Famous First Flights: Sixteen Dramatic Adventures
Within this classic volume are the tales, tribulations, and ultimate triumphs behind some of the most spectacular and breathtaking aerodynamic feats of early twentieth century aviation. Recounted firsthand from the annals of history, Famous First Flights will lift readers directly from the pages and into the action. Join the exhilarated crowd as they watch French flying ace Louis Bleriot make the first air journey over water in 1909. Be on the ground in Paris to welcome Lindbergh and his magnificent The Spirit of St. Louis upon the landing of the first solo transatlantic flight. Hold your breath with Ross Macpherson Smith and his crew on their infamously trouble-plagued trek from London to Australia in 1919. And relive the excitement and awe experienced ‘round the world as “The Magellans of the Air” completed the first circumnavigation of the globe via air in 1965.

In these and thirteen other accounts of jaw-dropping feats, celebrated aviators Lowell Thomas and Lowell Thomas Jr. deliver another must-have volume in the Explorers Club Classic Series. With over forty photographs and new updates on ballooning and space flights, Famous First Flights is must-have compendium for every arm-chair pilot and aviation enthusiast.
Famous First Flights: Sixteen Dramatic Adventures
Within this classic volume are the tales, tribulations, and ultimate triumphs behind some of the most spectacular and breathtaking aerodynamic feats of early twentieth century aviation. Recounted firsthand from the annals of history, Famous First Flights will lift readers directly from the pages and into the action. Join the exhilarated crowd as they watch French flying ace Louis Bleriot make the first air journey over water in 1909. Be on the ground in Paris to welcome Lindbergh and his magnificent The Spirit of St. Louis upon the landing of the first solo transatlantic flight. Hold your breath with Ross Macpherson Smith and his crew on their infamously trouble-plagued trek from London to Australia in 1919. And relive the excitement and awe experienced ‘round the world as “The Magellans of the Air” completed the first circumnavigation of the globe via air in 1965.

In these and thirteen other accounts of jaw-dropping feats, celebrated aviators Lowell Thomas and Lowell Thomas Jr. deliver another must-have volume in the Explorers Club Classic Series. With over forty photographs and new updates on ballooning and space flights, Famous First Flights is must-have compendium for every arm-chair pilot and aviation enthusiast.
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Famous First Flights: Sixteen Dramatic Adventures

Famous First Flights: Sixteen Dramatic Adventures

Famous First Flights: Sixteen Dramatic Adventures

Famous First Flights: Sixteen Dramatic Adventures


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Within this classic volume are the tales, tribulations, and ultimate triumphs behind some of the most spectacular and breathtaking aerodynamic feats of early twentieth century aviation. Recounted firsthand from the annals of history, Famous First Flights will lift readers directly from the pages and into the action. Join the exhilarated crowd as they watch French flying ace Louis Bleriot make the first air journey over water in 1909. Be on the ground in Paris to welcome Lindbergh and his magnificent The Spirit of St. Louis upon the landing of the first solo transatlantic flight. Hold your breath with Ross Macpherson Smith and his crew on their infamously trouble-plagued trek from London to Australia in 1919. And relive the excitement and awe experienced ‘round the world as “The Magellans of the Air” completed the first circumnavigation of the globe via air in 1965.

In these and thirteen other accounts of jaw-dropping feats, celebrated aviators Lowell Thomas and Lowell Thomas Jr. deliver another must-have volume in the Explorers Club Classic Series. With over forty photographs and new updates on ballooning and space flights, Famous First Flights is must-have compendium for every arm-chair pilot and aviation enthusiast.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781510711068
Publisher: Skyhorse
Publication date: 11/15/2016
Pages: 364
Sales rank: 1,077,936
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 8.90(h) x 1.20(d)

About the Author

Lowell Thomas was an American writer, broadcaster, and world traveler. He was the author of more than a dozen books in his lifetime, including the classic With Lawrence in Arabia (1924). He passed away in 1981.

Lowell Thomas Jr. is a retired mountaineer and bush and glacier pilot, an author, a motion picture producer, and a former senator from Alaska. He lives in Juneau, Alaska.

Owen Garriott is a retired NASA astronaut. He lives in Huntsville, Alabama.

Richard Garriott is a private astronaut. He lives in Austin, Texas.

Ted Janulis is the president of the Explorers Club. He lives in New York City.

Read an Excerpt


A 22-Mile Flight That Startled the World

Early one morning in July 1909, the passengers on a boat plowing through the choppy English Channel from Calais to Dover were astonished to see an airplane bobbing up and down on the water, its pilot calmly smoking a cigarette while he awaited rescue by an approaching naval vessel.

The unperturbed flier was twenty-six-year-old Hubert Latham of Paris who, only minutes before, had taken off from the French coast in the hope of being the first man to fly an airplane across the Channel, and win a prize of £1000 offered by the London Daily Mail. But his sleek-looking Antoinette flying machine had developed engine trouble only seven miles out, forcing him to glide down to the water for a graceful, though somewhat splashy landing.

As eager hands were extended to lift him on board a French torpedo boat, Latham at least had the consolation of knowing he had achieved one "first." Even though he had failed to span the Channel, history would record that he was the first pilot ever to successfully land an airplane on water and keep it afloat. And through the years to come, he would be known as the founding father of a long line of aviators, and astronauts, who would be "picked up after falling in the drink," including hundreds who went down in the Channel during two World Wars.

Latham didn't even get his feet wet. When he returned to Calais with his slightly damaged plane, a waiting crowd gave him an enthusiastic reception and insisted that he kiss the Queen of the Port, a buxom, red-cheeked fishergirl who obviously wanted to lure a dashing young aviator into her net. With the crowd shouting its approval, he performed this cheerful chore, and then promptly set in motion plans to repair his plane and tow it back to the coast for another try. There was precious little time to waste in bussing pretty girls because the Channel flight was anything but a one-man contest.

For several weeks that summer the stage had been set for aviators to take on the most publicized flying challenge of the day — a first flight across the 22 miles of open water between Calais and Dover. True, a balloon had successfully made the crossing back in 1785, but in 1909 airplanes still had an annoying habit of coming back to earth after being in the air for a relatively short time, and few aviators were daring enough to risk a long flight over open water. Safety measures and instruments were still unknown, and to get a reading on the wind velocity a pilot used a simple gadget — a cigarette. He would light it, and if the smoke rose into the air in a fairly vertical line, then the wind was favorable for flying.

Latham and his fellow aviators had to reckon with the uncomforting knowledge that the English Channel was anything but an ordinary body of water. It was notorious for bad weather in all its forms, with rain, fog, and high winds taking turns at plaguing the boats that made the run between Calais and Dover. The weather was influenced by several factors, among them a peculiar counterclockwise movement of the Atlantic Ocean between Bristol Channel and Ireland, and the almost continual pressure of high tides. The prevailing winds were westerly, and a plane attempting to fly from France to England generally would have to battle a head wind to keep from being blown off course. This could end in disaster because, after all, England is only an island, a big one to be sure, but one that could quite easily be missed in the dark.

With the prevailing winds westerly, reason seemed to argue that a more practical course across the Channel would be the other way, from England to France, with a tail wind helping speed the plane along. So far, however, not a single English aviator had shown any serious desire to compete for the Daily Mail prize. By mid-July, only three contestants were in the running and all were French citizens, who, quite naturally, preferred to take off from La Belle France. And they wanted to prove that, despite all that talk about Britannia ruling the waves, it was only thin air that stood between France and England.

One was the Comte de Lambert, a flying aristocrat who was standing by on the Channel coast at Wissant where he had assembled two Wright biplanes. The distinguished-looking Comte was partial to Wright biplanes and had flown them in many demonstrations in Holland and elsewhere. Because of his presence and his announced intention to fly the Channel, the town of Wissant was rapidly filling with visitors, including the Comtesse de Lambert and her little daughter.

Meanwhile Hubert Latham had set up his flight headquarters back of the cliffs at Sangatte where he and his plane were in the midst of the Old Tunnel Works — the remnants of an unfinished project to bore a passage beneath the Channel to England. Lambert was a slender, sensitive young man of well-known artistic temperament whose pale face always seemed to have a tired, languid look — until he climbed into an airplane. Then his personality seemed to undergo a transformation, with his eyes sparkling and radiating a joie de vivre. The word around Paris was that he had taken up the adventuresome sport of flying because his doctors told him he had only one year to live.

Although his father was an Englishman from Lancashire, Latham was born in Paris and had become a French citizen, even to the extent of serving a hitch in the French Army. But he had so many English characteristics that the London newspapers always referred to him as "Mr. Latham" and not "Monsieur." Also, like a typical family-conscious Englishman, he had expressed a desire to land his plane in England at Folkestone because, as he put it, "I have cousins there and it would please them."

Throughout the previous month of June, Latham had flown his sleek, but fragile, Antoinette monoplane almost continually, trying to set new endurance records. On one flight he passed just above the heads of a crowd of Chalons, and astounded his viewers by taking both hands off the steering wheel, calmly rolling a cigarette, and then lighting it. This spectacular incident prompted one aero magazine to comment: "Mr. Latham has established a new record. He is undoubtedly the first man who has had the audacity to light and smoke a cigarette while in full flight!" But as fliers of spectacular achievement, neither the Comte de Lambert nor Hubert Latham could match the exploits of Louis Blériot, the third contestant for the Daily Mail prize. At the age of thirty-seven, Blériot was a rather stern-looking, dark-complexioned Frenchman who sported a large red mustache. Nonconfiding by nature, he adhered to an economy of words in his conversation, and was apt to become bored with anyone who made a practice of talking too much.

Blériot was trained at the Paris Central Engineering School, and early in his career became independently wealthy from the development and sale of a world-renowned motorcar headlight which bore his name. Married and the father of five children, he first experimented with airplanes in 1900, the same year the Wright Brothers began their flight studies.

Blériot's first plane was a flapping-wing model which found itself in extreme difficulty every time it became airborne even for a few feet, so he had the prudence to abandon it. He began building biplanes, and finally devoted his complete attention to monoplanes, the models which were to bring him his greatest successes. By the time he was ready to fly the Channel, Blériot had spent at least $150,000 on airplanes, and had become almost as famous for his crashes as for his flying. In fact, over a period of eight years, he crashed fifty times, with wings breaking in the air, tail assemblies collapsing, and with his planes sometimes going out of control and swooping violently down to earth. But the gods of flying were with him and he managed to escape death, or even serious injury. In one crash after another, when crowds would rush forward expecting to find him dead, Blériot would come crawling out of the wreckage, looking a bit annoyed and bewildered, but nursing only a few cuts and bruises. Staying alive, so Blériot concluded, was simply a trick. Acting on the principle that it was impossible to save both himself and the plane; he developed the acrobatic technique of throwing himself upon one of the wings just before the crash. Although this maneuver always broke the wing, it also succeeded in breaking his fall, and no sooner had one plane collapsed than he was back at the drawing board, designing another.

Blériot's name had become a synonym for perseverance by June of 1909, the month in which he became the first man to fly an airplane with two passengers aboard besides himself. This flight in a large and rather cumbersome flying machine was not a lengthy one, in fact only about a hundred feet in a straight line. But a few weeks later he established a new cross-country record by flying his new No. 11 monoplane for 25 miles, all the way from Etampes to Orléans with only one stop along the way. It was this flight that made the infant world of aeronautics sit up and take notice of Blériot's No. 11, one of the smallest and lightest aircraft ever built.

It resembled a huge dragonfly. The fuselage was 25 feet long from propeller to tail, with the framework consisting of oak and poplar, spliced and reinforced with piano wire. The wings, with a 28-foot span, were covered with an opaque material like vellum, making them appear both light and fragile. Up front, attached to a two-bladed wooden propeller, was a three-cylinder, 25-hp Anzani engine which could speed the plane along at 36 miles an hour. The rudder and elevating apparatus were on the tail, and the landing gear resembled two bicycle wheels. Without the pilot, the total weight was 484 pounds. When flying, Blériot sat in the open fuselage between the wings, where he operated the plane with a control stick and foot pedal.

Throughout the first weeks of July, Blériot kept the No. 11 in the air almost constantly, sometimes flying at three different aerodromes on the same day. And he continually experimented with various ways of keeping the plane aloft for longer and longer periods, with the white cliffs of Dover his ultimate destination.

Then, suddenly, all his plans were nearly shelved indefinitely by another accident, this one inflicting perhaps the most serious injury of his flying career. While testing one of his planes, not the No. 11, the gasoline tank exploded, severely burning the foot he used for rudder control in flight. The foot developed an abscess, forcing him to resort to a pair of crutches as he hobbled to and from his airplanes. Even so, inspired by his sensational cross-country flight, he decided to ignore the injured foot and move quickly to seize the opportunity offered by Hubert Latham's failure.

On Tuesday, July 20, the day after Latham landed in the Channel, Blériot notified the Paris newspaper Matin that he would take off for England within the next few days, weather permitting. Even though the Channel flight was still a contest, Blériot knew it might well develop into a race if he gave Latham enough time to repair his plane or get a new one.

The following day, strollers on the streets of Calais paused to watch a horse-drawn cart slowly making its way through the town with Blériot's No. 11 on board. The little plane, looking soiled and weather-beaten from so much test flying, was being towed out into the open sand dunes on the coast near Les Barraques where Blériot had decided to pitch his camp in front of the stately old castle of Calais. When the flying machine was unloaded, the horse turned and gave it one baffled look, then plodded off.

Unlike Latham who had chosen the cliffs for a takeoff point, Blériot was on flat land where the surrounding country was barely above sea level and protected from the Channel by a line of sand dunes. As soon as the plane was carefully rolled into a tent, Blériot limped along on his crutches, climbed into a motor car, and drove back to Calais to await weather reports at the Terminus Hotel.

The weather along the Channel that summer was particularly unsettled, and for the next three days high winds and near-gales made flying safe only for those who wanted to fly a kite. But down the coast of Sangatte, Latham was reported to be triumphantly ready for his second leap out over the water, and his spies were keeping in close touch with Blériot's movements in the same direction. At Wissant, however, the Comte de Lambert was taking an indifferent, if not disdainful, attitude toward flying the Channel first and winning the Daily Mail prize. His preparations were proceeding at a cautious pace, and he was making it emphatically clear that he would devote plenty of time to "practice spins" before starting out for England.

The first inkling that Blériot was ready to go came on Saturday night, and the hint was mysteriously dropped in Dover, not in Calais. The midnight Channel boat pulled into Dover Pier and among the passengers was M. Fontaine, a Paris newspaperman who was carrying a French tricolor neatly folded under his arm. Fontaine checked in at the Lord Warden Hotel, and casually told the desk clerk to rouse him early because he had "an appointment with Louis Blériot at 2 A.M." Outside on the Channel, a heavy sea was running with half-a-gale blowing, and the clerk dismissed Fontaine's remark as some kind of a Gaelic joke.

But Fontaine had been given the word. Even though the winds were still troublesome, the weather experts at Calais had informed Blériot that conditions over the Channel would moderate rapidly during the early morning hours. And that was all he needed for a decision — he would take off for England at dawn.

At 2:30 A.M., one of Blériot's friends, Alfred Le Blanc, went to the aviator's room in the Terminus Hotel and pounded on the door. Blériot hastily roused himself, got into a khaki flying suit with Le Blanc's help, and shambled downstairs on his crutches to have coffee with his wife who had loyally witnessed every flight he had made. Before sitting down, he dispatched a messenger to the French torpedo boat, the Escopette, which was standing by at Calais, ready to escort him across the Channel as a safety measure if and when he got underway.

Their coffee finished, Blériot gave his wife a farewell embrace, and she left to go aboard the Escopette which then weighed anchor and steamed out into the Channel. Blériot got into his motor car and drove as speedily as possible to Les Barraques, followed by a caravan of journalists, some of them Americans.

An eager band of helpers, including the engine designer, M. Anzani, rolled Blériot's plane from its tent and out to the flat grasslands behind the sand dunes along the coastline. In the distance an early morning fog was over the Channel, but the southwesterly wind had dropped off to about 15 miles per hour, leaving it still a bit risky for flying. Nevertheless, Blériot climbed into the cockpit and took the plane above the sand hills for a brief test flight, then came down and took off on another before deciding that the moment had arrived. Obviously, the Anzani was running smoothly and powerfully.

It was now 4:25 A.M., and even at that early hour, a large and enthusiastic crowd was gathering, attracted by the plane's droning engine during the test flying. The contest rules ordained that the flight must be made between sunrise and sunset, so Blériot was delaying his takeoff just a few minutes more until the sun could break the dawn. As he mounted the plane and climbed into the cockpit, he threw away his crutches, then looked over the crowd to say:

"If I cannot walk, I will show the world I can fly."

He adjusted a close-fitting cap around his head and standing up in the cockpit, peered out across the foggy Channel with a slightly puzzled expression on his face. He would carry with him neither a watch nor a compass, so he asked a pertinent navigational question.

"Where is Dover?"

Around him, about fifty hands flew up in the crowd, all pointing in the approximate direction. Even though the sea was foggy, Blériot's mission was clear. It was, of course, a matter of time, distance, and geography, but it had a curious geological twist.

Long, long before Blériot's time, the navigators and map makers of old had determined that the English Channel is 350 miles long, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean extending between France and England to the North Sea. The point of maximum width is on the west, a stretch of 150 miles between Saint-Malo and the inner shores of Lyme Bay. On the east near Calais, it narrows to 22 miles between Cape Gris-Nez and the cliffs of Dover, where the geological similarities on both sides of the Channel are obvious. It's entirely likely that in the dim prehistoric past, an isthmus once connected Calais and Dover, and the Channel was merely a gulf of the Atlantic until the sea cut through, probably in Pleistocene times. And now on Sunday morning, July 25, 1909, it was Blériot's intention to create a new kind of isthmus, an aeronautical isthmus, between France and England.


Excerpted from "Famous First Flights"
by .
Copyright © 1968 Lowell Thomas and Lowell Thomas Jr..
Excerpted by permission of Skyhorse Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Illustrations v

Foreword to the 2004 Edition Buzz Aldrin vii

Foreword to the 2016 Edition : The New Golden Age of Spaceflight Richard Owen Garriott xi

Introduction to the 2016 Edition Ted Janulis xvi

Acknowledgments to the 2004 Edition xviii

Acknowledgments to the 2016 Edition xx

Prologue: A Word Before the Takeoff xxi

I A 22-Mile Flight that Startled the World 3

II Alcock and Brown Fly the Atlantic 18

III Halfway Around the World 32

IV Kelly and Macready Ride a Hudson Bay High 50

V The Magellans of the Air 61

VI Mr. Cobham Flies to Cape Town 88

VII A Spaniard Flies the South Atlantic 100

VIII The Race to the North Pole 116

IX Lindbergh Flies Alone 145

X The Wilkins-Eielson Trans-Arctic Flight 166

XI The Saga of the Southern Cross 184

XII Byrd, Balchen, June, and McKinley Fly over the South Pole 200

XIII "Pang" Flies the Pacific 223

XIV From Moscow to the U.S.A. via the North Pole 236

XV First Across the Antarctic from Africa to Australasia 255

XVI Around the World by Way of Both Poles 270

Epilogue: A Salute to Those Who Failed 309

Bibliography 326

Index 331

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