Conversations with Ernest: A Special Tribute to the Life and Lasting Influence of Dr. Ernest Holmes

In 2016, we asked readers of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine to imagine what a conversation with Ernest Holmes might be like, for yourself, someone you know or someone you admire. Our hope was to encourage our readers to take a deeper dive into the work of Dr. Holmes.

Dr. Holmes was a visionary in the New Thought movement, founder of Religious Science and author of The Science of Mind text. He also started Science of Mind magazine, which has been in continuous publication since 1927.

After we asked, dozens of our readers answered, and the result is the book you are holding. We are grateful for the authenticity and openness of our contributors in sharing stories, whether based in fiction or reality. Readers may learn a tremendous amount about Dr. Holmes and so many other sages and wisdom keepers, both familiar and as yet unknown.

Rev. Dr. David S. Goldberg, Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine editor and publisher, imagines a conversation with Ernest that gives additional context to this work. View the video at:

To learn more about the magazine or the teachings of Dr. Holmes, visit

Conversations with Ernest: A Special Tribute to the Life and Lasting Influence of Dr. Ernest Holmes

In 2016, we asked readers of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine to imagine what a conversation with Ernest Holmes might be like, for yourself, someone you know or someone you admire. Our hope was to encourage our readers to take a deeper dive into the work of Dr. Holmes.

Dr. Holmes was a visionary in the New Thought movement, founder of Religious Science and author of The Science of Mind text. He also started Science of Mind magazine, which has been in continuous publication since 1927.

After we asked, dozens of our readers answered, and the result is the book you are holding. We are grateful for the authenticity and openness of our contributors in sharing stories, whether based in fiction or reality. Readers may learn a tremendous amount about Dr. Holmes and so many other sages and wisdom keepers, both familiar and as yet unknown.

Rev. Dr. David S. Goldberg, Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine editor and publisher, imagines a conversation with Ernest that gives additional context to this work. View the video at:

To learn more about the magazine or the teachings of Dr. Holmes, visit

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Conversations with Ernest: A Special Tribute to the Life and Lasting Influence of Dr. Ernest Holmes

Conversations with Ernest: A Special Tribute to the Life and Lasting Influence of Dr. Ernest Holmes

Conversations with Ernest: A Special Tribute to the Life and Lasting Influence of Dr. Ernest Holmes

Conversations with Ernest: A Special Tribute to the Life and Lasting Influence of Dr. Ernest Holmes


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In 2016, we asked readers of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine to imagine what a conversation with Ernest Holmes might be like, for yourself, someone you know or someone you admire. Our hope was to encourage our readers to take a deeper dive into the work of Dr. Holmes.

Dr. Holmes was a visionary in the New Thought movement, founder of Religious Science and author of The Science of Mind text. He also started Science of Mind magazine, which has been in continuous publication since 1927.

After we asked, dozens of our readers answered, and the result is the book you are holding. We are grateful for the authenticity and openness of our contributors in sharing stories, whether based in fiction or reality. Readers may learn a tremendous amount about Dr. Holmes and so many other sages and wisdom keepers, both familiar and as yet unknown.

Rev. Dr. David S. Goldberg, Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine editor and publisher, imagines a conversation with Ernest that gives additional context to this work. View the video at:

To learn more about the magazine or the teachings of Dr. Holmes, visit

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780917849732
Publisher: Center for Spiritual Living
Publication date: 10/01/2018
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 160
Sales rank: 697,171
File size: 5 MB
Age Range: 3 Months to 18 Years

Read an Excerpt


A Conversation With Kathy Mastroianni

by Kathy Mastroianni

Reverend Kathy Mastroianni is a Centers for Spiritual Living minister. She is the executive director of the Science of Mind Archives and Library.


Hi, Ernest. It certainly is an honor to meet and talk with you in person — though in reality we talk daily while I am at work. Ernest Holmes Likewise, Kathy. I so appreciate all your work for the Science of Mind Archives.


I enjoy being a part of preserving the timeless wisdom that is housed here, much of which Dr. Marilyn Leo has helped to collect.


Ah, Marilyn. I remember her and Dorothy when they were little girls coming over to see Hazel and me at our home. You know we were neighbors and her father, Reginald, was a close protégé and friend of mine. Lovely, inquisitive children.


I did hear about that, Ernest. And thanks to Dr. Marilyn, we have these important archives where we have fascinating pieces of history of how you founded the Science of Mind movement. We even have some of your handwritten manuscripts from when you and Fenwicke wrote your last book, "The Voice Celestial."


Oh? You have those? Chicken scratch, really. Fen and I would go back and forth allowing Spirit to talk through us, and I work best when I write things down. God bless Helen, my secretary, for being able to read my scribbles and type them up into some form that made sense.


Agreed, I've seen them! Do you know, Ernest, when I give tours of the archives, that of all the photographs, notes, poetry, rare books and more that are lovingly preserved here, what the most treasured and favorite item of all is?


No, Kathy, I don't. What on earth could it be?


Your plaid shirt.


The Pendleton? Well, it certainly was a favorite of mine. Comfortable, really, and why should we go around all the time in suits and ties? God loves us and knows our truth however we show up — even in a plaid shirt.


I look forward to connecting with you and your teachings on a deeper and deeper level, Ernest.


Yes, that One Mind is ever-present, and please know that my soul and spirit are ever-expanding and ever-evolving through each and every one who takes these teachings to heart and puts them to work in their own lives.


Thank you for your time, Ernest. See you at work tomorrow.


A Conversation With Edgar Cayce

by Merrilyn Richardson

Merrilyn Richardson imagines an encounter between Ernest Holmes and Edgar Cayce, known as "The Sleeping Prophet," a rural southern Sunday School teacher and medical intuitive. According to New Thought historian Mitch Horowitz, both men transcended the prejudices of their day because of their belief in — and experience of — people's inherent Divine dignity.


Edgar, your psychic readings have revealed some amazing knowledge and have helped many seekers of truth and healing. But some would say you should never allow another entity to control your mind.


That's not what happens in my case. You see, when I'm in an altered state of consciousness, my individual mind reads the individual mind of the seeker. No other person, alive or dead, speaks through me.


Great! That's another example of the evidence of the oneness in all humanity.


Yes, however, in this three-dimensional Earth that we inhabit, we express as spirit, mind and body. I have a saying: Spirit is the Life, Mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.


That's wonderful. Metaphysical teachings interpret the Christ as the Mind of God individualized. As I've written, it's the study of Life and the Nature of Law, governed and directed by thought; always conscious that we live in a spiritual Universe; that God is in, through, around and for us. ... That which today seems to us supernatural, after it is thoroughly understood, will be found spontaneously natural.


True, it is a spiritual universe, and what we call solid forms, when analyzed, are pure energy or atoms in motion. In other words, God. I've said it before: The Earth is only an atom in the universe.


That ties in with what Dr. Deepak Chopra found when studying his native Hindu heritage. While scientists say atoms are formed by neutrons and protons floating around in empty space, Chopra says the space is not empty but full of consciousness.


See, mind is the builder, or as some modern seekers say, it is directive intelligence.


I've said it this way: The most precious thing a man possesses is his own Individuality; indeed this is the only thing he really has — or is. For one instant to allow any outside influence to enter or control this individuality is a crime against his real self.


I believe there are astrological influences as a portion of everyone's experience, but we have a choice in whether to be guided by such. First things first: know in whom and what you believe spiritually. As the law of the Lord says: Love God with all of your mind, body and soul and your neighbor, friend or foe as yourself. Our choices must take into consideration the problems of the homeless, jobless and hungry. The gift for entering into Life can be an opportunity for each soul to express its gratitude for Life and its expressions from the bounties of the Creator.


We understand that the life of all is God.


A Conversation With Carolyn Allen Lovett

by Carolyn Allen Lovett

It was a splendid Sunday morning: sunny, cumulus clouds dotted the clear-blue sky and, although hot and humid, the car's air conditioner kept undesirable elements at bay. A perfect day for driving home from a weekend family celebration.

I watched from the passenger's seat as we whizzed by Georgia's country homes flanked by a seeming infinity of oaks and pines — all comfortably tucked in the shadows of Atlanta. I was startled from my musing by "The Voice" — not my companion from the driver's seat. "Embrace your divinity!" Clear, calm but commanding, the message delivered in an instant. I'd heard The Voice before. Its pronouncements are rare, but each time it surprises me.

Later, watching the sunset disappear over the horizon, I wondered what the urgent directive meant. In the stillness of that summer evening, Ernest Holmes delivered the answer, from the pages of his book, "The Science of Mind." "God's Creative Power of Mind is right here," Holmes said. "We have as much of this power to use as we believe in and embody."

I remembered the section — "The Power Within" — from my dog-eared copy of the textbook. Apparently, I read Holmes' teachings better than I practiced them.

Holmes continued, "We set our own limitations. The Prodigal Son remained a prodigal as long as he chose to do so. When he chose to, he returned to his 'Father's house' and was greeted with outstretched hands. So shall our experience be when we return to the world which is perfect; there will be something which will turn to us. We shall behold a new heaven and a new earth, not in some far-off place but here and now."

Holmes had decoded the message: Nothing is holding me back. I can embrace the truth of my divinity and live my life full force, without limitations. I can embody the Power Within. I must choose.

The Voice's command had sounded urgent — no choice involved. Ignoring it didn't seem to be an option. But there is a choice. Always.

Now, the hard part: actually embracing my divinity — every day, in all situations.

"In a world that moves at a whirlwind pace and seems more impersonal and unpredictable each day, how do I live my divinity?" I asked.

Not to worry, Holmes had an answer for that, too.

"Do you remember 'Spiritual Mind Healing,' Part Three of my book?"

Of course not, at least not specifically, I mused.

"Read it again," he suggested. "It's all about practice, the technique by which we lay hold of mind power and prove its practicability." Holmes paused. "Part Two is 'Spiritual Mind Healing ... Ideation.' Seems we humans prefer to dwell in ideation ... much easier to read about it and talk about it than to practice it. Practice being your God-self — your divinity."

Holmes thrust his arms toward me and chuckled. "Embrace it!"


A Conversation With Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

by Kent Rautenstraus

Could there be a more fascinating person for our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, to converse with than Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, child prodigy, musical genius and third best-selling classical composer of all time? We know that Holmes and his wife Hazel liked classical music. No doubt, they listened to Mozart's music and heard the transcendent vibrations of the Divine. In the imagined conversation here, actual quotes from the two men are shown in italics.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, your music is sublime! I'm sure you agree that the greatest music ever composed was written by the hand of a mystic, and the highest and best in art has come from men of spiritual perception.


Thank you, Dr. Holmes, but may I say, I pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings. I choose such notes that love one another. If only the whole world could feel the power of harmony.


That is a profound statement. Infinite Love harmonizes man's entire being.


Love, love, love — that is the soul of genius!


Yes! Pulsations of life are governed by Love! Tell me, Mr. Mozart, or may I call you Wolfgang?


Call me Wolfie, everyone else does.


Okay, Wolfie. How do you receive inspiration?


Actually, when I am traveling in a carriage, or walking after a good meal, or during the night when I cannot sleep, it is on such occasions that ideas flow best and most abundantly.


Fascinating! A power greater than I am flows through me into everything I do or think about. I know that at all times I have a silent partner walking with me, talking with me, operating through me.


You're plugged in, my friend.


Well I believe that the possibilities of my experience are unlimited. But, Wolfie, how do you download the music in your soul?


You know that I immerse myself in music, so to speak — that I think about it all day long — that I like experimenting, studying, reflecting. Music is my life, and my life is music. I tell you, when I am at peace with myself, then thoughts flow into me most easily and at their best. And what I've really learned is that the music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.


Sweet song of the silence, forever singing in my heart!


Dr. Holmes, to talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop. Now, I have to write the Jupiter Symphony before dinner, but I do have a final question for you. Do you have nickname, like Ernest or Ernie?


Call me Dr. Holmes.


A Conversation With Pope Francis

by Jodi Bushdiecker

In this imagined conversation between Ernest Holmes and Pope Francis, the italicized portions are direct quotes from these luminaries.


In my Encyclical Letter, "Laudato Si' — On Care For Our Common Home," I share my concern about the ecological condition of the Earth, and I call for individuals and faith communities around the globe to heal the Earth through spiritual renewal. The underlying theological conviction of the Encyclical is that everything in the world is connected in the web of life, and God's love is the foundation of existence.


Religious Scientists affirm the unity of Life. God is the One Life, and we are One with the Whole. We understand God as Love and Law.


My concerns for ecology and justice are grounded in the intimate relationship between the poor and the fragility of the planet. I also have concerns about technology, consumerism and practices of our modern throwaway culture that do not honor life and relationship to God, others and nature.


The outward life is a result of the subjective state of thought. Humans are microcosms of Spirit. We create our own experience through our beliefs. Suffering is not ordained by God but rather is the result of an infringement on the Laws of the Universe. Conditions such as poverty lack, and limitation are not in principle or law but only in the individual use we make of principle.


I re-define the traditional interpretation of humanity's dominion over the Earth to be one of right relationship with God, others and nature. I call humanity to the tremendous responsibility for creation that is grounded in the intimate connection among all creatures and the fact that the natural environment is a collective good, the patrimony of all humanity and the responsibility of everyone.


Our hope lies in knowing the Truth. The process of healing our Earth is to change our thinking through consciousness of our unity with the Whole, through conscious cooperation with the law and through creation of a mental equivalent of perfection, wholeness and harmony for our Earth home. This is what is meant by right relationship — or constructive use of the law — or cosmic consciousness.


The Spirit of God has filled the universe with possibilities and therefore, from the very heart of things, something new can always emerge. I believe that technological solutions to environmental issues must respect the rights of people and cultures around the globe, and I advocate for a preferential option for the poor and disenfranchised. I also call for dialogue that brings forth honest debate among leaders at the international, national and local levels — and for simplicity of living that re-examines our definition of progress in human relationships.


All problems are solved through the power of right thinking. The way to deal with the environmental crisis is through an evolution of consciousness. Healing of the natural world will occur through the inner realization of perfect God, perfect humanity, perfect Earth.


A Conversation With Ella Wheeler Wilcox

by Nancy Fagen

Dr. Ernest Holmes and Ella Wheeler Wilcox, both influential New Thought leaders, meet in this imaginary conversation. Wilcox's most enduring work is the poem "Solitude," which includes the lines "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone; For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own." Direct quotations from these two spiritual leaders are shown in italics.


Ms. Wilcox, let me introduce myself. I am Ernest Holmes, and I am pleased to let you know that I admire your writings. I congratulate you for having a distribution of 50,000 copies of your booklet "What I Know About New Thought."


Thank you Dr. Holmes. I think the world is also ready for "The Heart of The New Thought," that I published in 1902. As I noted in that work, I am all goodness, love, truth, mercy, health. I am a necessary part of God's universe. I am a divine soul, and only good can come through me or to me. God made me, and He could make nothing but goodness and purity and worth. I am the reflection of all His qualities. This is the new religion; yet it is older than the universe. It is God's own thought put into practical form.


I agree. In the foreword of "The Science of Mind" I wrote, I do not claim to have discovered any new Truth. The truth has been known in every age by a few; but the great mass of people has never even dreamed that we live in a mental and spiritual world. Today, however, there is a great inquiry into the deeper meaning of life because the race has reached a state of unfoldment where a broader scope is possible.


Yes, I believe there is a divine purpose in your being on earth. Think of yourself as necessary to the great design. Let me suggest ... you do not associate with pessimists. If you are unfortunate enough to be the son or daughter, husband or wife of one, put cotton (either real or spiritual) in your ears, and shut out the poison words of discouragement and despondency. Never feel that it is your duty to stay closely and continuously in the atmosphere of the despondent. You might as well think it your duty to stay in deep water with one who would not make the least effort to swim. Get on shore and throw out a lifeline, but do not remain and be dragged under. You would not permit the dearest person on earth to administer slow poison to you if you knew it.


Excerpted from "Conversations with Ernest"
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Copyright © 2018 Spiritual Living Press.
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Table of Contents

KATHY • MASTROIANNI Preserving the Legacy of Dr. Holmes, by Kathy Mastroianni,
EDGAR • CAYCE Celebrating Our Inherent Divine Dignity, by Merrilyn Richardson,
CAROLYN • ALLEN • LOVETT Embracing Your Divinity, by Carolyn Allen Lovett,
WOLFGANG • AMADEUS • MOZART Hearing the Vibrations of the Divine, by Kent Rautenstraus,
POPE • FRANCIS Healing Our World, by Jodi Bushdiecker,
ELLA • WHEELER • WILCOX Living From Divine Purpose, by Nancy Fagen,
FOSTER • HARDING Learning About God's Love, by Foster Harding,
JEAN • HOUSTON Awakening to Your Spiritual Magnificence, by Loretta Brooks,
MARY • MAGDALENE Following the Examples Set Before Us, by Jayne Gardner,
KEN • WILBER Synthesizing Commonalities, by Mark Gilbert,
BETTY • JANE Allowing the Light of God to Enter, by Jane A. Rice,
RALPH • WALDO • EMERSON Contemplating Our Relationship to the Infinite, by Marilyn Leo,
JOHN • TUREK Listening for the Whispers, by John Turek,
THE • FARER Building the Community of Our Destiny, by Jeffree Colebrook,
JOHN • LENNON Come Together, Over Me, by Temple Hayes,
ALBERT • EINSTEIN Living as Infinite Spirit Beings, by Carol Winicur,
JESUS • CHRIST Asking Life's Most Challenging Questions, by Richard Robinson,
RICHARD • LEO Taking to the Road, by Marilyn Leo,
TENZIN • GYATSO • HIS HOLINESS • THE FOURTEENTH DALAI LAMA Awakening Humanity to Our Challenges, by Roger W. Teel,
THE • VOICE Developing Our Consciousness, by Nadia Ohar,
RICK • MORGAN Understanding Transition, by Rick Morgan,
GOD • HIMSELF Finding Expansion in Divine Discontent, by Mary Jo Donovan,
DR. MICHAEL • NICHOLS Striving Toward Ascension, by Mary Mitchell,
THE • GULL Guiding Us Toward Right Action, by Joy Krejcarek,
MICAH Creating a Path to Wellness, to Love, by Marisa DiMartino,
THE • GENTLE • SOUL Finding the Divine Golden String, by Noni Belland,
FLORENCE • SCOVEL • SHINN Finding the Vibratory Power of Words, by Simone Butler,
BELLA • THE • BEAGLE Remembering Unconditional Love — and Fun, by Rick Finbow,

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