Embracing Truth in Times of Adversity: Learning How to Listen and Trust Divine Guidance
We are all connected to the Spirit of God by nature, and therefore we can never be separated from God or our good. In times of adversity, however, many of us get distracted, relying on outer sources, missing the mark, and delaying our good. But God can turn a negative situation into a blessing. The way out of any dilemma is simply to embrace truth and surrender to the will of God. Using examples found in the Bible as well as her personal experiences, Unity minister Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton shows you how to fully submit your life to God. With clear, concise language, Timberlake-Linton discusses how inner transformation and individual awareness of truth can help us to become one with our Creator. She uses the basic truth principles of the Unity faith—often referred to as “practical Christianity”—and the teachings of Jesus Christ to help you • release anxiety; • step out in faith; • take responsibility; • overcome challenges; • believe and achieve. This inspiring self-help guide speaks a universal language and opens the door to enlightenment. Learn how to trust God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and discover a happier, more fulfilling life!
Embracing Truth in Times of Adversity: Learning How to Listen and Trust Divine Guidance
We are all connected to the Spirit of God by nature, and therefore we can never be separated from God or our good. In times of adversity, however, many of us get distracted, relying on outer sources, missing the mark, and delaying our good. But God can turn a negative situation into a blessing. The way out of any dilemma is simply to embrace truth and surrender to the will of God. Using examples found in the Bible as well as her personal experiences, Unity minister Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton shows you how to fully submit your life to God. With clear, concise language, Timberlake-Linton discusses how inner transformation and individual awareness of truth can help us to become one with our Creator. She uses the basic truth principles of the Unity faith—often referred to as “practical Christianity”—and the teachings of Jesus Christ to help you • release anxiety; • step out in faith; • take responsibility; • overcome challenges; • believe and achieve. This inspiring self-help guide speaks a universal language and opens the door to enlightenment. Learn how to trust God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and discover a happier, more fulfilling life!
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Embracing Truth in Times of Adversity: Learning How to Listen and Trust Divine Guidance

Embracing Truth in Times of Adversity: Learning How to Listen and Trust Divine Guidance

by Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton
Embracing Truth in Times of Adversity: Learning How to Listen and Trust Divine Guidance

Embracing Truth in Times of Adversity: Learning How to Listen and Trust Divine Guidance

by Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton


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We are all connected to the Spirit of God by nature, and therefore we can never be separated from God or our good. In times of adversity, however, many of us get distracted, relying on outer sources, missing the mark, and delaying our good. But God can turn a negative situation into a blessing. The way out of any dilemma is simply to embrace truth and surrender to the will of God. Using examples found in the Bible as well as her personal experiences, Unity minister Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton shows you how to fully submit your life to God. With clear, concise language, Timberlake-Linton discusses how inner transformation and individual awareness of truth can help us to become one with our Creator. She uses the basic truth principles of the Unity faith—often referred to as “practical Christianity”—and the teachings of Jesus Christ to help you • release anxiety; • step out in faith; • take responsibility; • overcome challenges; • believe and achieve. This inspiring self-help guide speaks a universal language and opens the door to enlightenment. Learn how to trust God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and discover a happier, more fulfilling life!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781462017508
Publisher: iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date: 05/25/2011
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 598 KB

Read an Excerpt

Embracing Truth in Times of Adversity

Learning How to Listen and Trust Divine Guidance
By Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton

iUniverse, Inc.

Copyright © 2011 Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4620-1748-5

Chapter One

Embarking on the Journey ...

There can never be a new way of life without first negating an old one. The Bible portrays humankind on a journey, where old ways of thinking and being may be transformed to new ways of thinking and being; hence the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is centered on God as Principle, the law of cause and effect, whereas the New Testament extends beyond the law, through Jesus Christ, by whose grace we are redeemed. In other words, we can be saved from erroneous beliefs and adverse situations through grace, or through the consciousness of the Christ spirit within whenever we deny error, affirm truth, and live our lives from that perspective.

The New Testament portrays a resurrected consciousness, demonstrated by Jesus, whose death and subsequent resurrection paved the way to eternal life. Jesus tells us that we too can do what He did, and we can also do greater things too by having that resurrected consciousness of Jesus. We therefore can redeem our lives and achieve conscious union with God through the denial of our innermost self.

Our Divine Nature

We are spiritual beings ... one with God and one with each other. The presence of God is everywhere, equally present, within and without every human being, as well as within every living thing. Nevertheless, as individuals our experiences are invariably different. Consequently, we all experience different states of consciousness. "In my father's house there are many mansions" (John 14:2). God accepts us all, no matter who we are, where we are in consciousness, whether we err or whether we fail to practice the truth.

Truth, which is very simple, is within each individual, but it is often obscured because of willfulness, as the human mind tends to analyze and judge, often invalidating the truth. Consequently, we often question the unknown, conceptualizing and formulating, but arriving nowhere. By ourselves, we cannot accomplish anything.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God and the Word was God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and life was the light of all men" (John 1:1-3).

We are all connected to the divine Spirit; it courses throughout our entire being, and although we have different personalities, our individuality remains the same—authentic, and the very existence of our being reflected in the nature of the indwelling Christ. Although we may not be consciously aware of it, there is no denying that we all reflect the nature of the "Christ". "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27).

Although our individual circumstances are different, the desired manifestation, goal, or destination for all mankind is typically the same even though we may not all acknowledge this. The ultimate goal for us on the spiritual path is to experience a resurrected self. Ultimately, through the realization of the resurrected Christ consciousness within, we experience everlasting life. This is our gift from God. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

Metaphysically, the Bible portrays the evolution of human consciousness. It is viewed as a compass for living, alive with relevant truths applicable to the sum total of all our experiences on earth. Each story and each character represents different aspects of our lives with a subsequent message for us all. We will find relevant truths within the Bible applicable to every aspect of our lives when we engage in the daily reading of God's Word, spend quiet moments in prayer and meditation, and live lives of truth.

A New Consciousness

In the Old Testament, the first covenant was marked by the Mosaic Law that basically said if you obey God, you are blessed, and if you disobey God, you are cursed. After over one hundred twenty years of Judaism, the new covenant, Christianity, and subsequently the New Testament was born. With the new covenant and the New Testament came Jesus Christ and old thoughts became personified in Jesus. Consequently, the spiritual journey for humankind involves a transition from the Adam consciousness to Christ consciousness, or from law to grace.

Despite all this revelation, however, many people from generation to generation are still stuck in the old covenant, believing in an autocratic God who lives up in the sky and punishes us when we are bad and rewards us when we are good. There are many people like myself, however, who by applying simple logic and reason have repudiated the authenticity of this teaching from the premise of a loving and good God depicted throughout the entire Bible.

In the book of Genesis, God created everything that was good, including humankind, who He created in His image and after His likeness, ultimately giving us dominion over everything he made. (Gen. 1:27-28; 31) This by no means sounds like a stern and autocratic God.

The Bible tells us that the kingdom of God is "Christ within, the hope of glory" (Col.1:27). Ultimately all things are possible, but only if we believe. Unfortunately, due to free will we have become wayward in our thinking and have lost our true identities. In reality, the hardships that we experience in life are due to personal will and lack of spiritual understanding. Like the prodigal son we strive to find or to maintain our balance between the absolute and the relative because of sense consciousness, and like the Israelites, we experience all manner of hardships and we fail to arrive in the Promised Land because of sense consciousness.

Because God is good and His love for us is unconditional, we have the choice at any moment to be reconnected with our divine selves simply by changing our thinking (old thoughts must die, as symbolical in the death of the old folks prior to reaching the Promised Land).

We all fall short both collectively and individually, making all manner of mistakes, but nevertheless we all have the opportunity to correct them and start all over again. In order to aspire to the desired goal of a resurrected consciousness, we need to die to, change, or release old ways of thinking and being that do not serve us. This is a continuous process.

The Secret of Eternal Life

In our effort to achieve that perfected state of consciousness, we unconsciously make several journeys toward the Promised Land of achieving the spiritual in our lifetime, failing miserably at times and starting all over again. The apostle Paul says "I die daily" (I Cor.15: 31). As we strive to arrive at our perfected state, sooner or later we arrive at that place in consciousness where the only thing that matters most is our relationship with our Divine self, which in and of itself is the perfect gift of surrender and the manifestation of every good thing.

It is not always easy to let go of old habits, things, or people that seem to hinder our spiritual progress. In Mark chapter 10, although the rich young ruler had observed the commandments that God gave to Moses, Jesus emphasized that mere observation of the law alone did not merit eternal life. Jesus told the rich young ruler that he lacked one thing. Interestingly, Jesus did not name that one thing, but added that in order for the young ruler to inherit eternal life he needed to sell all his possessions and give to the poor. God is the one Presence and Power in our lives and in the world, and He is the only source of every good thing. As co-creators with God, we must do our part and take responsibility for our desires to be fulfilled. We must act. When Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all that he had and give to the poor, I believe that Jesus was referring to the young man's attitude, and his dependency on outer things.

Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler just to give his earthly possessions to the poor. He told him to sell them first, and then give what was sold to the poor. Why would Jesus advise him to sell them if they were actual things? If they were, He could have told him from the beginning to give them straight to the poor. One can only imagine that Jesus was referring to the young man's state of consciousness, which obviously lacked a sense of humility.

Jesus knew that self-sufficiency, egotism, self-righteousness, pride, and dependence on materiality were the young man's hindrances. All these negative things pointed to his ego that stood in his way. This was that "one thing" that he lacked according to Jesus. Instead of focusing on the power of God within him he focused on himself. To sell his possessions was to release all his mental baggage and self-sufficiency, after which he would experience a resurrected state of being.... the presence and power of God within him, the source of all good things. "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3).

Unfortunately, releasing his self sufficiency or selling his possessions was a difficult task for him, so the young man went away sorrowful and obviously lost his blessings. "Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will not enter therein" (Mark 10:15).

In His healing ministry, Jesus performed various types of healing depending on the consciousness of those afflicted. When great faith was demonstrated, Jesus would simply speak the Word and it would be done according to one's belief. In other cases He would simply give instructions, allowing the opportunity for introspection as he did with the rich young ruler. Jesus is our way-shower, but ultimately we have to do the work for ourselves and let go of negation and affirm and practice the truth. We need to acknowledge God as the only Presence and Power in the world by letting go of our egos and living our highest truths from within.

Willfulness Causes Spiritual Dissention

Willfulness consequently takes us into deep waters, and like Job, our good works are delayed because we have more questions than answers. Due to willfulness the human mind often seeks difficult and complex solutions to easy and non-complicated problems, resulting in mental disconnection from our divine selves. This manifests as mental confusion and distraction as demonstrated by the "fall of man" in the book of Genesis. Author and cofounder of Unity, Charles Fillmore says in his book, The Mysteries of Genesis, "Man fell because he did not keep his mind on the source of life. He departed from spiritual consciousness and saw both good and evil. If he had held to the one good, good is the only thing that he could have manifested."

When our thoughts are chaotic and confusing we often miss out on experiencing the presence of God within us, and we subsequently find ourselves in a far country like the prodigal son, mentally separated from what is rightfully ours. "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints". (I Corinthians 14:33). David, God's beloved reminds us that the only way out of this dilemma is to become still, by releasing all negative thoughts and activities. "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10).

This wonderful promise from God is the sheer simplicity of the equation, but sometimes we complicate simplicity and subsequently delay our good. Such was the case with Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, stricken with leprosy, who was told to wash in the river Jordan seven times. Because of pride, Naaman discounted the simplicity of this advice as the possible cure for his ailment. Why should a man of his social standard wash in such an ordinary river when there were more important rivers available to him?

Sometime we become fixed in sense consciousness and in our humanity become our own providence, as Naaman did, envisioning healing from one angle only, through the touch of Elisha and the spoken word of God. Healing, however requires a great amount of faith, humility, and obedience that comes in all shapes and forms. Sometimes it may involve going to see a doctor; in other cases it might just involve something simple like engaging in daily exercises and eating nutritious foods. Sometimes it might just involve being still; sometimes it might include spiritual fasting and purging of the mind, and sometimes it may involve pure unadulterated faith.

When our backs are against the wall, however, and we have no other place to turn, we eventually surrender to the will of God and prove what is perfect and good. Having no other place to turn and realizing that he had nothing to lose after all, Naaman eventually consented to washing in the river Jordan, and he was subsequently healed of leprosy.

Obviously Naaman's healing required much more than physical touch. He required a deep spiritual and physical cleansing, which according to Elisha the prophet could only be accomplished by washing seven times in the river Jordan.

When we believe God's promises and act according to his Word, we will accomplish our goals and our lives will become meaningful. The woman with the issue of blood was instantly healed by merely touching the hem of Jesus' garment. Because of the Centurion's faith and humility, his daughter was healed before he knew it. Of the ten lepers healed, only one who went back to thank Jesus seemed to have maintained his healing.

Some things are beyond our ability to comprehend. All we need to do is have a desire for a higher sense of awareness, and God will reveal what is necessary to be revealed. "I have many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth" (John 16:12-13). What we need to know will be revealed at the right time, whenever we are prepared and ready to receive illumination. "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and unto our children forever that we may do all the words of this law" (Deut. 29:29).

"It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father hath put in His own power" (Acts 1:7).

Experience Teaches Wisdom

Most lessons in life are predicated on experiences. During our human experiences we all have the tendency to fall short and make mistakes, mentally suffering the consequences. Each mistake we make is due to a belief in separation from our Christ nature, and attracts a related consequence because of the law of cause and effect. Yet we also have the opportunity to take responsibility and be redeemed by the grace of God. Consequently, we can begin again and again and again. The choice is ultimately ours. "Choose you this day whom ye will serve" (Joshua 24:15).

Although we are individuals, we all have individual choices and experiences, and from a humanistic standpoint we all make mistakes and fall short of living the perfected life. Nevertheless, no matter where we are or how severe our circumstances God is always present, and the moment we become consciously aware of His presence, we undeniably prove that God is absolute good, everywhere equally present.

Although we are one in spirit, as individuals our journeys may take different paths. We may encounter many different challenges along the way, but through them all we learn that survival depends on our ability to release, let go, and let God. We experience victory only when we take ourselves out of the way and trust God's divine will for our lives. "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30).

There is no more of God in any one person, but God reveals Himself to us according to our level of receptivity. "When He, the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth" (John 16:13). To be truly cognizant of the power of God is to be conscious, and to be conscious is to be present to this moment, living constantly in the awareness of the Father. To live in the present moment is to behold God in everything and in all aspects of life, to acknowledge Him in all our ways, and to live a life of non-resistance. God is in every experience, and we have the privilege of experiencing His presence when we surrender to His will and purpose for our lives.


Excerpted from Embracing Truth in Times of Adversity by Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton Copyright © 2011 by Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton. Excerpted by permission of iUniverse, Inc.. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Embarking on the Journey....................3
Chapter 2 The Preparation....................14
Chapter 3 Living in God's Presence....................32
Chapter 4 Spiritual Gifts and the Call to serve....................40
Chapter 5 A Deep Relationship with God....................50
Chapter 6 Love Thy Neighbor....................61
Chapter 7 "Be Attitudes"....................65
Chapter 8 The Dynamics of Prayer....................75
Chapter 9 From Fear to Freedom....................97
Chapter 10 Acknowledging the Divine Self....................103
Chapter 11 Knowing God's Will....................112
Chapter 12 A Reality Check....................121
Chapter 13 Finding Joy in Sorrow....................126
Chapter 14 The Power of the Spoken Word....................135
Chapter 15 Creating Spiritual Abundance....................143
Chapter 16 Trusting the Process....................229
Chapter 17 Divine Providence....................235
Chapter 18 A Turning Point....................242
Chapter 19 Embracing Change....................255
Chapter 20 Choices....................258
Chapter 21 Ask, Seek, and Knock....................263
Chapter 22 Persistence....................267
Chapter 23 The Dynamics of Ministry....................281
Chapter 24 From Darkness to Light....................292
Chapter 25 Strength in Weakness....................300
Chapter 26 Why Worry When we Can pray?....................305
Chapter 27 Talks on Healing....................311
Chapter 28 Freedom through Forgiveness....................320
Chapter 29 Amazing Grace....................330
Chapter 30 A Time of Hope....................338
Chapter 31 Restoration....................342
Chapter 32 The Road to Overcoming....................350
Chapter 33 Looking Up....................361
Chapter 34 A Change of Consciousness....................366
Chapter 35 Finding the Key....................381
Chapter 36 Learning to Take Responsibility....................390
Chapter 37 A Seven-Day Contract with God....................395
Chapter 38 The Abundance of the Universe....................400
Chapter 39 Giving is Receiving....................420
Chapter 40 Thanksgiving....................426
Brief Glossary....................443
Selected Bibliography....................449
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