Chinese Paper Folding for Beginners

"Fine entertainment for a child alone, for a group, for a family kept indoors by rain." — Chicago Sun
Though nowadays people usually refer to paper folding by its Japanese name, origami, the art most likely originated in China. Even today, youngsters in that country are taught this craft at a very early age by mothers and grandmothers.
In this charming, instructive book, the author shares her knowledge of this rewarding craft by providing clear instructions and simple diagrams for folding gaily colored part hats, a pagida-shaped bookmark, toy boats made of waterproof paper, decorative candy boxes, a bird with wings that flap when its tail is pushed in and out, a Chinese fishing boat, a monkey, steamboats — even a three-piece living room set and other items of tiny furniture for a doll's house. All can be made without using scissors or paste, and projects are arranged from easiest to those requiring more skill.
Children and adults alike will find this book fascinating and will be delighted by the imaginative works they're able to create from a single sheet of paper.

Chinese Paper Folding for Beginners

"Fine entertainment for a child alone, for a group, for a family kept indoors by rain." — Chicago Sun
Though nowadays people usually refer to paper folding by its Japanese name, origami, the art most likely originated in China. Even today, youngsters in that country are taught this craft at a very early age by mothers and grandmothers.
In this charming, instructive book, the author shares her knowledge of this rewarding craft by providing clear instructions and simple diagrams for folding gaily colored part hats, a pagida-shaped bookmark, toy boats made of waterproof paper, decorative candy boxes, a bird with wings that flap when its tail is pushed in and out, a Chinese fishing boat, a monkey, steamboats — even a three-piece living room set and other items of tiny furniture for a doll's house. All can be made without using scissors or paste, and projects are arranged from easiest to those requiring more skill.
Children and adults alike will find this book fascinating and will be delighted by the imaginative works they're able to create from a single sheet of paper.

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Chinese Paper Folding for Beginners

Chinese Paper Folding for Beginners

by Maying Soong
Chinese Paper Folding for Beginners

Chinese Paper Folding for Beginners

by Maying Soong



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"Fine entertainment for a child alone, for a group, for a family kept indoors by rain." — Chicago Sun
Though nowadays people usually refer to paper folding by its Japanese name, origami, the art most likely originated in China. Even today, youngsters in that country are taught this craft at a very early age by mothers and grandmothers.
In this charming, instructive book, the author shares her knowledge of this rewarding craft by providing clear instructions and simple diagrams for folding gaily colored part hats, a pagida-shaped bookmark, toy boats made of waterproof paper, decorative candy boxes, a bird with wings that flap when its tail is pushed in and out, a Chinese fishing boat, a monkey, steamboats — even a three-piece living room set and other items of tiny furniture for a doll's house. All can be made without using scissors or paste, and projects are arranged from easiest to those requiring more skill.
Children and adults alike will find this book fascinating and will be delighted by the imaginative works they're able to create from a single sheet of paper.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780486152547
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication date: 10/19/2012
Series: Dover Origami Papercraft
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 144
File size: 8 MB
Age Range: 12 Years

Read an Excerpt


By Maying Soong

Dover Publications, Inc.

Copyright © 2001 Dover Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-486-15254-7



This is a good way to fold an informal letter or note. The "love knot" is specially designed to be used in schools and libraries, and in dormitory mailboxes, where notes are so often exchanged, and where envelopes are a bother.

Write your note on any size of writing paper. Fold the sheet into a long strip as shown in Fig. 6. Then fold on the slanted dotted line, so that line A-B will fall straight as in Fig. 7.

Fold backward on the dotted line. Line B-C should fall parallel and close to line A-B. (See Fig. 8.)

Fold backward on the dotted line.

Place leg D behind leg E.

Finished "love knot." Write name on leg E. Now it is ready to deliver your message with love.


How to make a paper cup when you wish to have a drink and no other cup is available.

Place a piece of square paper (8" x 8" is a good size) in the position shown in Fig. 11, and fold on the dotted line.

Bring point C to line A-B so that line C-D is parallel with line A-E. (See Fig. 13.) Fold on dotted line.

Cup now in position Fig. 13.

Turn it over to the other side.

Bring point A to point D. Crease on dotted line.

Fold on the dotted line, bringing upper sheet of point B downward. Turn cup over and repeat on the other side.

Finished cup opened at the top; lower corners brought upward to keep it open.


To make this hat, paper should be rectangular in shape, its length 1½ times its width. For a child to wear, use paper approximately 17" × 8 ½". It may also be made small enough for a doll.

Fold on the dotted line. Unfold.

Fold on the dotted line by bringing line A-B to line C-D.

Fold on the dotted lines so that point E and point F meet at the center line.

Fold on the dotted line, bringing line A-B upward.

Turn the hat over to the other side and bring line C-D upward, folding on the dotted line.

Finished hat, opened at the bottom and ready to be worn.


This bird can be made nicely with writing paper. Tissue or heavy paper will not serve the purpose.

Take a piece of square paper (6" x 6") and place it as in Fig. 23. Fold on the dotted line. Crease, and unfold.

Bring point A to point B and fold on the dotted line.

Bring point AB to point C and fold on the dotted line.

Fold on dotted lines by bringing point D to AB and point C to AB.

Fold on the dotted lines. Crease, and unfold.

Turn the bird upside down. Push up the head through the center. Crease well.

Finished bird that will fly when thrown from the fingers. To fly this bird, hold its head between your index and middle finger. Lift your hand up high and throw the bird off with a little swing. It can fly gracefully for some distance.


Little girls can use a miniature dustpan when they are playing house.

Fold a square of paper, 8 inches or smaller, on the dotted line. Unfold.

Fold on dotted line, bringing line A-B to line C-D

Fold on the dotted lines, bringing points AC and BD together at the center crease.

Folded paper now looks as in Fig. 33.

Study Fig. 34 before proceeding.

Slip left thumb inside Y, and holding underside firmly in place with thumb, pull upperside all of the way out to the right. Crease on the diagonal lines at the top. (See Fig. 35.) Repeat with X.

Fold on the dotted line upward.

Open dustpan by pushing line A up.

Finished dustpan.


Children always love pinwheels. It's fun to be able to make them yourself.

Fold a square approximately 8½" down the middle Crease. Unfold.

Bring lines A-B and C-D to center crease line. Fold.

Fold on the dotted line Y-Y. Crease. Unfold.

Pick up lower corner D and lift upward to right, matching edge (line CD) with creased line Y. Fold across diagonal dotted line.

Repeat with lower corner B, lifting it upward toward left and folding.

Fold underside from X to X and crease flat.

Pinwheel now looks like Fig. 41. Turn it upside down and repeat steps in Fig. 40.

When completed model will look as in Fig. 42.

Bring point C upward by folding on the dotted line.

Fold on the dotted line by bringing point B downward

Folded pinwheel.

Cut two small ½" squares. Paste one over the center to catch the corners together. Stick a pin through the center of the pinwheel, then through the center of the second small square, and then push it firmly into a stick.

Pull the flaps of the pinwheel open, and it is ready for a whirl in the breeze.


Boxes are always useful for children's collections. Heavy writing or wrapping paper will be most suitable to make the box.

Fold a square of paper diagonally on the dotted lines. Crease. Unfold.

Fold and crease on the dotted lines by bringing corners S and T to center O. Unfold.

Bring point S to crease (1), then fold by rolling over again and again on the dotted lines until fold meets center O.

Repeat with point T.

When this step is finished it should look like Fig. 48.

Fold to the back at dotted line.

Fold on the dotted lines by bringing line A-B on line A-D, and line C-E on line C-F, creasing on diagonal line. Then crease across points X.

When finished turn Fig. 49 over and place it in position Fig. 50.

Repeat steps in Fig. 49 to Fig. 50.

Fold upper section on dotted lines so that points P meet at center line.

First fold at dotted line A, then turn over again at dotted line B.

When the above is done, turn Fig. 52 over and repeat steps in Fig. 51 and Fig. 52 on other side.

Open box by pulling flaps A and B apart with thumbs and index fingers while supporting bottom of box with other fingers.

Finished box.


This row boat made of waxed paper, cellophane, or other waterproof paper will float in water for a long time.

Matchsticks and toothpicks can be used in the smaller boats for seats and oars, and to make them look lifelike.

Fold a square in half and crease.


Bring lines A and B to center fold and crease.

Fold on diagonal dotted lines, bringing points C, D, E and F to the center line and crease.

Fold on dotted lines.

Fold again on dotted lines.

Turn boat inside out, holding folds carefully to prevent tearing.

Finished boat, ready for the bathtub sailor.


This hat can be made of colored gift-wrapping paper. Children enjoy making their own hats and it adds fun to parties.

Paper should be rectangular in shape, its length 1½ times its width. For a child's hat, use paper approximately 21" x 14."

Fold paper on the dotted line, bringing line A to B.

Fold on lines 1 and 2, crease and unfold.

Fold on the diagonal dotted lines.

Fold the upper sheet on the dotted lines, folding first on line (1), then rolling over again to crease on line (2). When done, turn Fig. 64 over.

Fold on the dotted lines. Crease well.

Fold this side on lines (1) and (2), as in Fig. 64. When completed, tuck ends at top securely into each end of the folded band to hold it in place.

Open the hat at the bottom.

Completed hat, ready to wear.


Paper balls make attractive Christmas tree ornaments when made of shiny, colored papers, or with cellophane. They also can be used as party favors and decorations.

Take a square of paper, fold, and crease on the dotted lines. Unfold.

Fold on the dotted line, bringing A to B.

Fold on the dotted lines by pushing triangles C B D, and A B E into triangle A B C. Hold paper in hand as illustrated in Fig. 72.

Fold upper sheet on the dotted lines, bringing point A and point C to point B.

Fold again on the dotted lines, bringing points P of the upper sheet to the center.

Tuck flaps Y and Z into the two pockets shown by the arrows until they are even and smooth. Crease.

These flaps will have to be pushed into the pockets.

Turn Fig. 76 over and repeat steps in Figs. 73, 74 and 75.

Fill the ball with air by blowing into the small hole in the end.

Hold the ball by putting the index fingers of both hands against corners A and touching the outer crease with thumbs and fingers. This will prevent the ball from unfolding as it expands.

Finished ball.


The knight's helmet will add another hat to the variety that children love to wear when playing. It is not difficult to fold, but looks quite fancy when finished. If you wish a hat in two colors, use two different-colored squares, placed on top of each other, and treat them as a single square.

Fold a piece of square paper diagonally on the dotted line

For a child's hat, use paper approximately 22" square.

Place the paper in position as in Fig. 80. Fold on the dotted lines, bringing points A and B to point O.

Bring A and B to point X. Crease on dotted line. Point O stays in position.

Turn points A and B outward, folding on the dotted lines of Fig. 82 to make Fig. 83.

Fold top sheet upward on dotted line.

Fold upper sheet upward again on dotted line. Turn hat (Fig. 84) over to other side.

Fold points A and B toward center on dotted lines.

Fold upward on dotted line. When finished turn Fig. 86 over.

Open hat at bottom.

Completed Chinese knight's helmet.


Fishing boat with awnings. Be sure to crease each fold firmly so that the finished boat will turn inside out easily. If waterproofed paper is used, this boat will float.

Follow directions for Figs. 115 and 116 to get illustration, Fig. 89.

Do not turn figure over as stated in directions for Fig. 116

Fold on the dotted line, bringing point D to line X-X. Fold over again on line X-X.

Repeat directions in Fig. 90 for points A, B and C. When all four sides are done, you should have Fig. 92.

Fold toward the back, on the dotted lines.

Place paper in position shown in Fig. 93.

Fold on the dotted line, bringing line A-A to line B-B

The boat now looks as in Fig. 94. Fold the upper layer on the dotted lines and crease.

Fold the lower layer toward the back on the dotted lines.

Fold the upper layer on the dotted lines.

Fold the lower layer toward the back on the dotted lines.

Fold the top layer upward and the lower layer backward on dotted line.

Boat is now in position, Fig. 99.

Place boat in floating position. Turn boat inside out carefully, holding all folds tightly in place to prevent loosening. You can do it in three steps (1), (2), and (3), respectively, as shown by the arrows. Study holding in Fig. 100 B.

View of finished boat on a sunny day. For rainy weather, pull out under layer of A and B, Fig. 101 A.

View of finished boat on a rainy day.


Here is still another hat to add to the play and party collection. For a child to wear, use paper approximately 20" square.

Fold a square on the dotted lines as in Fig. 102. Crease. Unfold.

Fold on the dotted line.

Bring points b and a between points c and d by pushing triangle B and triangle A into square C.

Folds will fall easily on previously formed creases.

Bring point c up, folding on dotted line. (Upper sheet only.)

Fold again on dotted line.

Hat now in position Fig. 107. Turn it over on the other side.

Fold upper sheet only on the dotted lines (1) and (2), repeating same folding as in Fig. 105 and Fig. 106.

Fold on dotted line, bringing point A to point B.

Repeat same on back.

Fold upper layer on dotted lines so that points X and Y will meet on the center line.

Repeat, folding lower layer toward back on the dotted lines.

Fold on the dotted line, bringing the upper layer toward the front, the lower layer toward the back.

Open the hat by pulling apart gently at the bottom of the flaps that were folded upward in Fig. 112.

Ease the crown of the hat into place from the inside.

Completed Ming Dynasty officer's hat for a would-be officer.


Little girls can make a footstool for their own doll house furniture.

Use a square piece of paper (any size desired). Fold and crease on the dotted lines.


Bring points A, B, C and D to center point O. Crease on dotted lines.

When finished turn Fig. 116 over to the other side.

Again bring corners to center O and crease on the dotted lines.

When done, turn paper over to the other side.

Fold on the dotted lines, bringing corners to center again, and crease.

Turn to the other side.

Open each corner square by bringing point B to point A (opening and spreading upper layer outward, as in Fig. 120).

Crease on the dotted lines.

Fold toward the back on the dotted lines.

Crease firmly, pressing tightly before releasing.

Release edges and adjust legs in place, and you have a footstool.


Another piece of furniture for a doll house.

Repeat the directions for the footstool, Figs. 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 and 120.

When following directions for Fig. 120, fold three sides backward and one side forward.

This will give the chair a back.


This coaster can be made with colored paper to fit in with any color scheme for party table decorations. Its points come up around the base of the glass like petals, which makes it very attractive.

Use a seven-inch square of paper for an ordinary eight ounce glass coaster.

Follow directions in Figs. 115, 116 and 117 to get illustration Fig. 123. (Do not turn Fig. 117 over.)

Fasten the corners in the center with a small piece of Scotch tape. Coaster is now in position shown in Fig. 123.

Turn paper over to the other side.

Fold and crease on dotted lines by bringing points A to points B.

Finished coaster.

Adjust the petals so they stand up gracefully.


Little girls always look attractive in poke bonnets. Here is a model you can make in a few minutes.

Use a 24-inch square of pastel crepe paper (other paper can also be used) for a child's bonnet.

Follow Figs. 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75 to get the illustration Fig. 126.

To open, hold Fig. 127 with left fingers. Pull carefully outward with right fingers at point B, then insert right fingers inside bonnet and push outward until crown is completely opened at back.

When finished it should look like Fig. 128.

Fold on dotted line to make a cuff for the bonnet.

Decorate the finished bonnet with contrasting colored bows and streamers of crepe paper.

If paper is cut with the grain it will tie in bows without stretching.

It will look even nicer if you decorate the bonnet with real ribbons.


The amateur general can lay out a camp for his army of tin soldiers. Row on row of gleaming white tents lend importance to his battles.

Use a 10-inch square piece of paper, or larger.

Follow Figs. 102, 103 and 104 to get the illustration Fig. 130.

Fold top sheet only on the dotted line and crease.

When finished turn Fig. 130 over to the other side.

Fold and crease on the dotted line by bringing point B to point X.

Bring line E-O and line F-0 of upper sheet to center line. Crease on dotted lines.

Fold upper sheet only on the dotted line, bringing corner Y downward.

To open, hold firmly with left thumb on flap Y, and index finger inside pocket shown by arrow.

Insert right fingers in tent and push carefully until completely opened.

Completed tent.


The bunny will add an extra bit of delight to an Easter party. You can even push jelly beans into him through his mouth, if you do it carefully.

Use a square piece of paper of any desired size.

Follow the directions in Figs. 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75 to get the illustration in Fig. 136.

Turn Fig. 136 to the other side.

Bring line A-B and line C-B to center line, and crease on dotted lines.

Fold and crease on the dotted lines.

Fold and crease on the dotted lines by bringing line X-O and line Y-O to center line O-B.

Open bunny by placing index finger of left hand on point X-Y. Lift ears up and hold them each side of index finger, with thumb and first finger.

Blow at point O.

Finished bunny.

(Draw eyes and whiskers with pencil, if you wish.)


These boats won't float—but the captains and crews of little boys' parties will approve the paper Navy.

Use an 8-inch square of paper (preferably gray color) for the first boat and smaller size paper for the boats in the distance.

Follow Figs. 115, 116, 117 and 118 to get illustration, Fig. 142.

Open upper and lower squares by bringing points B to points A (opening and spreading upper layers outward).

To open steamboat, bring points X and Y upward and outward—and at the same time bringing the chimneys together.

Finished steamboats.


Another hat to add to the variety for parties.

Use a 24-inch square for a child's hat.

Follow directions for Figs. 102, 103 and 104 to get illustration Fig. 145.

Bring point A to point X and crease on the dotted line.


Excerpted from CHINESE PAPER FOLDING FOR BEGINNERS by Maying Soong. Copyright © 2001 Dover Publications, Inc.. Excerpted by permission of Dover Publications, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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