Everything Counts Revised Edition: A year's worth of devotions for radical living

Everything Counts Revised Edition: A year's worth of devotions for radical living

by Steven Case
Everything Counts Revised Edition: A year's worth of devotions for radical living

Everything Counts Revised Edition: A year's worth of devotions for radical living

by Steven Case



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For generations, people all over the world have been touched by the godly insights of Oswald Chambers. Now Everything Counts presents his work in a new and fresh form especially designed to speak to today's generation. Writer Steve Case has distilled and expanded the truth, wisdom, and spiritual insight so that a new generation will be moved by these soul-stirring revelations. The new format builds upon the verses for each day. It excerpts the essence of Chambers' memorable reflections and summarizes them in the section called "Just Between God and You." Then it encourages students to process these spiritual truths and apply them in their lives.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780310751465
Publisher: Zonderkidz
Publication date: 11/10/2015
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 384
File size: 3 MB
Age Range: 13 - 18 Years

About the Author

Steven Case has been in youth ministry for more than 20 years. The author of several books, including The Book of Uncommon Prayer 1 & 2, Steve works at the United Church of Christ, in Windermere, Florida. He lives near Orlando with his wife, Becky.

Read an Excerpt

Everything Counts Revised Edition

By Steven Case


Copyright © 2015 Zondervan
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-310-75016-1




I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.

[Philippians 1:20]

God. (that's it.) Just God. It starts there. It ends there. got that? You have to understand that in order to get this next part. from this point ... from this here and now. EVERYTHING COUNTS. everything you do, everywhere you go ... it all counts. it has to — God is at the beginning of it all. God is in all things. therefore, with every person you meet, you have to treat them as if God placed them in your path for a reason. everything that happens is part of God's plan. You must be willing to start and end with God's presence, or you are just reading words on a page. once you have God's presence as a part of your innermost self ... nobody can take that from you. You can give it away. You can share that oneness, but it cannot be taken from you. It's yours. it's God. Are you ready to begin?

OZ Says

An overweening consideration for ourselves is the thing that keeps us from that decision, though we put it that we are considering others. When we consider what it will cost others if we obey the call of Jesus, we tell God He does not know what our obedience will mean. Keep to the point; He does know. Shut out every other consideration and keep yourself before God for this one thing only — My Utmost for His Highest. I am determined to be absolutely and entirely for Him and for Him alone.

Just Between You and God

You have to be willing to give your whole self to this process. It takes time. It's a journey. Are you willing? heart, mind, body, soul ... are you willing? okay. say that to God ... then listen.



Abraham ... obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.

[Hebrews 11:8]

Life is a journey. This is the ultimate road trip. We're going to ask you to do something scary now. Are you ready? turn off the GPS. Put away any sort of directional gizmo. Fold the map any way you want and put it in the glove compartment. Better yet, pitch it out the window. Can you do that? from this point on, it's you and God. Can you surrender control? can you follow the road without knowing where it's going? Yes, you can have a destination, but that's not exactly the same as knowing where the road is going. The coolest rest stops, the really fun tourist attractions, the best roadside snacks are not on the map. You drive. God will guide you. Listen. Just be in the moment. Roll down the window. Play your favorite tunes. Just be on the journey.

OZ Says

Each morning you wake it is to be a "going out," building in confidence on God ... Have you been asking God what He is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do; He reveals to you Who He is. Do you believe in a miracle-working God, and will you go out in surrender to Him until you are not surprised an atom at anything He does? Suppose God is the God you know Him to be when you are nearest to Him — what an impertinence worry is! Let the attitude of the life be a continual going out in dependence upon God, and your life will have an ineffable charm about it, which is a satisfaction to Jesus. You have to learn to go out of convictions, out of creeds, out of experiences, until so far as your faith is concerned, there is nothing between yourself and God.

Just Between You and God

When you close this book — say a prayer and give something to God. Simply hand over one thing that's been on your mind for a while. Give it to God, then stop stressing about it. He may not solve it for you right away. But it's God's now.



Clouds and thick darkness surround him ...

[Psalm 97:2]

These are more than just words. Jesus was more than just a really nice guy who told nice stories about nice things. There comes a point where the words become real, and then the very real sense of just who this man was settles into our minds. It's like a storm that's out there someplace and we are just beginning to hear the thunder or smell the wind. We come up with all sorts of ways to deal with our understanding of Jesus. We paint pictures and write songs. We create wonderful visuals of Jesus standing with his arm around our shoulder. Jesus as our friend is only the beginning. There's so much more. The sheer awesomeness is a light so bright it could knock us to the ground. (That actually happened to a few people in the Bible.)

OZ Says

The only possibility of understanding the teaching of Jesus is by the light of the Spirit of God on the inside. If we have never had the experience of taking our commonplace religious shoes off our commonplace religious feet, and getting rid of all the undue familiarity with which we approach God, it is questionable whether we have ever stood in His presence. The people who are flippant and familiar are those who have never yet been introduced to Jesus Christ. After the amazing delight and liberty of realizing what Jesus Christ does, comes the impenetrable darkness of realizing Who He is.

Just Between You and God

Can you go outside for this? seriously. When you close the book, step outside. Feel the air on your skin. Open your arms. This is not a kneeling beside the bed prayer. This is throwing yourself open to God. This is letting the universe in. Can you pray like that?

01. 04


Peter asked, "Lord, why can't I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you."

[John 13:37]

Imagine your life as an airline pilot. You're sitting behind the controls reviewing your checklist. Every instrument is in order. every gauge is working. Now you must sit and wait for clearance from the tower. It's completely normal to want to throw the throttle and take off down the runway, but God must give you the clearance. Wait. Listen to the comforting hum of the engines. You're ready. God knows that. Listen for the signal. Timing is everything. Just because you're ready to take off doesn't mean you can. Just because the road is clear ahead of you doesn't mean it's safe. You promised you would trust him, remember? so relax for a minute. Ask God when to go. He will let you know when the time is right.

OZ Says

There are times when you cannot understand why you cannot do what you want to do. When God brings the blank space, see that you do not fill it in, but wait. The blank space may come in order to teach you what sanctification means, or it may come after sanctification to teach you what service means. Never run before God's guidance. If there is the slightest doubt, then He is not guiding. Whenever there is doubt — don't.

Just Between You and God

Patience. it's a hard thing for some people. You've been in training all this time and now you're ready ... and God says wait. Wait? Why? Because God sees the whole picture. God sees the obstacles in your way. God is making sure that spot you're going to land on is empty and waiting for you. Right now, ask God for patience. It's all coming together on his side ... he'll give you the signal when it's time.



Simon Peter asked him, "Lord, where are you going?" Jesus replied, "Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later."

[John 13:36]

There is a brief moment, before you jump off the bungee platform, when you are fully aware of your situation. Nothing you can do at that moment will prepare you for what is about to happen. Entering into a friendship with God is like this. All your preconceived notions are meaningless. You are about to fall under the control of the holy spirit. Every cell of your being lights up. Jesus said, "follow me." he didn't say mostly, or nearly completely, he just said, "follow me." Up until now you have relied on your own beliefs, attitudes, talents, and ideas. Ditch them. Jesus wants your complete and total devotion. Follow him.

OZ Says

No matter what changes God has wrought in you, never rely upon them; build only on a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and on the Spirit He gives. All our vows and resolutions end in denial because we have no power to carry them out. When we have come to the end of ourselves, not in imagination but really, we are able to receive the Holy Spirit. "Receive ye the Holy Ghost" — the idea is that of invasion. There is only one lodestar in the life now, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Just Between You and God

You know that little thing you've been holding onto? Yeah, that one ... stored in the back of your mind. that bit of fear or doubt ... or maybe it's guilt. it can't exist inside this book. Just before you close the book to pray ... place it here. closing the book will be a new beginning.



From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord.

[Genesis 12:8]

For some people, there is an image that goes along with praying. They imagine themselves on their knees in a hot desert. Parched. Dying. And maybe if ... just maybe ... God is listening and will pull out his Godly eyedropper and give you just one tiny drop of what he is. What if God had a bucket? What if God had a swimming pool filled with his love and he was about to hit you with a deluge that will knock you backwards? that is what God wants to give you, and all he asks for is a "thank you." how do you say "thank you" for something like that? Use what God gave you. Use the gifts. if you can paint ... paint something for God. If you can sing ... sing something for God. if you can make magic with numbers ... there must be a kid out there who needs tutoring in math. God is pouring ... are you ready to share?

OZ Says

Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard a thing for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for yourself; it has to be given back to Him that He may make it a blessing to others.

Just Between You and God

Consider a prayer of thanks. Thank God for your gifts. Thank him for those things that make you uniquely you — even those things that nobody else knows about you.



Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?"

[John 14:9]

Is there such a thing as friendship beyond friendship? Jesus' disciples traveled with him for years and most of the time they didn't understand him. they tried. oh how they tried ... but they could not get beyond the slap-him-on-the-back, sit-next-to-him-at-lunch, start a water-fight-in-the-stream Jesus. Jesus was more than that. Jesus was God. they didn't understand what Jesus was until he was nailed to a piece of wood. But that is when we meet Jesus. that's when it all begins.

OZ Says

When once we get intimate with Jesus we are never lonely, we never need sympathy, we can pour out all the time without being pathetic. The saint who is intimate with Jesus will never leave impressions of himself, but only the impression that Jesus is having unhindered way, because the last abyss of his nature has been satisfied by Jesus. The only impression left by such a life is that of the strong calm sanity that Our Lord gives to those who are intimate with Him.

Just Between You and God

Pray that others will see Jesus in you. that's a lot of responsibility. Jesus exists in the moments you offer yourself to others. Jesus is there when you put your hand on the shoulder of a friend who missed the basket ... when you offer a look of encouragement before a test ... when you point at their art hanging on the wall ... when it would seem you have every right to go off on somebody and choose not to. Jesus is there. Ask God to show you these moments so that you can show Jesus to others.



When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood.

[Genesis 2 2:9]

God has never asked you to give up the things that you love in order to prove your love for him. that's not how it works. God is not about sacrifice. God may ask you to give him all the things that keep you at a distance. The baggage you don't need ... the fear ... the guilt. You don't need these. God gets down on his knees like a parent and says, "come to me." And we, in our so-called wisdom, say, "Just a minute" or "Be right there," and we drag this heavy suitcase filled with rocks across a gravel field. the luggage wheels break off and still we pull. "Just a minute, God. I'm on my way." As if the pulling and the suffering will get us there quicker. God says, "leave it. I'm right here." You don't need to sacrifice. Jesus did that already. You can just run to God's arms.

OZ Says

God nowhere tells us to give up things for the sake of giving them up. He wants you to be a "living sacrifice," to let Him have all your powers that have been saved and sanctified through Jesus. This is the thing that is acceptable to God.

Just Between You and God

Okay, prayer time. Ask God to use you — all of you — all that you have and all that you will be. Ask him to give you the courage to let go of the things that keep you from being completely filled by his love. It's like lifting the stones from a pool of water. The water fills in the empty space. Ask God to fill you this way.



May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

[1 Thessalonians 5:23]

God is bigger than your imagination. if you let your imagination run wild and think about all that God is, you won't even come close. Your connection with God is the same. Your spirit and all its capabilities are beyond your imagination. God wants to keep us clean by providing the faith and discipline needed to avoid the things that get in the way of our relationship with him. These things are like walls, keeping the spirit and God separate. If we consciously try to take these walls down — the unconscious will let our spirits soar.

OZ Says

Cleansing from sin is to the very heights and depths of our spirit if we will keep in the light as God is in the light, and the very Spirit that fed the life of Jesus Christ will feed the life of our spirits.

Just Between You and God

God knows you. You're not keeping anything from him. this allows you to pray with an open-ness. Tell God everything. hold nothing back from him. The light outside the walls you've built is waiting to pour in. It's coming through the cracks. Pray for the strength to take down the walls that separate you from him.



... to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.

[Acts 26:18]

Deciding to follow God does not come with the special effects of a Hollywood blockbuster. It's not a matter of saying SHAZAM and the lightning bolt from the sky turns you into "Super Christian." the moment you decide to be a God-follower is usually a quiet one. It is not a decision taken lightly. It is not one anyone else can make for you. It's yours and it's between you and God. When you make the decision, It's not like special effects. Instead God puts something in your soul. Something unique. Something that's just for you. You begin to see the world differently. You begin to see God's presence in the world and in others. More importantly, the world begins to see God in you.


Excerpted from Everything Counts Revised Edition by Steven Case. Copyright © 2015 Zondervan. Excerpted by permission of ZONDERVAN.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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