Read an Excerpt
"Death" by the Potter's Wheel
A True Story of Spiritual Inspiration, Transformation, and Progression ...
By Conrad M. Follmer Balboa Press
Copyright © 2016 Conrad M. Follmer
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5043-5796-8
The Events Leading Up to the Night of November 11th ...
Achieving a sound sleep was highly unlikely on that fateful night of November 11, 1966, as Jennie fitfully reviewed the parade of seemingly bizarre events that underscored the strangeness of the preceding weeks. Life had become both exhilarating and confusing -- exhilarating because of its spiritual promise and confusing because of the unsettling and inexplicable developments that had invaded her life without warning or expectation.
As she lay sleepless in her darkened bedroom next to Mike, her husband, Jen vividly recalled the night of October 31th – but then who wouldn't remember a night like that one?
Reflecting on that strange night, eleven days earlier, Jen recounted, "I had an extremely intense headache. Any sudden movement or sound sent a throb through my body. Mike was a dear, suggesting that I forget making dinner, but simply go up to bed to find relief. He helped me into my nightgown, adjusted the window blinds to dim the late evening glow, and then he quietly closed the bedroom door to muffle the sounds from the downstairs TV. I was especially grateful for his genuine concern."
An hour or so after Jen had fallen asleep, she was suddenly awakened from her slumber. "I heard a series of loud metallic pinging sounds. I painfully opened my eyes and looked around the darkening room, but seeing nothing, I concluded that the noise must have come from the downstairs TV. I tried to block out the pounding in my brain and thankfully recaptured a sound sleep."
The second interruption to Jen's rest on that Halloween night, came after the room had completely darkened. "I was once again startled awake by a series of pinging noises. This time I slowly sat up, trying not to further aggravate the pain still pounding in my head. I realized that the strange rapping appeared to be coming from the metal lamp shield on the night-light resting on the bed's headboard. It sounded like flicking a finger against thin metal."
Suddenly, Jennie's attention was arrested by a pinpoint of light in the far-left corner of the bedroom, between the window and the closet door. With the near total darkness in the room, the point of light in contrast was totally absorbing. "As I looked, transfixed, this became two pinpoints of light."
Riveted, Jen saw the two dots of rotating white energy, like eyes reflecting moonlight, begin to move toward her. "The speed of their approach increased as they turned into larger glowing circles, irradiating waves of white light, almost as if they were on fire." Sensing their approach, Jen was utterly frightened.
"When they were only inches from my face, the glowing orbs became the cavernous eyes of a skeletal mask. Now irradiating white light from the eye sockets and the perimeter of the mask, it hesitated, pulsing immediately before my face. Strangely, I did not feel that I was in danger, yet I wanted to scream!" Jennie tried without success to close her eyes and pressed more tightly against the unyielding headboard in an attempt to escape a collision with the fiery mask. Then, before she collapsed, laser-like beams of light suddenly bored into her eyes.
Jen later recalled, "The last thing I remember, was sliding down into my bed. I don't know if I actually fainted, but I was out cold until morning. Each time I think back on that frightening experience, it seems even more hair-raising."
In the morning, she remembered the entire chilling episode but kept it to herself for fear that her family would think she was losing her grip on sanity. No one would have believed that the bizarre experience was anything more than a scary nightmare since Jennie was well known for her vivid and frequently portentous dreams.
Much to her surprise and relief, a week or so later Mike heard the pinging sounds from the bed lamp for the first time. "The instant I heard the pinging," Jennie explained, "the entire event of the previous week flooded back into my mind. I grew tense and looked at Mike for his reaction. But dear, practical, skeptical Mike simply explained it away by saying that it was noise made by the contracting of the metal lampshade, as it was being heated or cooled. He then turned over and went to sleep, leaving me with the crawling feeling that the experience of the 31st was going to happen all over again."
It was not until several years later that Jen received a compelling explanation for the events of that unsettling October night. As she learned, they were certainly not the interventions of a lowly spirit, as she initially feared; rather, they were an empowering initiation into an awesome mystical process that changed the course of her life.
Jennie, born Genoeffa, the Italian equivalent of Genevieve, was enjoying her role as a suburban housewife to Mike, a skilled carpenter, and as the mother of two children, Michael Jr., who was in the US Air Force in Colorado, and Anna Maria, who was a high school junior.
For a number of years, Jen had worked as an administrative assistant to help the family through hard financial times. Now she was doing what she most cherished: cooking, baking, caring full-time for her family, and enjoying the company of her two closest sisters, Virge and Jo. Domesticity seemed the norm for second-generation Sicilian women, especially to those like Jen and her seven siblings, who had been reared on a poor Bucks County, Pennsylvania farm. Farm life meant hard work, but even more than her siblings, Jen embraced it.
Her friends and family members have described Jen as being friendly and cheerful (even if a bit aloof), a skilled conversationalist, athletic, attractive, a loyal defender of friends and family, and someone who could always be trusted. She had an attractive face and a full head of soft, naturally curly, fine-textured brunette hair. She was above-average height for a girl, with long legs. Jen was always serious in nature, but was also known for her contagious laugh, which betrayed her joie de vivre.
A warm, honest, strong-willed person, Jennie never viewed herself as being particularly unique. Though the youngest in a loving family of eight children, as a child, she always preferred her solitude. After her many farm chores were done, Jen remembers that among her favorite pastimes were climbing the hills and exploring the forested portion of their farm, accompanied only by Rojo, her protective German shepherd. In those moments of sitting on the hilltop, keeping an eye on the small herd of lowing cows, smelling the grasses, and sensing the beauty of nature, she was happy in spite of the hard work. Especially in these solitary and contemplative moments, Jen remembers a restless yearning to learn more about the truth of life, a quality that was to lead her forward, especially in later years. However, even as a very young child, she distinctly remembers repeating to herself, "I have much to learn."
The solitude and expanse of natural beauty of the farm was not to be found in a tight development in Philadelphia's western suburbs, to which she, her husband and two young children moved in the 1950's. However, knowing how important natural tranquility was to Jen, Mike, her husband, created a handsome screened-in porch addition onto their modest two-story brick colonial home in Havertown. Screened from nearby neighbors in the development by a bed of roses, aucuba and euonymus shrubs, and a curtain of azaleas and evergreens, Jen frequently sought out this favorite spot to be alone with her thoughts, accompanied by Vicki, her Scottish terrier. Especially during the fall of 1966, this tranquil retreat, with a view of scampering squirrels and chirping birds, was what Jennie most needed to sort out the inexplicable events that were redefining her life.
For three nights prior to November 11th, another curious but not frightening experience had occurred, repeating itself for just those three nights. Vicki, the bright and highly independent family dog, had historically claimed the bottom of Jen and Mike's bed as her own. At night, when she was ready for sleep, she jumped onto the bottom of bed, where she remained throughout the night. In the morning, she was ready to be taken downstairs to start her busy day of barking at the squirrels and birds. This was Vicki's pattern, both prior to and after the three nights in question.
Jen remembered, "On November 9th, Mike and I had settled ourselves under the covers, and were chatting about the meeting I had attended that evening with Anna's homeroom teacher. Suddenly, in the middle of our conversation, Vicki nervously stood up, jumped off the bed, jumped back on again, and came over to lie between my legs. She strangely stared at me expectantly, looking like she was about to speak. Mike and I watched this behavioral departure from the norm, and as we were about to comment on it, Vicki got up again and moved off to the right side of the bed to lie beside Mike. We had no idea what to make of this."
"Now this certainly wasn't so dramatic an experience but the simple fact that Vicki performed the same behavioral change for only those three consecutive nights, including on the eleventh, really captured my attention. Vicki never did it before and she never did it again for the rest of her life."
This bit of canine behavior by itself is neither startling nor especially noteworthy; however, the symbolic meaning for this temporary change in Vicki's sleeping routine became clear on the morning of November 12th in a rather unforgettable manner.
With the intense October headache, the encounter with the "fiery mask," and the unusual change in Vicky's behavior, this period of time was unsettling for Jen. However, her emotional state at this time was strained for other reasons. Jen recalled, "I was on a roller coaster of emotions during that period, principally over concerns for the well being of Michael, my son, and Conrad, my nephew (the author). My son was stationed at a Colorado Air Force base, and Conrad had started his first semester of a two-year Master's Program at Bucknell University, in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. I am embarrassed to say that much of my concern on behalf of my son, was due to an irrational encounter with a Ouija Board. An especially stressful episode happened at my birthday party, on October 11th."
It was tradition for the closest members of the Italian clan to gather in celebration of one another's birthdays. Without the family and the laughter, a birthday was merely another cup of coffee and slice of cake. To celebrate Jennie's special day, her two closest sisters, Josephine (Jo) and Virginia (Virge), along with their husbands, John and Henry, drove to Havertown from their homes in South Philadelphia. Gus, Jo's older son, also joined the little circle, bringing his pregnant wife, Florence, and their little boy. Within minutes of the arrivals, the "Three Musketeers," as the inseparable sisters were nicknamed, were sipping black coffee and chattering away as usual. It seemed that whenever Jen, Jo, and Virge got together, it was one of two eventualities: non-stop talking and laughing, or non-stop cooking and baking.
On the afternoon of Jen's birthday, Anna, her daughter, had enjoyed spending a few hours with a neighborhood friend, experimenting with the girl's new purchase of a Ouija Board. Anna had had such an amusing time that she begged her friend to allow her to borrow it for the evening's gathering. Anna always appointed herself social director; the Ouija was her selection for a night of novelty.
For the benefit of readers who have never toyed with an Ouija Board, permit me to explain. The board itself is printed with the letters of the alphabet, the numerals from zero to nine, and two corner answer boxes, labeled "Yes" and "No." The planchette is a triangular pointer resting upon three short felt-tipped legs, and has a circular plastic window at its center. It is the device through which the two operators view the letter, number, or word to which the Ouija is pointing in answer to a question from either an operator or an audience member. The directions call for two people to sit opposite each other, knees touching, with the board resting upon their laps. They lightly rest their fingertips on each side of the planchette and await a question to be asked. Once the question is posed, the planchette "magically" circles and inevitably spells out the answer, letter by letter, supposedly from the mystical beyond, or from the conscious or subconscious motivation of the people in the room.
It is appropriate to point out at this juncture that many trained psychics warn novices to avoid the Ouija Board or to minimize the time invested at any one sitting. They claim that, conditions being ripe, restless spirits can take advantage of the receptivity of the operators and subsequently take control of the board and/or the people. When this event occurs, often frightening and base messages can be spelled out to an unsuspecting audience. On the other hand, some psychologists have explained the seemingly automatic movement of the planchette is caused by the creative energy of the subconscious minds of individuals in the room, who are strongly willing specific answers to emerge from the board.
No one at Jen's birthday party knew anything about the controversy surrounding this new "psychic toy." After some experimentation, Jen and Anna seemed to be the pair best equipped to get the Ouija to "speak." At first, the answers were playful. Henry (or Hank as he was called) -- Virge's husband, and the author's father -- asked the Ouija to guess his weight. This only non-Italian in the group was the family clown and the frequent butt of jokes. In reply to his question, the planchette rapidly whirled in circles, appearing to be sizing up the hefty questioner, and finally answered, "2978." Laughing, Mike insisted that the Ouija's estimate of Hank's weight was close enough to be considered an accurate answer. Anna laughed, realizing that she had wisely selected the evening's diversion.
Then Florence, who was pregnant with their second child, discovered a way to test the Ouija. Only she and Gus, her husband, knew the names they had selected for the expected baby, one for a boy and one for a girl. Florence smugly asked the Ouija, "Is the child going to be a boy or a girl?" The planchette again whirled into action and spelled, "GIRL." Then, brimming with confidence, Florence asked, "What is the name we picked for her?" The pointer circled more erratically and rapidly than after any previous question, then it appeared to stall. Florence was beginning to enjoy her victory, until the planchette suddenly spelled, "GINA." From the look on Florence's face it was clear that the Ouija was correct. In a moment of fury, Florence turned on her husband, assuming that he had told the group, counter to their private agreement, to keep the names a secret until after the baby's birth. With a flurry of denials and a hasty farewell, Gus took his outraged wife and little boy home. Three months later, Florence gave birth to a baby girl, whom they named Gina, as they had previously planned to do.
Though the party atmosphere was dampened by their early departure, Anna convinced the family to return to the board. This time, however, the Ouija Board did not wait to be questioned. In rapid succession, it spelled out a series of predictions, including a serious automobile accident that was to occur within the next two weekends, leaving Michael, Jen's son, permanently paralyzed.
The crowd grew quiet. The party was over! Though everyone agreed that the hastily abandoned game was a hoax, a lingering pall remained in the air. The family members silently ate their pieces of birthday cake and soon returned to their homes, leaving Jen to deal with a pile of dirty dishes and a fearful prediction.
After the post-party clean up, Jennie's anger overcame her fear. She reluctantly "forced" Anna back into the living room and re-approached the Ouija Board. Treating it as an unwelcome guest, they flung open the box and prepared to confront the Ouija, "... as crazy as that sounds", as Jen later observed. Before they could either question or curse it, the Ouija picked up where it had left off, describing bloody details, ending with, "... and you are helpless to prevent it!" A fitful night followed.
Thinking of little else the next morning, she decided to call her son at the Air Force base. After numerous attempts, she discovered that finding a single airman on a huge base was nearly impossible. However, as "coincidence" would have it, Michael called home that afternoon.
Jen remembered, "I didn't tell him about the Ouija Board because even I thought it sounded dumb. Instead, I told him that I had had a vivid warning dream, in which I saw him seriously injured in a car accident that was to occur sometime over the next two weekends. My son didn't react at first, sensing the deep emotion in my voice. Then he promised me that he would avoid the temptation to drive or ride in a car during that time period." Though Michael was as skeptical and scientific-minded as his father, he believed in his mother's warning dreams, having seen many of them come true over the years.
Excerpted from "Death" by the Potter's Wheel by Conrad M. Follmer. Copyright © 2016 Conrad M. Follmer. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
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