Comics for Social and Communicative Behavior
In their early school years, children focus on reading, writing, and arithmetics. For success in life, social skills and a positive personality are equally important. While curricula for core school subjects are abundant, materials on social behavior and character building are harder to find.

This workbook provides a clear teaching structure for these important teaching targets. It features over 130 comics of everyday problems, along with possible solutions. Eight key long-term targets are addressed, including:

  • reliability
  • teamwork
  • self-control
  • empathy
  • communicative competence
  • Using this tool, all students can be encouraged to adopt the positive behaviors that are important in school, family and later work life.

    Comics for Social and Communicative Behavior
    In their early school years, children focus on reading, writing, and arithmetics. For success in life, social skills and a positive personality are equally important. While curricula for core school subjects are abundant, materials on social behavior and character building are harder to find.

    This workbook provides a clear teaching structure for these important teaching targets. It features over 130 comics of everyday problems, along with possible solutions. Eight key long-term targets are addressed, including:

  • reliability
  • teamwork
  • self-control
  • empathy
  • communicative competence
  • Using this tool, all students can be encouraged to adopt the positive behaviors that are important in school, family and later work life.

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    Comics for Social and Communicative Behavior

    Comics for Social and Communicative Behavior

    by Vera Bernard-Opitz
    Comics for Social and Communicative Behavior

    Comics for Social and Communicative Behavior

    by Vera Bernard-Opitz


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    In their early school years, children focus on reading, writing, and arithmetics. For success in life, social skills and a positive personality are equally important. While curricula for core school subjects are abundant, materials on social behavior and character building are harder to find.

    This workbook provides a clear teaching structure for these important teaching targets. It features over 130 comics of everyday problems, along with possible solutions. Eight key long-term targets are addressed, including:

  • reliability
  • teamwork
  • self-control
  • empathy
  • communicative competence
  • Using this tool, all students can be encouraged to adopt the positive behaviors that are important in school, family and later work life.

    Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9781949177671
    Publisher: Future Horizons, Inc.
    Publication date: 05/04/2021
    Pages: 113
    Product dimensions: 8.50(w) x 11.00(h) x (d)

    About the Author

    Vera Bernard-Opitz is an American BCBA-D and German psychotherapist and behavior therapist, who has worked in Germany, Singapore, and the United States. She has assessed and treated more than 1000 children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in autism research centers, rehabilitation centers, special needs schools, and homes. She studied Psychology at the Universityof Göttingen, conducting her Ph.D. research in Göttingen and the Universityof California Santa Barbara. For seven years she headed the Psychological Services unit at a rehabilitation center near Heidelberg, where she set up behavioral programs for individuals with ASD. Her research on computer-assisted instruction was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). For twelve years she was Associate Professor of Psychology at the National Universityof Singapore, mainly teaching Abnormal Psychology and Behavior Modification. During this period she initiated the first autism program in Singapore (STEP), where she coordinated training and research activities at the Behavior Intervention Center of the university. Here in Southern California, she has supervised home-programs for a private ABA-company. For the last eight years she has been an international consultant, spearheading tele-health for individuals with behavior challenges and varying levels of capabilities. She has written several books focusing on behavior intervention, curriculum development and social skills training. The fourth edition of her curriculum guide Children and Adolescents with ASD has recently been published by Kohlhammer Publishing. Her cartoon-book Teaching-goals: Communication and Social Behavior has just been published in German and is in manuscript in English by Future Horizon. She has edited the Autism Concrete Series with eight published books from internationally recognized authors. Vera Bernard-Opitz lives with her family most of the year in Irvine, California. She spends three to four months in her home in the nice city of Hildesheim from where she gives practice workshops throughout Germany.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction! 1

    Introduction to the cartoon curriculum! 7

    A) Examples of developing values and social behavior at schools 10

    STAR Program 12

    S - Safety first 15

    T - There and ready 16

    A - Act responsibly 16

    R - Respect self and others 16

    Chart 1 STAR Program 17

    S - Safety first 17

    Wearing a helmet 19

    Paying attention at the swings 19

    Jumping into the pool 20

    Being careful with strangers 20

    T - There and ready 21

    Arriving on time to class 21

    Paying attention during physical education 21

    Not interrupting in class 22

    Doing your homework without distractions 22

    A - Act responsibly 23

    Helping a classmate with a nosebleed 23

    Handing back a lost wallet 23

    No littering in public places 24

    Not disturbing neighbors 24

    R - Respect self and others 25

    No burping 25

    Respecting classmates from different cultures 25

    Not excluding people with disabilities 26

    Respecting the privacy of others 26

    LTG 1 Being kind and popular and making friends! 27

    A) Goals for positive social behavior! 29

    LTG 1 Being kind and popular and making friends 33

    STG 1 Following instructions 33

    STG 2 Considering the perspectives of others 33

    STG 3 Helping and respecting others 33

    STG 4 Being helpful 34

    STG 5 Being humble 34

    Chart 2 LTG Being kind and popular and making friends 35

    STG 1 Following instructions 37

    Cleaning up your room 37

    Coming when called 37

    Coming home when it is dark 38

    Checking off the To-Do-List 38

    STG 2 Considering the perspectives of others 39

    Being careful at stairs 39

    Comforting your neighbor 39

    Supporting your friend 40

    Offering an umbrella in rain 40

    STG 3 Helping and respecting others 41

    Letting younger siblings win 41

    Offering a seat to someone on the bus 41

    Letting older people go ahead at the cash register 42

    Showing a new student around school 42

    STG 4 Being helpful 43

    Helping a classmate with his homework 43

    Helping your dad with washing the car 43

    Defending someone who is bullied 44

    Helping your neighbor with the trash 44

    STG 5 Being humble 45

    Not bragging about your skills 45

    Not bragging about your possession 45

    Not making someone feel inferior 46

    Being humble when invited to a restaurant 46

    LTG 2 Being responsible and reliable! 47

    LTG 2 Being responsible and reliable 53

    STG 1 Respecting instructions 53

    STG 2 Doing what you promised 53

    STG 3 Doing what is expected 54

    STG 4 Taking responsibility for others and the environment 54

    STG 5 Time management and being on time 54

    Chart 3 LTG 2 Being responsible and reliable 55

    STG 1 Respecting instructions 57

    Respecting school decisions 57

    Respecting behavior rules 57

    Respecting authority figures 58

    Respecting public rules 58

    STG 2 Doing what you promised 59

    Doing your homework 59

    Answering text messages 59

    Packing your schoolbag on time 60

    Feeding the pets 60

    STG 3 Doing what is expected 61

    Writing an essay 61

    Unloading the dishwasher 61

    Picking up your things 62

    Locking the door 62

    STG 4 Taking responsibility for others and the environment 63

    Babysitting 63

    Bringing a classmate in a wheelchair along 63

    Not throwing away food 64

    Turning off the light 64

    STG 5 Time management and being on time 65

    Not showering for too long 65

    Being on time for an internship 65

    Sending birthday invitations on time 66

    Not missing the train 66

    LTG 3 Being a team player! 67

    LTG 3 Having good team skills 72

    STG 1 Setting team goals 72

    STG 2 Accepting criticism 72

    STG 3 Suggesting or accepting compromises 72

    STG 4 Being fair 73

    Chart 4 LTG 3 Having good team skills 74

    STG 1 Setting team-goals 76

    Following instructions during P.E. class 76

    Accepting team decisions 76

    Giving compliments to team players 77

    Participating actively in groups 77

    STG 2 Accepting criticism 78

    Accepting critical arguments 78

    Accepting critique about behavior 78

    Accepting negative feedback about the appearance 79

    Accepting responsibility for mistakes in a group 79

    STG 3 Suggesting or accepting compromises 80

    Choice of restaurants 80

    Choice of movies 80

    When parents restrict computer time 81

    When going out late at night 81

    STG 4 Being fair 82

    Dividing tasks fairly 82

    Giving everyone a chance 82

    Playing without cheating 83

    Clarifying disputes 83

    LTG 4 Optimism! 85

    LTG 4 Optimism 92

    STG 1 Never give up 92

    STG 2 Thinking positively about yourself and others 92

    STG 3 Taking advantage of your own chance and giving others a chance 92

    Chart 5 LTG 4 Optimism 93

    STG 1 Never give up 95

    Practicing swimming 95

    Keep going when physical effort is needed 95

    Practicing a new language 96

    Asking for help (flying a kite) 96

    STG 2 Thinking positively about yourself and others 97

    Don't give up when losing 97

    Don't take revenge on someone 97

    Don't make yourself to be the outsider 98

    Practicing your handwriting 98

    STG 3 Taking advantage of your own chance and giving others a chance 99

    Integrating minorities 99

    Including younger siblings 99

    Making wise decisions 100

    Including older people 100

    LTG 5 Dealing with frustration and using coping strategies! 101

    LTG 5 Dealing with frustration and using coping strategies 105

    STG 1 Dealing with feelings of failure 105

    STG 2 Dealing with losses and thinking positively 105

    Chart 6 LTG 5 106

    STG 1 Dealing with the feeling of failing 107

    Dealing with the rejection of an application 107

    Dealing with lack of popularity 107

    Being the only one not allowed to join the field trip 108

    Being the only one not passing the bike exam 108

    STG 2 Dealing with losses and thinking positively 109

    Divorce of parents 109

    Loss of a friend due to switching schools 109

    Loss of cell phone 110

    Loss of pet 110

    LTG 6 Being loyal and trustworthy! 111

    LTG 6 Being loyal and trustworthy 116

    STG 1 Being loyal 116

    STG 2 Being real and self-confident 116

    STG 3 Being honest even though you fear punishment or disadvantages 116

    Chart 7 LTG 6 Being loyal and trustworthy 117

    STG 1 Being loyal 119

    Not making fun of your parents 119

    Respecting teachers 119

    Being loyal to lost loved ones 120

    Being loyal to your team 120

    STG 2 Being real and self-confident 121

    Don't join in on instigating 121

    Don't join in when others are doing something dangerous 121

    Don't join in when others are doing something forbidden 122

    Expressing your own opinion and prevailing against the opinion of others 122

    STG 3 Being honest even though you fear punishment or disadvantages 123

    Admitting when you damaged something 123

    Admitting when you stole something 123

    Admitting that you stole/borrowed money 124

    Admitting that you have made a mistake 124

    STG 7 Being self-controlled! 125

    LTG 7 Being self-controlled 130

    STG 1 Being aware of yourself and others 130

    STG 2 Dealing with stress 130

    Chart 8 STG 7 Self-control 131

    STG 1 Being aware of yourself and others 132

    Not annoying others with a monologue 132

    Not everyone thinks biting nails is cool 132

    Expressing stress at school (deliberate/intentionally) 133

    Being thoughtful 133

    STG 2 Dealing with stress 134

    Using calming strategies while preparing for an exam 134

    Don't be angry when being bullied 134

    Dealing with weight 135

    Dealing with peer pressure 135

    LTG 8 Being a good communicator! 137

    LTG 8 Being a good conversational partner 142

    STG 1 Giving compliments 142

    STG 2 Apologize and make up for it 142

    STG 3 Clarifying misunderstandings 142

    STG 4 "You-talk" instead of "Me-talk" 143

    STG 5 Showing interest towards others and paying attention 143

    STG 6 Showing thankfulness 143

    Chart 9 LTG 8 Being a good conversational partner 144

    STG 1 Giving compliments 146

    About someone's clothes 146

    About someone's possession 146

    About someone's grade 147

    About someone's skills 147

    STG 2 Apologizing and making up for mistakes 148

    Apologizing when hurting someone 148

    Apologizing when breaking something 148

    Apologize when forgetting something 149

    Apologize when being dishonest 149

    STG 3 Clarifying misunderstandings 150

    Clarifying wrong information 150

    Clarifying misunderstandings 150

    Clarifying date for the next exam 151

    Clarifying a doctor's appointment 151

    STG 4 "You-talk" instead of "Me-talk" 152

    Don't perseverate about your favorite subject 152

    Don't be a "show-off" 152

    Considering the interest of others 153

    Don't always insist on being right 153

    STG 5 Showing interest towards others and paying attention 154

    Paying attention when success within the family is mentioned 154

    Paying attention when the loss of a family member is mentioned 154

    Paying attention when your friend is telling you about his vacation 155

    Paying attention to the joy of a friend 155

    STG 6 Showing thankfulness 156

    For a dinner invitation 156

    For a trip 156

    For critical feedback 157

    For life advice 157

    Conclusion! 159

    Literature! 161

    Creator Bios 165

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