Coming Home To Lemuria

Lemurians came to lift the Earth into the Light and have returned now for the completion of the cycle. We know how to be love; we just need to remember that we are Divine Beings clothed in human form.

Coming Home to Lemuria is a book of hope and inspiration. In Lemuria we lived in Love, we had the power to manifest whatever we needed and these powers are available to us now. We are at a time on the planet where the frequencies are rising and we have the opportunity to once more live in Oneness and Joy. We have memories at a cellular level and we can live in this consciousness again.

Lemurians had a great sense of Unity and Oneness. Every individual part was equal to not better than any other and Love was the key to evolution. They created whatever they needed so their only desire was to be of service to the Earth and her children.

Coming Home To Lemuria

Lemurians came to lift the Earth into the Light and have returned now for the completion of the cycle. We know how to be love; we just need to remember that we are Divine Beings clothed in human form.

Coming Home to Lemuria is a book of hope and inspiration. In Lemuria we lived in Love, we had the power to manifest whatever we needed and these powers are available to us now. We are at a time on the planet where the frequencies are rising and we have the opportunity to once more live in Oneness and Joy. We have memories at a cellular level and we can live in this consciousness again.

Lemurians had a great sense of Unity and Oneness. Every individual part was equal to not better than any other and Love was the key to evolution. They created whatever they needed so their only desire was to be of service to the Earth and her children.

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Coming Home To Lemuria

Coming Home To Lemuria

by Charmian Amarea Redwood Redwood
Coming Home To Lemuria

Coming Home To Lemuria

by Charmian Amarea Redwood Redwood


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Lemurians came to lift the Earth into the Light and have returned now for the completion of the cycle. We know how to be love; we just need to remember that we are Divine Beings clothed in human form.

Coming Home to Lemuria is a book of hope and inspiration. In Lemuria we lived in Love, we had the power to manifest whatever we needed and these powers are available to us now. We are at a time on the planet where the frequencies are rising and we have the opportunity to once more live in Oneness and Joy. We have memories at a cellular level and we can live in this consciousness again.

Lemurians had a great sense of Unity and Oneness. Every individual part was equal to not better than any other and Love was the key to evolution. They created whatever they needed so their only desire was to be of service to the Earth and her children.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781886940413
Publisher: Ozark Mountain Publishing
Publication date: 04/01/2013
Pages: 132
Sales rank: 660,861
Product dimensions: 5.30(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.40(d)

About the Author

In 1980 Charmian Redwood had a near death experience in which she returned to oneness and remembered who she is. Since that time she has been assisting others through her workshops and personal sessions to reconnect with their own divine self and to activate the DNA codes for ascension.

Read an Excerpt

Coming Home To Lemuria

By Charmian Amarea Kumara Redwood


Copyright © 2011 Charmian Amarea Kumara Redwood
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4685-0105-6

Chapter One


Everything we did in Lemuria was circular. Our subtle light bodies were globes of light, and we worked in circles within circles. We could extend our energies so that we were always connected to the others in our circle. We were huge beings so we could be physically very distant but felt we were close together. We merged with each other in our subtle bodies. Each circle emerged from our core and connected with the others in our team. Everything around us vibrated with color and sound. We held the consciousness, "I am One with everything, I know everything and I can manifest anything."

In our teams we connected through the third eye and brought the energy into the heart. I see the Eye and the Eye sees me. The Eye puts into my consciousness the vast knowing that I can do everything and I am everything. Nothing is ever in doubt or question, everything is a "yes." That is the purpose of the Eye, to connect with the purpose of Oneness and focus our mutual purpose. That is how we worked in our circle, because of the eye and at the same time the eye was here because we were anchoring it, each one of us individually and all of us together. We had conscious Oneness with the eye, we could distribute our abilities to any part of our bodies, we stretched out our arms and it felt like we connected to the whole circle. When we brought our arms in then we used our eyes to see where the others were. We connected to the Universal Eye through our own third eye. We were in bodies of light and we moved about largely by wafting. The third eye was our higher eye and in the center of the circle was a connecting eye. We reached out to each other and used that connection to manifest everything we wanted to create.

We connected in the heart with an intention which we shared with the collective eye. In this way we shared it with each other. It was spread and established very quickly and we knew that everyone had the same intention. We saw the intention with the third eye, brought it into our hearts and from there we spread it through our arms, connecting with each other. We used sound to assist in the process of manifesting the intention. We condensed our breathing, breathing sound through the mouth and tuning into the appropriate color for what we were manifesting.

We visualized what we wanted to create and then we breathed into that image. We held the image in the center of the circle at the level of the third eye. The more we breathed sound from our throat, the more the image densified, gaining tangible density, form and shape. We used lines of energy to form patterns, which created the basic structure, or matrix around which we wove the form and shape.

We never had to think about "how" to do anything. We just did it from our hearts, focused with intent and joy; so much joy and bliss. We were constantly moving and vibrating. In the early days of Lemuria we were particles of light, of energy, constantly moving and exchanging information with each other. We would hold our focused intent on the vision. When we held the vision it was comforting to know that we didn't hold it by ourselves. There was always a circle of other beings of Light that was connected to the humans. The other beings were available who knew how to anchor energy with focused intent. We stood in our circle with others and held the image of what we wanted to create in the center of the circle. When it was easy and anchored we knew it was the right intent, the right use was supported by every part of ourselves. What is now called ego, personality, all the different fragments that have names, were working together in alignment with the Whole. Not one of them was left out or denied, each aspect of our Being contributed its own color or frequency to assist with the focused intent. Now, before we want to create anything, it is very important to recreate a sense of Oneness.

One major focus of the things that were created was the continuity of life. We learned to focus into the third eye, into our hearts, and from there into the root chakra. That was a long process of evolution; it took aeons of time for us to develop that ability. We felt so much more at ease when we just connected in our hearts, and we were in bliss when we connected through the eye and with the extensions of ourselves. It needed quite some densification to bring the energy all the way down to the root chakra. The sound changed when it went down below the heart. It felt grating and we had to become comfortable with that. It was part of the way, the purpose that came from the eye. Whenever we connected through the eye, through our hearts, down to our second chakra we could hold the highest vibrating energy in the lower chakras and then the creation was aligned. Whatever we wanted to create together had a masculine and feminine aspect in order to uphold the balance of life.

As we came into denser bodies we needed to bring our crown chakras together, we wove the energy of the crowns together. In order to create a harmonious creation we needed to be aligned in the crown, heart and sacral chakras. As we function now, in a fully activated physical body, everything we create also has a body.

We need to acknowledge, coming from our light bodies where everything was one, that now we have a mental and a physical aspect, and everything we create today also has a mental aspect of its own and a vital connection to the overall purpose. At the very source of everything that was and is being created between teams and partners, is that when those three areas—the crown, heart and sacral—are acknowledged and harmonious, then the weaving around them becomes joyous.

Everybody in Lemuria was in a place of absolute trust. Even though we were in separate bodies, we had a complete connection to Spirit and God and to everything around us. Everyone was completely connected in an amazing awareness that God or the Divine was in every being. We radiated that awareness out. It was like a geode with little crystals, each being is a crystal separate and yet part of the whole. Each one radiated this Divine energy. It was this collection of Beings all connected that manifested the city and everything in it. There was such deep love. No violence, hatred or animosity—just love, trust, innocence and perfection everywhere. It was so peaceful, and yet it was a dynamic whirl of energy and creativity. There was so much Light.

There was energy coming from the crystals, which were a source of power. The power brought the Light that helped to manifest the physical like a generator, but it didn't work like what we have in the twenty-first century. It was completely silent in the way it worked, yet was so powerful. We used the crystals to amplify our own spirit, intention and what we wanted to create. The power of the crystals amplified the energy we were using to create a building, a city. The energy came through the crystals from Source and they amplified it like a magnifying glass that takes sunlight and intensifies it in one spot. These crystals were able to bring in far scattered energies and bring them into a cohesive unit, into a ray or beam. There were giant generator crystals as big as a building. The crystals were in geometric shapes and some of them were domes, which covered the building.

The structures were already there in the mind or the eye of God. All the templates for everything already existed, because there is no time. Our role was to transmit, transmute these templates into form. We were like a bridge between the physical and the energetic. We stood between matter and energy, and we shifted between one and the other.

Chapter Two


Lemurians first came to earth as fluid Beings of Light. We could assume any form we chose as our bodies and everything else in our society was created from liquid Light. We came from the Source as Golden Light filtered through the great central sun where we created form as Elohim or Lords of Light. The energy from the Great central Sun was filtered down again through many star systems. We carried our consciousness to many different systems, collecting the skills and knowledge we would need upon the earth from each system.

From Andromeda we learned much about the technologies of creating energy from sound and light and the higher frequencies of mathematics and sacred geometry which underlay all the structures we created in Lemuria. We learned to transport ourselves through time and space by building light ships.

On Arcturus we learned the use of color and sound for healing and energy balancing. There are many Arcturian ships around the earth at this time constantly monitoring and balancing the earth's energies, which are being disrupted by human unconsciousness.

On the Pleiades we also learned the technologies of combining light with crystals—how to harness and focus light and to use it for manifestation and teleportation.

Sirius is the home of the Temple of the Eternal Flame, The Christ Light that holds the frequencies of Immortality. It is from Sirius that the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ is being seeded on the Earth at this time. Many of us came directly from Sirius to Earth with our friends the dolphins and whales.

The energy from Alpha Centauri is very innocent and pure. There we learned to bring Pure Love into form. This energy from the fifth dimension and above was very difficult to maintain in our descent into third dimensional density, but we all have the codes for it in our DNA.

It wasn't a question of some of us being from the Pleiades and others from Sirius. We had all been on each of the star systems at different times, and some of us have a stronger affinity with one system than another. We traveled through all the systems in our galaxy on the way from the Great Central Sun to Mother Earth. We were collecting all the knowledge that we would need for our experiment of earthly life. That knowledge is encoded in our DNA and is available to us now once our Light Codes have been activated.

Some of us came through the middle star in the belt of Orion which is a portal to another universe, vibrating at a higher frequency than this one. It begins with the blue white light of the fifth dimension where all is Oneness.

In the beginning we were Beings of Pure White Light. We took on the colors and frequencies of the many dimensional planes and frequencies that we traveled through. All of those memories have been dormant in our DNA and are waiting to be activated.

Our point of entry into this solar system was through Venus. This was a landing stage for all the different groups, including Cetaceans, to congregate together from all the other star systems. We spent a long time in the love vibrations of Venus where we worked with our etheric bodies in the many Temples of Love. Many of us are still working in the dimensional Temples on Venus in our astral bodies in a dream state, and we are simply unaware that we are doing it. On Venus we brought together all of the knowledge we had learned from the other star systems and harmonized it with Pure Love, which is the vibration of Venus. The whales helped us to do this and are waiting now to help us to remember that we are Love.

We came to earth through the geometric crystalline light portal from Venus. The Beings who brought this energy here were incredibly evolved. They were Beings of Light and they traveled beyond the Light. They were able to move through dimensions like we move through air in our airplanes.

A galactic pulsation is what we were in the very beginning, a point of galactic power. We used creative techniques of combining color, form and beauty. We did this in groups. The galactic power point created a physical body around it. It created everything including its own physicality. It was a soul choice to bring the Light into the third dimension. We brought the Light into the physical and now we are bringing the physical back to the Light. This was our choice for our soul's growth. We knew the Light, but we didn't know if we could bring it into density and still be Light. We chose to experience duality, war, pestilence and disease. Now we have passed through the dark and never have to be in fear of it again. It has no power over us.

Chapter Three


We first came down to Earth as Beings of Light when the planet was mostly water. We came down into the oceans, as this medium was easiest for us to begin the experiment of taking on form in density. In the beginning our bodies were very fluid and made of liquid light. We created crystal cities in which we lived in harmony, love and balance for aeons of time. We built the cities with our minds, wove them from the fabric of light, which is the essence, which we carry within us. We breathed the cities into form together and they sang. They sang the heart song that we carry within. Each one of us had our own note, our heart song; the crystal amplified that sound and wove it into Form.

Our cities were made from pure crystal, which we created together in our circles. The cities had seven levels. At the highest level was the Great Temple under a domed, clear crystal roof from which a tall crystal spire pointed up directly to the heavens. The lowest level was underneath the water and had many channels leading from the ocean to a beautiful pool of clear aqua blue water. Dolphins and whales would swim in and out and so did we when we were taking dolphin form. Our bodies were liquid light and it was easy to assume any shape we wanted to.

Everybody worked in teams to which we were always connected in consciousness even though we may have been physically distant. The highest frequencies of energies were in the Great Temples at the top of the cities. At certain times when the great crystal spire was aligned with the sun or star systems, the Temple teams would receive the energies and transmit them into the city energy grids to be accessed by other elements of our society. The temple teams consisted of grid masters who would receive information encoded in the streams of Light, which came down from Source, was filtered through the Great Central Sun and the many star systems which we worked with. The energy left the Source as Pure Light but as it came down closer to denser levels its codes and glyphs became more visible. They were in a language of Light, which could be received as shapes, codes, glyphs or sounds. Each person in the team of grid masters had their own way of receiving the codes and all the pieces would then be put together and transmitted into the grids, which maintained and supported the city and all the activities in it.

The codes came down like streams of tablets with information encoded into them in the language of light. This language is aeons old, as far back as history can go. It came down as a stream from the Golden Light of Source. The temple teams received the Light. We stood on a star grid on the floor of the Temple; the star had as many points as there were members of the team. Some were teams of twelve who stood on a twelve pointed star; some had nine standing on a nine pointed star etc depending on the nature of the work and the energy that was coming in. These stars were the focal point of a grid, which then ran down to all the other levels of the city. We programmed the new codes into the grids, which began in the Great Temple. We received new information and activations for the next level of consciousness and these were fed into the grid to be accessed by others. We stood in our group of twelve or whatever number that felt appropriate for what we wanted to create. We saw the point in the center of the circle and each one of us held their part of the circle. The lines could have different patterns; we connected either with the person opposite or next to us or the third person around the circle in a triangle. It depended on the nature of the creation which shape the lines would make. People opposite each other or on the points of the same triangle within a star had complimentary energies and balance with each other. We all connected through the center of the circle, and individuals within the circle had complimentary energies with each other. Some circles were all feminine energy, some masculine, some a mixture of both male and female, depending on what was appropriate for that particular creation. When the energies were only male, the creation tended to be less flexible than when female energy was involved.


Excerpted from Coming Home To Lemuria by Charmian Amarea Kumara Redwood Copyright © 2011 by Charmian Amarea Kumara Redwood. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Foreward i

Chapter 1 Lemurian Consciousness 1

Chapter 2 The Lemurians' Journey to Earth 7

Chapter 3 Crystal Cities, Temples, and Grids 11

Chapter 4 Manifesting Our World 23

Chapter 5 Constructing Buildings in Lemuria 29

Chapter 6 Technology 35

Chapter 7 Work 39

Chapter 8 Sacred Union 41

Chapter 9 Babies/Children 45

Chapter 10 Education and Child Development 51

Chapter 11 Councils and How Decisions Were Made 57

Chapter 12 Gardens 59

Chapter 13 Healing 65

Chapter 14 Connections with Other Civilizations 71

Chapter 15 Dolphins 81

Chapter 16 Whales 85

Chapter 17 The Fall 89

Chapter 18 The Return 95

Chapter 19 Hawaii and the Pacific Islands 105

Afterword 109

About the Author 113

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