Death of a Novice (Reverend Mother Mystery #5)

Death of a Novice (Reverend Mother Mystery #5)

by Cora Harrison
Death of a Novice (Reverend Mother Mystery #5)

Death of a Novice (Reverend Mother Mystery #5)

by Cora Harrison


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The sudden death of a young novice nun raises a series of puzzling questions in the latest Reverend Mother historical mystery.

The Reverend Mother is delighted with her new entrant to the convent. Young Sister Gertrude is well-educated, has worked for an accountant and has an appealing sense of humour. But one autumn morning, Sister Gertrude is found dead inside a small wooden shed, just beside the river. Surely a young nun could not die from alcohol poisoning?

But when the Reverend Mother delves more deeply into Sister Gertrude’s background, she finds some puzzling anomalies. Why did the young nun not delay her entry to the convent until after her sister’s wedding? Is it a coincidence that her father died of a similar illness not long before? And could there be a link between Sister Gertrude’s death and the gunpowder explosion on Spike Island? The Reverend Mother must find the answers to these questions if she is to safeguard her community from suspicions of murder.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781780109619
Publisher: Severn House
Publication date: 07/01/2018
Series: Reverend Mother Series , #5
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 240
Sales rank: 1,000,600
File size: 832 KB

About the Author

Cora Harrison turned to writing historical fiction after she retired from teaching to live on a farm near the Burren in the west of Ireland. As well as the Reverend Mother series, she is the author of the ‘Mara’ series of Celtic mysteries, set in 16th-century Ireland.

Read an Excerpt


William Butler Yeats 'Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy which sustained him through occasional periods of joy.'

Eileen stood very still and stared at the man opposite to her. Tom Hurley had once been her military commander, a man to whom she had owed instant obedience, on pain of death. Her life as a hunted and outlawed member of an illegal organisation now seemed far from her present existence as a respectable office girl, proficient with a typewriter and earning a good weekly sum which was enough to keep her mother and herself in relative comfort. The sight of Tom Hurley brought everything back, though, and she felt a slight shiver of apprehension at the sight of him. A fanatic, she thought. A man for whom the ends always justified the means. A man she had never once seen to smile and at whose frown she and the other exuberant young patriots, hiding out in a safe house, had grown silent and apprehensive. What did he want of her?

'So there you are, Eileen MacSweeney, the girl who wanted to free Ireland from the foreign enemy. So you have sunk to this, have you? Now you want to betray your past comrades. How you have changed!'

'No,' she said.

'You deserted,' he said softly. 'You deserted your fellow soldiers, you betrayed us. And now you want to betray us again.'

'Never,' she said fiercely. 'I've never betrayed anyone.'

'But you did. You left. Left knowing our secrets. Left knowing the location of a safe house, knowing where we could go to ground, knowing where guns were hidden. You knew all of that. And now this!'

She faced him. Took a step nearer. 'I never betrayed you. Not a single word about these matters ever crossed my lips. You know that. I wouldn't be alive now if you had found that I betrayed any secrets. You know why I left. You were about to allow a man to die, a man who was dear to me. I had to save his life.'

Tom Hurley gave a snort. The sound, contemptuous and dismissive, stirred her courage. She had grown soft; she knew that. She had been living her life among pleasant people, had been going to dances, to the cinema, buying pretty clothes. Still hoping and believing that Ireland had a future, but doing very little about it. Not like the man in front of her, a man who would kill without compunction.

A man who might now, with the greatest of ease, kill her as an example to others.

Eileen had come home from her job at the printing works at her usual time. Had parked her beloved motorbike behind her mother's tiny house on Barrack Street, had tried the back door, but it was still locked. Her mother must be working late, she thought and went to walk around to the street, taking her key from the pocket of her jacket. And then her arm had been seized, a pistol put to her ribs and she had been dragged into a car, crowded into the back seat with a trench-coated man on either side of her. The car started as soon as the door slammed behind them, swung around and went flying down Barrack Street.

'Not to worry,' said one of the men beside her. 'The boss just wants a word. Be a sensible girl, now. Just sit still and keep quiet and there will be no harm done. You know the score, don't you?'

Eileen knew the score, knew the ruthless man that she would have to deal with. She said nothing, sat very quietly and when they arrived she allowed herself to be marched into a derelict cottage outside the city. And then left there, facing the man. She waited for him to speak and tried to keep her head high and her eyes steady. He studied her.

She had been taken off her guard when seized by one of his minions, but now she told herself that if he had wanted to kill her then he would have done so straight away. This was to frighten her. This was the response to the threat that she had issued to Raymond. Raymond, of course, was nothing. A playboy. In the pay of Tom Hurley. She had guessed that. It had been easy to intimidate Raymond Roche. Tom Hurley was a different matter.

'How dare you! How dare you send me a threatening message? How dare you interfere in Sinn Féin business?'

She confronted him bravely. 'So Raymond told you what I said. I thought it was you behind him. You should be ashamed of yourself. I don't care about him. I suppose you are paying him and it's worth it to someone like that. But those two innocents, those two young nuns. They don't know what they are doing. They just think that they're being brave and patriotic. They don't think about the dead bodies, about the scandal and the complete ruination of their lives if it's found out. How can they stay in the convent after that?'

'What do I care? They serve a purpose. Who are you to interfere?'

'People matter very little to you.' She straightened herself as she said the words and she glared at him. She was lost if she showed fear; she knew that. She had seen him interrogate people before and knew how he worked.

'The cause, the cause that you have betrayed, that matters to me.' His voice was very soft, now. Waiting for her to show a weakness.

She drew in a long breath and faced him boldly. 'I don't approve of the signing of the treaty, if that is what you mean. I never did approve of it. I just think that there has been enough killing. It was achieving nothing. It ...' She hesitated for a moment, but something drove her on in an effort to explain. 'It corrupted us all,' she went on fiercely. 'We began to think that people didn't matter. First it was English soldiers, then it was civilians, those caught up in the crossfire, people who had nothing to do with it, people who just wanted to live their own lives, to keep out of trouble. We were spreading and prolonging the misery. Houses burned down, children running from bullets, men and women shot.' She hesitated a little and then said in a low voice, 'I suppose I only began to realize that when someone who was near and dear to me was in danger of death and you refused any help to him.'

'Went off to England, afterwards, didn't he? Left you in the lurch, wasn't that right? Not a sign of him in Cork ever again.' His sneer made his face even uglier and the gun in his hand moved forward, moved an inch nearer to her.

She ignored it. She would not back down now. 'You're making use of these two girls, two novices. They don't know what they're doing. They're silly and too young to know what they are doing.'

'About the same age as yourself,' he remarked.

'That doesn't matter. I knew what I was doing. They don't. Anyway, they're supposed to be nuns. They'll bring shame and disgrace on the convent, on the Reverend Mother, and I'm not having it.'

'You're not having it.' His eyebrows raised, though his voice remained soft and the gun in his hand never wavered.

'You're using them to carry letters, to take messages. You knew that they wouldn't be suspected so you pulled them in, got that Mary MacSwiney to talk them over. Making them cry about her sainted brother. I know how it happened. I've heard about it all.'

He was silent for a moment. She could see him turning matters over in his mind.

'Raymond, I suppose.'

'No,' she said, telling the lie without compunction or hesitation. She had no great affection for Raymond, but she was not going to deliver him into Tom Hurley's hands and see a report in the Cork Examiner that his body had been found in the river.

'And what are you going to do about it?' He had shrugged aside her denial. Knew it to be a lie, but she knew by his face that he wouldn't press the matter, wouldn't try to force the truth from her. Raymond was valuable to him. Raymond had money, had influence, belonged to a good family, and, most important of all, had his own yacht moored in Cork Harbour, just outside Cobh. Through Raymond the Republicans could get information about the British naval troops who were still occupying Spike Island. And that was valuable information.

It had been part of that unsatisfactory treaty, part of the treaty which one section of rebels refused to sign, splitting the freedom fighters into pro-treaty and anti-treaty; into those who took up power in the new Irish parliament, Dáil Éireann, and those who found it unacceptable that the British should retain not just six of the counties of Ulster, but that they should also stay in possession of the three deep water ports of Cobh, just south of the city; of Berehaven in west Cork and of Lough Swilly in Donegal. As soon as Eileen saw him decide to leave the subject of Raymond, she knew that there would be something going on about Cobh and Spike Island. She saw the awareness of her guess dawn in his steely grey eyes, saw him regret, momentarily, that he had introduced Raymond's name; then saw him decide what to do with her, how to make use of her.

'You're great friends with all those young men, aren't you?' It was said in the tone of a statement, not of a question. He was looking her up and down, appraising her and now he forced his voice to sound friendlier. 'Good-looking girl. Yes, there's no doubt, you are not a bad-looking girl. And so you know that Peeler fellow, that Inspector Cashman, don't you? I've seen you talking to him on the street.'

'Inspector Cashman is a member of the Garda Siochána, not a Peeler, they've all gone. Haven't you noticed? He's an Irishman, appointed by the Irish Free State, and I speak to him because I know him, we lived on the same street when we were young. We went to the same school on St Mary's Isle. That convent that you and your men are trying to involve in some of your plots.' Eileen was pleased to hear how calm her voice sounded. Tom Hurley had lost much of his power over her. She saw the awareness of that in his face and noticed the flash of anger from the grey eyes opposite hers.

'And I suppose that the moment you walk off out of here you will head for him, or else straight for this convent of yours and try to get it out of the young nuns, you'll be warning the Reverend Mother and she will send for Inspector Cashman.' He said the words more to himself than to her. Almost as though he were coming to some decision.

She stayed very still. It was useless to deny. He was a man who suspected everything and everyone. And he was utterly ruthless. Would kill a man as easily as twist the neck of a hen, had said one of her Republican friends.

'And the third nun, novice ...' He was watching her very carefully, watching her to see how she reacted.

She shrugged her shoulders. 'She's a bit too streetwise for you, I suppose.' Raymond had told her that, but it could have been something that she knew from her own contacts. Cork was a very small city. Had the third novice voiced any suspicions to her superior? She thought not. The Reverend Mother was not one to hesitate. If she had any inkling of what was going on she would have immediately put a stop to those outings.

He left it then. She could see by the flicker in those joyless grey eyes that his mind had moved away from the question of the third young nun and onto a different matter. There was something going on, there must be something planned; Eileen knew that. Tom Hurley was taut as a violin string. She knew him well enough to be able to assess his mood. The mention of the convent, of the name of Inspector Cashman showed that he was afraid for the success of a plan. What had those two stupid young nuns involved themselves in? Her mind flickered through the possibilities. Something to do with Raymond, something planned for Raymond, the payback for funds received, perhaps. For a young man with no job he was surprisingly affluent, continually popping over to London to attend parties. Brainless individual. An easy prey for someone like Tom Hurley.

'You know me,' he said, as though he had read her thoughts. 'You should know me well enough not to interfere. And I know you. Know everything about you. Know where you work. Know your route home.' He lowered his voice then and the threat that followed was even more effective.

'And I know your mother. Know her well, everything about her. Know where she works. Know her route home. Nice-looking woman, your mother. Shame to see a woman like that harmed, maimed for life.'

He would know that the last threat would have done the trick. Would know that now she could not move; would know that she could not take action to reveal anything to the authorities; would know that she could do nothing without putting her mother in danger. Maureen MacSweeney was the most innocent of women. Barely fifteen years older than Eileen herself, she appeared most of the time, to her daughter, to be very much the younger of the two. A trusting woman who would accept anything from a stranger, would fall for any story. Was vulnerable to such as Tom Hurley.

Tom Hurley had known what he was doing when he had issued that last threat. Eileen stared miserably ahead. There was nothing she could do. She knew that.

Those young nuns would have to look after themselves.

'What are you asking me to do?' she questioned between gritted teeth.

'I'm not going to ask you anything. I'm telling you,' he replied. 'You'll be useful to us. Nice looking girl like you. All dressed up to the nines, too. And, just you keep it in your mind, young Eileen. One wrong move and you'll be shot. And just as you are dying you'll be wondering what is going to happen to your mother.'

'Are you all right, Eileen?'

'I'm all right, Seán,' she said listlessly. Seán had been a friend, once. Someone with whom she and the others had joked and teased, had shared danger, had taken part in raids. She and he were on different sides now and she almost felt like asking how he could continue to work for such a sour, hard man as Tom Hurley. She held her tongue, however. Her own guilt was weighing her down and she could not criticize another. She tried to tell herself that no harm would come to those young nuns, that they would play their part for a day or two and then be discarded, but she could not deceive herself. Midday tomorrow, she was to be in Patrick Street, right by the famous statue of St Matthew, the meeting place for all city dwellers. Raymond would pick her up there and she would be with him for most of the day and would be delivered back to the city in the evening. She had asked no questions. It would, she knew, have been useless. She had to leave the young nuns to their own devices and hope that no real harm would come to them.

'I'll drop you off by the South Main Bridge if that's all right by you, Eileen. Don't want the car number to be noticed going a second time in the day up Barrack Street,' said Seán apologetically.

'That's all right, Seán. The walk will do me good. Clear my head.' She said no more and he said no more. They both knew that she had been given her orders and that, in the world in which they lived, failure to fulfil an order would mean a death. Eileen stepped out from the car as soon as it stopped and gave him a nod. He, like herself, would not want to attract any notice.

After he drove away, she stayed for a moment, looking down into the river and hoping that she would be able to conceal from her mother what had happened. Maureen MacSweeney was an unsuspicious woman, but Eileen, the child who was born to her when she was fifteen years old was very deeply loved and she had an instinct that told her when her daughter was troubled.

'Not thinking of throwing yourself in, are you?' The voice from behind her shoulder startled her for a minute and she wondered whether he had noticed her getting out of Seán's car. Patrick Cashman was a policeman, now an inspector. Not terribly clever she had often thought, but industrious and ambitious and certainly had enough brains to put two and two together and to come up with the right answer. Still he had been a neighbour of hers and their mothers were friends and so she turned around courageously and confronted him.

'Not likely,' she said forcing a brightness into her voice. 'Life's good for me, these days, Patrick. I've had a rise in my salary and I've bought myself a typewriter and I'm trying to start up a business at home in the evening, hoping to build up a nice little bank account for myself. Going to Irish classes, too. Who knows but I might end up in the civil service or something like that. They say that you can't get anywhere nowadays without speaking fluent Irish.'

He was looking at her in a speculative way, rubbing a finger along the length of his long upper lip.

'No bike today,' he said and her heart missed a beat. Had he seen Seán, recognized him, perhaps?

'No,' she said casually. 'I've been out for a spin with an old friend. Down the Lee Road.'

'Nice afternoon for it,' he said. 'Nice to see old friends, too. Some of them, at any rate.' He paused for a moment and then said with deliberation, 'Of course some former friends are best avoided.'


Excerpted from "Death of a Novice"
by .
Copyright © 2018 Cora Harrison.
Excerpted by permission of Severn House Publishers Limited.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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