Clear: 8 Lessons on the Theological Foundations of Faith
"If your vision is out of focus, simple tasks like driving, reading, and writing become difficult to do well. Faith is not all that different.In order to follow Jesus and become more like him, it helps if you can see your faith clearly—it helps to have a theology that you live by. Theology is simply the study of God and the Christian faith, and the understanding of how God and faith play out in our everyday lives. In Clear, you’ll walk through the foundations to a Christian theology so that you can better understand God and bring his truths into focus. You’ll learn more about: • God• Jesus• The Holy Spirit• Humanity• Sin• Salvation• The Church• Heaven At your own pace, you can work through the interactive exercises in this book to grow closer to God and to bring your faith into focus. You’ll have opportunities to study the Bible, pray, put your new knowledge into action, and much more. If any part of your faith seems a little blurry, this book will help you see it more clearly."
Clear: 8 Lessons on the Theological Foundations of Faith
"If your vision is out of focus, simple tasks like driving, reading, and writing become difficult to do well. Faith is not all that different.In order to follow Jesus and become more like him, it helps if you can see your faith clearly—it helps to have a theology that you live by. Theology is simply the study of God and the Christian faith, and the understanding of how God and faith play out in our everyday lives. In Clear, you’ll walk through the foundations to a Christian theology so that you can better understand God and bring his truths into focus. You’ll learn more about: • God• Jesus• The Holy Spirit• Humanity• Sin• Salvation• The Church• Heaven At your own pace, you can work through the interactive exercises in this book to grow closer to God and to bring your faith into focus. You’ll have opportunities to study the Bible, pray, put your new knowledge into action, and much more. If any part of your faith seems a little blurry, this book will help you see it more clearly."
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Clear: 8 Lessons on the Theological Foundations of Faith

Clear: 8 Lessons on the Theological Foundations of Faith

by Chris Folmsbee
Clear: 8 Lessons on the Theological Foundations of Faith

Clear: 8 Lessons on the Theological Foundations of Faith

by Chris Folmsbee



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"If your vision is out of focus, simple tasks like driving, reading, and writing become difficult to do well. Faith is not all that different.In order to follow Jesus and become more like him, it helps if you can see your faith clearly—it helps to have a theology that you live by. Theology is simply the study of God and the Christian faith, and the understanding of how God and faith play out in our everyday lives. In Clear, you’ll walk through the foundations to a Christian theology so that you can better understand God and bring his truths into focus. You’ll learn more about: • God• Jesus• The Holy Spirit• Humanity• Sin• Salvation• The Church• Heaven At your own pace, you can work through the interactive exercises in this book to grow closer to God and to bring your faith into focus. You’ll have opportunities to study the Bible, pray, put your new knowledge into action, and much more. If any part of your faith seems a little blurry, this book will help you see it more clearly."

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780310398974
Publisher: Zondervan
Publication date: 08/10/2010
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 144
File size: 565 KB
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Chris Folmsbee has served as a youth pastor for nearly 15 years, and now serves as a volunteer youth worker in his local church. He currently leads Barefoot Ministries, a youth ministry training and publishing company located in Kansas City, and is on staff with Youthfront. Chris is the author of several books including his most recent, Story, Signs, and Sacred Rhythms: A Narrative Approach to Youth Ministry. He lives in Overland Park, Kansas, with his wife, Gina, and their three children, Megan, Drew, and Luke.

Read an Excerpt


8 Lessons on the Theological Foundations of Faith
By Chris Folmsbee


Copyright © 2010 Chris Folmsbee
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-310-27752-1

Chapter One


Interaction 1: Who Is God?


As people with a personal relationship with God, we have the honor of knowing the one true and living God. Although we can know God, we may never fully understand him. God is full of mystery, wonder, and awe.

God has given us special attention by providing some information about himself in the Bible. It's both our responsibility and our privilege to seek God and learn all that we can about him.

As we seek to know God, we must remember that we can learn only as much about God as he's revealed to us. Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 2:9-10-"As it is written: 'What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived-these things God has prepared for those who love him'-for God has revealed them to us by his Spirit."

What has the Spirit revealed to you about God?

If you were asked to explain who God is to a friend or family member, what would you say to describe God?


The following verses hint at the nature of God and will be helpful to your discovery throughout this interaction. Take a moment to look them up. Then read them slowly and attempt to uncover and absorb something new as it relates to the nature of God or who God is.

Old Testament New Testament Exodus 3:13-14 Romans 11:33-34 Leviticus 11:44-45 Ephesians 1:11 Isaiah 44:6 2 Timothy 2:13 Isaiah 45:22-24 Isaiah 46:9

As you've read, the verses above indicate that God is a Person. And it's true that God exists as three distinct, simultaneous Persons (also known as the Trinity: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), each of whom is fully divine.

The fact that God has personal features or traits like ours indicates God's personhood. But while God is very much like us, we're very far from being like God. God is uncreated. He's without material body or substance; therefore, God is spirit.

Here's where it's important to recognize that there's a difference between the spirit of God and the Holy Spirit. The spirit that makes up God is an invisible force or power, while the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is also invisible-but he's his own being.


Read the following verses (with emphasis added):

No one has ever seen God, but the one and only [Son], who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. (John 1:18)

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation. (Colossians 1:15, NLT)

It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king's anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one [God] who is invisible. (Hebrews 11:27, NLT)


As you conclude your learning for today, take a moment to write a prayer to God below. As you write, ponder the difference between God as a spirit and the Holy Spirit. If it helps you, use the following truths about God to guide your prayer.

God is a Person. God is divine. God is uncreated and invisible. God is spirit.


Take a moment to quiet your pace. If it helps, close your eyes and take two or three deep breaths. After you feel you've established a quiet pace, take a few minutes to write in the space provided as many truths about God as you can bring to mind from this interaction.

Interaction 2: What Is God Like?


God has qualities that belong to him. These qualities or attributes of God allow us to better understand him. And a better understanding of God allows us to worship him more deeply. Throughout this interaction we'll study several of God's attributes and grow in our awareness, awe, and adoration of God.

Before we study God's attributes, however, I think it's constructive for us to pause and reflect on recent world events that cause us to be grateful for our union with God. What is it about our world that makes you thankful he's your God? List those things here:


The following is a list of several of the most established attributes of God and their definitions. These attributes will help you understand what God is really like. Take a moment to look up the verse(s) beside each attribute.

Life (Jeremiah 10:10; The quality of 1 Thessalonians 1:9) being alive

Truthful (Psalm 19:7-11) The quality of being real

Immutability (Psalm 102:25-27) The quality of being unchanging

Eternal (Deuteronomy 33:27; The quality of Isaiah 57:15) being infinite in duration

Infinity (Psalm 145:3, Matthew The quality of 5:48) being without limits

Immense (Isaiah 66:1; 1 Kings The quality of 8:27) being spatially limitless

Omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-10) The quality of being present everywhere

Omniscient (Job 37:16; Proverbs The quality 24:12) of knowing everything

Omnipotent (Genesis 17:1) The quality of being all powerful

Sovereign (Deuteronomy 10:14; The quality of Isaiah 40:15-17) being supreme

Take a moment to reflect on the above attributes. What did you learn about God?

Considering what you know about God, what do God's attributes reveal about you and your relationship with him?


The Bible reveals many more attributes about God. Read the verses below while taking note of the corresponding attribute. God is-

1. Full of wisdom (Ephesians 3:10) 2. Holy (Isaiah 6:1-4) 3. Righteous (Psalm 145:7, 17) 4. Just (Isaiah 45:21) 5. Good (Mark 10:18) 6. Loving (John 3:16; 1 John 3:16-18) 7. A God who hates (Psalm 5:5; Malachi 1:2-3) 8. A God who exercises grace (Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 2:9) 9. Merciful (Deuteronomy 4:31; Romans 11:30-32) 10. Longsuffering (Psalm 86:14-17)

Now match the above attributes of God with their corresponding definitions below. (Write the attribute next to the definition.)

Set apart: ______________________________________________ Exercising unmerited favor: _____________________________ Being and doing right: __________________________________ Being fair: _____________________________________________ Reacting against sin: ___________________________________ Being and doing good: ___________________________________ Being patient: __________________________________________ Caring: _________________________________________________ Showing compassion: _____________________________________ Know-how: _______________________________________________


Draw a picture that illustrates how you see God using his attributes around you each day. Try to include at least three of the attributes you've studied. After listing the attributes, take a moment to pray using very few words. Try to focus on the three attributes in your picture. For example, you might say, "God, thanks for being a righteous, loving, and merciful God!" Repeat this prayer for five minutes, allowing your mind and heart to meditate on the greatness of God revealed in these attributes.


As you move through your day, find a place where you can sit and view as much of the sky as possible. You won't be able to view the entire sky without moving your eyes, so each time your eyes move, repeat this simple phrase: "God, you are amazing! Nothing can contain you, for you are spatially limitless."

Interaction 3: What Makes God Unique?


God is unlike any other god worshipped today or at any time in history. He's unique for two reasons-his unity and his tri-unity. God is a God of singularity, yet at the same time God is three Persons. God is one God because he's comprised of only one divine nature. Yet he's also three Persons because God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit share or possess in common this one divine nature. This singular, shared divine nature establishes the Three as one God.

Before you begin this interaction, take a brief moment to reflect on the above statement about God. Does it confuse you? Is it hard to grasp? You aren't alone. God is a mystery to us all. We know God consists of three Persons because the Bible teaches that truth. What we don't fully understand is how that can be. Our limited minds make it hard for us to truly comprehend our limitless God. Yet, that's also what makes God worthy of our worship.

Ecclesiastes 11:5 states, "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." As people of God, we cannot let the unanswered questions and mysteries of God limit our faith. Instead, they should increase and build into our faith. After all, if you and I knew everything about God, how big of a God would he actually be?


In his book Practical Christian Theology: Examining the Great Doctrines of the Faith, Floyd H. Barackman says that the biblical doctrine of God may be summarized as follows: (1) There is one God, (2) The Godhead consists of three Persons, (3) The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are distinct, coexistent, eternal Persons, and (4) The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each God.

Let's take a look at each of these truths about the Trinity.

1. There Is One God

Deuteronomy 6:4 says, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one." This truth is repeated throughout the Bible. Take a look at the following verses:

Isaiah 45:5

1 Corinthians 8:4

Galatians 3:20

1 Timothy 2:5

2. The Godhead Consists of Three Persons

Matthew 28:19 says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Read these additional verses that show God as three in one.

Genesis 1:26

2 Corinthians 13:14

3. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Are Distinct, Coexistent, and Eternal Persons

In John 14:16-17 Jesus said to his disciples, "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever-the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." Read the following verses that also speak of the members of the Godhead:

Psalm 2:7

Psalm 51:10-12

4. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Are Each God

Evidence that all three Persons of the Trinity are God can be found in both the Old and New Testaments. Read the verses below.

Old Testament

The Father is God: Psalm 45:6-7; Psalm 110:1

The Son is God: Isaiah 7:14; 9:6

The Holy Spirit is God: Jeremiah 31:33-34

New Testament

The Father is God: John 6:27; Romans 1:7; 1 Peter 1:2

The Son is God: John 1:1; Romans 9:5; Hebrews 1:8

The Holy Spirit is God: 1 Corinthians 3:16; Acts 5:3-4


Take a moment to draw a picture that illustrates the truths you've just learned about the Trinity. If you have access to colored pens or pencils, choose three different colors. Use one of the three colors to represent one of the members of the Trinity. After you draw the picture, spend some time meditating on it. Empty your mind of all distractions and fill it with only truths about the Trinity. Then write a paragraph (below your picture) that explains the truths. Write it as if you're in a conversation with one of your friends.


Write a prayer of adoration to God. In your prayer make sure to tell God how the mystery of who he is and his uniqueness result in your complete awe and wonder.


Sometime today, try to explain the mystery of the Trinity to one of your friends in an email. As you do, reflect on what you've recently discovered from both the Old and New Testaments.

Interaction 4: Does God Have Any Other Names?


Throughout the story of God-the Bible-we find that God has various names. When we humans use names, we typically use them to give something or someone an identity. For example, think of two or three of your closest friends. What are their names? Do they have nicknames? If they didn't have names or nicknames, how would you identify them? We use names simply to identify one another.

In the Bible, however, names are much more than identification-especially when referring to God. God's names describe his character, his nature, and his works.


In the Old Testament there are three names of God that stand out to reveal his character, nature, and works: Elohim, Adonia, and Yahweh. These Hebrew names are fundamental or basic to who God is, but they're also deeply profound as they specifically relate to our understanding of God.

Name #1: Elohim-Meaning "strength" or "might," when this name of God is used in the Old Testament, it's usually symbolic of God being the One to whom all power belongs.

Name #2: Adonai-Typically understood to mean "Lord," this name comes from the word Adon, which means "master" or "ruler" in Hebrew. It can also mean "owner" or "possessor."

Name #3: Yahweh-This name is translated "Jehovah." Although its meaning is difficult to wrap your mind around, the name Yahweh essentially means that God is who he says he is. It comes from the root meaning "to be." God reveals himself "to be" when he says, "I AM WHO I AM," in Exodus 3:13-14.

In the New Testament we don't find the same emphasis placed on the names of God. While there's no doubt the God of the Old and New Testaments is the same God, the names used for him differ. In the New Testament, he's typically spoken of in words that we see and hear used more in our everyday language, such as God, Lord, or Father. Of course we find "Jesus," the personal name of God, used time and time again, especially in the Gospels.

Read the following verses and pay careful attention to other names of God that are used to describe his character, nature, or work.

Verse Name

Deuteronomy 32:4 1 Samuel 12:12 2 Samuel 22:2 Job 36:3 Psalm 19:14 Jeremiah 10:16


Answer the following questions. (It's okay to look back at the "Discover" section if you need to.)

What do we as humans typically use names for?

What three things do the names of God help us understand about him?

What are the three primary names of God in the Old Testament?

What is the personal name of God in the Old Testament?

What other names of God did you discover?


Take a moment to slowly read the following verse five times: "The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe" (Proverbs 18:10). After you've finished reading it, tell God how grateful you are that he's a "strong tower" in which you can find safety no matter what the situation might be.


Carry this book, a notebook, or a journal with you throughout the day today. When you get a spare moment (you may need to make a moment!), try to recall as many of the names of God as you can and write them down. (Remember, it's okay to look back over the material if you need to.) As you do, choose a nearby object that might serve to remind you of each name of God.


Excerpted from Clear by Chris Folmsbee Copyright © 2010 by Chris Folmsbee. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Getting Started....................12
How to Use This Book....................14
Interaction 1: Who Is God?....................20
Interaction 2: What Is God Like?....................24
Interaction 3: What Makes God Unique?....................28
Interaction 4: Does God Have Any Other Names?....................31
chaPter 2-Jesus....................34
Interaction 1: Is Jesus Really God?....................39
Interaction 2: Is Jesus Really God and Human?....................43
Interaction 3: What Makes Jesus Unique?....................47
Interaction 4: Why Did Jesus Have to Die?....................50
chaPter 3-the holy sPIrIt....................54
Interaction 1: Who Is the Holy Spirit?....................58
Interaction 2: How Does the Holy Spirit Relate to God and Jesus?....................61
Interaction 3: What Are Some Symbols of the Holy Spirit?....................66
chaPter 4-humanIty....................69
Interaction 1: Where Did People Come From?....................74
Interaction 2: What Role Does Humanity Play in God's Kingdom?....................80
chaPter 5-sIn....................84
Interaction 1: What Is Sin?....................92
Interaction 2: Are There Different Kinds of Sin?....................97
chaPter 6-salvatIon....................101
Interaction 1: What Is Salvation?....................106
Interaction 2: What Are the Components of Salvation?....................111
chaPter 7-the church....................116
Interaction 1: What Is the Church?....................124
Interaction 2: What Role Does the Church Play in the Life of a Christian?....................132
chaPter 8-heaven....................137
Interaction 1: What Is Heaven Like?....................145
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