonists. After the war, the colonists prepared the US Constitution to define its limited form of government. This limited form of government was identified in the social contract theory of England's John Locke. Unfortunately, most Americans still do not understand the significance of this new political system, its social contract, and a limited government.

To glue these important political events to the mind of all Americans, I discuss the new politics, its social contract, and a limited government often in this book. My words on these discussions are guided by the following words of Jesus: Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand (Matt. 12:25). With these words, Christ is told us that a nation can fail if the citizens of a nation are divided. So, I show how to unify and maintain an undivided nation of people. To unify Americans, I had to prove the existence of God because an active God made an Intellectual Design of an endless universe. And, to maintain this undivided nation of people forever, I believe that the current two-party system, which is destroying the USA, must be destroyed because all human rights are not arbitrary and thus come from God.

As the first free nation, the founders of the USA did not claim their independence without thought. US independence was a rational thought of the colonists because the powerful ruling government of England did not respect the rights from God Instead of legislating laws of God, the government of England made arbitrary laws. Arbitrariness was not in the minds of the colonists because they had considerable facts about God and the universe in which we live. The colonists had a choice to start the USA either with or without God. They could not prove God but did know that the nonexistence of God could not be proven. The Declaration of Independence shows that they chose to start the USA with God. The founders made an excellent decision because the first scientific proof of God's existence is presented below. This modern creation reveals God's Intelligent Design of the universe.

The first scientific proof of God's existence demonstrates the awesome power of the 17th century discovery of the scientific method of proving truths or falsities., I also prove that life sciences can also use the scientific method to prove their data and theories. Thus, I make the scientific method of proof available to both hard and soft scientists, by extending the scientific method of proof to the life sciences. This extension is possible because th meaning of word-symbols can be as precise as number-symbols and mathematical procedures.

I believe that other Americans were searching for ways to build the life sciences. For instance, in the 1870s, research was being conducted on the American System of economics by Henry Carey. He was an economic advisor to Abe Lincoln. He challenged the imprecise meanings of economic words used by proponents of the British System of economics. This system is supported by most US economists today. Is this why the US economy dances like a chicken with its head cut off? In the 1930s, the works of Kenneth Burke and RKO Studio in Hollywood seem to be efforts to improve our languages. Burke had success by predicting the Holocaust, merely by analyzing key words in Hitler's book, Mein Kampf. RKO was also using movies to teach US citizens and students. Apparently, Senator McCarthy thought that using the movies to teach people is a form of communism is not entertainment.

Since more than 200 years have passed since the founding of the USA, the absence of a proof of God has caused the development of unexpected social problems. Examples are terrorism, oil depletion, family disputes, drug use, high divorce rates, robbery, theft, child abuse, burglary, and murder. What is producing social problems? I argue and show that such problems have their origin in deeper social problems such as poverty, citizen ignorance, justice and economic failures, and religious differences. When I conducted research on the US crime problem at the US Department of Justice, I concluded that these deeper problems began to emerge after Abe Lincoln was assassinated. My research concluded that Abe was killed by Americans who disagreed with Lincoln's effort to enforce the Declaration of Independence. His enemies also disagreed with the human right 'all men are created equal.' Apparently, Abe's killers also did not agree with his effort to perfect the Union, which is mandated in the Preamble of the US Constitution. Abe's desire to industrialize the South and develop the West with homesteaders was his way of perfecting the Union. I conclude that only the Lincoln and Kennedy administrations tried to perfect the Union in significant ways. Yet, both were assassinated!!!

I conclude that Lincoln's killers had personal interests and did not like the idea that the USA was founded as a godly Union of undivided people. I also conclude that people in England might have been involved in Lincoln's assassination. For instance, in 1859, Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory was published in England by people other than Darwin. This publication was available about two years before Abe became our 16th president. Was the purpose of the early publication of Darwin's work to stop Lincoln politically? This 1859 event in England followed the many discussions of John C. Calhoun in support of slavery for cheap Southern cotton for England's textile industry. The 1859 publication was followed by the Scopes Trial in 1925. This was a trial of John Scopes, a high school biology teacher who violated a Tennessee law forbidding the teaching of evolution. This trial was another attempt to divide US citizens on the subject of slavery. Today, evolutionary theory, a godless theory, is increasing its influence in the USA through high school textbooks. Yet, no scientific proof of evolutionary theory has ever been found. My proof of God is inconsistent with evolutionary theory. This book shows that the evolutionary theory is false and that high school teaching of evolutionary theory is developing the mind of children improperly.

With a godly political system installed in the USA and the development of modern science throughout the Western world, all wars should have been prevented and world peace should already exist. However, wars are still occurring and a world peace has not developed. Why do we still have wars and no peace? Unlike a tiger that only seeks its next meal, man's godly instinct seeks answers to his questions as well as seeking his next meal. Unfortunately, widely accepted answers to man's questions about God have not come fast enough. Accordingly, atheism and materialism have grown.

In the USA today, many Americans are holding their belief in God. A proof of God's existence is thus necessary for the people of the USA and all other nations. Below, I prove that God exists. Then, in Part IV, I expand our knowledge of God and the universe.

The First Scientific Proof of God's Existence

Using the symbols, finite and infinite, God's existence can be expressed with the following statement: all finite things are originated by an infinite thing. The finite things can be sensed by looking at things in your environment around you or by looking into the evening sky.

God's existence is proven if God is that infinite thing. This data and theory satisfy the two-step method of proof known as the scientific method of proof. The proof that God is that infinite thing uses the dictionary meanings of the symbols, finite and infinite, and rejects the use of the mathematical infinite in determining the meaning of the infinite in the above statement.

When the symbol finite is negated, a new symbol, not-finite, is created by the mind. Eventually, not-finite was written as infinite but does not change its meaning. In his Sophist at 257b Plato says, When we speak of 'that which is not,' it seems that we do not mean something contrary to what exists but only something that is different.

What are the meanings of the symbols, finite and infinite? In today's dictionaries, the symbol finite means 'having definite or definable limits; neither infinite nor infinitesimal.' And, the symbol infinite means 'subject to no limitation or external determination; greater than any preassigned finite value however large.' As seen, finite and infinite are real and precise contraries. Plato's new definition of 'not' was significant because it lifts our minds above the logic of Aristotle and into metaphysics.

Furthermore, one cannot say that a finite thing cant originate all finite thing because a contradiction would be created by our minds. So, if the Big Band is a finite thing, the Big Bang thing cannot be the orign of all finite things.

The scientific method of proof is consistent with a linguistic discovery in the 1920s. This discovery says, sense-data are primarily symbolic. The meanings of symbols must be precise to express truths. The physical sciences have accomplished this feat by using number-symbols and mathematical procedures. They were successful because they learned how to express laws with number-symbols and mathematics. They also learned how to prove these laws when they discovered the scientific method of proof. It is now time for the life sciences to feel the same kind of success with word-symbols. The field of law has already begun this effort with the adversary system and its current method of proof. With more kinds of evidence, such as forensic science, and strong juries, this field is showing us the way to a rational life.

The sidebar identifies four theories of God. Pantheism is the earliest theory of God. It developed idolatry and was eventually rejected by monotheism, a theory that God is one. Deism is primarily the Jewish theory of God whereas theism is the Christian theory of God. Panentheism is a more recent theory of God. Pan-en-theism means 'all' is 'in' God. Gregersen believes that three forms of panentheism exist in Western thought. Clayton identifies thirteen different positions offered by the current panentheists. In Part V, I show that panentheism is the true theory of God and that deism and theism are false theories of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

In the universe God is in all created things in a way so that each thing is what it-is-able-to-be. Thus, a spiritual atom will form all bodies that become what-it-is-able-to-be. The sidebar tells us the Greek meaning of the symbol 'in.' Jesus uses the symbol 'in' at John 14:20 to show that God and all humans are functionally related.

Unfortunately, some people (e.g., the US Supreme Court) say that God is only a theory of religion. How can this be true if man's thoughts about God existed before religions exist? The word-symbols, theory and practice, distinguish God and all religions. Many different theories of God have been developed by many different people throughout history. Their different theories have led to different religious practices (or rites). Some people practice a theory of God merely by walking in Nature.

Any one of the four theories of God in the sidebar above can be chosen by people. Thus, it was incorrect for the US Supreme Court to rule that God is a theory of the field of religion. With this view, the Supreme Court separates State and God as well as State and Religion. Yet, the Constitution separates only State and Religion. This Supreme Court error has caused many social problems and problems in the US government and private institutions. For instance, colleges and universities advertise as 'nonsectarian.' With this advertisement, they cannot conduct research on the theory of God. This is the way Johns Hopkins University operates according to its President, William Brody. I argue that our nonsectarian governments and non-sectarian public institutions can conduct research on the theory of God without violating the US Constitution. How can the US Supreme Court and our higher institutions of education separate God and State when the Declaration of Independence does not separate them?

It seems that our founders did not separate State from God because they knew that the people would be free to develop theories of God and theories of creation. If a nation of humans has the right to know, it seems that the right to know God would be shared by all people in that nation. This includes those people who do work for a limited government. I argue that change in government is necessary immediately on the theory of God and the theory of creation. I conclude that the separation of State and God by the US Supreme Court is unconstitutional and inconsistent with my proof of God and the US Declaration of Independence. I also conclude that this judicial separation is a major cause of the growth of atheism in the USA. My research concludes that this separation can transform the people of a nation into a godless, a criminal, and an immoral nation. The moral degeneration of the USA is very noticeable today.

Many people have developed theories of God and theories of creation. For instance, I have developed a theory of God and a theory of creation in this book. Haussmann tells us that the first creation theory was developed in ancient Egypt about five thousand years ago. This was a geometrical theory and was developed by the brick and stone masons who built the Great Pyramid at Giza. Haussmann says that this Egyptian creation theory was excised by royal decree from the earliest version of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible in 1611. This is why Moses' theory of creation is the only creation theory found in the KJV. After his study in the temples of Egypt, Plato (427-347 BC), he developed a geometrical creation theory. It is found in his Timaeus. His unlimited God is unchanging whereas his universe is always changing. The ancient Greek atomists, Empedocles (484-.424 BC) and Democritus (460-370 BC), developed atomic creation theories. And, Epicurus (340-270 BC) also developed an atomic creation theory. Other creation theories appeared after the Middle Ages came to an end.

Historians agree that the Middle Ages ended with the work of Nicholas of Cusa. But, they do not tell us that Cusa developed a new and powerful creation theory. Nicholas describes God as the 'coincidence of all opposites.' Thus, his theory of God is not understood easily by logicians. Logic and its law of contradiction must be used carefully if one expects to unify a theory of God and a theory of creation. But, if one learns how to use logic properly, a person can become a panentheist. A panentheist argues that God is both creator and creature. This duality is the God of Christianity. Nicholas unifies his theory of God and his theory of creation with the pair of opposites, identity and difference. All created things thus become images of God. I discuss the complex creation theory of Nicholas in detail in Part II

After Nicholas' death, Isaac Newton developed a new creation theory. It was the first mechanical theory of creation. A mechanical theory has no active God. Newton's theory of God is deism. Newton's God must rewind the universe if He decides to create a second universe. In the 17th century, Gottfried Leibniz also develops a new creation theory. His universe has atoms known as monads. I apply his monads in my modern creation theory in Part IV. I call them spiritual atoms because they are spirits and form a spiritual-physical universe.

Interestingly, physical scientists are developing contradictions in their thoughts because they do not believe in God and Intelligent Designs. As nonbelievers, they accept the following law: all finite things are caused by a finite thing. This law is illogical because a finite thing cannot cause itself. Yet, this contradictory law is currently used by physical scientists on the Big Bang theory of the universe. And, evolution theorists are supported by these physical scientists. So, the Big Bang theory and the evolutionary theory are based on a law that has a contradiction.


Excerpted from God and His Coexistent Relations to The Universe by George D. Shollenberger. Copyright © 2014 George D. Shollenberger. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse LLC.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Introduction, vii,
Part I—How Knowledge is Produced,
Chapter 1: Proving God's Existence, 2,
Chapter 2: Two Tools of Knowledge, 10,
Chapter 3: Knowledge Begins With Mythical Cultures, 17,
Chapter 4: Knowledge Becomes Formal, 23,
Chapter 5: The Problem of Knowledge in the Physical and Life Sciences, 30,
Chapter 6: Seeking Truths, 42,
Part II—The 15th Century View of God and the Universe,
Chapter 1: The Good/Evil Dualism, 56,
Chapter 2: The Identical/Difference Dualism, 60,
Chapter 3: An Introduction to Nicholas of Cusa, 64,
Chapter 4: A Critique of Positive Theology, 67,
Chapter 5: Two Major Ideas in Negative Theology, 70,
Chapter 6: The Art of Conjecturing, 75,
Chapter 7: The Aftermath of Nicholas of Cusa, 82,
Part III—World Theories,
Chapter 1: Mechanical and Geometrical World Theories, 90,
Chapter 2: Evolutionary Theory, 93,
Part IV—Jesus' View of God and the Universe,
Chapter 1: The Real Trinity of God, 100,
Chapter 2: The Holy Ghost, 102,
Chapter 3: The Teachings of Jesus, 107,
Chapter 4: Other Early Views of the Universe, 118,
Part V—God's Intelligent Design,
Chapter 1: A History of Hell, 136,
Chapter 2—A Modern View of God's Intelligent Design, 143,
Part VI—Introduction To Blogging,
Chapter 1: General Information, 158,
Chapter 2: Hundreds of Blogs, 161,
Chapter 3: China's God and Universe, 409,
Notes, 415,

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