Everyday Etiquette: How to Navigate 101 Common and Uncommon Social Situations

Everyday Etiquette: How to Navigate 101 Common and Uncommon Social Situations

by Patricia Rossi
Everyday Etiquette: How to Navigate 101 Common and Uncommon Social Situations

Everyday Etiquette: How to Navigate 101 Common and Uncommon Social Situations

by Patricia Rossi

eBookFirst Edition (First Edition)

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The secret to self-confidence is to know and understand the rules of social engagement before you're in the middle of an uncomfortable situation.

Do you know how to:
Pick the right fork?
Shine at a networking event?
Write a Thank you Note?
Shake hands?
RSVP to an invitation? Say no to a request for a favor?Use social media with clarity?Behave at a sporting event?
Say the perfect thing at a funeral?Smoke a cigar in public?

Etiquette isn't just something you need on formal occasions. It's a blueprint for how to behave every day, in every situation, to make interactions between people smooth and pleasant, with no ruffled feathers, misunderstandings or hurt feelings. It helps you smoothly transition from college to corporate life, and from professional obligations to personal ones. Etiquette doesn't exist to add a layer of extra rules to life—it's there to guide us to treat each other with kindness and consideration in our personal and professional lives.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781429984140
Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group
Publication date: 03/26/2024
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 242
Sales rank: 310,228
File size: 3 MB

About the Author

Patricia Rossi is "NBC Daytime's" national manners correspondent. She is also an etiquette coach, consultant, and public speaker with over twenty years experience in her field. Her nationally syndicated "Manners Minute" television segments air weekly on NBC, CBS, Fox, and ABC affiliates. She has been featured in USA Today and Guideposts, and is Twitter's #1 etiquette professional.

Read an Excerpt


What I Learned in the White House
In the late nineties, my husband and I were fortunate to be invited to the White House for a special event in the Oval Office. With fewer than one hundred guests, it was an annual celebration for Italian Americans and featured many famous actors, singers, writers, sports figures, and politicians. As I gazed around the ornate room and explored its vintage artwork and décor, I knew the historic mansion offered so much more to explore.
I walked over to the security woman who had checked us in earlier. I was about to ask her a question when she said, “Ma’am, I want to thank you because you are the only person who spoke to me and asked me how my night was going when I was checking you in for the party.” I thought, I’ve got to say something funny, so I said, in my best Southern drawl, “I’m tired of being in there with all those stuffy people [not really]. Is there anything else you can show this girl from Bessemer City, North Carolina, that’s interesting and historical?” She immediately smiled, ripped the walkie-talkie from her belt, and said into it, “I’m bringing a guest with me to the such-and-such room.”
We ventured down several long corridors until we ended up in a large, beautiful office, a magnificent space. My eyes immediately fell upon the large wooden desk that anchored the room. I had seen this wonderful image in so many photographs through the years. Little John-John Kennedy had hid under and peeked out of this desk in his father’s office. I asked the security guard if I could please just touch it. The guard leaned toward me and whispered, “You wanna see something really cool?” She opened the drawer of the desk and pointed out a crude hole about four inches across. It looked as if it had been dug out with a dull screwdriver blade. Historians believe this hole housed the concealed tape recorder during some Watergate conversations; not very high-tech. It gave me chills. I asked the guard if I could go back and get my husband. I didn’t want him to miss a chance to see this piece of history. As we walked back to the party to get him, I realized that the simple act of being kind and acknowledging another human being had granted me favor in the White House.
It’s so important to address and respect other people in each and every situation. Other people matter. That’s the lesson I learned in the hallowed halls of the White House.
Have you ever been introduced to someone who wouldn’t look you in the eye? Or someone who shook your hand as if you had some sort of contagious disease? When you walked away from those encounters, how did you feel?
If you didn’t feel good, you’re not alone.
People want to feel that they matter. They want to be known, respected, and remembered. The better you are at making people feel that way, the more likely you are to make a good first impression.
Making people feel acknowledged is not a gift that you have to be born with. It’s a skill that can be learned. You don’t have to be an extrovert or even a people person to make a favorable first impression. Just review the simple techniques described in this chapter and practice using them as often as you can. Eventually they will become second nature and will easily be incorporated into your everyday life and interactions.
Just a few small changes in how you act can make a big difference.
When you’re approaching someone to introduce yourself, walk up, extend your right hand, look the person in the eye, and say, “Hello, I’m ____.” It’s that simple.
Extending your hand first demonstrates self-confidence and openness, traits that make you seem both likable and competent. Technically, when it comes to workplace introductions, the higher-up should be the first to extend his or her hand. As a practical matter, however, you shouldn’t wait too long. If the other person (even the company CEO!) doesn’t take the lead, just get your hand out there to avoid an awkward pause. Maybe even the CEO needs a lesson in etiquette!
Making a proper introduction helps enhance your business sense and can boost your self-confidence. It also demonstrates your insight and respect for others. Remember the old saying: “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.”
Here are some guidelines to follow for a poised and professional image when making introductions.
Introduce people in business according to rank, not gender or age. Example: “Dr. Mollie Marti, I would like you to meet Dr. Tom Hanson.”
Be sure to look at the people you are introducing, starting with the person of greatest importance.
Clearly state each person’s name to demonstrate professionalism and credibility. Try to provide a bit of information along with their names, as this can serve as a conversation starter.
If introducing people of equal rank, start with the older person.
In business, the client, guest, or visitor outranks the boss or coworker and should be introduced first.
When introducing someone to a family member, you should typically say the other person’s name first.
In a social situation, men are generally introduced to women. Example: “Melissa, I’d like to introduce Bobby.”
With communication in person, body language is even more important than your words. The way you walk, stand, and move tells people a lot about you, whether you’re aware of it or not. Every thought or feeling you have about yourself is telegraphed in your body language.
Think about the last party or networking event you attended. How did you decide whom to approach? What helped you figure out whether a particular person was someone you wanted to meet?
Chances are, you observed people’s movements, their gestures, and their posture—all of those nonverbal cues we rely on to help us make quick decisions in social situations. At the same time, other people were making similar observations about you. What do you think your body language was telling them?
Here are six simple things you can do to convey both self-confidence and respect for others without saying a word.
Stand up straight. When introducing yourself, stand up straight with your shoulders facing the other person. Standing tall and proud sends the message that you are confident, trustworthy, and vibrant, whereas slouching indicates that you’re unsure of yourself and uncomfortable with your surroundings.
Don’t lean on anything. When you lean, you lose 90 percent of your credibility.
Place your feet about six to eight inches apart, with one foot slightly in front of the other. This will naturally improve your posture and make you feel steadier on your feet. Your toes should be facing the other person to avoid sending a silent signal that you want to get away. (Be aware that when you are speaking with someone and their torso and feet are not facing you, it usually means they want to get away.)
Stand approximately three feet away from whomever you’re speaking with. If you stand too close, you’re invading the other person’s personal space (remember the “Close Talker” on Seinfeld?). On the other hand, if you stand too far away, you may make the other person feel as though you don’t really want to be near them.
Make eye contact. It shows that you respect yourself and the other person, that you’re giving your full attention to the person in front of you. If you’re shy or have trouble making eye contact, try to focus on the color of the other person’s eyes. If it helps you, pretend that it’s your job to find out their eye color. You can also try looking at the person’s forehead, right between their eyes.
Smile! A smile is contagious and will immediately put the other person at ease. Be careful not to overdo smiling in a professional setting, however, since you don’t want to be perceived as frivolous or unintelligent.
Don’t look over another person’s shoulder or around the room. This will make you look easily distracted, or make the other person feel that you are not interested in what they are saying.
When introducing yourself in a business arena, always state your first and last name along with your title, remembering to say the client’s name first. Example: “Hello, Ms. Goodwin. I’m Kelli Hadd, national VP of sales and training.”
A handshake is the only physical contact you’re likely to have with someone you’ve just met, so it’s important to get it right. Fortunately, a good handshake isn’t complicated.
The correct way to initiate a handshake is to extend your right arm toward the other person with your right thumb pointing up.
Your hands should connect “web to web” (the web is the portion of your hand between your thumb and forefinger).
The connection should be snug, but not uncomfortable, and should be followed by three up-and-down pumps. If the handshake goes beyond three pumps, let the other person end the shake when they want to. As long as the other person is still pumping, it’s important not to yank your hand away even if the other person’s hand is sweaty. Pulling your hand away before the other person is ready will come across as a rejection, and nobody likes to feel rejected.
If you try to initiate a handshake, but the other person doesn’t respond, don’t worry about it. Stay relaxed, lower your hand, maintain eye contact, and continue talking.
Never shake hands while in a seated or subservient position. Stand up, then shake hands; this applies to women as well. If a barrier is between you and the other person, such as a desk or table, then come around from behind the barrier for the handshake, never lean across it.
Although a good handshake is simple, you can easily make a small mistake that conveys a bad impression. Here are a few types of handshakes you should avoid at all costs.
The limp fish. This is when your hand is limp and feels to the other person as if it has no bones (not a good feeling). Rather than grasping the other person’s hand, you’re making him or her do all the work. This type of handshake says to the other person, “I’m weak; I don’t believe in myself; I’m not a winner.” To avoid a limp fish handshake, grasp the other person’s hand firmly and maintain a snug connection. If someone gives you a limp fish, try to push your hand in a little closer to get a better connection.
The bone crusher. The bone crusher is the opposite of the limp fish handshake. It’s when you squeeze the other person’s hand so firmly that it causes pain or discomfort. This type of handshake tells people that you’re anxious and need to dominate others to feel powerful.
The queen’s shake. This is when you hold on to someone’s fingertips, instead of making palm-to-palm contact. This type of handshake makes other people feel that you don’t want to touch them and conveys an “I’m better than you” attitude.
The wrestler. The wrestler handshake is when you turn the other person’s hand over so that your hand is on top. It is an aggressive and blatant show of power. If someone uses a wrestler shake with you, correct it by taking a two-inch step to the left while gradually returning your hand to a vertical position. This will help restore the balance of power.
The double handshake. This is when you use two hands. Your right hand grasps the other person’s as in a correct handshake, but your left hand is placed on top of theirs. This handshake should only be used in intimate situations, such as to convey condolences. It tells the other person that you’re feeling for them, but if used in the wrong situation, it feels insincere and inappropriate.
The fist bump. This is technically a handshake substitute rather than a type of handshake, but President Barack Obama’s use of it has made it acceptable in certain situations. It is most appropriate when used by close friends as a celebratory or congratulatory gesture, so don’t try it at your next board meeting, unless the CEO initiates it.
Some germaphobes have begun using the fist bump to avoid handshakes; they believe it to be more sanitary. Since you never know if this is what’s going on, if someone initiates a fist bump with you, just go along with it. However, since it is still not generally accepted as an appropriate substitute for a handshake, I recommend against initiating a fist bump in most situations.
One last little tip: if you tend to have sweaty hands, use cornstarch or powder or spray antiperspirant on your hands before social events. This will help keep your palms dry so you can shake hands with confidence.
Also, modern etiquette dictates that in social situations a man or a woman can initiate a handshake. It is no longer customary for an elderly woman to initiate a handshake with a younger woman or a gentleman with a lady. Be mindful, with elderly men or women, it might be wise to pause and let them reach out, as they may have arthritis.
In business, the higher-ranked person should extend their hand, but if they don’t, it is wise to go ahead and initiate the handshake.

Copyright © 2011 by Patricia Rossi

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ix

Test Your Etiquette IQ xi

Introduction 1

1 Introducing Yourself 3

The Approach 5

Proper Introductions 5

Body Language 6

What to Say 7

The Handshake 7

2 Communicating with Confidence 11

Cell Phones 12

E-mail 14

Text Messaging 16

Making Conversation 17

Name Game 19

Politely Ending a Conversation 20

Responding to Gossip 21

3 Social Media in Modern Times 23

Facebook 25

Twitter 27

LinkedIn 29

Skype 31

YouTube 32

Blogging 33

4 Table Manners 36

Bread and Soup Courses 40

Entrees: Continental / American 43

Dinner Parties: Host and Guest Responsibilities 45

Banquets and Buffets 47

Taboo Table Topics 48

Wine Etiquette 49

Toasts 51

5 Business Matters 54

Business Cards 55

Business Lunches: Host and Guest Responsibilities 57

Casual Friday 60

Conferencing: Business Meetings / Teleconferences / Videoconferences 61

Home Office 64

Interview Necessities 66

Networking?Building New and Lasting Relationships 67

Office Cubicles 70

Office Parties 72

6 Children 74

Help Your Child Shine! 75

Play Dates: Host and Guest Responsibilities 76

Sleepbvers 78

Children's Birthday Parties: Guest and Host Responsibilities 81

Back-to-School Success 84

Sportsmanship 86

Ghoulishly Good Manners for Halloween 89

Social Etiquette and Respect for Others 90

Thank-You Notes Your Kids Will Love Writing 92

7 Petiquette 94

The Dog Park 95

Pets and Travel 97

Visiting the Veterinarian's Office 100

Service Animal Etiquette 102

Cat Owner Etiquette 103

8 Travel 106

Airplane / Airport Etiquette 107

Bed-and-Breakfasts 109

Camping 110

Cruises 111

Hotels 114

How to Be a Great Host 116

How to Be a Great Houseguest 118

Traveling by Train 122

9 Giving and Receiving Gifts 124

Gift Giving 126

Receiving Gifts 129

Regifting 130

10 Invitations, Sympathy Cards, and Thank-You Notes 132

Evites / Invitations / RSVP Etiquette 133

Sympathy Cards 135

Thank-You Notes 136

11 Out and About 142

Art Museums 143

Beach Day 144

Boating 146

Concerts 147

Dating Dos and Don'ts 150

Fragrance in Public 153

Getting Around 154

The Grocery Store 155

The Gym 156

Hospital Visits 158

Internet Cafe and Wi-Fi Manners 160

Mingle, Mingle, Mingle! 162

Movie Theaters 163

New Neighbors 164

Poolside 166

Spas 167

Tattoo Studios 169

The Theater / Performing Arts Center 171

Theme Parks 172

Tips on Tipping 174

Tobacconist Tips for the Cigar Enthusiast 175

The Zoo 177

12 Sports 179

Championship Game Parties: Super Bowl / World Series / Etc 180

Golf 181

Nascar 183

Poker 186

Skyboxes 186

Stadiums 189

Tailgating 190

Tennis 192

Triathlons 193

13 Encouragement in Tough Times 198

Bad News and How to Handle It 199

Job Loss or Bankruptcy 200

Funerals 202

Illness / Unfavorable Medical Diagnosis 206

14 Celebrations 207

Anniversaries 207

Bridal and Baby Showers 209

Graduations 212

Religious Birth and Coming-of-Age Ceremonies 213

Quinceaneras and Sweet Sixteens 216

Weddings 217

Questions and Answers 221

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