Geography, Health and Sustainability: Gender Matters Globally

With a global commitment to achieve gender equality by 2030, the SDGs present a historic opportunity to place gender as central to human progress across the globe. Gender equality, which requires the empowerment of all women and girls, is an explicit goal, in addition to being a fundamental prerequisite to and facilitator of most other SDGs. This edited collection provides a range of geographical and geospatial insights, from a variety of disciplinary and country-specific perspectives, to better understand gender and sustainable development. In addition to several African countries, Mexico, Japan, Canada, USA, and Cambodia are featured. A range of topical case studies examine women’s domestic and care work, including water collection, breastfeeding, food purchasing, and caring for elderly family members. Access to health care services is examined in the case of breast screening and antenatal care. Women’s engagement in the labour force is also addressed, with a specific look at the renewable energy sector; structural barriers to employment are discussed across a number of chapters, with clear strategies to break through these barriers. Finally, theoretical insights are proposed in better understanding and engaging in gendered inequalities in health.

Geography, Health and Sustainability: Gender Matters Globally

With a global commitment to achieve gender equality by 2030, the SDGs present a historic opportunity to place gender as central to human progress across the globe. Gender equality, which requires the empowerment of all women and girls, is an explicit goal, in addition to being a fundamental prerequisite to and facilitator of most other SDGs. This edited collection provides a range of geographical and geospatial insights, from a variety of disciplinary and country-specific perspectives, to better understand gender and sustainable development. In addition to several African countries, Mexico, Japan, Canada, USA, and Cambodia are featured. A range of topical case studies examine women’s domestic and care work, including water collection, breastfeeding, food purchasing, and caring for elderly family members. Access to health care services is examined in the case of breast screening and antenatal care. Women’s engagement in the labour force is also addressed, with a specific look at the renewable energy sector; structural barriers to employment are discussed across a number of chapters, with clear strategies to break through these barriers. Finally, theoretical insights are proposed in better understanding and engaging in gendered inequalities in health.

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Geography, Health and Sustainability: Gender Matters Globally

Geography, Health and Sustainability: Gender Matters Globally

Geography, Health and Sustainability: Gender Matters Globally

Geography, Health and Sustainability: Gender Matters Globally



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With a global commitment to achieve gender equality by 2030, the SDGs present a historic opportunity to place gender as central to human progress across the globe. Gender equality, which requires the empowerment of all women and girls, is an explicit goal, in addition to being a fundamental prerequisite to and facilitator of most other SDGs. This edited collection provides a range of geographical and geospatial insights, from a variety of disciplinary and country-specific perspectives, to better understand gender and sustainable development. In addition to several African countries, Mexico, Japan, Canada, USA, and Cambodia are featured. A range of topical case studies examine women’s domestic and care work, including water collection, breastfeeding, food purchasing, and caring for elderly family members. Access to health care services is examined in the case of breast screening and antenatal care. Women’s engagement in the labour force is also addressed, with a specific look at the renewable energy sector; structural barriers to employment are discussed across a number of chapters, with clear strategies to break through these barriers. Finally, theoretical insights are proposed in better understanding and engaging in gendered inequalities in health.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781000471656
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication date: 11/25/2021
Series: Geographies of Health Series
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 274
File size: 6 MB

About the Author

Allison Williams is Professor in the School of Earth, Environment & Society at McMaster University. She is trained as a health geographer in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research. She leads a partnership grant to create carer-inclusive workplaces.

Isaac Luginaah is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Environment at the University of Western Ontario and member of the College of The Royal Society of Canada. His research interests include environment and health, population health, and GIS applications in health.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction; Part 1. SDG 5: Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls; 2. Gender, Adolescents, and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Ghana; 3. Sustainable Development Goals and the Internal Logics of ‘Gender Equality’ in the Liberian Context; 4. Global Trends in Women’s Employment in Renewable Energy: Continuities, Disruptions and Contradictions; 5. Producing Gender Statistics at Local Level: The Case of Mito-city, Japan; Part 2. Target 5.4: Value Unpaid Care and Promote Shared Domestic Responsibilities; 6. Gender Statistics, Geospatial Analysis and Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Mexico; 7. Understanding Women’s Unpaid Work and Domestic Work: Using Photovoice to Capture Immigrant Carer-employee Experiences in Southern Ontario, Canada; 8. Resource insecurity and gendered inequalities in health: a challenge to sustainable livelihood; 9. "Today men’s orientation has changed": gender and household water and sanitation responsibilities in Ghana; 10. Canvas Totes and Plastic Bags: The Political Ecology of Food Assistance Effectiveness at Farmers’ Markets in Minneapolis-St Paul, USA; Part 3. Target 5.6: Universal Access to Reproductive Health and Rights; 11. Internal Migration as a Determinant of Antenatal Care in the Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana: Does Length of Residence Matter?; 12. Longitudinal analysis of progress in women’s empowerment and maternal mortality outcomes: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa; 13. Mental Health, Quality of Life and Life Experiences of Ghanaian Women Living with Breast Cancer; 14. Event-History Analysis of Determinants of Breastfeeding in Cambodia: Evident from Demographic and Health Survey; 15. The World We Want: The Development We Want

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