Can She Be Stopped?: Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States Unless ...
Our Worst Nightmare—and How to Avoid It

It’s the ultimate nightmare scenario for conservatives: to awaken on the morning of November 5, 2008, to the news that the last swing state has been colored bright blue and Hillary Rodham Clinton is the President-elect of the United States.

Could it really happen?

Frighteningly, yes. In fact, as bestselling author and leading conservative commentator John Podhoretz reveals, this is not just a scary “what if” scenario; it will happen . . . unless conservatives take immediate action.

Sounding the alarm bell with wit and verve, Can She Be Stopped? shows that Hillary’s plan to capture the White House is much further along than her enemies fear. Podhoretz uncovers the host of reasons why—many of them counterintuitive. He also destroys the comfortable myths about Clinton that conservatives cling to: She’s saddled with too many “high negatives.” She’s too liberal to get elected. “Clinton fatigue” will keep her out of the Oval Office. You’ve heard them all, and they’re wrong on every count.

After shaking Republicans out of their complacency, Podhoretz lays out the precise strategy conservatives must deploy to stop Hillary dead in her tracks. His groundbreaking ten-point plan of action reveals:

• How to expose the real, ultraliberal Hillary

• How to "smoke her out" and prevent her from hiding on key issues

• How to make her denounce popular Republican programs—and defend unpopular liberal ideas

• How to use her Senate seat as a weapon against her

• How to overcome the Republican Party’s own problems

• Whom the Republicans should nominate (and the choice may surprise you)

Conservatives can’t avoid the Hillary problem any longer, or else the nation will be forced to endure another Clinton in the White House. Fortunately, John Podhoretz is here with the detailed blueprint that will spare the country from that disastrous turn of events, in a book as puckishly lively as it is sobering.

Can she be stopped? Yes—but only if we get to work . . . now.
Can She Be Stopped?: Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States Unless ...
Our Worst Nightmare—and How to Avoid It

It’s the ultimate nightmare scenario for conservatives: to awaken on the morning of November 5, 2008, to the news that the last swing state has been colored bright blue and Hillary Rodham Clinton is the President-elect of the United States.

Could it really happen?

Frighteningly, yes. In fact, as bestselling author and leading conservative commentator John Podhoretz reveals, this is not just a scary “what if” scenario; it will happen . . . unless conservatives take immediate action.

Sounding the alarm bell with wit and verve, Can She Be Stopped? shows that Hillary’s plan to capture the White House is much further along than her enemies fear. Podhoretz uncovers the host of reasons why—many of them counterintuitive. He also destroys the comfortable myths about Clinton that conservatives cling to: She’s saddled with too many “high negatives.” She’s too liberal to get elected. “Clinton fatigue” will keep her out of the Oval Office. You’ve heard them all, and they’re wrong on every count.

After shaking Republicans out of their complacency, Podhoretz lays out the precise strategy conservatives must deploy to stop Hillary dead in her tracks. His groundbreaking ten-point plan of action reveals:

• How to expose the real, ultraliberal Hillary

• How to "smoke her out" and prevent her from hiding on key issues

• How to make her denounce popular Republican programs—and defend unpopular liberal ideas

• How to use her Senate seat as a weapon against her

• How to overcome the Republican Party’s own problems

• Whom the Republicans should nominate (and the choice may surprise you)

Conservatives can’t avoid the Hillary problem any longer, or else the nation will be forced to endure another Clinton in the White House. Fortunately, John Podhoretz is here with the detailed blueprint that will spare the country from that disastrous turn of events, in a book as puckishly lively as it is sobering.

Can she be stopped? Yes—but only if we get to work . . . now.
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Can She Be Stopped?: Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States Unless ...

Can She Be Stopped?: Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States Unless ...

by John Podhoretz
Can She Be Stopped?: Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States Unless ...

Can She Be Stopped?: Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States Unless ...

by John Podhoretz



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Our Worst Nightmare—and How to Avoid It

It’s the ultimate nightmare scenario for conservatives: to awaken on the morning of November 5, 2008, to the news that the last swing state has been colored bright blue and Hillary Rodham Clinton is the President-elect of the United States.

Could it really happen?

Frighteningly, yes. In fact, as bestselling author and leading conservative commentator John Podhoretz reveals, this is not just a scary “what if” scenario; it will happen . . . unless conservatives take immediate action.

Sounding the alarm bell with wit and verve, Can She Be Stopped? shows that Hillary’s plan to capture the White House is much further along than her enemies fear. Podhoretz uncovers the host of reasons why—many of them counterintuitive. He also destroys the comfortable myths about Clinton that conservatives cling to: She’s saddled with too many “high negatives.” She’s too liberal to get elected. “Clinton fatigue” will keep her out of the Oval Office. You’ve heard them all, and they’re wrong on every count.

After shaking Republicans out of their complacency, Podhoretz lays out the precise strategy conservatives must deploy to stop Hillary dead in her tracks. His groundbreaking ten-point plan of action reveals:

• How to expose the real, ultraliberal Hillary

• How to "smoke her out" and prevent her from hiding on key issues

• How to make her denounce popular Republican programs—and defend unpopular liberal ideas

• How to use her Senate seat as a weapon against her

• How to overcome the Republican Party’s own problems

• Whom the Republicans should nominate (and the choice may surprise you)

Conservatives can’t avoid the Hillary problem any longer, or else the nation will be forced to endure another Clinton in the White House. Fortunately, John Podhoretz is here with the detailed blueprint that will spare the country from that disastrous turn of events, in a book as puckishly lively as it is sobering.

Can she be stopped? Yes—but only if we get to work . . . now.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780307420381
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Publication date: 12/18/2007
Sold by: Random House
Format: eBook
Pages: 272
File size: 450 KB

About the Author

John Podhoretz is the New York Times bestselling author of Bush Country and Hell of a Ride. He is a columnist for the New York Post and a political commentator for the Fox News Channel. A cofounder of the Weekly Standard, he has worked at Time, U.S. News and World Report, and the Washington Times. Podhoretz served as a speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan and as special assistant to Drug Czar William J. Bennett. He lives in New York City with his wife and daughter.

Read an Excerpt

Introduction: An Open Letter to Conservatives and Republicans

The very early hours of Wednesday, November 5, 2008, are going to seem eerily, excitingly, frustratingly familiar to anyone in this country who is older than twelve, has an IQ higher than 100, and has ever watched a TV news program, or read a newspaper, or clicked on a news story. The polls in Alaska will close at midnight Eastern Standard Time, and that will bring to a close the casting of ballots that began twenty-four hours earlier in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, in the first presidential election since 1952 that will feature neither a sitting president nor a sitting vice president as a candidate for the highest office in the land.

And just as was the case in the two preceding presidential elections, we still won’t yet know which of the two–or three–major candidates will be the next president.

For once again, probably after all kinds of confusion caused by yet another set of ill-conceived and politicized exit polls that will have Republicans in a panic and Democrats in a state of unrealistic glee, the electoral map will have fallen into place pretty much as it did on the last two Election Days. States along the Pacific Ocean and the North Atlantic will be colored a solid Democratic blue, while the Southwest, the South, and most of the nation’s midsection will shout out in vivid Republican red.

The political operatives crowded together at the huge please-God-let-our-team-win parties in Washington–Democrats packing the Old Post Office, Republicans filling the Ronald Reagan Center–will be awash in anxiety as thousands of unreleased balloons hang far over their heads waiting either to be released in joy or to remain suspended in defeat. For the third election in a row, the vote counts in Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire will be inconclusive. Anchormen will be explaining how if the Dems take Florida and Pennsylvania, the Republicans will have to win every other state to record the necessary 270 electoral votes–and then move on to an entirely different set of calculations according to which Republicans need win only Florida and Ohio to get there. After which, a panel made up of blabbermouth pundits, who will be getting punchy and maybe even a tad psycho, will fill some time until the “decision desk” can call another state.

And then, as the tension grows to an almost unbearable level, the toss-up states will begin to tip . . . but which way?

Which way?

If you conservatives and Republicans–you Republican thinkers, strategists, politicians, and voters and you conservative activists, intellectuals, and organizers–can come to a meeting of the minds about the seriousness of the threat facing this country in the next election, you can make sure that the balloons drop on you and not on the other guys. You can forestall and prevent the most frightening and disastrous outcome of that early morning. You can guarantee that the candidate you most dread will not be not standing in front of the west face of the U.S. Capitol alongside Chief Justice John Roberts on January 20, 2009. You can prevent that candidate from being the person who will utter the words spoken by only forty-two other Americans in this nation’s history.

Yes, if you do what must be done to ensure that this nation will be safe and secure and economically viable as it enters the second decade of the third millennium, you and your fellow Americans (and the world) will never hear the sentence specified by Article 2, Section 1 of the United States Constitution spoken as follows: “I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You can end the newest American political dynasty aborning. You can make certain that William Jefferson Clinton does not get to move back into the White House and serve as history’s first First Gent. Eight years after his ignominious departure from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, amid reports that the White House had been trashed by outgoing staffers and amid general disgust at the extravagant pardons Clinton had been handing out like so many business cards, the man who turned the White House into a fee-for-service hotel and toyed with insecure young women and tortured widows and God knows who else in the nooks and crannies of the West Wing will continue to have to do his wretched business elsewhere.

The flip side of this scenario is also unfortunately true. For if you Republicans don’t get real serious real fast, if you don’t wise up and settle down and get focused, that will be Hillary up there on the podium taking the oath of office from John Roberts. Hillary Rodham Clinton will become the next president of the United States unless you Republicans can find a way to stop her.

And you can.

But to do so, you need to understand just how real the possibility of her victory is and what kind of challenge that poses to you as a party and a movement. You need to come together in recognition of the threat. You need to avoid the temptation that has begun to afflict members of the party’s more ideological branches–the temptation to threaten to break off, to secede, to run third-party protest candidacies. That will only get Hillary elected.

Politicians and political writers are fond of sports analogies, and when they’re looking for one, they usually go straight to football or baseball. Neither is the proper metaphor for what happens in elections. The sport providing the closest analogy is golf. Golf is a game played over a series of days in which a contender must not only compete with others but must also overcome his own natural human tendency to fail–to lose focus, get lazy, ease up, worry himself to death, get cocky and overconfident, or become selfdestructive. Usually, the golfer who wins a tournament is the one who makes the fewest unforced errors, the one who gets in his own way the least.

And so it is with politics. Elections in America–and in this case I refer only to contested elections, those increasingly rare events where nobody quite knows on Election Day which of the two leading candidates is going to prevail–are almost never won. Indeed, the real trick to winning an election in America isn’t to win it. The trick is not to lose it. In 2000 and 2004, George W. Bush won the presidency in large measure because he made fewer mistakes than Al (“Let me come across as three different people in three different debates”) Gore and John (“I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it”) Kerry.

Now, you can certainly make the case, and I would, that Gore and Kerry made the unforced errors they did because they didn’t quite know what they stood for and what message they were trying to get across and so they were superbly well suited to fumfer and blather and trip on their own shoelaces. You can make the case that it was easy for George W. Bush to stick to his rigidly programmed stump speeches, to say the same thing in the same way for months and months and months without going insane, because he knew at his core what he was running for and why selling his message was the best way to get to Washington (or stay in Washington) and do what he thought he needed to do for the country. Or you can make the case that Bush is a boring, programmed robot, lacking the kind of human frailties that might cause a Gore or a Kerry to screw up charmingly.

Whichever side of the argument you take, Bush’s two elections prove that not losing is a vital part–maybe the vital part–of winning. And now, as 2008 approaches, the Republican Party faces a very complicated task. To stop Hillary Clinton, it has to not lose to her. To succeed in this aim, Republicans need to start now. You must avoid fights to the death with one another. You know you want to have them. But you can’t tear yourselves apart over them. The cost will simply be too high for the country to bear. This is not to say that disagreements among Republicans and conservatives over matters of policy and conscience are bad and to be avoided. Far from it. The greatest sign of health in the Republican Party is its growing capacity to house people who share the same rough vision of the nation’s direction but who have differing views on how to get there. That rough vision, the Republican vision, can be summed up briefly as this: America is and should be a country that rewards individual achievement and hard work, disdains a culture of preferential treatment and group rights, believes in equality of opportunity rather than the equality of result, upholds traditional values, and is dedicated to securing the nation from foreign threats.

Now, do the Republican Party’s politicians act in ways that are always commensurate with this vision? Of course not. They are politicians first and foremost, and most of them are guilty of the same sins that have corrupted elected officials since the dawn of time–especially the sleazy but legal use of public moneys to buy support from voters, reward friends and donors, punish enemies and rivals, and cement their own place in office forever.

In particular, for many rank-and-file Republicans, life would certainly be simpler if the party–the party of traditional values and individual accomplishment–had proved to be more exacting in its management of the Congress in the years since the GOP took it over in 1994 than the party of Big Government was in the forty years preceding it. But that was not to be. Perhaps even hoping that it could have been so was a dangerous illusion. And so many Republicans and movement conservatives, disdainful of Washington and its tendency to turn Puritan reformers into Epicurean revelers, are currently expressing great distress about the behavior of the Washington party–about the rise of creepy lobbyists, the use of Congressional pork, and the prevalence of cronyism.

God knows it would be nice if you could have politics without politicians, but you can’t. Politics is a profession, and in general, people behave in nasty and unseemly ways when it comes to keeping their jobs. Politicians are among the reasons why, in his great essay, the novelist E. M. Forster was able to issue only “two cheers for democracy.” So as 2008 looms, Republicans and conservatives should be sadder and wiser about politics–sadder because the ideal of a “Republican Revolution” as promulgated in the 1990s proved to be a fantasy, and wiser because it’s always better to look at the world through clear and cold eyes rather than rose-colored glasses. And here’s what you see when you look through clear and cold eyes: Sometimes, in politics, the best you can do is to play the Lesser of Two Evils game. You may have to commit yourself to a candidate who is not the most wonderful person you can think of, a candidate who disappoints you and even angers you in many ways–because it’s more important to prevent a result you know will be bad news.

Hillary = Bad News.

The mischief Hillary could do in the White House would be far more devastating to the country than anything she and Bill cooked up in the 1990s. I’m not talking about personal peccadilloes, for it seems unquestionable that Hillary’s own personal morality resides elsewhere than in the high-rent sewer where her husband’s does. And as for financial dirty dealings, she’s doubtless learned to keep her nose clean after the Whitewater agony–and the change for the better in the Democratic Party’s financial fortunes means she won’t have to troll for campaign funds from Chinese Communist agents and grant pardons in exchange for library donations. To that extent, her presidency would be superior to her husband’s. Indeed, Bill himself has said she would be a better president than he was–only “in some ways,” of course, because in Clinton’s own mind, no human being could be better than he at anything. “In some ways,” he told an Israel Television anchor in November 2005, “she would be because of what we did together. First, she has the Senate experience I didn’t have. Second, she would have had the eight years in the White House. I think she wouldn’t make as many mistakes, because, you know, we’re older and more mature, and she is far more experienced now in all the relevant ways than I was when I took office. So I think in a way she has the best of both worlds.”1

Hillary might have the best of both worlds. But America would have the worst of it. We have every reason to believe she would be a far more destructive president than her husband was. Where Bill was a prudent and cautious political player and an ideological vampire, almost always ready and willing to drink deep from the opposition’s ideas and command them as though they were his own if it suited his interests, Mrs. Clinton will almost surely use her time in the White House to advance frankly liberal or leftist ideas. At a time when the Left poses a colossal threat to the nation’s economic viability and its national security, she will try to run for office from the center but govern from the Left.

If I’m right–and I hope this book will provide ideas and methods that will ensure we need never find out–Hillary’s presidency will be the mirror image of the presidency f George W. Bush. There’s every reason to believe that Hillary Clinton is to liberalism what George W. Bush was to conservatism–its Trojan Horse, its stealthy way back into power. She’s a serious person, a person of conviction, a talented politician, and a tough competitor–just as he was and is.

The current president ran in 2000 as a compassionate conservative, with a greater stress on the compassion than on the conservatism. As president, however, Bush immediately took his stand with the right wing of his party. He found his home, his base, his succor, his sustenance, and, indeed, his vision from the neoconservatives and the conservatives. That’s who he really was, as it turned out. Though it is true that Bush dissented from conservative orthodoxy in many ways, chiefly in his refusal to embrace penurious government, he was as right-wing a president as could be imagined in this place and time (as Republicans and conservatives disenchanted with him right now will discover as they begin to examine the likeliest choices to replace him in 2009).

The left-liberal governance of Hillary Clinton would be seen in every aspect of the government. The economic alteration of the nation’s course seems easy to predict–tax increases, more government regulation of the economy, a friendly disposition toward the use of the courts by trial lawyers, a war on businesses large and small launched by regulatory agencies in the name of the environment and small investors, and almost certainly a backslide into protectionism (in the name of workers’ rights and environmental justice). But those changes pale in comparison to the consequences for the security of the United States and the advance of U.S. interests around the world.

If you are among those who believe, as I do, that the aggressive tactics taken in the War on Terror have helped keep America safe and have so far prevented a number of post- 9/11 attacks, then you have every reason to be panicked about the prospect of Hillary’s ascension. For there’s good reason to believe she would chip away at those aggressive policies and amend them until they are so compromised they will spring as many leaks as a New Orleans levee during a storm surge. And the people she would hire to work for her would seek to reverse whatever aggressive policies they could reverse.

Take, first, the changes in domestic antiterror policy that she would oversee. Though Hillary has generally talked tough on these matters and voted for Bush-sponsored legislation like the Patriot Act, she did vote to sustain a filibuster in December 2005 opposing the act’s reauthorization. Her unwillingness to defend this vital law against reckless Democratic efforts to gut it was a hint that her own presidency would probably take up these matters in the form of “cleaning up” domestic antiterror legislation. That “cleanup” effort would, by the time Congress got through with it and she signed it into law, begin erecting new barriers to the good working order of the FBI and CIA and the possibilities of cooperation between them.

The judges she would appoint, all of them left-leaning at best, would be inclined to use their gavels to rule out of order any and all aggressive efforts at terrorism prevention. And her cabinet officials, drawn from her three decades of friendship with the left-wing majordomos of the United States, would push back against the use of tough and innovative tactics by enforcement agencies and first-responders.

But even those actions would pale beside the changes she would make to the foreign policy of the United States. George W. Bush’s aggressive foreign policy–taking the fight to the terrorists and the rogue states and trying to replace Muslim tyrannies with democracies–offers the only real chance to end the endless cycle of Islamofascist terror. But eliminating that foreign policy is the goal that unites every Democrat and leftist. They may disagree on just what exactly should replace it, but replace it they will. That detestation of the Bush foreign policy is the glue that binds the disparate elements of the Democratic coalition–from the Michael Moore crazies who think Bush did it all for oil or for the Saudis or for some other wacko goal to the more sensible Clinton officials who criticize Bush policy because, hell, that’s what foreign-policy experts do when they’re affiliated with the party out of power.

And where does Hillary stand on all of this? It is true that she has voted for Bush defense budgets and supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But it is also true that for twenty years before she became a senator, she was committed to a view of the world and America’s role in it that was defiantly, even passionately, hostile to a foreign policy that required America to stand tall, defy conventional world opinion, and do what was necessary to secure itself and free the world from tyranny.

Which is the real Hillary? The senator with her eye on the White House, casting votes to keep herself viable, or the activist whose sense of the world remained remarkably unaltered even as her own husband moved to the center? I submit that the senator is the Trojan Horse and the real Hillary is inside, waiting to burst through and alter the course set by George W. Bush. For, in the end, Hillary’s almost perfect liberal voting record–she received a 96 rating from the Americans for Democratic Action in 2005–is a more reliable indicator of her ideological purposes than her studied efforts to play a hawk.

Which is why she must be stopped, and you’re the only ones who can stop her. But to do that, you first must stop doing something else. You need to stop lying to yourselves. You need to stop having those conversations where you begin to doubt her strength as a candidate. I’ve heard them. I’ve participated in them. I’ve even reveled in them. They’re very alluring. After all, you and everyone you know probably
despise Hillary Clinton. There’s almost nothing about her that appeals to you. You think she stayed in her marriage because she was hungry for unelected power, and that disgusts you. Or you think she stayed in the marriage because she had a kind of addiction to Bill Clinton, which evokes contempt in you, considering all the foul things Bill Clinton did with his incessant philandering.

But that Hillary Clinton–the one that was so easy to dislike, even outright hate–won’t be the one running for president. As her husband suggested, she’s older and wiser and cleverer–and therefore more dangerous. She’s shown the most important quality a successful politician can have: She’s learned how to adapt. She’s learned from her mistakes. And she’s even managed to make her mistakes work for her.

When 2008 rolls around, it will have been sixteen years since Hillary first emerged on the American scene. With the possible exceptions of the man who won the Civil War and made his bid for the White House in 1868, the man who defeated the Nazis and went for it in 1952, and the man who costarred in a movie with a chimp named Bonzo and sought the brass ring in 1980, she will be the most famous person ever to run for president.

By the time the 1992 election rolled around, Hillary had already become the best-known would-be First Lady ever–and by the end of the Clinton presidency had achieved a prominence in the role equaled in the course of American history only by Eleanor Roosevelt and Dolley Madison. What’s especially interesting about this is that much of her fame was due to mistakes she made, the controversies she created, and the enemies she attracted like flies. She generated unnecessary enmity toward herself before her husband’s election because of rude and cold statements about what she clearly took to be the proper liberal role of women.

It happened, basically, the moment America got a look at her on a 60 Minutes broadcast on the eve of the New Hampshire primary in which she and Bill sat together to answer Gennifer Flowers’s charge that she had engaged in a twelveyear affair with the presidential hopeful. It was on this occasion that the then-unknown Hillary Clinton angrily and contemptuously declared she wasn’t “standing by my man, like Tammy Wynette.” The remark was a reference to a twenty-four-year-old country-music song, and it was significant because everybody got the message: Hillary Clinton may have moved to the South and been the wife of a Southern Democratic governor, but she was a Northern liberal through and through.

Nothing wrong with being a Northern liberal–hey, I’m married to one–but there was something wrong about a would-be First Lady becoming a controversial character right off the bat. And she just couldn’t help herself, somehow; she stepped in it yet again only a few weeks after the Tammy Wynette moment, when she proudly told reporters that she had pursued a profession rather than being a housewife. It was, to put it mildly, unwise for her to act as though what she did was far more important and difficult than what homemakers and other nonprofessional women did.

Those personal mistakes were compounded in the first two years of Bill Clinton’s presidency by the grave political mistake she made as First Lady in designing and championing a disastrously statist overhaul of the nation’s health care practices. So having become a lightning rod for being a caricature of a women’s libber during the campaign, Hillary then became a caricature of a clueless and dogmatic leftist as a result of her bungled health care plan.

The final element of her early fame was intertwined with the mistakes she had made in Arkansas and continued to make in Washington in regard to some suspicious financial transactions during her time as a prominent young politician’s wife. The shadow cast over her by her surprising ability to earn a 10,000 percent profit on a cattle-futures deal when she had never before dealt in futures offered a rather more ambiguous picture of the First Lady than you would have guessed from the air of moral superiority she bore as conspicuously as the bright pink suit in which she appeared at a press conference inside the White House to explain her lucky cattle score.

The first sign that Hillary Clinton might indeed be a formidable political force on her own was when she quieted down and put herself in a box in 1996 so that her husband could get reelected. She understood that the controversies she provoked were bad for him, and rather than standing her ground proudly, she shut her yapper.

She opened it in a significant way only once more before she ran for the Senate in New York–when in the week that Monica Lewinsky’s name first surfaced in 1998, she went on the Today show and declared that a “vast right-wing conspiracy” had come into existence to force her husband to accept oral sex and phone sex from an unpaid twenty-one-year-old intern.

It turned out that silence served her well–so well, in fact, that she decided to make it an integral part of her own political strategy when she ran for the U.S. Senate in New York State in 1999 and 2000. She spent much of the first year in her two-year campaign on what she called a “listening tour” of the Empire State’s sixty-two counties. In other words, she wasn’t going to say anything on the record, would be giving no speeches, and wouldn’t sit for interviews about the race. She was just going to “listen” instead.

This, again, demonstrated the political smarts that Hillary had developed during the Clinton presidency. She was not yet quite skilled enough to wing it on the campaign trail with a huge press corps hanging on her every word. One bad mistake and she might be toast. So the woman who became famous for sticking her foot in her mouth glided into the Senate by saying and doing almost nothing.

And by keeping quiet throughout her Senate tenure, Hillary Clinton helped squelch the fires of the rage against her, because she has added little fuel to them. During the Bush presidency, Hillary Clinton has been serving as the junior senator from New York, careful to avoid making waves, casting reliably liberal Democratic votes, and yet cultivating a reputation as a centrist largely because she voted to authorize the use of force in the war against Saddam and has supported every defense appropriation since.

The tale told about Hillary Clinton’s tenure in the Senate is that she is just so very, very “hardworking.” It’s hard to know what that actually means, since the work of a senator is to sit around listening to people blather and take lots of meetings, but it’s been the standard line about her–and what’s even more interesting is that the line has been peddled most frequently not by Hillary’s fellow Democrats but by Republicans like John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

In ways large and small, then, the Clinton project of this decade has been to soften and becalm the image of the 1990s virago who was the subject of comedian Jeff Foxworthy’s immortal crack, “If you have nothing nice to say, you must be talking about Hillary Clinton.” And truth to tell, Hillary is nothing if not a survivor, and she’s been around long enough to seem like a piece of political-cultural furniture, heavy and present and in your living room whether you like it or not.

That much became evident in 2002, with the publication of her astoundingly uninformative and uninspired memoir, Living History. Whatever its weaknesses as a work of literature–and suffice it to say it has no strengths as a work of literature–Living History was an astounding success. Conservatives scoffed when her publishing house paid $8 million for the book, which led one of the biggest scoffers, the TV host—pundit Tucker Carlson, to say he’d eat his shoe if Living History sold 1 million copies. Carlson’s ingestion of a cake in the shape of a shoe was a landmark moment–including for skeptics in her own political camp–because it demonstrated that Hillary Clinton really did possess mass appeal on her own.

The book’s success cemented the notion among Democrats in particular that she might be their savior from the hard-charging Bush in 2004–and when she wisely decided not even to dip her tippy-toe into the waters of that maelstrom, it made her the prohibitive frontrunner for her own party’s nomination in four years’ time.

Her status as a frontrunner and her access to her husband’s fundraising machine mean that Hillary Clinton begins the presidential-campaign cycle roughly where Bush did in 1999–so far ahead in terms of money-raising abilities that a whole bunch of other prospective candidates may just decide not even to give it a shot.

Actually, she’s probably in a far stronger position than Bush was. She is also using her Senate reelection bid in New York to begin loading up her bank account. Hillary will face no significant opposition, and yet will probably raise between $50 and $100 million before Election Day 2006. By February 2006, according to press reports, she had already banked $17.5 million. Federal election law will allow her to transfer the unused money from that Senate campaign into her presidential coffers. This suggests that Hillary will be in a position to break through the $40 million primary campaign-spending limit more than a year earlier than Bush did, and he was the first candidate in the modern era ever to decide to run a primary campaign entirely with private funds.* By 2007, she will be the 800-pound gorilla of the coming election.

[* By breaking the spending limit, Bush was unable to collect federal matching funds. In effect, then, he was betting that he could raise more than $80 million, which he did both elections–more than $100 million each in 2000 and 2004.]

The only way to deal with an enemy is to take that enemy seriously, to respect the enemy’s strengths, to understand the enemy’s virtues. And you can’t shake off your worry by thinking dismissive thoughts. You need to give up on attractive theories that tell you Hillary Clinton is not a strong candidate for president. You need to restrain yourself from being seduced by a few ideas that are already being bandied about to suggest that she is a weak contender who will be easy to defeat. These seductive ideas come from decades of received political wisdom, and they all seem to rule Hillary Clinton out of order and unable to reach the Oval Office. Now, I would never disagree with the contention that the best guide to how politicians will win in the future is the close study of how other politicians have won and lost in the past. But in every successful presidential campaign, the candidate and his team also figure out a new way to win and upset the conventional wisdom that prevailed before them.

Nobody before 1988 thought a patrician vice president could successfully peddle a populist message against a candidate raised by poor immigrants from Greece, but George Bush the Elder did. Nobody before 1992 thought it would be a good idea for a candidate from the South to pick a vice presidential candidate from the same region–but it worked when Clinton chose Gore. Nobody before 2000 thought that the son of a failed president could make it to the Oval Office, but George Bush the Younger did. Nobody before 2004 thought that a presidential election could be won by milking a candidate’s own base rather than moving toward the center for votes–and yet that’s how George W. Bush succeeded in scoring 62 million ballots with his name on them.

And yet political thinkers and watchers are sorely tempted to believe in the conventional wisdom they have come to know so well, because without it, what do they actually know, really? Which is why it’s essential to examine the conventional wisdom and challenge its assumptions.

“Depend upon it, sir,” said Dr. Johnson, “when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” Hillary’s election should be concentrating the minds of Republicans and conservatives wonderfully. But it isn’t yet. And if we’re not careful, the disappointment many of you feel with the state of your party will translate into an exhilarating but potentially suicidal journey as the primary season gets under way in earnest in 2007. The road you should travel, the path you should take, is the one marked “Danger: Hillary Approaching.” But there are nascent signs that you may take another road, a road into the interior of the Republican Party itself. Many on the right will want to use the primary to lead the GOP and the country into some very dangerous territory–ideological purity.

Occasionally in politics, a small but influential caucus of idealists decides that what its party really needs is a Purification Ritual. To stress the importance of ideological purity, the caucus will stage a protest candidacy against a mainstream politician and the political party that chooses him, because the party and the politician have betrayed the caucus’s highest ideals.

The conservative movement that undergirds the Republican Party is especially fond of threatening the GOP with a Purification Ritual on every matter under the sun. Even Ronald Reagan’s presidency wasn’t good enough for many conservatives, who continually declared themselves good and ready to form a third party whose sole purpose would be to divide the GOP–to injure the party and prevent its candidates from winning elections. This was, presumably, a form of tough love, an effort to force change on a recalcitrant party. Or at least that’s what the Purifiers usually say. But in fact they are doing what insurgencies always do–engaging in destruction and calling it revolution.

The GOP’s conservative base is very susceptible to the temptation to Purify, because even though the Republican Party and the conservative movement are enemies of the Left’s utopian politics, we are often guilty of indulging in our own form of utopianism when it comes to politics and politicians. We cannot bear it if they don’t devote themselves to all our policy hopes and wishes, and we experience a yearning to punish them for their heterodoxy. That’s where the Purification Ritual comes in.

Now, it’s certainly the case that the Purifiers exist in both parties. The Democratic Party has been wounded by the Ritual as well. In 1948, two Purification candidates–radical leftist Henry Wallace and Southern segregationist Strom Thurmond–ran against Harry Truman and nearly handed the election to Republican Thomas Dewey. Twenty years later, George Wallace took direction from Thurmond’s racist playbook and stole Southern votes away from Lyndon Johnson in 1968. And, of course, in 2000, Ralph Nader–a Henry Wallace for the new millennium–took a small but crucial bite out of Al Gore.

But in recent decades the GOP has been subjected to Purification Rituals far more frequently than the Democrats–and at far greater cost, at least in 1992. The GOP’s Purification Temptation first surfaced in a realm that no longer even exists on our political spectrum–in the left wing of the GOP. In 1972, a Republican congressman named Paul McCloskey decided to run as a third-party candidate against Richard Nixon, who was up for reelection. McCloskey’s intent was not to win but rather to speak as the voice of his party’s liberal conscience on foreign policy. Since there was little difference between McCloskey and Democratic candidate George McGovern–and since neither his nor McGovern’s message had much appeal–McCloskey did Nixon no damage. In 1980, another liberal Republican, Congressman John Anderson of Illinois, tried to throw a monkey wrench intothe electoral proceedings by staging a third-party assault on Ronald Reagan from the left. He too was unsuccessful, since Reagan won an absolute majority with 51 percent of the vote. (Anderson actually took some votes away from Democrat Jimmy Carter.)

Despite their failure, the liberal Republican candidates planted a seed that came to fruition in 1992–first in the primaries, when the Neanderthal commentator Pat Buchanan became the vehicle for far-right-wing anger with George Bush the Elder, and then when the wacko billionaire H. Ross Perot made his Sherman’s March through Republican strongholds in the November election. Perot, who had never run for office and was all but unknown when 1992 began, scored an amazing 19 percent of the vote and basically gave the presidency to Bill Clinton. Four years later, Perot did it again, getting 8 percent of the vote. And while it’s doubtful that Republican Bob Dole could have bested the resurgent incumbent Clinton under any circumstances, the fact is that if you add Dole’s and Perot’s vote total, together they beat the Man from Hope by a few hundred thousand.

Though neither Perot nor Buchanan was an ideal vehicle for the voter who cast his lot with the protest–since one was nutty and the other was noxious–there’s no question why the protest was being staged and for what purpose. Daddy Bush had raised taxes when he had said he wouldn’t, and had signed three major pieces of big-government legislation when he had said he would pursue smaller government. Bob Dole was the Washington Establishment Republican par excellence, uncomfortable with any issue that moved and excited voters. Perot was not an ideological Purifier–he talked too much about getting under the hood and seeing what was wrong with the engine, as though a representative government were a machine and not an ingathering of fallen men and women–but he provided an outlet for the frustration of those disappointed by the Republicans.

Lovely. There’s nothing like casting a ballot for someone who can never win to make you feel like Don Quixote, nobly (if crazily) tilting at windmills. But this is no time for Republicans and conservatives to be quixotic. You have to get over the hunger to seek exile and isolation for those fellow Republicans with whom you disagree. In this coming election, it is vital for the nation’s future that you resist the siren song of Purification. You must not hold ideological purity more dear than partisan victory in the coming two years.

Yes, it’s time to fight, but it’s not time to fight one another. It’s time, instead, to start picking the right fights. I’m talking about fights with the liberal Left that will rally your voters, inspire your donors, and offer the Democrats a temptation of their own–the temptation they have been courting for years now. You want them to redirect their own politics far off to the left, to take a leap off a cliff and into the swirling rapids of hatred and rage at all things Republican and conservative.

You want Democrats to suffer the fate they suffered the last time they ran a presidential candidate following a twoterm Republican president. That was Michael Dukakis in 1988, who lost the election by 8 points (54—46). Now, Hillary Clinton is not Michael Dukakis, and the nature of the current American electorate makes it almost impossible for the 2008 election to feature a victory that sizable by either side. But it is conceivable, if you Republicans and conservatives put your minds to it, that you could do things in the coming two years that would help push the Democratic Party away from the more electable Hillary into the arms of a more frankly leftist candidate.

That candidate would probably be Howard Dean–yes, Howard Dean, the man who shouted “yeeargh” like a crazed banshee, the man who later became chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Certainly, Dean would be a pleasure for the GOP to run against, but it need not be he. Al Gore–the new Al Gore, the crazy and hysterical Al Gore, the Al Gore who no longer speaks as though he had been anesthetized but rather like someone in dire need of Librium, the Al Gore who likens those who dare to criticize him on talk radio and the Internet to Hitler’s brownshirts– would do just fine too. So would Wisconsin senator Russ Feingold, a classic up-from-academia American leftist. John Kerry has also been moving steadily left in hopes of finding solid ground for his 2008 bid. Or it could be someone we’ve never even thought of, the way nobody had even thought of Howard Dean as suitable for much more than taking a drive between Montpelier and Brattleboro in early 2002.

The point is that Republicans should act in ways that will drive Democrats so batty they will strengthen the hand of the left-wing rump that might consider Hillary a centrist sellout, allowing whatever Republican candidate who shows up in November 2008 to waltz away with the election.

I grant you this is neither probable nor likely. Mark Blumenthal, a Democratic pollster and blogger, points out that despite virulent anti-Hillary rhetoric on some left-wing sites in 2005, she maintained a favorable rating among Democrats somewhere between 79 and 84 percent.2 But it is conceivable–if you are clever enough and determined enough to make it happen. And even if you don’t succeed at that delicious goal, the act of attempting it may force Hillary herself to move so far to the left to secure the Democratic nomination that she will be unelectable by the time the two party conventions are over at the end of August. And even if that doesn’t happen, doing what is necessary to hold your own party together is the only way she can be stopped.

There is more than mere pragmatism in this for you. Coming together in recognition of a common enemy is powerful binding glue for a party and a political movement, even if they feel themselves to be in the doldrums and spoiling for an internecine battle. Many Republicans and conservatives feel that their party and their movement have become strange victims of their own successes–that the Bush triumphs in fighting the war against Islamic radicalism have been obscured by the difficulty of finishing the job in Iraq, and that the Republican takeover of Congress has not led to a greater devolution of power to the individual but rather to an unhealthy fondness for feeding its friends from the public teat. But whatever weaknesses and sins have beset the Republicans and the Right, they are as nothing compared with what Hillary Rodham Clinton might be in a position to do if she wins the presidency, and you know that down to the root.

This isn’t about the visceral personal dislike many on the right have for Hillary Clinton. This is about the future of the country, and what the country needs now is for the Right to stop her. For parties and movements to lead and to succeed, they need missions. Well, this is the mission, and this is your moment. Let’s get to it. Now.

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