From CFS with Love: Techniques to relieve and release symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivities

From CFS with Love: Techniques to relieve and release symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivities

by Karyl M Sanchez
From CFS with Love: Techniques to relieve and release symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivities

From CFS with Love: Techniques to relieve and release symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivities

by Karyl M Sanchez


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From the black pit of despair and chronic illness, to searching for solutions through trial and error then finally healing her health challenges.

In this ground breaking book, Karyl M. Sanchez, an allied health professional, presents her personal research.

In this workbook you'll discover:

- Four main techniques that have had a huge impact on the release of Karyl's chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms, fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivities.
- The implementation of these techniques as well as how to manage acute symptoms and the occasional setbacks.
- How to create your own personal health plan, complete with exercises.
- The therapies, products, techniques, hints and ideas that have progressed Karyl's journey to good health.

"I found myself putting this book together with the hope of making a difference in helping people like me heal. I did it. You can too!"

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781504356190
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 07/22/2016
Pages: 262
Sales rank: 517,669
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.55(d)

Read an Excerpt

From CFS with Love

Techniques to relieve and release symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivities

By Karyl M Sanchez

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2016 Karyl M Sanchez
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5043-5619-0



The symptoms for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as you can imagine, have been debated and redefined in the last 20 years, noting the complexity of this illness.

Some people, in their considered opinion, feel that it is under classified and "Syndrome" does not allow the classification to fully describe the severity of the illness.

Personally I would recommend not get too emotionally involved in criteria and concentrate on healing.

So I leave you with the information of what Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia is and clarify what it is not.

It is not, feeling tired.

It is not, a lower back pain or neck pain.

It is not, headaches.

Or digestion problems.

Or sleep inconsistencies.

It is not about one or two of these symptoms. It is a combination and a certain length of time suffering these symptoms and much more.

It has nothing to do with feeling tired, it is fairer to say that it is like having a bad flu that does not go away for years. The tests by doctors, which come back negative; the frustrated frowns by doctors investigating your condition and the fear that you're symptoms are not believed is very hard to bare, that's why CFS is such a strange and baffling affliction.

The illness was named Chronic Fatigue Syndrome because it reflects the most common symptom — long-term, persistent fatigue. (Today, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome also is known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Post viral Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome).

What are the symptoms and signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

The symptoms and signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are a few but specific and consistent.

You must have severe chronic fatigue for six months or longer with other known medical conditions excluded by clinical diagnosis.

Plus the following symptoms that either occurred at the same time or after the severe chronic fatigue.

The symptoms are substantial impairment in short-term memory or concentration, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle pain, multi-joint pain without swelling or redness, headaches of a new type, pattern or severity, non-refreshing sleep, and post-exertion malaise lasting more than 24 hours (be in pain after exercise or physical activity lasting more than 24 hours).

You may often have additional symptoms such as double vision, mild fevers, earaches, diarrhea, and many other symptoms, but they do not fit into the criteria that are considered to be part of the definition of CFS.

I would suggest you research the Canadian governments website, the UK definitions and also the Australian health governments description of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. What I have noted is that they are different but have common factors. To be honest nothing really prepares you for this illness but as you research the many entangled symptoms you will start to understand how you are feeling.

The Australian government site has described a few little extra symptoms, I found interesting for example; People with CFS may feel dizzy when they stand up quickly.

They may notice that they are sensitive to some foods, smells (such as paint thinners and other chemicals), bright lights, cigarette smoke, and they may not be able to drink alcohol.

Some people with CFS find that they become unwell with infections such as colds, common viruses or flu more often than they did before they developed CFS and that it can take a long time before they feel well again.


There is no test which can diagnose CFS.

No specific change in the body has been found apart from some very small changes in the way that the brain works - which can only be found by very sophisticated and expensive scans.

There are many other illnesses which cause feelings of fatigue, such as some viral infections, low levels of thyroid hormone, depression, sleep apnea (obstruction of breathing while asleep), kidney disease, severe anemia, cancer, eating disorders, alcohol or other drug abuse induced symptoms, and extreme obesity.

These will need to be ruled out before a diagnosis of prolonged or chronic fatigue can be made.

Tests such as tests of ability to concentrate, think and remember could be done.

It might be recognised that the person is unwell and has severe fatigue well before 6 months has passed. This may be later recognised to be CFS, but not before 6 months has passed, the illness might be called 'prolonged fatigue' or 'chronic fatigue'.

Please note: there are variations in certain descriptions of symptoms but generally they are quite similar.

It's useful at the beginning when a person is diagnoses to understand the symptoms and the necessity to broaden the awareness of symptoms to simply understand what is happening to them.

It is so important to keep in mind that each individual has their own genetical weaknesses and characteristics, their own genetic make-up, and therefore symptoms do vary. One CFS patient may have different symptoms from another person with the same diagnosis. I have met people with CFS in different stages of the illness and some who have worked on themselves and others who have not done much at all but to take medication for depression and give up, we are all different and in my view we need to be compassionate with ourselves, be empathetic stay focussed on healing and getting better no matter how bad the symptoms are or how long they go for.

Below is Dr Sarah Myhill's list of symptoms. You can find her book on her website. "Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - It's mitochondria, not hypochondria" Published by Sarah Myhill Limited Website:

Symptoms of CFS

(Dr Myhill) "My current understanding of CFS is that it is a symptom of mitochondrial malfunction. In Part II of this book I will explain the role of mitochondria, the biochemical processes inside each cell involved in producing energy, and I will show how many of the symptoms of CFS can be explained by mitochondrial dysfunction. Then the references I make here to mitochondria, ATP, ADP, cell-free DNA etc. will become much clearer. First, however, let us look at the clinical picture of the illness.

The two key symptoms in patients with CFS which I believe reflect the mitochondrial dysfunction are:

Very poor stamina (mental and physical) - i.e. you can do things, but only for about 5 seconds before tiring. This is due to slow recycling of ATP (see p.9).

Delayed fatigue (mental and physical) - i.e. symptoms persist for 24 96 hours if you over-do things. This is because when mitochondria are stressed, all the energy molecules (ATP, ADP and AMP) are drained out and cells have to wait 1-4 days for new energy molecules to be made via the pentose phosphate shunt.

These two symptoms are central to the diagnosis of CFS. The mental fatigue manifests as poor short term memory, inability to follow a line of argument, difficulty reading or watching TV, poor problem solving ability, difficulty dealing with more than one thing at a time what I call foggy brain. As one of my patients put it: "Nothing right in my left brain, nothing left in my right brain!"

In additions to the above, there are common symptoms present in many cases. These symptoms are worsened when the patient overdoes things:

Malaise (i.e. a feeling of illness) - this is caused by damage to tissues when the sufferer overdoes things. In tests this is reflected by a high level of cell-free DNA, which is a measure of tissue damage (cf. p. 17). See also INFLAMMATION.

Muscle pain - ditto - also caused by poor antioxidant status, early switch into anaerobic metabolism, or magnesium deficiency. See PAIN, FIBROMYALGIA, ALLERGIC MUSCLES, STIFF MUSCLES.

Muscle weakness (including the muscles in the eyes giving episodic, variable, blurring of vision).

Sleep disturbance (whereby the "biological clock" is moved on 1-6 hours and CFSs drop off to sleep late and wake late). CFS sufferers are natural owls.

Tendency to get recurrent infections - see VIRAL INFECTIONS HOW TO AVOID a general hypersensitivity to noise, light, touch, pain, smells etc drug and alcohol intolerance - a small drink gives a big hangover. Indeed intolerance of many drugs is common especially to antidepressants, beta blockers, statins and blood pressure medication. This may reflect poor detoxification pathway with stressing of the P450 enzymes and an out-pouring of free radicals. However many of these substances inhibit mitochondria directly or worsen the already struggling low cardiac output. See DETOXIFICATION feeling of "not being with it" poor temperature control gut symptoms: ALLERGY, HYPOGLYCEMIA, GUT DYSBIOSIS, HYPOCHLORYDRIA, YEAST PROBLEMS, MALABSORPTION, POOR PANCREATIC FUNCTION, HYDROGEN SULPHIDE, FERMENTATION IN THE GUT.


Mood swings - see BRAIN IN CFS - EDGE EFFECT.


There are usually few physical signs. Sometimes there are tender trigger points in muscles and tendons, sometimes signs of inflammation such as swollen tender lymph nodes in the neck or low-grade fever. However, often there are no obvious abnormalities on physical examination - indeed, the patient may look reasonably well.

Depression is not part of CFS but can arise in any patient who has been chronically ill with "no light at the end of the tunnel." The main cause of depression in CFS patients results from bad treatment by their physicians. It disturbs me that so many physicians feel able to send their patients away with no coherent sensible management plan or glimmer of hope for the future."

In my efforts to reduce the explanation of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I may have deleted some information that could have been more descriptive but you can see how hard it is to explain the symptoms. Also how different countries vary in their descriptions.



Everyone forms an opinion according to observations, research, experience, feelings, etc., so it stands to reason that I would have formed my own opinion, after the extensive research I have undertaken. It may seem controversial to some and thought-provoking to others.

I believe chronic fatigue syndrome may be a result of a catalyst reaction to the central nervous system, perhaps also involving the endocrine system and mostly a change to the gastrointestinal system.

Damaged Adrenal Gland

One theory relates to the adrenal gland not working efficiently and in turn affecting the body's ability to detox, which may have an accumulative effect. This toxic buildup has an effect on liver function, gall bladder, kidneys, hypothalamus, thymus, and the amygdala. I see the endocrine system as our pump, and in CFS sufferers, it's not working well.

Cause of Adrenal Damage

One theory is epinephrine involvement. Synthesized adrenaline is called epinephrine. I believe a reaction between either the quality of the epinephrine manufactured and used worldwide or the amounts of this particular product that we are consuming. It could also be a reaction between synthesized adrenaline to other chemicals that we intake or are exposed to every day.

Explaining the possible damage to the adrenal gland, I use the example of nerve damage (bruised). It takes a very long time to repair and become functional again, of course depending on the damage. If a muscle becomes atrophied and is not working for, say, six weeks, it takes more than three months for it to build up strength again.

So if the endocrine system (the adrenal gland) or the central nervous system becomes bruised or an allergic reaction causes malfunctions with this system, how long would it take the body to repair it?

The adrenal gland that sits on top of the kidneys has our natural adrenaline stores; when they are fatigued, it affects our body all over.

My theory is that because this supply of natural adrenaline is not working properly, it affects the body's ability to detox properly, and the effects are compounded. This is my own unsubstantiated theory and the conclusions I have drawn from research.


The body is a very sensitive mechanism, and stress or grief or both have also been associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Stress is so subtle that sometimes we do not notice we are affected by it, until the particular stress trigger is removed. Then we may say something like "I feel so much better now that we've moved." Or gotten a new job, changed a certain situation, etc. So many times, it is after the fact or event that we notice how much stress we were under.

If our adrenaline glands are pumping out natural adrenaline on a regular basis to deal with stress (emotional/psychological or even environmental, such as hay fever) or the immune system is fighting an infection or disease, such as Epstein-Barr virus, then we introduce a shot of anesthetic with chemical adrenaline (epinephrine) further taxing our immune system. The body's detoxing functioning organs (like our glandular endocrine system) may get tired or overloaded.

I use the analogy of a computer. When you download too many applications, eventually it crashes or freezes.

So after chronic fatigue syndrome develops, we became supersensitive and totally malfunction. I don't have to list the amount of systems like endocrine, digestive, and cognitive that CFS affects.


Since 1904 when adrenaline was first synthesized, called epinephrine, the medical world has thought it was a good idea to include it in most anesthesia. It seems it made the anesthesia work better and faster. Faster is the operative word here.

We also now use adrenaline to treat anaphylactic shock and allergic reactions. The epi pen is the adrenaline pen. This chemical is widely referred to as "adrenaline" outside the United States; however, its United States adopted name and international nonproprietary name is epinephrine. Epinephrine was chosen as the generic name in the United States because John Abel, who prepared extracts from the adrenal glands in 1897, used that name for his extracts.

What do we know about adrenaline?

Long term, what effects does synthesized adrenaline have in the lifetime of a human? Have studies been done on animals as well as humans to determine this? If so, what time span has been monitored? What is a safe quantity and for whom? Is adrenaline safe for everyone? What reactions have people had to this synthesized product? How vigilant have the medical authorities been with accumulating data regarding reactions?

The other big questions are these: Has adrenaline itself changed in the last twenty to forty years? Has there been a better and much-improved adrenaline on the market? Maybe also some cheaper alternatives, compared to the original synthesized adrenaline developed in 1904? It is likely the original composition has changed over the last 110 years. Has the medical market been flooded with cheap substitutes or even added fillers? That may be causing some major allergic reactions or even damage to the adrenal cortex in some people.

Are adrenaline and the hypothalamus inflammation (or overreaction) linked?

Do adrenaline and the immune system have any connections?

The following information is expanding on my theory that anesthetics may be in some way involved in chronic fatigue syndrome.

I feel that anesthetics, in addition to alleviating or blocking out pain, reduce natural adrenaline, a natural product of the adrenal glands that is generally released in association with high stress. Note that adrenaline is also referred to as epinephrine.

So if the slowing release of epinephrine affects and slows the release of oxytocin, which reduces the adrenaline release by adrenal glands, could a reaction (maybe an allergic reaction or intolerance) cause this cycle to get stuck and malfunction, draining the adrenal glands and interfering with the production of natural adrenaline or simply interfering with the natural systemic process?

When did you get chronic fatigue syndrome? After an operation, root-canal therapy, or dental work plus stress caused by any other following?

• grief (death, separation, divorce, or moving house/job/country)

• illness (Epstein-Barr, glandular fever, or any other)

• environmental stress (maybe an allergic reaction)

• emotional stress (too many options to list)

• chemical stress (using a lot of toxic chemicals at a time)

• anything else that lowers the immune system

• food poisoning

• drug, alcohol, or medication


To clarify my view on antihistamines, I think it's interesting noting the side effects of antihistamine medication — drowsiness, slow reaction time, and difficulty concentrating — that are also some of the chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms.

These symptoms also appear in a person with chronic fatigue syndrome after being exposed to an allergen like paint, after doing too much, or after a stress response.

If the antihistamine's action is to make the body pump through natural adrenaline to get rid of the offending allergen, it could be argued that in chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, the adrenal gland may be depleted or damaged. The natural adrenaline is disrupted or the pathways are disrupted; therefore, the body does not act normal. It behaves randomly and not at all as we know or are accustomed to seeing body systems act. Therefore, the body is ineffective in detoxing the offending allergen and it stays in high alert, depleting the body of energy.


Excerpted from From CFS with Love by Karyl M Sanchez. Copyright © 2016 Karyl M Sanchez. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


THANK YOU, xxiii,
Chapter 1, 1,
Chapter 2, 9,
Chapter 3, 25,
THE GUT, 25,
Chapter 4, 41,
DETOX, 41,
Chapter 5, 73,
Chapter 6, 91,
Chapter 7, 110,
STRESS, 110,
Chapter 8, 128,
Chapter 9, 139,
Chapter 10, 157,
Chapter 11, 170,
PAIN, 170,
Chapter 12, 178,
SLEEP, 178,
Chapter 13, 185,
Chapter 14, 197,
Chapter 15, 211,
MY STORY, 217,
NOTES, 231,

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