Exalting Jesus in Acts
Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ- centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition. Projected contributors to the series include notable authors such as Russell D. Moore, Al Mohler, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Mark Dever, and others.
Exalting Jesus in Acts
Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ- centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition. Projected contributors to the series include notable authors such as Russell D. Moore, Al Mohler, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Mark Dever, and others.
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Exalting Jesus in Acts

Exalting Jesus in Acts

by Tony Merida
Exalting Jesus in Acts

Exalting Jesus in Acts

by Tony Merida


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Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ- centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition. Projected contributors to the series include notable authors such as Russell D. Moore, Al Mohler, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Mark Dever, and others.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781433647093
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
Publication date: 07/01/2017
Series: Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary
Pages: 288
Sales rank: 779,903
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.20(h) x 1.00(d)
Age Range: 3 Months to 18 Years

About the Author

Thabiti M. Anyabwile (MS, North Carolina State University) is senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman and the author of numerous books, includingWhat is a Healthy Church Member?The Faithful Preacher, and Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons. He serves as a council member with the Gospel Coalition, is a lead writer for 9Marks Ministries, and regularly blogs at Pure Church, hosted by the Gospel Coalition. He and his wife, Kristie, have been married for over twenty years and have three children.

Read an Excerpt

Exalting Jesus in Acts

By Tony Merida

B&H Publishing Group

Copyright © 2017 Tony Merida
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4336-4709-3



Spirit-Empowered WitnessesACTS 1:1-11

Main Idea: Luke begins his second volume by highlighting the ongoing ministry of the ascended Christ that continues through his Spirit-empowered witnesses.

I. How Should We Study Acts?

A. Not like cold scholars
B. Not like casual admirers
C. Like committed soldiers

II. Luke's Message Continues (1:1-2).

III. Jesus's Ministry Continues (1:1-11).

IV. The Church's Witness Continues (1:8). A. The people who witness: all believers
B. The path of a witness: suffering
C. The power of a witness: the Holy Spirit
D. The people in need of a witness: the nations
E. The passion of a witness: Jesus

Multiple times I've been asked, "How old is your church?" Since our congregation is a church plant, people often raise this question, and I have to do the math in my head to answer them. To simplify matters, and to teach a bit of church history, I have started to respond by saying, "We are about two thousand years old!" You see, the account of the early church recorded in the book of Acts is our history. The people mentioned in that book are our brothers and sisters.

Of course, the people of God did not originate in the first century. God has always had a people for himself — a people to whom he displays his glory, and a people through whom he displays his glory (to paraphrase my friend, Steve Timmis). Nevertheless, the book of Acts marks a pivotal turning point in redemptive history. Acts describes the history of the mission of the early church, and because we are part of the church's history and mission, the book is of great importance to us.

My children are currently studying United States history, so we are going over the facts and details of the American Revolution, the early presidents, and our founding documents. Learning about these topics is important because we are Americans. American history is our history. But as vital as learning about the founding of our nation is, it is even more important that my children understand church history. It is our spiritual history, a family history.

This history recorded in the book of Acts covers a relatively short period of time. Commentator Michael Green says,

Three crucial decades in world history. That is all it took. In the years between AD 33 and 64 a new movement was born. In those thirty years it got sufficient growth and credibility to become the largest religion the world has ever seen and to change the lives of hundreds of millions of people. It has spread into every corner of the globe and has more than two billion putative adherents. It has had an indelible impact on civilization, on culture, on education, on medicine, on freedom and of course on the lives of countless people worldwide. And the seedbed for all this, the time when it took decisive root, was in these three decades. It all began with a dozen men and a handful of women: and then the Spirit came. (Thirty Years That Changed the World, 7)

So much happened in thirty short years! It makes me ask, What may God do through a modern local group of believers throughout the same period of time?

How Should We Study Acts?

Because Acts involves history, I should clarify what a proper approach to studying history entails. Generally speaking, three types of people study the past: scholars, admirers, and soldiers.

Not like Cold Scholars

While some scholars are no doubt also committed soldiers, anyone who wants to study Acts needs to reject the posture of what I'll call a cold scholar. Our purpose in launching into the book of Acts is not merely to analyze dates, places, and people as if we were cramming for a test. Instead, our goal is to allow the message of this book to transform our hearts and lead us to a mission. We must not study the Bible as people scrutinizing a book for insights into the distant past. Rather, we should approach it as people who are desperate to see the God about whom we read move mightily in the present.

Not like Casual Admirers

Some who study history are more hobbyists than scholars; they have a casual interest in historical events that may lead them to read a piece on the Civil War, World War II, or the New York Yankees purely for pleasure. Such people may visit museums and even collect antiques and memorabilia related to their interests, but casual admirers rarely dive deeply into the contents of history. Seldom do they allow the events they read about to change them in the present. We, however, must move beyond merely admiring things about the history of the early church. We must not read the Bible lightly or scan it as if gathering insights to add to a mental museum. We should not be casual admirers but committed soldiers.

Like Committed Soldiers

Good soldiers are known to study history, and they do so to become better soldiers. Good soldiers know there is much to be done. And they see themselves — and we must view ourselves — as continuing a mission. Acts is not merely the history of the early church; it's the history of the mission of the early church. And we are to continue that mission. So let us dive into the contents of the book that we may better serve our King.

We need to keep a few principles in mind. First, we should read Acts in light of the entire Bible, with the teachings of both the Old and New Testaments in mind. A failure to allow the whole Bible to help us rightly interpret the book could lead to some serious problems. Second, we should read Acts in light of Luke's Gospel in particular because Dr. Luke wrote both books. Third, we must read Acts in light of its genre. It is a historical book, which means that while in it Luke describes the events of the early church, he does not always commend its practices to us. For instance, I don't think we should read of Paul's "healing handkerchiefs" and assume we need to start a handkerchief ministry! Rather, we must allow the whole of the Bible to help us make interpretations and applications for the modern world. We've got to be sensible soldiers, honoring the dual authorship of this book: it was penned by Luke and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Since Acts is the second volume by Luke, the book opens as a story already in progress. There is also an abrupt ending to Acts, leaving us with the correct impression that even today the church is living out the mission. As we look at the opening verses of this book, we'll see that three acts are continuing: the message, the ministry, and the witness of Christ's church. We will look back on the opening section throughout our studies in Acts.

Luke's Message Continues

ACTS 1:1-2

Luke begins his second volume by dedicating it to Theophilus. Luke addresses the same recipient in the prologue to his Gospel. That Theophilus is called "most honorable" (Luke 1:3) implies that he was a Roman official (cf. Acts 24:2; 26:25). And based on Luke's intention of providing more "certainty" to Theophilus (Luke 1:4), he seems to have been a Christian seeker or perhaps a young believer. It is also possible that he gave financial assistance to Luke, allowing his author-friend the means to research and report on the astonishing work God was doing through followers of Jesus Christ.

What do we know about Luke? We know he was a doctor (Col 4:14). As such, he would have been educated and presumably wealthy. He made trips with Paul and was loyal to him, even while the apostle was in prison (Acts 28; 2 Tim 4:11). I can imagine that his medical skills came in handy; Paul regularly needed a doctor after all those beatings he took.

Luke was also a prolific writer. He recorded for us the stories of the prodigal son and the good Samaritan. And his work shows a remarkable depth of precise historical research. Luke traveled and carefully interviewed those with key roles in Christ's life. (In his quest to collect details, he was more like Indiana Jones than a history professor!) He investigated and reported on a vast amount of information. In fact, Luke-Acts is comprised of more material than all of Paul's letters combined, and since Luke was a companion of Paul, it's clear he was involved with writing the majority of the New Testament.

Yet Luke records virtually nothing about his own life. This is a sign of humility. He does not boast about his relationship with Paul, nor does he go into detail about his own story. Instead, in Luke-Acts we read about the man's passion for the life-changing gospel, his sensitivity to the disadvantaged, his heart for prayer, and his concern for the Gentiles. Each of these characteristics reflects the church in Antioch (11:19-30), Luke's hometown according to an ancient second-century document (Anti-Maricon Prologue to Luke).

All of this history reminds us that Christianity is not built on man's speculation or on someone's wild imaginings but on historical revelation. Jesus Christ really did live. He died. He rose bodily. He appeared to hundreds of witnesses. He taught for forty days before ascending. Luke records details about the real life and ministry of Jesus as well as insights into the beginnings of the early church. This is supremely important. While the world wouldn't need a historical Buddha to have Buddhism, it must have a historical Christ to have genuine Christianity. And we do! Further, if Jesus is dead, then Christianity is dead. But he's alive! Historical facts like these serve as wonderful faith builders for Christians and as important apologetic arguments that are useful as we commend the faith to present-day Theophiluses.

Luke says in his Gospel that he wrote about all that Jesus "began to do and teach." In Acts, Luke writes about the same thing: the ministry of Jesus — which continued after his ascension and is still in progress today. The title of the book could be "The Acts of the Lord Jesus through the Apostles and the Church by the Power of the Spirit." After all, the church is continuing the ministry of Jesus. So Luke not only has a historical purpose behind his writing efforts but also ministry purposes.

Additionally, Luke's second volume appears to have a political purpose. He seems concerned about the Roman attitude toward Christianity. Luke, then, plays the peacemaker. He illustrates that Christianity is militarily harmless by showing that some of the Roman officials, such as Cornelius, became Christians; that Christians were legally innocent (the Romans could find no fault in Jesus or in the apostles); and that Christianity was lawful (it was not a new religion but a fulfillment of Judaism).

Finally, Luke clearly has an evangelistic emphasis. He not only writes about the good news and Christ's converting power, but he also includes some twenty sermons in Acts, which occupy around one-fourth of the book! Luke surely wanted to win his readers to Christ, and he also underscores the centrality of proclamation in world evangelization. The Christian faith, our faith, is a heraldic faith. Luke shows what led to the explosive growth of Christianity: gospel proclamation.

Jesus's Ministry Continues

ACTS 1:1-11

Luke refers to Jesus in each of the opening eleven verses. This is a fitting opening, for Luke is preparing us to see how Jesus's ministry continues through the church.

Teaching and Doing

Luke reminds us that Jesus's ministry involves both words and deeds. He refers to all that Jesus began to both "do" and "teach" (1:1). During his earthly lifetime Jesus taught the disciples, and then after his resurrection the risen Christ taught the disciples about the kingdom of God for forty days. What a magnificent forty-day Bible conference that must have been!

In verses 7-8 Jesus responds to a question about whether he will restore Israel. He essentially tells the disciples, "That's none of your business" (v. 7), and then proceeds to tell them, "This is your business," as he issues to them the mission of bearing witness to him throughout the world (v. 8).

Jesus was all about teaching and doing. Jesus's deeds illustrated his words, and his words explained his deeds. He left the church with the same ministry, intending that we let others see our good deeds that glorify the Father (Matt 5:16) and helping others understand the good news that leads to eternal life.

The words and works of Jesus go together. In the Gospels we see Jesus performing various merciful and miraculous deeds. We also see him teaching with astonishing authority. Similarly, in the book of Acts, we see the church caring for physical needs (e.g., 3:1-10) while also relentlessly preaching the good news (e.g., 3:20) with the Spirit's help. In Romans Paul reflected on his own ministry passion, the Christ-empowered ministry of word and deed among the nations (Rom 15:18-19).

Many things do not belong together. I recently drove by one of those strange places that has two fast-food chains in the same building; they have side-by-side kitchens but divergent menus. The scents wafting from the partnering kitchens combined to form one terrible stink. These two restaurants should never have been joined. The ministry of deeds and words, on the other hand, go together. And when done by the power of the Spirit for the good of others and the glory of the King, they produce a pleasing aroma of worship to God.

The ministry of Jesus is continuing in the book of Acts. But are we faithfully taking part in this mission?

Response to Christ's Resurrection

The ascension of Jesus is in some ways like Elijah passing off the mantle to Elisha. The disciples had been with the greater Elijah, and now Jesus was giving them the privilege and responsibility of doing his work and proclaiming his Word after his home going.

Importantly, this mighty ascension of Jesus was preceded by a transitional period of forty days. We know from the Gospels and from 1 Corinthians 15 that he appeared to more than five hundred people after he rose from the dead. They saw him, touched him, and learned from him; they knew he had truly been resurrected. The ministry of Jesus continues, in fact, because Jesus really is alive!

Christ's ascension also included an exaltation. In verses 2 and 11 we read that Jesus was "taken up." Verse 9 says, "A cloud took him out of their sight" (v. 9). This cloud reminds us of Daniel's vision of the Son of Man (Dan 7), of Jesus's transfiguration (Matt 17), and of the exodus cloud (Exod 13). The whole sight is one of magnificent glory. This glorious exaltation demonstrated Jesus's promotion from earth to heaven, and it prefigured the manner of his return — visible, glorious, and climactic.

Some of the early church fathers viewed Psalm 24 as being ultimately fulfilled in the ascension of the totally righteous Lord Jesus and his entrance into heaven. The psalmist says,

Lift up your heads, you gates!
Rise up, ancient doors!
Then the King of glory will come in.
Who is this King of glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty,
the Lord, mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, you gates!
Rise up, ancient doors!
Then the King of glory will come in.
Who is he, this King of glory?
The Lord of Armies,
he is the King of glory.
(Ps 24:7-10)

If this was the heavenly reaction to Jesus's ascension, how did the disciples react to it on earth? With bewilderment. Like children watching a floating balloon drifting skyward, the disciples were enamored with the sight. But soon just thinking about the glorious scene filled them with worship and joy (Luke 24:52), and they returned to Jerusalem in obedience to Jesus's words. Our response to the ascended King should mirror theirs: we should joyfully worship and obey him.

The risen King's ministry continues because the King is not dead. It continues because we have his Spirit and his Word. It continues because the kingdom of God is here, and it is still advancing through his Spirit-empowered witnesses.

Acts outlines how Jesus advances his Word among the nations, and the plan is summarized in 1:8. In chapters 1–7 the Lord's Word spreads throughout Jerusalem. In 8–12 the Lord's Word spreads in Judea and Samaria. In 13–20 the Lord's Word spreads to the ends of the earth (in Asia and Greece). And in chapters 21–28 the Lord's Word spreads throughout Rome.

The Church's Witness Continues

ACTS 1:8

In verse 7 the disciples demonstrated a particular interest in and misunderstanding about the restoration of Israel. Jesus directs them to the global nature of his kingdom and to their part in the mission as he calls them to be his witnesses. The disciples were too limited in their thinking. So Jesus rocks their world as he tells them that the plan is for them to cross not just geographical barriers but cultural barriers as well. Jesus blows up any triumphalistic ideas they have as he calls them his witnesses — or more literally, his martyrs. The way of the kingdom is one of suffering before glory.


Excerpted from Exalting Jesus in Acts by Tony Merida. Copyright © 2017 Tony Merida. Excerpted by permission of B&H Publishing Group.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xiii

Series Introduction xv


Spirit-Empowered Witnesses 1:1-11 3

How to Discern the Will of God 1:12-26 13

The Promised Holy Spirit 2:1-41 22

A Healthy Body of Christ 2:42-47 34

The Wonder and the Word 3:1-26 46

With All Boldness 4:1-31 57

Inside the Huddle 4:32-5:11 67

Ministry and Hostility 5:12-42 77

Growing Pains 6:1-7 87

Christlike 6:8-8:3 99

The Gospel to Samaria 8:4-25 111

How Ordinary People Live on Mission 8:26-40 121

From Terrorist to Evangelist 9:1-31 132

Grace for Every Race 9:32-11:18 142

The Antioch Model 11:19-30; 12:25; 13:1-3 155

Opposition and Advancement 12:1-24 168

The Holy Spirit, a Bible, a Passport, and a First-Aid Kit, Part 1 13:4-52 180

The Holy Spirit, a Bible, a Passport, and a First-Aid Kit, Part 2 14:1-28 194

Grace Alone 15:1-35 208

Jesus's Power Displayed in Philippi 15:36-16:40 217

Turning the World Upside Down 17:1-15 232

Lessons from Paul's Visit to Athens 17:16-34 242

Gospel Ministry in an Immoral Culture 18:1-22 262

Word-Driven Disciple Makers 18:23-19:10 279

Exalting Jesus Instead of Idols 19:10-41 288

Encouraging One Another 20:1-12 298

Caring for the Blood-Bought Church of God 20:13-38 311

Paul's Journey to Jerusalem 20:36-21:16 321

Paul in Jerusalem, Part 1 21:17-22:21 334

Paul in Jerusalem, Part 2 22:22-23:11 346

Paul in Caesarea, Part 1 23:12-24:27 356

Paul in Caesarea, Part 2 25:1-26:32 366

Rome at Last! 27:1-28:16 380

The End of the Beginning 28:17-31 394

Works Cited 408

Scripture Index 414

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