Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians and Philippians: 12 Sessions on Grace, Growth, Freedom, and Faith
Grace, growth, freedom, and faith are the themes of these 12 dynamic lessons based on the letters from Paul to the Christians in Galatia and Philippi. As the next volume in the popular Creative Bible Lessons series, Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians & Philippians comes power-packed with the teachings of Paul. Six lessons from each book will guide you and your students through many of the Gospel’s central truths, including: Liberation from the religious "rules and regulations" corral Reconnecting with true freedom in Christ The purpose of the law and moral boundaries Humility and friendship Setting an example for others Joy in spite of circumstances To help you teach each lesson are clips from easy-to-get videos . . . games for mixing and games with a purpose . . . in-depth, ready-to-use questions for small-group discussions . . . original role plays, scripts, and spontaneous melodramas—plus a lot of other activities to choose from that give your students not only an occasional laugh, but also a taste of the extravagant grace of God as well as the kind of joy that literally overflows all over the place.

Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians and Philippians: 12 Sessions on Grace, Growth, Freedom, and Faith
Grace, growth, freedom, and faith are the themes of these 12 dynamic lessons based on the letters from Paul to the Christians in Galatia and Philippi. As the next volume in the popular Creative Bible Lessons series, Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians & Philippians comes power-packed with the teachings of Paul. Six lessons from each book will guide you and your students through many of the Gospel’s central truths, including: Liberation from the religious "rules and regulations" corral Reconnecting with true freedom in Christ The purpose of the law and moral boundaries Humility and friendship Setting an example for others Joy in spite of circumstances To help you teach each lesson are clips from easy-to-get videos . . . games for mixing and games with a purpose . . . in-depth, ready-to-use questions for small-group discussions . . . original role plays, scripts, and spontaneous melodramas—plus a lot of other activities to choose from that give your students not only an occasional laugh, but also a taste of the extravagant grace of God as well as the kind of joy that literally overflows all over the place.

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Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians and Philippians: 12 Sessions on Grace, Growth, Freedom, and Faith

Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians and Philippians: 12 Sessions on Grace, Growth, Freedom, and Faith

Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians and Philippians: 12 Sessions on Grace, Growth, Freedom, and Faith

Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians and Philippians: 12 Sessions on Grace, Growth, Freedom, and Faith


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Grace, growth, freedom, and faith are the themes of these 12 dynamic lessons based on the letters from Paul to the Christians in Galatia and Philippi. As the next volume in the popular Creative Bible Lessons series, Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians & Philippians comes power-packed with the teachings of Paul. Six lessons from each book will guide you and your students through many of the Gospel’s central truths, including: Liberation from the religious "rules and regulations" corral Reconnecting with true freedom in Christ The purpose of the law and moral boundaries Humility and friendship Setting an example for others Joy in spite of circumstances To help you teach each lesson are clips from easy-to-get videos . . . games for mixing and games with a purpose . . . in-depth, ready-to-use questions for small-group discussions . . . original role plays, scripts, and spontaneous melodramas—plus a lot of other activities to choose from that give your students not only an occasional laugh, but also a taste of the extravagant grace of God as well as the kind of joy that literally overflows all over the place.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780310231776
Publisher: Zondervan
Publication date: 08/14/2001
Series: Creative Bible Lessons
Pages: 208
Product dimensions: 7.30(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.50(d)
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

A freelance writer with three decades in youth ministry, Tim Mc Laughlin is coauthor of Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians & Philippians (Youth Specialties). He lives in Portland, Oregon.

Now a writer and creative director, Tim Mc Laughlin spent nearly fourteen years with Youth Specialties, including stints as editor of Youthworker journal and director of product development. J. Cheri Mc Laughlin is a freelance writer and project manager for interactive products. Both have backgrounds in education and youth ministry. They live in Portland, Oregon, where they spend way too much time drinking coffee at Snooty Cats.

Jim and Yolanda Miller are currently on staff at the First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu, Hawaii serving with youth and young adults. Both have been involved in youth ministry since parachute pants were cool. Yolanda is a graduate of Fuller Seminary in California and Jimis a graduate of Princeton Seminary in New Jersey.

Read an Excerpt

Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians and Philippians

12 Sessions on Grace, Growth, Freedom, and Faith
By Jim Miller Yolanda Miller Tim McLaughlin J. Cheri McLaughlin


Copyright © 2007 Youth Specialties
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-310-23177-6

Chapter One




Recognize that the root of Christianity is Judaism, as unfolded in the Hebrew Bible (the Christian's Old Testament).

Feel the tension of early Christ-followers as they sorted out which acts and teachings from their religious heritage were fulfilled in Jesus Christ, therefore freeing them from carrying the burden of flawless obedience to the whole Law of Moses.



Paul's letter to the Galatians, among the most important of early Christian writings, affirms salvation by grace alone-a salvation apart from the Law of Moses, so that believers are free to serve one another in love.

This letter is more than a Magna Carta of spiritual emancipation, more than what Martin Luther called "his epistle" (in Luther's commentary on Galatians, he described himself as married to the letter). This letter can reveal Paul as a soulmate to your students: his teachings in Galatians on the law and grace, on spiritual childhood and adulthood, on how one can navigate this terrain-this is precisely what adolescents are dealing with as they struggle to differentiate and individuate themselves from their parents and other "laws" that govern their childhood.

In short, Paul's letter to the Galatian Christians is a passionate defense of his gospel, which says that we live for God only by faith in Jesus Christ and not by performing the Jewish law-or any other law that says we earn our place in God's salvation by what we do.


Scholars aren't certain-

How the chronologies of Galatians sync with the Acts stories of Paul's journeys.

Whether Paul wrote to the churches in northern or southern Galatia.

Whether he wrote it in A.D. 49 before the ruling of the council at Jerusalem regarding Christian freedom from the Law of Moses or in A.D. 56 after the council had spoken.

What we do know with fair certainty-

Paul made several trips into Asia Minor, where Turkey is today, and helped set up churches throughout the region-including churches in northern and southern Galatia, a Roman-owned territory since 25 B.C.

New Christians in those churches were being persuaded that believers had to be circumcised before they were really right with God.

Paul had heard that those to whom he had preached were questioning whether he had taught them the true gospel.

Paul, passionately distraught for his converts' spiritual safety and irate at the false teachers (called Judaizers), writes his letter to the churches in Galatia to sort out the mess.



As students settle down, start handing out Interplanetary Peace Corps (page 19) and say-

Exploring the Bible can feel alien to those of us who aren't scholars. What would it feel like if you were attempting to communicate Earth ideas and customs to people on another planet?

Form groups of no more than five to run through this 10-minute simulation of just such an experience. One member can record the group's ideas on her handout, and one member can summarize the exercise when the group gathers together again.

Brief the group on the simulation. Then transition to a second opener or to an In the Book option by saying-

God had the task of forming a people who would bring his message of salvation to the world. It certainly hasn't gone off without a hitch.



Once students settle, distribute Dicing the Dictionary (page 20). Let your students know whether you want them to complete the sheet independently or in groups. Say something like-

We're beginning a study of Paul's letter to the Galatians. That means we're in for an adventure with words and concepts rooted in Paul's Jewish upbringing. Just for fun, let's start with a little word play ourselves. Using the handout and conferring with someone sitting near you, discuss for five minutes the meaning of some distinctive words.

Here are the answers (as if you really need them).

circumcision-the removal of foreskin

Jews-all of the above (people who worshiped God, who was known then as Yahweh ... people who were God's chosen ... people who used to be known as Hebrews or Israelites)

Gentiles-people who were not Jews

justification-being pronounced legally innocent of wrongdoing

righteousness-following divine or moral law


revelation-all of the above (a book of the Bible ... a giving of knowledge ... a sudden awareness)

redeem-free someone by paying their ransom

covenant-a binding agreement

transgression-a sin

mediator-a person who acts as a bridge between others

gospel-all of the above (good news ... the story of Jesus Christ ... a type of music)



For this pre-fight interview (pages 21-22) with Abraham Road Dog, Moses the Slasher, and Big Boss Man Paul, you'll need the help of three students. The readers have to be able to put out the raw-meat hype of World Wrestling Federation stars and announcers. It works best with a quick rehearsal-though if your student actors are naturals, they can probably do it impromptu.

When you've completed the reading, you could say something like-

The tension between WWF competitors is, of course, staged. The tension between Paul and Jewish Christians who were polluting the message of salvation by grace through faith alone was real and complex. As we read most of Galatians in the next few weeks, you'll hear Paul rabidly defend his gospel message and his authority to preach the gospel. He'll even stoop to name-calling and calling curses down on the agitators. It could seem very much like the interview we just heard-in fact, most of the words of Abraham, Moses, and Paul were right out of The Message, an in-your-face translation of the Bible.



Say something to this effect-

To understand the gospel (from a Greek word that means good news) you first need to understand what covenants are-especially what covenants meant to first-century Jews.

To make a covenant with someone means to be in agreement with that person about pledges made to each other. Covenants, or alliances of friendship, between individuals or nations have always been accompanied by solemn rituals-choosing a sign or symbol of the covenant, making a sacrifice, and taking an oath to keep the covenant. Those who enter into a covenant together expect benefits to come to them. Those who break covenants expect punishment-even death. In ancient times covenant rituals included killing an animal, which as much as said, "If I don't do what I've said I'll do, make me like this animal."

Everything God does is based on covenant. If you think back over Bible stories you know, you'll find lots of covenant making.

God made a covenant with the whole earth in front of Noah after the flood, promising to never destroy the earth again by a flood. His solemn sign was the rainbow.

Abraham and God entered into a covenant that was one-sided-from God to Abraham-assuring Abraham of descendants numbering more than the stars. The solemn sign was several animals cut in half that God passed between while Abraham slept.

Moses mediated a covenant between God and Israel when he received the stone tablets on Mt. Sinai. The solemn sign was animal blood sprinkled over all the people and the book of the covenant.

Prince Jonathan made a covenant with David to defend him from his enemies. His solemn sign was buckling his sword on David's waist.

God later made a covenant with the same David that there would always be a king from his family ruling over Israel. His solemn symbol was that God's love would never leave David or David's descendants-of whom Jesus is one.

Jesus started what he called the New Covenant at dinner with his disciples the night before he died. His solemn symbol was the bread he passed around and the cup of wine they shared together.

The idea of a covenant with God is a Jewish tradition that has become central to Christianity too.

In small groups, let's talk more about how parts of Israel's history inform our Christian faith.

Form small groups of five to 10 people and give them pencils, Bibles, and What's This "Gospel" Paul Is So Fired Up About? (page 23). Make sure they or you read the simple instructions at the top of the sheet.



Your church may regularly recite a version of the Lord's prayer during worship services. If so, your students may already know it. For groups unfamiliar with the prayer, print it on poster board or an overhead so everyone participating feels certain they'll say the correct words. Say to the students-

Among the gifts to Christianity from Hebrew worship of the living God is the format for the Lord's Prayer. From the "Our Father," which mirrors the Jewish understanding of God as our Father, to the closing worship in the phrase "Thine is the power and glory forever, amen," this prayer that Jesus taught his disciples fit in with the way they were used to praying as devout Jews. We'll pause till next week in our study of Galatians by saying the Lord's Prayer together.


It's the far distant future when young adults routinely serve on interplanetary service missions.

In two months your team will be leaving for an extended stay on a planet among a people whose population has been decimated by tribal warfare and a superstitionbased religion. They are scientifically illiterate, so they regularly sacrifice their strongest and most beautiful to appease the gods of sun, rain, harvest, and fertility. They have no idea of planets, let alone that beings like themselves could travel through space to help them.

Your goal is to bring peace among the tribes and educate them to live in their world wisely and safely. Your first task will be to form a coalition of members from at least one tribe, and to introduce an appropriate ritual that will cement their loyalty to the coalition, and be a symbol identifying them to all others. As individuals from any tribe join the coalition-and your goal is for all the peoples to join together-they will participate in the same ritual.

Describe the ritual your team chooses.

What about this ritual will cement loyalty, as opposed to merely interesting people in what you're doing?

How will your team participate in this ritual?



Abraham Road Dog

Moses the Slasher

Big Boss Man Paul


Youth leader


Youth leader:

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We have with us tonight three of the top celebrities in the Spiritual World Wrestling Federation. The man all Jews and Palestinians call father, the spiritual father of all Christ-followers, and the friend of God-Abraham Road Dog, the faithful.

Abraham: All I know is God said to me, "I am God almighty! I will greatly increase your numbers. You and your family rule! My agreement to back you is forever. And I give you the name Abraham Road Dog because you'll be on the circuit for me, heading for the Promised Land." Yeah! [Genesis 17:1-8]

Youth leader: Thank you, Father Abraham-uh, Road Dog.

Across the room is revered religious leader of Middle Eastern peoples, divine law giver, writer of the first five books of the Bible, and the only person who's talked with God face to face and lived-Moses the Slasher. [Exodus 3:11]

Moses: This same God of Abraham told me, "I'm guarding your way until you get to the Promised Land. I will be an enemy to any who oppose you and wipe them out! I will send terror ahead of you and throw your enemies into confusion." Now that's what I'm talking 'bout! [Exodus 23:20-27]

Youth leader: And finally, the referee for the upcoming matches between Road Dog and the Slasher, the man who articulated the relationship of Abraham's faith with Moses' Law for Christ-followers-Big Boss Man Paul, the apostle.

Paul: The rumor that I continue to preach the ways of the Slasher-circumcision-is absurd. Why, then, would I still be booed out of the ring by fans of the Slasher? If I were preaching that old message, no one would be offended if I mentioned Road Dog's faith in some watered-down, staged TV coverage. Why don't these slavish groupies of the Slasher-obsessive as they are about circumcision-go all the way and castrate themselves! [Galatians 5, The Message]

Youth leader: Wait a minute. How can you be a fair referee in the fight between Road Dog and the Slasher when you're so obviously a Road Dog fan?

Paul: Because the Slasher's fans have completely missed the point God made with the Slasher by requiring Christ's followers to be circumcised. The motives of these heretical fans is rotten. They want SWWF fighters everywhere to always depend on them for managing the Spiritual World Wrestling fights so that they'll feel important. And they want every contestant to be cut, according to their rules, to qualify before God as a Spiritual World Wrestler, when God's qualifications are simply to come to him through faith alone. [Galatians 4, The Message]

Youth leader: There's no question about it. These next few weeks of competition between Road Dog and his path of faith, and the Slasher's apparent requirement for circumcision, are going to be passionately emceed for us by the Boss Man. Thank you, gentlemen.

Abraham: I'm not afraid to say it right out loud. I was slashed-er, circumcised. But that whole bit came after I believed God. It was when I believed God that he told me he counted me as righteous. [Genesis 15:6; 17:9-13]

Paul: That's right. Keeping rules-even when they're rules God himself makes-doesn't mean you're livin' by faith. [Galatians 3]

Youth leader: Thank you, Big Boss Man.

Paul: Because of Christ's sacrifice, Road Dog's blessing of being in the family that rules is available for all wrestlers and fans. [Galatians 3]

Youth leader: Yes, well it's time to-

Paul: I'm talking here, okay? I'm sayin' we're all able to receive God's life, his Spirit, in and with us, by believing-just the way Road Dog received it. [Galatians 3]

Youth leader: Uh, that's it for this week, fans-unless, uh, any of our guests have anything else to say ...

Paul, Moses, Abraham: (ad lib) Us? No, nothin' more I wanna say ... Nope, that's it for me ... Can't think of anything at the moment ... How 'bout you, huh?



GENESIS 15:1-6 AND GENESIS 17:1-14 OR EXODUS 19:3-8 AND EXODUS 24:3-8

Choose the Genesis covenant or the Exodus covenant, then talk about some of these questions regarding the covenant you chose. You may want to jot down some insights your group comes up with, or something memorable that one of you says.

Who was involved in the covenant?

What seemed to prompt the covenant?

How long would the covenant last?

What promises were made? Did this covenant have a solemn sign? If so, what was it?

If you chose the Exodus covenant, now read Matthew 26:2628 and talk about this question: What seeds from God's covenant with Israel show up full-grown in Jesus' new covenant?


Now that you see how the stage is set for the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, read Acts 13:16-39.

Verse 26: To whom is Paul giving his message of salvation?

Verses 27-30: To what is Paul referring when he says "they carried out all that was written about Jesus"?

Paul clearly saw Jesus' coming as the fulfillment of God's promises of salvation to Israel and all humankind. What steps in Israel's history led up to Jesus coming as the savior?


How does the message that Paul is preaching in Acts 13:38-39 fit in with what he wrote in Colossians 2:13-14 about Christians being circumcised by Christ as a result of his death and resurrection?


Anything in these verses that's a puzzle to you? That just doesn't make sense?

What one thing got your attention most of all in these verses? Why did it affect you the way it did?


Excerpted from Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians and Philippians by Jim Miller Yolanda Miller Tim McLaughlin J. Cheri McLaughlin Copyright © 2007 by Youth Specialties. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

St. Paul's Letter to the Galatians
1.More Than You Thought You Needed to Know about Jewish Customs: Galatians, Genesis 15-17, and Exodus 23:20-24:189
2.What's Truth Got to Do with It?: Galatians 1:1-2:10 and Galatians 6:11-1819
3.The Great Dinner-Seating Fiasco--or the Power of Disapproval: Galatians 2:11-21 and Galatians 5:1-1229
4.Rule-Keeping: Why It's Convenient, and Why It Doesn't Work: Galatians 3:1-2547
5.And Now, Two Little Stories That Explain a Whole Lot: Galatians 3:26-4:7 and Galatians 4:21-3159
6.You're Free--So Live Like It!: Galatians 4:8-20 and Galatians 5:13-6:1071
St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians
7.Between Friends: Philippians 1:1-11 and Philippians 4:10-2385
8.The Gospel is Bigger Than Me: Philippians 1:12-2693
9.Bickering in the Back of the Church: Philippians 1:27-30 and Philippians 4:1-3107
10.Blood, Sweat, and Tears--the Real Power: Philippians 2:1-3:1 and Philippians 4:4-9117
11.Why Paul Preferred Grace to Good Behavior: Philippians 3:2-11129
12.Enduring the Race: Philippians 3:12-4:1139
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