Featuring a nice mixture of laughter and tears suitable for the entire family, Don Bluth's most successful animated feature, American Tail follows the tuneful adventures of Fievel Mouskewitz, a plucky late-19th-century Russian-Jewish mouse who with his family stows away aboard a ship bound for America to escape further oppression and extermination at the Czarist claws of the ruling Russian cats. Unfortunately, little Fievel ends up trapped in a bottle and landing in New York City alone. At first the city's bustling streets are terrifying to the tiny mouse. Not all his fellow rodents are friendly, and the Big Apple cats are definitely dangers to be avoided. Still, he is determined to find his family. Things perk up a bit though when Fievel becomes friends with Tiger, the vegetarian cat. One song from the film, "Somewhere out There" was a chart-topping hit and earned an Oscar nomination.