Common Mosses, Liverworts, and Lichens of Ohio: A Visual Guide
This engaging illustrated guidebook reveals the fascinating mosses and lichens that homeowners, outdoorspeople, and nature lovers encounter every day in Ohio and the Midwest.

In this guide to the most common and distinctive moss, liverwort, and lichen species in Ohio, readers will find concise physical descriptions, facts about natural history and ecology, and tips to distinguish look-alike species, all presented in a friendly, conversational tone.

Featuring detailed photographs of the plant and plantlike species in their natural settings, the book covers 106 mosses, thirty liverworts, and one hundred lichens and offers several avenues to match a specimen to its description page. “Where They Grow” chapters spotlight species commonly encountered on field outings, and field keys to help readers quickly identify unfamiliar samples.

While designed primarily as an identification tool, this guide also frames moss and lichen spotting in a scientific context. The two main sections—bryophytes and lichens—detail their respective taxonomic kingdoms, explain their life cycles and means of reproduction, and illustrate variation in the traits used for identification. The book is an introduction to the biology of these intriguing but too-often-overlooked organisms and a means to enjoy, identify, and catalog the biodiversity all around us.

Common Mosses, Liverworts, and Lichens of Ohio: A Visual Guide
This engaging illustrated guidebook reveals the fascinating mosses and lichens that homeowners, outdoorspeople, and nature lovers encounter every day in Ohio and the Midwest.

In this guide to the most common and distinctive moss, liverwort, and lichen species in Ohio, readers will find concise physical descriptions, facts about natural history and ecology, and tips to distinguish look-alike species, all presented in a friendly, conversational tone.

Featuring detailed photographs of the plant and plantlike species in their natural settings, the book covers 106 mosses, thirty liverworts, and one hundred lichens and offers several avenues to match a specimen to its description page. “Where They Grow” chapters spotlight species commonly encountered on field outings, and field keys to help readers quickly identify unfamiliar samples.

While designed primarily as an identification tool, this guide also frames moss and lichen spotting in a scientific context. The two main sections—bryophytes and lichens—detail their respective taxonomic kingdoms, explain their life cycles and means of reproduction, and illustrate variation in the traits used for identification. The book is an introduction to the biology of these intriguing but too-often-overlooked organisms and a means to enjoy, identify, and catalog the biodiversity all around us.

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Common Mosses, Liverworts, and Lichens of Ohio: A Visual Guide

Common Mosses, Liverworts, and Lichens of Ohio: A Visual Guide

by Robert Klips
Common Mosses, Liverworts, and Lichens of Ohio: A Visual Guide

Common Mosses, Liverworts, and Lichens of Ohio: A Visual Guide

by Robert Klips


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This engaging illustrated guidebook reveals the fascinating mosses and lichens that homeowners, outdoorspeople, and nature lovers encounter every day in Ohio and the Midwest.

In this guide to the most common and distinctive moss, liverwort, and lichen species in Ohio, readers will find concise physical descriptions, facts about natural history and ecology, and tips to distinguish look-alike species, all presented in a friendly, conversational tone.

Featuring detailed photographs of the plant and plantlike species in their natural settings, the book covers 106 mosses, thirty liverworts, and one hundred lichens and offers several avenues to match a specimen to its description page. “Where They Grow” chapters spotlight species commonly encountered on field outings, and field keys to help readers quickly identify unfamiliar samples.

While designed primarily as an identification tool, this guide also frames moss and lichen spotting in a scientific context. The two main sections—bryophytes and lichens—detail their respective taxonomic kingdoms, explain their life cycles and means of reproduction, and illustrate variation in the traits used for identification. The book is an introduction to the biology of these intriguing but too-often-overlooked organisms and a means to enjoy, identify, and catalog the biodiversity all around us.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780821424735
Publisher: Ohio University Press
Publication date: 08/30/2022
Pages: 392
Sales rank: 611,807
Product dimensions: 7.00(w) x 9.90(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Robert Klips is an associate professor emeritus in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology at Ohio State University (OSU), where he taught for over twenty years. He currently manages the bryophyte and lichen specimen collections in the herbarium at OSU’s Museum of Biological Diversity. Skilled in botanical macrophotography, Klips served as the photographer for the Ohio Division of Wildlife’s 2017 Common Lichens of Ohio Field Guide and contributed images to dozens of books, periodicals, and websites. He frequently conducts field work and educates nature study groups about the identification, ecology, and distribution of Ohio plants and lichens.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xiii

1 Welcome to the Miniature World of Bryophytes and Lichens 1

2 Bryophytes Are Plants 18

3 Where Bryophytes Grow 29

4 How to Use This Book to Identify Mosses 49

5 Acrocarps with Hairlike Leaves 57

Bartramia pomiformis 59

Brothera leana 60

Dicranella heteromalla 61

Dicranum scoparium 62

Ditrichum pallidum 63

Orthodicranum fulvum 64

Orthodicranum montanum 65

6 Acrocarps with Lance-Shaped Leaves 66

Aulacomnium palustre 70

Barbula unguiculata 71

Ceratodon purpureus 72

Hymenostylium recurvirostrum and Gymnostomum aeruginosum 73

Leucobryum glaucum 74

Orthodicranum flagellare 75

Orthotrichum ohioense 76

Orthotrichum pusillum 77

Pohlia nutans 78

Schistidium apocarpum 79

Tortella humilis 80

Tortella tortuosa 81

Ulota crispula 82

Weissia controversa 83

7 Acrocarps with Tongue-Shaped Leaves 84

Arrhenopterum heterostichum 86

Diphyscium foliosum 87

Hyophila involuta 88

Mnium hornum 89

Plagiomnium ciliare 90

Tortula porteri 91

8 Acrocarps with Broad Leaves 93

Bryum argenteum 97

Bryum lisae 98

Bryum pseudotriquetrum 99

Ephemerum crassinervium 100

Funaria hygrometrica 101

Mnium marginatum and M. stellare 102

Physcomitrium pyriforme 103

Physcomitrium serratum 104

Plagiomnium cuspidatum 105

Rhizomnium punctatum 106

Rhodobryum ontariense 107

Syntrichia papillosa 108

Tetraphis pellucida 109

Tortula obtusifolia 110

9 Flat Fissidens and Friends 111

Bryoxiphium norvegicum 114

Fissidens adianthoides 115

Fissidens bryoides and F. minutulus 116

Fissidens dubius and F. osmundioides 117

Fissidens fontanus 118

Fissidens obtusifolius 119

Fissidens subbasilaris 120

Fissidens taxifolius 121

Schistostega pennata 122

10 Sickle-Leaved Pleurocarps 124

Calliergonella curvifolia 126

Calliergonella lindbergii 127

Ctenidium subrectifolium 128

Drepanocladus aduncus 129

Hypnum imponens 130

Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris 131

11 Costate-Leaved Pleurocarps 132

Amblystegium serpens 137

Anacamptodon splachnoides 138

Anomodon attenuatus 139

Anomodon minor 140

Anomodon tristis 141

Brachythecium laetum and B. falcatum 142

Brachythecium rivulare 143

Bryhnia graminicolor 144

Bryhnia novae-angliae 145

Bryoandersonia illecebra 146

Campyliadelphus chrysophyllus 147

Claopodium rostratum 148

Climacium americanum 149

Forsstroemia trichomitria 150

Haplocladium microphyllum 151

Helodium paludosum 152

Hygroamblystegium varium 153

Leptodictyum riparium 154

Leskea gracilescens 155

Oxyrrhynchium hians 156

Rhynchostegium serrulatum 157

Sciuro-hypnum plumosum 158

Thuidium delicatulum 159

12 Ecostate-Leaved Pleurocarps 160

Callicladium haldanianum 163

Calliergonella cuspidata 164

Campylium stellatum 165

Entodon cladorrhizans 166

Entodon seductrix 167

Fontinalis species 168

Hedwigia ciliata 169

Hookeria acutifolia 170

Leucodon julaceus 171

Plagiothecium cavifolium 172

Plagiothecium laetum 173

Platygyrium repens 174

Pleurozium schreberi 175

Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans 176

Taxiphyllum deplanatum 177

13 The Haircap Mosses 178

Atrichum angustatum 182

Atrichum altecristatum 183

Pogonatum pensilvanicum 184

Polytrichum commune 185

Polytrichum juniperinum 186

Polytrichum ohioense 187

Polytrichum piliferum 188

14 Sphagnum (Peat) Mosses: A Quick Tour 189

15 Liverworts: The Other Bryophytes 194

Bazzania trilobata 205

Calypogeia muelleriana 206

Cephalozia hicuspidata 207

Cololejeunea biddlecomiae 208

Conocephalum salebrosum 209

Diplophyllum apiculatum 210

Fossombronia wondraczekii 211

Frullania eboracensis and F. asagrayana 212

Liochlaena lanceolata 213

Lophocolea heterophylla 214

Marchantia polymorpha 215

Marchantia quadrata 216

Metzgeria furcata and M. conjugata 217

Nowellia curvifolia 218

Odontoschisma denudatum 219

Odontoschisma sphagni and Solenostoma gracillimum 220

Pallavcinia lyellii 221

Pellia epiphylla 222

Plagiochila asplenioides 223

Porella platyphylloidea 224

Ptilidium pulcherrimum 225

Radula complanata 226

Reboulia hemisphaerica 227

Riccia fluitans 228

Ricciocarpos natans 229

Scapania nemorea 230

Trichocolea tomentella 231

16 Lichens Are Fungi That Have a Garden 232

17 Where Lichens Grow 238

18 How to Use This Book to Identify Lichens 244

19 Brilliant Orange and Yellow Lichens 255

Candelaria concolor 257

Rusavskia elegans and Xanthomendoza hasseana 258

Xanthomendoza fallax 259

Xanthomendoza weberi 260

20 Yellow-Green Foliose Lichens 261

Flavoparmelia baltimorensis 262

Flavoparmelia caperata 263

Flavopunctelia soredica 264

Xanthoparmelia conspersa 265

Xanthoparmelia plittii 266

21 Brown Foliose Lichens 267

Anaptychia palmulata 269

Cetraria arenaria 270

Hyperphyscia adglutinata 271

Hyperphyscia syncolla 272

Melanelixia subaurifera 273

Phaeophyscia adiastola 274

Phaeophyscia ciliata 275

Phaeophyscia hirsuta 276

Phaeophyscia pusilloides 277

Phaeophyscia rubropulchra 278

Tuckermanopsis americana 279

22 Gray Narrow-Lobed Foliose Lichens 281

Heterodermia obscurata 284

Heterodermia speciosa 285

Hypotrachyna livida 286

Hypotrachyna minarum 287

Imshaugia aleurites 288

Imshaugia placorodia 289

Myelochroa galbina 290

Parmelia sulcata 291

Physcia adscendens 292

Physcia aipolia and P. stellaris 293

Physcia americana 294

Physcia millegrana 295

Physconia detersa and P. leucoleiptes 296

Pyxine sorediata 297

Pyxine subcinerea 298

23 Gray Broad-Lobed Foliose Lichens 299

Crespoa crozalziana 301

Myelochroa aurulenta 302

Parmotrema hypotropum 303

Parmotrema perforatum 304

Parmotrema reticulatum 305

Punctelia caseana 306

Punctelia missouriensis 307

Punctelia rudecta 308

24 Cyanolichens (Pelts and Jellies): A Quick Tour 309

25 Umbilicate Lichens 313

Dermatocarpon luridum 314

Dermatocarpon muhlenbergii 315

Lasallia papulosa 316

Umbilicaria mammulata 317

26 Branched Fruticose Lichens 318

Cladonia furcata 320

Cladonia rangiferina 321

Cladonia subtenuis 322

Cladonia uncialis 323

Evernia mesomorpha 324

Ramalina americana 325

Ramalina intermedia 326

Usnea mutabilis 327

Usnea strigosa 328

27 Cladoniiform Lichens 329

Cladonia apodocarpa 332

Cladonia caespiticia 333

Cladonia coniocraea and C. macilenta 334

Cladonia cristatella and C. pleurota 335

Cladonia grayi and related species 336

Cladonia parasitica 337

Cladonia peziziformis 338

Cladonia polycarpoides 339

Cladonia pyxidata 340

Cladonia- squamosa 341

Cladonia verticillata 342

Dibaeis baeomyces 343

Pyncothelia papillaria 344

28 Crustose and Other "Microlichens" and Squamulose Lichens 345

Bryophyte Glossary 353

Lichen Glossary 357

References 361

Index of Common Names and General Index 363

Index of Scientific Names 371

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