

by Jessica Rhudolph


by Jessica Rhudolph


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In this book you will be introduced to some new Damanians from Easur, as well as get to know a few of the ones you have already met a bit better. As the title suggests someone losses their memories and regains it.. Who.. How? Well, you need to read to see.. Please enjoy.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781490771281
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Publication date: 03/21/2016
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 232
File size: 557 KB

About the Author

I have always loved books, and reading for me was almost like going to a movie because I could see the characters like actors on a stage or screen, and be taken to that world, time period, or place. Now I hope to be able to do the same for other readers out there. I’d like very much to help imaginations soar to a new realm. I am a mother of 3, I have often written short stories in note books and journals growing up. I also enjoyed drawing and singing but writing is my favorite past time.

Read an Excerpt

Damarians Book II

Memories Lost, Regained

By Jessica Rhudolph

Trafford Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Jessica Rhudolph
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4907-7127-4


Wynwillow watched Adewen moving about the tavern she had to be getting close to her time and Wyn was staying near at hand for when it was she hadnt taken any cargo to Easur sending her crew on ahead instead with out her to make the runs.

She knew Honnora and Rhannon among others were probalby wondering where she was and why she hadnt made the trips as ushual, but Wyn didnt like the thought of Ade being on her own when the babies came.

Wynwillow knew Adewen was setting up a place for them to live on earth a keep with plenty of space and room for little ones to play and run including a garden and more.

Wyn even liked it, Why Ade didnt just use the keep she grew up in on earth with her mother Wyn didnt know but it wasnt for her to decide she herself prefered WhiteOak on Easur if any one specific place.

Nothing like the smell of the sea air.. and Wyn was slowly getting accustomed to leading more than her crew getting to know the other DruidOaksn as well as other clans on Easur.

Not many had made it threw it all but enough that they were able to begin rebuilding. It had been 12 years sence Idrialla's death. It was a pitty that Arion a lone Lycon Adewen had fallen for.

Had gone his own way after finding out Ade was with child. Arion was the last of his pack, and tho he had loved Adewen he could not remain settled in one place hunted by other packs.

due to the differances his own had had. Saying only he hoped in his leaving that the child Ade carried would be thought another half breed regular Lycon Damarian cross, as to apart of his get.

Arion's pack was hunted by the other lycons because they carried special extra gifts in there blood lines. They had been one of few packs feared by there abilitys to see and speak with the dead.

As well as manipulate there auras to better blend in among humans, or use the aura manipulation as a means of armamincy to attack with. However there was also the greater chance that a lycon with these skills would run mad before learning to control them.

Wyn had done her best to help Adewen when ever she could tho to watch her one wouldnt guess she felt his loss as she looked forward to the younglings arrival dispite there not having a father..

Adewen moved slowly about the tavern stepping behind the bar she removed her wepons placing them out of sight but with in easy reach should she need them she was glad Wyn was staying close.

She knew she was worried. Hell ... Adewen was worried never having had children before now, but Wynwillow's presents lately was of great comfort. She still ran the tavern and cooked but she couldn't have done it all with out Lilly and Anna.

They were two serving elves who had helped her run the tavern before her mothers death and had stayed on these many years after, and were understanding of her temper lately. Which hadn't been the best her back ached all the time and her tempter was shorter than Wyns on occasion which said alot.

* * *

Rhannon BelleRock was 5ft 4 in 110lbs soaking wet a full blooded damarian with demon bat like wings horns and tail was a mixture of color her furry fox like body a darker blue black and white than what that of others her wings white and grey.

With large green eyes her hair a light blue leaning more twords teal in color fell about her sholders. She dressed in brown leggings.

a white top belted around her middle just under her breasts with a wide peace of leather that held her top in place she prefered going bare foot so she could move sliently.

Rhannon weilded fire as her element, and was a crafter/ blacksmith for her clan as well as its head of house, and council member for the BelleRock family branch. Her wepons of choice two swords of iorn inlayed with silver.

Carried in sheaths at each hip she along with others had been freed when Idrialla Adewen, Wynwillow, and so many others had returned to Easur, and taking them a few at a time to the earthly realm to retrain in there skills so that they could fight.

Rhannon had hated idri, and the others at first both greatful to be freed, and resentful that idri and the others had not come back for them sooner.

Watching idri and getting to know her as well as the others Rhannon soon grew to admire idrialla, her courage and sacrifice coupled with her intellegence and calm way of listining to everything and everyone before setting her plans into actions, was what eventually won Rhannon over, her death had been a tragic loss.

Rhannons only regret now was not knowing her longer. Her attention now was on her family branch as she begain rebuilding the BelleRock keep, and Village. Making room for the few of the BelleRocks that remained, but as Ade Idri Aune and others had survived to escaped she hoped now that Easur was free others would begin to return home as well.

Rhannon like the rest of her people hated slavery and chains as did many Damarians having woken up from the innital invasion in them. The chains had been enchanted so that they had no use of there abilits.

They couldnt heal one another they couldnt use there element and they couldnt shift shape.. They were held in there true forms that part being the only comforting thing about there captivity but they had been helpless as a human in bondage Rhannon vowed never again she like many others would rather die..

The sound of a hammer strinking steel on an anvel could be heard threw out the keep as Rhannon worked long hours into the night with the help of Aden, along with many others.

Rhannon raised the yonger Bellerocks. Terrock Jaden Sheara Tela Braden Kara and Meela.. Rhannon didnt just make repaires to Bellerock tho it was her first priority she made repairs to all the keeps.

Honnora of the Whiteoaks, and many of her people helped to teach the young what they remembered of reading and writting along with growing crops in the small open valley beneath the cliff there keep sat upon.

Helping Rhannon as much as she could by gathering materials together and had already with the suplies. Wynwillow sent such as seeds from earth for crops and other such things begun providing the extra variaty in the foods produced as well as quantaity to distribute it to each of the keeps.

The DruidOaks doing similar things such as providing fish and other foods from the sea. The Dragonbanes aiding Adewen in training the young.. along with hunting the vast forrested areas of Easur.

As did the Firelights who worked tanning and the weaving of cloth and wool. Each Branch and Keep pulled together working to help one another thrive once more.

The Bellerocks mined the caverns for crystals and other ores that could be used for crafting as well as forge work and were suplied wood as well as tember from the DragonBanes.

While the WhiteOaks taught reading writting, poetry and song, as well as grew vegatables and grains.

Rhannon mostly stuck to her skill set smithing and carpentry. When the younglings she cared for were old enough she would begin extra training sessions with them in arms and in there elements. she hoped they would never have to use them but they had lerned better to be safe and prepaired than sorry.

Never again would they be caught un aware's Rhannon also begain coming up with ways they could in hance the smaller crystals and use a freqincy or tone to send an s.o.s singnal to one another should there ever be a need.

Adewen accepted the responcability of training of her adopted brother Ori and sisters Eva and Rina tho none had really heard much about them as they kept mostly to themselves, following there own persutes and lives till the end of there days. That however is another tale, however they were welcome to Easur.

Ori she knew was stuck on Easur something had happened to him so that he could not return to earth tho Rhannon didnt know what that was or know him well she had seen him wondering off and on simply exploring never really settling in one place or another, he had a home at DragonBorn keep when ever he chose to make use of it.

* * *

Honnora WhiteOak was 5ft 2in 105 lbs soaking wet antoher full blooded Damarian her furry fox like body actually resembled the coloring of a true fox with its orangy white and black even her eyes looked like orange crystal when her hair didnt hide them from view her hair was long falling to the middle of her back just past her sholders blondie almost white in color tapering to a darker orange at the tips.

like Rhannon she prefered to go barefoot but was the more silent of the two speaking only when necessary she had been threw hell as had others but Honora held the scars of whip marks upon her back not from one whiping but from sevral.

As well as scars upon her wrists and ankles from her many attempts to escape over and over again she kept to her self for the most part tho she she was leader of what was left of the White Oak clan or family branch.

Honnora was dressed in green and brown journaymen's clothing she weilded two daggers and a bow. She had regained many of her abilitys such as healing and shapeshifting.

However her element had not returned to her many speculated that it was because she had fought so much against the enchanted shackles, and demons when in captivity that they had some how stolen her element from her.

So she endevored to aid in other ways and to learn to fight with other wepons. Her horns were black and shot threw with orange streeks, her wings a lighter orange leaning more twords tan in coloring.

Honnora before the invasion had loved to sing and help others. She still helped but she no longer sang at least not where anyone could hear her. her people had been poets healers and song writers as well as warriors..

one day she hoped would be so again for now they provided what aid they could helping her friend Rhannon and the other keeps. She had spoken with wyn as well as the other council members about setting up a sort of market day each month where they could trade.

As well as perhaps set up a festival of sorts in future along with having some dances to begin celebrating life and the future rather than continuing to morn the past it would always be with them with her, and never forgotten but it was time to move forward.

Honnora arrived at BelleRock she knew where to find Rhannon as the sound of her working eccoed threw out the keep. She watched her friend from the door for a bit. Gaining Rhannons attention while she worked was tricky buisness Aden had let her in.

"Rhannon! Rhannon!" Honnora called trying to get above the noise in the end she had to wait for Rhannon to catch Honnora's scent and look in her direction.

Rhannon did indeed catch Honnora's scent and stopped what she was doing for the time being frowning at her work thinking shed need to start the peace over anyway.

"Greetings Honnora of the WhiteOaks welcome to what do i owe your visit this eve?" Rhannon asked whipping her hands on her aprion and bowing politely to Honnora as one head of house to another.

Honnora bowed in return. "Thank you Rhannon of the BelleRocks its an honor to be welcome in your home.. however you owe this visit to my concern for Wynwillow of the DruidOaks she has not returned with these last 3 months tho her crew still brings shipments."

"indeed it is something that should be investagated are you suggesting myself or you go to see what is happining..?" Rhannon asked only a slight peek of interest in her eyes about something other than her work entering it. She remembered stories that Wyn had told them of this Earth. Honnora looked at her simply stating "i am.."

"When do you perpose to leave we must make arrangements for our house holds before going as heads of house we cannot simply up and go.."

Honnora simply gave her a look and Rhannon grinned her green eyes meeting Honnora's orangey ones holding up her hands in a sign of peace "alright so its not that difficult. Aden can take charge here until we return and knowing you. you've already asked Riaden to take charge"

At Honnoras nod of agreement Rhannon shook her head and glanced back at the peace of metal she'd been working with thinking about how to work it as she absently stated. "well leave in the morning im not waking Aden now especally as the younglings are already asleep."

Honnora had walked furhter into Rhannon's work room standing at the end of one of her work tables hands on hips as she looked at her getting ready to argue the point.

She knew if Rhannon got back to work all else was forgotten. She and Rhannon turned twords the door way at the same time both catching Aden's scent as he joined them bowing respectfully to the heads of house present.

"Actually Lady Rhannon if I may I apologiese for listining in, but i am awake and tho ive no real liking for Lady Wynwillow for personal reasons. It is of some concern that she has not yet returned with her crew."

"it should be looked into. Her efforts as well as Adewen's in providing supplies from Earth are imortant to all of us. i can mannage here if the two of you wish to leave right away. If i may also suggest it is possable she is assisting lady Adewen with the birthing of her younglings, and Adewen would have sent word were something amiss still lady Honnora is correct in that we should check to be sure."

Rhannon's arms crossed over her chest while she didnt aprove of the eves dropping she did know he ment well after all it was mostly Aden and herself with the aid of a few other remiaining adults.

Looking out for the little ones here at BelleRock and Aden was older than she was by rights should be leader however he had not wished to do so and had allowed her to take his place.

"Thank you Aden we shall indeed go at once "looking over at Honnora she said "allow me to wash up a bit and ill join you" Honnora nodded in agreement and bowed in thanks not speaking but indicating with her actions she would wait.

"If you will follow me lady Honnora i will show you where you may wait" Aden said rising from his own bow to face her. Honnora nodded in agreement gave Rhannon a hug and then followd Aden.

Rhannon watched them go shaking her head and smiling she had returned Honnora's hug this would be interesting nether of them had been to earth before. Rhannon reluctently left her work room and made her way up to her own chamber to wash.

* * *

Wynwillow back at Adewens Tavern on Earth looked up as Vaul enetered. "Talkin er drinkin this eve lad?"

Vaul looked over at her a rather bland expression on his features rather than his ushual prideful air and assurity tho it was still there there was something else as well troubling him as he spoke "i think just conversing and relaxing would be best for tonight im not in the right frame of mind for much"

Wynwillow nodded to him as she spoke "no a problem me frien would ye like ta try a new drink i came up wi ? tis called Crystal Fire brewed on Easur."

"my apollogies for such Lady Wyn im a tad stressed." The fiend grins and strokes his stubbed chin as he thought over her words seemingly shaking himself from what ever thoughts had been pleauging him. "Twould be a utter delight my dear friend to try that which you offer"

"i distribute it ta Ade's tavern here on earth an a few other realms such as tha Nova Paw systems " she smiles walking behind the bar to open a hidden compartment pulling out a bottle made of blue crystal, and

getting two glass's from the bar counter. Walking back around glass's in one hand held between fingers bottle in other hand " pick a spot me friend, an les ha a go."

The young in appearance fiend smirks choosing the center stool of the bar resting his elbows upon the wood, resting his chin upon his hands smiling as he watches the preperation and making of the drink. "im curious is the flavor comparable to human experience or is it a treat that transends mortal experience?"

"Transends Ade asures me tis knocked morn a few dwarves on there arses an en mad a dragon er two a bit tipsy after one er two shots" she chuckles happily pooring the drink the liquid is a pale light blue nearly the color of wyns fur.

Her pink colored eyes dance with the light and humor of her statement. The bottle itself a darker color of blue than wyn's wings like cut saphire. The scent of the drink was that of one of the flowers of Easur.

A honey created of the pollen from one of the many plants of Easur added to the liqure. Along with Ceyanne pepper spice blending into the mixture.

After pooring the drinks she put the stopper back in the bottle and set it on the counter between them picking up her glass as if to toast.

"Bottom's up Vaul, i am quite proud o this drink ifn i do say so meself" and she was it was like a combination of the humans rum, and whisky made from corn grown on Easur and some other added ingredeants it was smooth going down, but then the fire hit making one flush and the world would feel as if it were spinning round..

"ta long lastin friendships may they ner fail no matter the bumps alon lifes road.." with that she downed her drink sitting the glass on the counter before the effects kicked in for it wouldnt take long.


Excerpted from Damarians Book II by Jessica Rhudolph. Copyright © 2016 Jessica Rhudolph. Excerpted by permission of Trafford Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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