Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity: 12 Sessions to Help Students Understand Their Place in God's Story
The Trinity can be one of the most difficult ideas in the Bible to understand. How can our God be made up of three different people? Andrew Hedges answers this question in Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity, an in-depth guide perfect for small groups and student discussions. Divided into three sections, one for each aspect of the Trinity, this book presents students with a clear understanding of the role each part plays. Biblical evidence is supplemented with discussion questions so your small group can talk about how they see the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work in their own lives. Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity also includes a guide to identifying and working with different learning styles, so you can connect effectively with each of the students in your small group. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to effectively teach your students to incorporate what they learn about the Trinity into their day-to-day lives.

Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity: 12 Sessions to Help Students Understand Their Place in God's Story
The Trinity can be one of the most difficult ideas in the Bible to understand. How can our God be made up of three different people? Andrew Hedges answers this question in Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity, an in-depth guide perfect for small groups and student discussions. Divided into three sections, one for each aspect of the Trinity, this book presents students with a clear understanding of the role each part plays. Biblical evidence is supplemented with discussion questions so your small group can talk about how they see the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work in their own lives. Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity also includes a guide to identifying and working with different learning styles, so you can connect effectively with each of the students in your small group. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to effectively teach your students to incorporate what they learn about the Trinity into their day-to-day lives.

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Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity: 12 Sessions to Help Students Understand Their Place in God's Story

Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity: 12 Sessions to Help Students Understand Their Place in God's Story

by Andrew A. Hedges
Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity: 12 Sessions to Help Students Understand Their Place in God's Story

Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity: 12 Sessions to Help Students Understand Their Place in God's Story

by Andrew A. Hedges


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The Trinity can be one of the most difficult ideas in the Bible to understand. How can our God be made up of three different people? Andrew Hedges answers this question in Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity, an in-depth guide perfect for small groups and student discussions. Divided into three sections, one for each aspect of the Trinity, this book presents students with a clear understanding of the role each part plays. Biblical evidence is supplemented with discussion questions so your small group can talk about how they see the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work in their own lives. Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity also includes a guide to identifying and working with different learning styles, so you can connect effectively with each of the students in your small group. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to effectively teach your students to incorporate what they learn about the Trinity into their day-to-day lives.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780310671190
Publisher: Zondervan
Publication date: 03/17/2012
Series: Creative Bible Lessons
Pages: 160
Product dimensions: 7.30(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.50(d)
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Andrew Hedges has been engaging students for more than a decade. He holds a B.A. in Christian Education from Cedarville University and a M.Div. from Columbia International University and has focused his efforts on family and intergenerational ministry. When he's not serving families near Dayton, Ohio, Andrew spends time loving on his little girls or sitting down with a cup of coffee and sharing life with his sweetheart.

Read an Excerpt

Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity

12 sessions to help students understand their place in God's story : perfect for Sunday School, youth meetings, small groups, and more!
By Andrew Hedges


Copyright © 2012 Andrew Hedges
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-310-67119-0

Chapter One



This lesson provides a definition of the Trinity. Teens will look at Bible passages relating to the equality and distinction of the persons of the Godhead, understand what each means regarding relationship within the Trinity, and reflect on this sense of community as it relates to teens' personal lives.


Community lies at the heart of the Trinity. The Father, Son, and Spirit share the highest and most perfect expression of what it means to live in unity and harmony. God commands that his church exhibit these characteristics (Romans 15:5-6). As believers do this, they faithfully portray the heart of God himself.

If we seek to create a community based only on human ideas, it will inevitably end up in a mess. Still, our hearts and minds constantly try to create community that revolves around ourselves. Teens sense this tension in their everyday community settings, including family, school, teams, clubs, church, and others. It's essential that we try to model our lives after the one perfect expression of community—the heart of our triune God.

BREAKING THE ICE (7-8 minutes)


Ask two members of your group to sing out loud on your signal. Tell each of them to sing a different song, but don't let the other know. Then cue the music, and let 'em go! The time limit is as much as you can bear.

Next have two other teens (or the same ones) sing a song together—one singing melody and the other harmony. When you've heard the difference, take some time to discuss.


1. What's the difference between the two singing sessions?

2. If God is three-in-one, then what kind of God would he be if the three persons sang a different song?

3. How does singing in harmony add to the beauty or understanding of the music? How do you think this relates to God?



The Power of Unity video (available at www. and a way to show it

Before you play the short video The Power of Unity from Worship House Media, say something like—

This clip focuses on unity among Christians, but it gives us a glimpse of what a true community looks like. Take a look, and think about how this look at unity is like or unlike the Trinity.

After you play the clip, take some time to discuss a few questions.


1. How do you think this blend relates to believers in the church?

2. What does this kind of diversity and unity say about God?

3. In what ways do you think the relationship of the Father, Son, and Spirit are similar to the way unity was presented in this video?



In Deuteronomy 6:4 the Bible says, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one." This statement "the Lord is one" means two things. First, God is the one-and-only God. Second, God is one in himself. But how can God be one if we also believe the Son and Spirit are God? Let's take a look at a few passages that might help us better see what the Bible teaches about the Trinity.



• Copies of the Same, Not the Same worksheet

• Pens or pencils

• Bibles

• Copies of the Walk It Out worksheet


Have the teens arrange into small groups; you can determine the numbers to fit your needs. Hand each one a copy of the Same, Not the Same worksheet found at the end of this session. Give each group time to answer the questions. You may want to assign one or two questions to each group, so they can be more thorough in the answers. When most groups have finished, have each one share the answers with the rest of the class.


So God being three in one makes us ask, "How can this be?" We can see God listed as Father, Son, and Spirit (three persons), and there are Bible passages that show each one is fully God himself. Is there an easy way for us to explain this? Let's take some time to share some perspectives on this. What do you think?



• Copies of the Walk It Out worksheet


Use the Walk It Out leader's worksheet at the end of this session to read through the descriptions of the Trinity. Then assign each corner of the room a different description, and read through it once more. Have the teens stand and move to the corner of the room that represents the perspective they believe makes the most sense in explaining the Trinity. When they've made their choices, either have them stay or bring everyone back together to give the titles of each description and the problems with each perspective.


Now that we have a clear definition of the Trinity, let's consider the awesome relationship that exists among the three persons and what that tells us about our lives in community with God and each another.



• Potato sacks, bags, or ties

• Balloons

• Prizes for winners


Ask the teens to pair up for a three-legged race. Pass out potato sacks or ties to connect them. After their legs are together, each person should also put an arm around the other's shoulder. At this point they will collectively have only two arms (each person's outside arm) available. Give each pair an inflated balloon. The goal of each pair is to make it across the room to a chair where one person will hold the balloon steady while the other member of the pair sits and breaks the balloon. The first pair to make it back to the starting line wins!


1. What are the different ways each of you worked in your pairs? What was the same?

2. How does this relate to the unity (oneness) and harmony (togetherness) of God?

3. How can we express this unity and harmony in our group or church as we try to give others a picture of our great God?


Finish with something along these lines—

Each session of this study will continue to show how the persons of the Trinity work together in unity and harmony to reveal God to us, gift us with eternal salvation, and equip us to be followers of Jesus. Let's pray for ourselves and each other as we grow and experience God together.

Pray this or something similar—

Great God, we know you're awesome and beyond what we can imagine. But you still want to have a relationship with us and have chosen to make yourself known to us. Thank you for who you are and what you do in our lives. Help us to reflect you in our personal lives and as a community. Father, we ask this through your Son and in the power of the Spirit—one God, forever and ever. Amen.



1. Read Deuteronomy 4:32-39. Why does God say that the miracles, wonders, and words of God were given to the people?

2. What does the Bible teach that God says about proclaiming someone or something else to be a god (see Isaiah 42:8; 48:11)? What does the apostle Paul say about idols and God (see 1 Corinthians 8:4-6)?

3. How does Jesus refer to himself in John 5:25, 10:36, and 11:4? What difference does it make that Jesus was accused of blasphemy (a crime of assuming the rights or qualities of God)?

4. Read Acts 5:1-11. Why did Peter treat Ananias and Sapphira so seriously? How is the Holy Spirit regarded in terms of God?

5. How do you think a God who is three distinct persons—Father, Son, Spirit—shows unity and harmony?



1. Read Deuteronomy 4:32-39. Why does God say that the miracles, wonders, and words of God were given to the people?

The focus of verses 35 and 39 is that there is only one God and no other beside him.

2. What does the Bible teach that God says about proclaiming someone or something else to be a god (see Isaiah 42:8; 48:11)? What does the apostle Paul say about idols and God (see 1 Corinthians 8:4-6)?

God does not give up any of his glory, praise, or divine name to any idol or anyone who might claim to be a god. He defends and protects his name. Paul says that no matter how many so-called gods there are, there is only one God who gives us life and whom we worship. Paul also includes Jesus in his discussion, saying that he is our source of life.

3. How does Jesus refer to himself in John 5:25, 10:36, and 11:4? What difference does it make that Jesus was accused of blasphemy (a crime of assuming the rights or qualities of God)?

Jesus consistently calls himself the Son of God. He further claims the power to give life (John 5:25) and says that God would glorify the Son (John 11:4). This would have been absolutely offensive to the Jewish leaders who held to a strict monotheistic view that God was the only God.

4. Read Acts 5:1-11. Why did Peter treat Ananias and Sapphira so seriously? How is the Holy Spirit regarded in terms of God?

This couple wasn't simply lying to Peter. They were lying before God about what they were giving. A lie to the Holy Spirit (v. 3) is a lie against God (v. 4).

5. How do you think a God who is three distinct persons—Father, Son, Spirit—shows unity and harmony?

This question is meant to prompt some ideas that should be discussed as this lesson and series progress. Some sample responses might include the following: "They think the same way," "They work together to accomplish a task," or, "They can't possibly work together if they are three different people."



Read each of these different ways of understanding the Trinity, but don't name the titles until your teens have chosen their perspective and its corresponding corner of the room. You can use the italicized information that follows each explanation to help with the follow-up discussion.


God is not really three distinct persons, but only one person who appears to people in different modes at different times. In other words, God appears as the Father at some times, as the Son at others, and as the Spirit at others.

This view follows John 10:30 where Jesus says, "I and the Father are one." However, it denies the Bible's examples of God as three persons, such as the baptism of Jesus in Luke 3:21-22. If God simply changes mode or form each time, then the baptism of Jesus couldn't have happened the way the Bible says.


God the Son was at one point created by God the Father. Before that time the Son and Holy Spirit didn't exist—only the Father. Therefore, the Father is the only God, and Jesus is a supreme being who is like God but not God himself. If this is true of Jesus, then it's also true of the Holy Spirit.

This view follows John 3:16 when Jesus calls himself "only begotten Son" (KJV). But begotten doesn't need to mean that Jesus was created. The Arian view also doesn't take into account the Bible passages provided in the Same, Not the Same worksheet stating that each person—Father, Son, and Spirit—is God. So it denies that each person is fully God. If Jesus wasn't God, then he wasn't perfect. If he wasn't perfect, then his death wouldn't have been enough for our salvation (more on this at a later session).


God is three persons, and each person is fully God. So there are three Gods.

This viewpoint denies the clearly stated teaching that there is only one God. It follows more of an ancient, pagan approach to the Trinity. There aren't really any current groups that hold to this position, but many Christians tend to lean this way in the way they speak about the Trinity or pray. For example, some believers pray to the Spirit for power but wouldn't think to direct a request like that to the Father or the Son. Yet all three persons are involved together in the giving of power to believers.


God eternally exists as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person is fully God, and there is one God. The three persons of God are distinct in their personal expressions but undivided in their divine nature.

In other words, there is only one God, and the one God is three. Each one has a specific way of expressing divinity, but each is equally and at the same time the one true God. This is the definition used in the writing and teaching of this study. It will continue to be expressed in the following lessons with the idea of bringing more clarity each time we approach it.


Excerpted from Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity by Andrew Hedges Copyright © 2012 by Andrew Hedges. Excerpted by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


PREFACE THE TRINITY AND TEENS....................7
SESSION 1 THE TRIUNITY OF GOD....................17
SESSION 2 WITH A WORD....................27
SESSION 3 MISSIO DEI....................39
SESSION 4 MORNING SICKNESS....................51
SESSION 5 SKIN....................61
SESSION 6 A BEAUTIFUL DEATH....................73
SESSION 7 EMPTY....................85
SESSION 8 FAMILY MATTERS....................97
SESSION 9 MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE....................109
SESSION 10 THE SWEET LIFE....................119
SESSION 11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!....................131
SESSION 12 GO WITH GOD....................143
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