Dangerous Enthusiasms: E-government, Computer Failure and Information System Development
Information and the technology that supports its collection, communication and analysis is a core concern of modern government, making e-government (meaning electronically enabled government) fundamental to the ongoing "reinvention" of public administration. But the quest for e-government opens up a range of issues - whether to take a "big bang" or an incremental approach to computerization, how to deal with security and privacy concerns, how to reconfigure the machinery of government to fit ICT practices - and decisions - hardware and software procurement, software architecture, access by whom to what. The spending of public money is always intriguing and perhaps money spent on ICT has been the most intriguing of all, with some spectacular failures costing millions. This book is written for a general audience and takes a critical look at policies, problems and prospects for e-government in a series of case studies. Why have ICT failures in the public sector occurred and what lessons do they provide for the future?
Dangerous Enthusiasms: E-government, Computer Failure and Information System Development
Information and the technology that supports its collection, communication and analysis is a core concern of modern government, making e-government (meaning electronically enabled government) fundamental to the ongoing "reinvention" of public administration. But the quest for e-government opens up a range of issues - whether to take a "big bang" or an incremental approach to computerization, how to deal with security and privacy concerns, how to reconfigure the machinery of government to fit ICT practices - and decisions - hardware and software procurement, software architecture, access by whom to what. The spending of public money is always intriguing and perhaps money spent on ICT has been the most intriguing of all, with some spectacular failures costing millions. This book is written for a general audience and takes a critical look at policies, problems and prospects for e-government in a series of case studies. Why have ICT failures in the public sector occurred and what lessons do they provide for the future?
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Dangerous Enthusiasms: E-government, Computer Failure and Information System Development

Dangerous Enthusiasms: E-government, Computer Failure and Information System Development

Dangerous Enthusiasms: E-government, Computer Failure and Information System Development

Dangerous Enthusiasms: E-government, Computer Failure and Information System Development


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Information and the technology that supports its collection, communication and analysis is a core concern of modern government, making e-government (meaning electronically enabled government) fundamental to the ongoing "reinvention" of public administration. But the quest for e-government opens up a range of issues - whether to take a "big bang" or an incremental approach to computerization, how to deal with security and privacy concerns, how to reconfigure the machinery of government to fit ICT practices - and decisions - hardware and software procurement, software architecture, access by whom to what. The spending of public money is always intriguing and perhaps money spent on ICT has been the most intriguing of all, with some spectacular failures costing millions. This book is written for a general audience and takes a critical look at policies, problems and prospects for e-government in a series of case studies. Why have ICT failures in the public sector occurred and what lessons do they provide for the future?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781877372346
Publisher: Otago University Press
Publication date: 01/01/2006
Pages: 160
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.60(d)

About the Author

Robin Gauld is a senior lecturer in Health policy, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Otago. He is the author of Revolving Doors: New Zealand's Health Reforms, editor of Continuity and Chaos: Health Care Management and Delivery in New Zealand and co-author of The Hong Kong Health Sector: Development and Change. Shaun Goldfinch is Associate Professor of Public Administration at the School of Business and Management, American University of Sharja, and formerly a senior lecturer in Political Studies at the University of Otago. He is the author of Remaking New Zealand and Australian Economic Policy: Ideas, Institutions and Policy Communities.

Read an Excerpt

Dangerous Enthusiasms

E-Government, Computer Failure and Information System Development

By Robin Gauld, Shaun Goldfinch, Tony Dale

Otago University Press

Copyright © 2006 Robin Gauld & Shaun Goldfinch
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-877372-34-6


E-government and Information System Development

Governments have always been concerned with the collection, management, use and dissemination of information — together these are a key ingredient of decision- and policy-making; indeed, of the very act of governing. Information systems have evolved from vast paper archives, to communications by various postal systems, to incorporate telegraph, then telephone, telex, and fax. In the latter part of the twentieth century, computers began to play a central role in society and government. Initially, these were stand-alone mainframes dedicated to data storage. From the 1980s, personal computers began arriving on the desks of public servants, becoming increasingly ubiquitous at the same time as they grew in sophistication and power.

The last two decades have seen the emergence of the internet, the world-wide- web and networked computing, spawning vast new sources of information, new communities, new types of communication and social interaction, and even new languages. Governments across the world have eagerly embraced these new technologies. Many have issued ambitious 'electronic-government' (henceforth e-government) strategies bringing information and computer technology (ICT) to the centre of government. Underlying many e-government initiatives is the assumption that they will 'reinvent' the ways in which governments are structured, how they are managed and how they interact with the wider community.

'E-government' is a multifaceted concept, with different meanings appealing to different constituents. We suspect this explains much of its allure. For politicians, e-government may simply be a useful rhetorical device into which various reform strategies can be bundled. On the one hand, it fits well into the managerial mode, with claims of improved efficiency and government 're-engineering'. However, along with claims of enhanced service and public engagement, it also offers much for those seeking to calm a public dissatisfied with managerialism, or new public management (NPM). For those leading or employed in government agencies, ICT may be viewed as a managerial tool, to assist in making the administration of government work more efficient by acting as a cost-cutting device for reducing and streamlining levels of information exchange and service delivery. Indeed, e-government may simply be a new and more acceptable face behind which managerialism can allow its objectives to be further advanced. For the public and various interest groups, and some scholars, the new information technologies are regarded as sources of greater information about, and influence over, government; indeed, as a way of facilitating greater participatory and grass-roots-type democracy.

In this book, we sound a somewhat cautious note when it comes to e-govemment and information technology generally. Despite the often unabashed enthusiasm for information technology found across the public and private spheres, the hope for better service and improved, streamlined administration, and the fuel ICT provides for sometimes excited political rhetoric, ICT needs to be approached carefully. As we will point out (drawing on case studies in New Zealand as well as a growing body of international research), even when technically successful, ICT projects do not often deliver the financial and other benefits they promise. It is the remarkable ubiquity of the failure of ICT projects — particularly large ICT projects — and the large sums of money that can disappear as a result that should be of most concern: however, this is not often the case. In the face of a continued enthusiasm for ICT despite the pervasive failure that has persisted for decades, we argue for a pessimism in information system development.

Failure of large and complex information system developments (ISDs) is largely unavoidable. Even systems that work in a technical sense often do not deliver all that is expected of them. This is not a problem simply to be solved by a new management, reporting or software engineering technique or some other silver bullet, as much of the literature from the management and IT professions suggests. Rather, the central problem is the overblown and unrealistic expectations that many people have regarding information technology. In this chapter, a model of the four enthusiasms that encourages these overblown expectations is outlined. Once begun, highly complex projects are extremely difficult to monitor and control, and prevent from failing. When projects fail, it is difficult to find and hold to account those responsible. Consequently, investments in technology should be approached with great caution in the public sector, and complex and large developments in information technology, particularly if new technology is involved, should be avoided if at all possible. Investments, if they are to be made, should have modest aims and use proven technology. In many cases, it may be better to avoid an investment altogether and continue with existing systems, at least until the technology improves.

ICT Failure and Success in the Public Sector

There are ICT and e-government success stories. These tend to be smaller projects, often initiated from the bottom up. New Zealand medical general practitioner networks, formed through the 1990s and often with several hundred members across multiple practice sites, receive state subsidies for various services and must also collect and provide patient data to the government. Today, most practitioner networks have highly sophisticated information systems of world-class standard. Similarly, the Counties Manukau District Health Board's information system, development of which commenced in the mid-1990s, facilitates a sophisticated array of information-sharing mechanisms between hospitals, community-based general practitioners and pharmacies in the area (Brimacombe 2003). Again, this is a world-leading initiative.

But success is not the norm in computer developments. Indeed, the great majority of information system developments are unsuccessful. The larger the development, the more likely it will be unsuccessful. While exact numbers are uncertain, and depend to some extent on how success is measured, something like 20 to 30 per cent of developments are total failures, with projects abandoned. Around 30 to 60 per cent are partial failures, involving time and cost overruns and/or other problems. The minority are those counted as successes (Collins and Bicknell 1997; Corner and Hinton 2002; Georgiadou 2003; Heeks, Mundy, and Salazar 1999; Heeks 2002; Iacovou 1999; James 1997; Korac-Boisvert and Kouzmin 1995; Royal Academy of Engineering and British Computer Society 2004; Standish Group 2001; 2004).

In a US survey of IS projects by the Standish Group, it was found that success rates varied from 59 per cent in the retail sector, to 32 per cent in the financial sector, to 27 per cent in manufacturing, and 18 per cent in government. Overall, the success rate was 26 per cent. Forty-six per cent of projects had problems including being over budget and behind schedule, or being delivered with fewer functions and features than originally specified. Twenty-eight per cent failed altogether or were cancelled. Cost overruns averaged nearly 200 per cent. This success rate varied dramatically by total project budget: at less than US$750,000 the success rate was 55 per cent; with budgets over $10 million, no project was successful (SIMPL/NZIER 2000). More recent Standish Group (2004) estimates saw success rates at 29 per cent, problems with 53 per cent of projects, and an 18 per cent failure rate. The Royal Academy of Engineering and the British Computer Society (2004) found that 84 per cent of public sector ICT projects resulted in failure of some sort.

New Zealand has had its share of public sector ICT problems. Recent failures include a Health Waikato project, abandoned at the cost of NZ$17 million, and the failure of a large part of a NZ$26 million project by Capital Coast Health (see Chapters 3 and 4). Archives New Zealand's $7 million project to create an online index of its holdings faced continual delays. The Department of Child, Youth and Family Service's $12.7 million Cyras computer system was introduced in 2000, late and with limited functionality and significant and continuing problems. The 'department had to appoint 40 staff as fulltime "expert users" for four months, at unknown cost, to help their colleagues use the computer system' (Milne 2002). In 2003 the Parliamentary Counsel Office's $8.2 million PAL system was reviewed after the main contractor, UNISYS, 'requested financial assurances before completing the project' to cover 'extra work, over and above the project's original specifications' (Bell 2003). The Department of Courts' $32 million computerisation initiative ran at least $8 million over budget. The Ministry of Social Development's troubled SWIFTT project faced continued media and political interest. A New Zealand Government study in 2000 found 38 per cent of government projects were judged a success, 59 per cent involved problems, and 3 per cent were judged a complete failure or were cancelled. Government success rates were slightly higher than private sector success rates, at 31 per cent. At over the NZ$ 10 million mark, however, the success rate for both was zero (SIMPL/NZIER 2000).

The sums involved can be staggering. A study of ISDs in the British public sector estimated that 20 per cent of expenditure was wasted, while a further 30 to 40 per cent led to no perceivable benefits (Wilcocks 1994). In 1994, the US General Accounting Office reported that the spending of over $200 billion in the previous twelve years had led to few meaningful returns. Collins and Bicknell (1997) estimated public sector failures in the UK cost £5 billion. For example, the UK's public health service Resource Management Initiative led to new information systems being introduced into almost every hospital. Despite the expenditure of hundreds of millions of pounds, few were successful 'by any criteria' (Heeks and Bhatnagar 1999: 59). The Wessex Health Authority's Regional Information Systems Plan was cancelled after something between £43 million and £60 million (the actual figure was uncertain) had already been spent, with almost nothing achieved (Collins and Bicknell 1997). A benefit payment scheme, involving the British Post Office, the Department of Social Security and the computer company ICL, was abandoned after three years at the cost of U300 million (Economist 2002). An already obsolete air-traffic support system opened in Swanson, UK, in 2002, six years late and £180 million over budget (Economist 2002).

Vast sums of money, mostly provided by aid agencies, have been spent on health and other information systems in South Africa, on donor-funded IS projects in China, and on World Bank funded projects in Africa — nearly all of which have been total or partial failures (Heeks 2002). The Canadian Firearms Program blew out from initial estimates of Can$113 million to over $1 billion, an overrun of almost 900 per cent (Auditor General of Canada 2002). Spectacularly, the US Internal Revenue Service, with an annual computer budget of $8 billion, managed 'a string of project failures that have cost taxpayers $50 billion a year [mainly defined as revenue forgone] — roughly as much as the yearly net profit of the entire computer industry' (James 1997: 1). It is estimated that across both the public and private sectors, around $US150 billion is wasted per annum on ICT failures in the United States and $US140 billion in the European Union (Dalcher and Genus 2003). Despite the catalogue of continuing failures, and despite decades of attempts to deal with the problem, there is little evidence that ISD failures are decreasing in the public sector.

Governments continue to commission ambitious large-scale projects. The world's largest-ever public-sector project commenced in 2002 at an estimated cost of US$ 11 billion. It aims to create an information system for the United Kingdom's National Health Service. If successful, the system will allow, amongst others things, electronic transmission of prescriptions, online booking of hospital services from remote locations, and portable electronic patient records. Initial troubles led to suggestions it may never deliver on planned aims. It may be that, with a decade-long timetable to completion, it is 'too early' to tell whether failure will occur (Economist 2004). However, given the research drawn upon in this book, the probability of failure is very large indeed.

What is ICT Failure?

Failure is a social construct and perceptions of what is and is not failure can vary between persons, and over time (Bovens and 't Hart 1996). Opinions differ as to what extent failure is a normal part of public policy — or whether it is an unusual, if sometimes spectacular, event seized on by the media for the sake of eye-catching headlines (Bovens, 't Hart and Peters 2001). What distinguishes IS failure from other failures in the public sector, however, is its overwhelming ubiquity. Indeed, while some writers might claim failure in IS development is overstated, the bulk of the research suggests failure might even be the norm. As Mahaney and Lederer (1999: 291) note, 'because this problem has endured for three decades, many IS professionals have accepted failure as inevitable'.

Bascarini (1999) notes 'a standardized definition of project success does not exist, nor [is there] an accepted methodology for measuring it'. Indeed, what is counted as failure 'depends on who you ask' and perceptions of success and failure may change over time (Larsen and Myers 1999). The Standish Group sees success in narrow terms, namely if a project is delivered on time and on budget, with functions and features delivered as originally specified. KPMG has defined 'runaway projects' to be those that overrun their projected budget or completion date by more than 30 per cent, while others have proposed an overrun on budget or timeframe of 100 per cent as a measure of failure (Cole 1995; Glass 1998). However, failure does not necessarily imply only technical failure — that is, even if a system performs as its designers intend, it may not be used as intended, or used at all, and so still be considered a failure (Laudon and Laudon 1998; Dutton et al. 1995). Even projects that meet design specifications may not increase worker productivity or deliver other expected gains — productivity may even decrease. Indeed, there has been considerable debate regarding productivity and other benefits of IS in the last three decades, in both the public and private sectors and in the economy generally (Coltman et al. 2001; Norris and Moon 2005; Northrop et al. 1990; Hewson and Hewson 1998). Benefits may not offset the costs of development; indeed, a long project can cause years of serious and costly disruption to operations that may never be recovered (Norris and Moon 2005; Teega Associates Ltd 2003). Alternatively — despite technical flaws such as project overruns, over-spending, design questions and so on — some systems may be deemed a success (Wilson and Howcroft 2002). Similarly, a project may be considered a failure, but later be re-evaluated as a success for reasons quite outside the technical success of the project (Huang et al. 2003).

Drawing on Wilson and Howcroft (2002: 237), a number of types of failure can be summarised:

(1) Project failure. The project does not meet the agreed standards, including the functions provided, budget, or completion deadlines

(2) System failure. The system does not work properly, including not performing as expected, not being operational at the specified time or not being used in the way intended. Even when used as intended, the project may not generate productivity gains or deliver the benefits expected.

(3) User failure. The system is not used because of user resistance, due to such things as recalcitrance, lack of staff training and ability, and the complexity of the new system.

Why do Information System Projects Fail?

The considerable literature on the causes of IS failure, and the solution to this ongoing problem, largely reflects the latest management fad. None of these fads has been particularly successful in preventing failures, and most have soon been abandoned for new solutions. Of the more promising, Heeks has proposed a checklist of 'Critical Failure Factors' (Heeks 1999; Heeks and Bhatnagar 1999). These include data inadequacies; technical problems; management, process and technical skill shortages; cultural clashes and political infighting; and external environmental factors (Table 1.1). While useful, a factor approach is critiqued by a number of writers. First, 'the factor approach tends to view implementation as a static process instead of a dynamic phenomenon, and ignores the potential for a factor to have varying levels of importance at different stages of the implementation process' (Larsen and Myers 1999). Second, the relationship between the factors is often unexplained (Ginzberg 1981; Lucas 1981). Indeed, the approach can assume that each factor is an independent variable and thus underplays the interaction between them (Nandhakumar 1996; Bussen and Myers 1997). Third, a number of studies have shown a lack of consistency in the importance of factors, and few factors have been important in all cases (Kwon and Zmud 1987). Fourth, the factor approach is claimed, perhaps unfairly, to be overly mechanist while underplaying the importance of such things as organisational culture in development and the importance of the political, social and environmental context within and outside the organisation (Nandhakumar 1996; Bussen and Myers 1997). This last criticism would be difficult to sustain in relation to Heek's critical factor approach, which explicitly takes account of such environmental, cultural, and political factors. Finally, the critical failure factor, while possibly useful in explaining in retrospect why failure may have occurred, provides little guidance on how to avoid it. Indeed, if anything, the approach highlights the remarkable complexity of ISDs, the myriad problems that can occur, and the difficulty that exists in addressing them. And it does not adequately address why large projects continue to be initiated, a question we discuss below.


Excerpted from Dangerous Enthusiasms by Robin Gauld, Shaun Goldfinch, Tony Dale. Copyright © 2006 Robin Gauld & Shaun Goldfinch. Excerpted by permission of Otago University Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Front Cover,
Title Page,
Abbreviations used in text,
1 E-government and information system development,
2 What is 'e-government'?,
3 ICT in New Zealand's health sector: A story of lost opportunity,
4 A major health care information system project failure,
5 The INCIS fiasco in the New Zealand police force,
6 Landonline: Qualified success or partial failure?,
7 Lessons from computer development in the New Zealand public sector,

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