Black Bridge

Black Bridge

by Edward Sklepowich
Black Bridge

Black Bridge

by Edward Sklepowich

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Urbino Macintyre fights to protect the safety of his closest friend

Centuries ago, Venice celebrated the Day of All Souls by building a bridge of boats across the canal to the cemetery island of San Michele. As the tourist season winds down, the Contessa da Capo-Zendrini decides it’s time to revive the tradition, organizing a fleet so the city can mourn once more as it did in ancient times. Her plans are upended, however, when her latest fascination, a rakish playwright named Bobo, begins receiving anonymous threats. She begs her friend, the amateur sleuth Urbino Macintyre, to find out who has been sending the letters, a thankless chore that becomes rather more interesting when Bobo is implicated in a grisly murder.
As the day of the contessa’s black bridge draws closer, Macintyre scrambles to discover the true killer and keep his friend safe. If he doesn’t act quickly, the contessa’s journey to the cemetery may be a one-way trip.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781504001328
Publisher: Road
Publication date: 01/27/2015
Series: The Mysteries of Venice , #4
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 207
File size: 2 MB

About the Author

Edward Sklepowich is an American author of mysteries. Raised in Connecticut, he grew up living with his parents and his grandparents, who immersed him in Italian culture and Neapolitan dialect from a young age. A Fulbright scholarship took him to Europe and Africa, and he has made his home across the Mediterranean, living in Venice, Naples, Egypt, and Tunisia. Deeply connected to his Italian heritage, Sklepowich has used the country as the setting for all of his fiction.

Sklepowich’s debut novel, Death in a Serene City (1990), introduced Urbino Macintyre, an American expatriate and amateur sleuth who undertakes to solve a Venetian murder. Sklepowich treats Venice as a character, using its ancient atmosphere to shape his classically structured mysteries. He has written eight more Mysteries of Venice—most recently, The Veils of Venice (2009).

Read an Excerpt

Black Bridge

The Mysteries of Venice, Book Four

By Edward Sklepowich


Copyright © 1995 Edward Sklepowich
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5040-0132-8


Wrapped in a canvas sheet and covered in one-hundred-and-ten-degree mud, Urbino lay on a gurney in one of the therapy rooms in Abano Terme. He felt as if he were in a secret room of the Marquis de Sade's château, surrounded as he was by antiseptic tiles, grotesque protrusions of spigots and hoses, and an ominous gaping drain in the floor. Only his face, chest, and right arm were free. The therapist had said he would be back in twenty minutes.

Urbino hoped so. Only five minutes had passed and he already felt like calling for help. Thank God for his free hand, which was intended to give the guests—never were they "patients"—the sense that they weren't completely restrained. He raised it to wipe beads of sweat from his forehead and tried to think pleasant thoughts.

He wasn't successful. How could he be, wrapped up like a corpse in a morgue? He was also dead tired, having tossed and turned for two nights in his overheated room, where a sulfurous odor had seeped under the door—the same sulfurous odor that was all around him now and that seemed to suffuse everything and everyone at the spa.

Why not just admit it? He had made a mistake. It would have been better to have checked into the Grand Hotel des Bains on the Lido or the Hassler Villa Medici down in Rome for a complete change of scene, but he'd stick things through for two more days. The Contessa wasn't expecting him back until then. In fact, she might not be that pleased to see him, occupied as she was with the Barone Bobo.

Two hours later, after a spell of sweating induced by the mud therapy that was supposed to "rid his body of its toxicity," Urbino had a massage, then went to the pool. As he finished his last lap, he looked up to see Marco Zeoli's long, thin face, etched as it always seemed to be with fatigue. The assistant medical director of the spa held out a towel.

Zeoli was doing everything to make Urbino's stay as enjoyable as possible, in the hope that he would praise the spa to the Anglo-American community in Venice. If all went well for him, Zeoli, only forty-one, would soon be made chief medical director. He had been there for almost fifteen years, commuting the twenty-five miles from Venice, where he lived with his widowed mother.

"You seem in fine form, Urbino."

Zeoli's cold, exact voice suited his severe look. He had always reminded Urbino of a figure out of a Goya painting. It was amusing, if not also a little disconcerting, that a man in his position didn't emanate more of an air of healthiness, unless it was to be found in the ever so faint whiff of the spa's salubrious sulfur that clung to his sallow skin.

"Not everyone comes here because of a problem, and yours is quite minor as far as these things go," Zeoli quickly added. His professional eye made a quick examination of Urbino's right big toe as Urbino dried himself off. "Quite a few come just for rest and recreation—from as far away as England and Germany. That man and woman over there"—he indicated a late-middle-aged couple with round, healthy faces and reddish hair—"come all the way from Finland every year, and they're in the best of health. Remember that Abano's mud and thermal waters have drawn people since the time of the Romans. Maybe you can come back and work on your newest book. Our library is the best in Abano. If you have any problems or suggestions, let me know. Good day."

Zeoli left.

As he sat in a poolside chair, Urbino thought about what Zeoli had said about the Romans and smiled to himself. The men and women in their white robes, in fact, did look a little like toga-clad Romans, especially an overweight, homely man taking off his robe at the other end of the pool. With his round, completely bald head and pendulous lower lip, he resembled a corrupt senator from the time of the Caesars. It was only his unmistakable aura of sorrow and preoccupation that softened the edges of the image. He caught Urbino staring at him and frowned.

Urbino turned his attention to Fire, D'Annunzio's novel about Venice, a fictionalized account of his affair with the actress Eleonora Duse. The hero was delivering a paeon to Venice at the Doges' Palace while his aging mistress gazed adoringly at him from the crowd. The scene was filled with passion and bombast, poetry and prophecy, which managed to be somehow both inspiring and ridiculous at the same time.

Despite all D'Annunzio's excesses, you could easily be drawn in, as Urbino was now. This was D'Annunzio's power, a power that the unattractive little man had exerted not only on the page but in the bedroom. All this made Urbino apprehensive about the Barone Casarotto-Re, who supposedly resurrected D'Annunzio's spirit, though obviously not his homely flesh.

"Excuse me, Signor Macintyre." It was the pool attendant with a portable phone. "You have a call."

"Urbino!" Urgency charged the Contessa's voice. "I hate to bother you in the midst of your mud"—her light laugh sounded strained—"but there's a problem. Everything is at sixes and sevens! Bobo is being threatened! You have to come back to Venice immediately and do something!"

"What's happened?"

"Have some sense! I can't go into detail over the phone. Come back to Venice. I'm counting on you."

Urbino sighed. Suddenly, illogically, he didn't want to leave Abano. What was the Contessa pulling him back to? And what did it have to do with the Barone Bobo?

"All right, Barbara. The train will get me in at seven-fifteen. Have Milo meet me with the boat."

Urbino could feel the Contessa's relief over the line.

"I'll make up for dragging you out of the mud like this, caro. I promise."


When Urbino joined the Contessa in her salotto blu at the Ca' da Capo-Zendrini, her face was becomingly flushed and the bridge of her nose was slightly sunburned, something she had never allowed to happen for as long as he had known her.

"Bobo is resting at the Gritti. He's been through so much in the past six hours, poor dear—and so have I! There we were at the Cipriani, having such a pleasant time with Oriana and John! Little did we know what was brewing for poor Bobo!" She sighed and shook her head, displaying brighter highlights in her hair than three days ago. "Would you make me another g-and-t?"

The Contessa's request and the empty glass she held out to him were the most vivid evidence she could have given of her strange state, for tea, mineral water, and wine were her accustomed drinks. Gin-and-tonic was for only special and not always the most auspicious occasions. Urbino knew very well that he should avoid alcohol because of his condition, but he felt he needed a drink to get him through whatever lay ahead. He fixed two gin-and-tonics. The Contessa took a sip of hers and narrowed her gray eyes as if she had just had a dose of medicine.

"Some envious, mean-spirited person is trying to undermine Bobo's success."

She stared at Urbino for a few moments as if she suspected him of the deed.

"You mentioned that he received threats."

"Not directly—not yet anyway. One was put in the bocca di leone at the Doges' Palace."

Bocche dei leoni—or Lion's Mouths—had been placed throughout the city during the iron rule of the notorious Council of Ten. Denunciations against citizens had been deposited in the marble boxes sculpted with lions and had often led to inquisitions, torture, and death. The ones at the Doges' Palace were among the few still left in the city, these days usually crammed with gum and cigarette wrappers.

"Here's a copy."

She unfolded a white sheet the size of typewriter paper and handed it to him. Several sentences were printed in Italian in block letters in the middle of the sheet:


"The original was on red paper, folded, and slipped into the bocca," the Contessa explained. "The director of the Doges' Palace called the police. The Gazzettino got the same sheet in the mail with fifty thousand lire. The manager assumed it was meant to cover the cost of an ad but he didn't print it. He called the Questura, too."

"What does the Barone say about it?" Urbino asked, handing the sheet back.

"Bobo is being brave, the dear man! He's trying to brush it off as a prank but he's upset. Who wouldn't be?"

"And he has no idea what it's about?"

"Absolutely none! How could he? There's nothing in those things but envy and mean-spiritedness! He's one of the most upright people I know. I have a nose for falseness"—she had a fine patrician nose which did, indeed, seem made for scenting out the undesirable—"and Bobo is as true as they come. He's being done an abominable injustice and I want you to get to the bottom of it. You will, won't you?"

"What did he say about that?"

"Oh, he's so self-sacrificing! He said there isn't any need for you—or anyone—to do anything, it will all blow over, but I don't believe him. What I mean," she clarified, "is that, yes, I believe him, but he's wrong. It isn't over. He's trying to minimize things for my sake. But with you, he might tell the truth. I mean," she repeated with a touch of impatience, "that with you he'll be more inclined to say how he really feels about this beastly situation!"

"Ah, but you're wrong, Barbara dear," a deep male voice said in British-inflected English from the doorway. "What I tell you and what I tell others will always be the same. On that you can rest secure. You must be Barbara's dear friend Urbino. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The Barone Casarotto-Re strode over and looked down at Urbino from his six-plus feet of height. He grasped Urbino's hand and gave it a firm shake.


Everything about the Barone Roberto Casarotto-Re seemed to shout with vigor—his clear dark eyes, his olive skin, his sinewy figure, even his white hair, which had receded but not noticeably thinned. The Barone's teeth, however, were perhaps too white and too regular to be real.

Before Urbino had time to realize what the Contessa was doing, she spirited away her gin-and-tonic to the drink table and rang for Lucia to bring in the tea tray. The Barone went over and kissed her cheek.

"You and Urbino should get to know each other a little before you settle down to talk about serious things, Bobo. Everything is going to be fine. Don't you worry."

The Contessa gave his arm a reassuring, lingering pat.

"But I'm not worrying, Barbara dear, not in the slightest. I apologize for Barbara pulling you back to Venice. She's very naughty sometimes, but we have to forgive her, because we know how devoted she is." His long upper lip curled into a smile. "And I know how particularly devoted she is to you, Urbino, if I may call you that. A lovely name—and a lovely city with its associations with Raphael. Please call me Bobo. Barbara has told me all about you. Not all your secrets—ha, ha! Perhaps they will come with time. No, not everything, but enough to whet my appetite. Ah, yes, and she's told me about your problem," the Barone continued, seemingly filled with illimitable energy and enthusiasm. "I mean your problem down there, my friend."

He pointed a long, well-manicured finger at Urbino's Gucci-shod foot. The Contessa had a fixed smile on her face and didn't meet Urbino's eyes.

"A bit young for that, but I'm far from an expert on matters medical. Never been indisposed the same way myself. Hardly been ill a day in my life. One of these days I'm going to have to pay for it."

"Let it be ever so distant, Bobo."

"You should take better care of yourself," the Barone went on. "For example, that drink you have there. The culprit alcohol is lurking in it, just waiting to go down to that toe of yours and do its wicked little damage."

Fortunately, the Barone abruptly changed the topic when the Contessa joked about Urbino being smothered in Abano mud. He threw himself into a description of his tennis match that morning at the Cipriani Hotel with the Contessa, Oriana, and John Flint, her most recent innamorato. He urged the need for exercise on Urbino, squinting at him with his dark brown eyes as if he could see through Urbino's Ermenegildo Zegna suit to the supposedly exercise-starved flesh beneath.

His monologue wasn't interrupted by Lucia bringing in the tea things. Urbino wondered how long the man could go on like this until he remembered that he had a one-man show that lasted for more than an hour. The Contessa prepared the tea but kept shooting nervous glances at the two men. Relief from the Barone's flow came only with his first sip of tea, but even this relief was momentary.

"You make the most delicious tea. How do you ever manage it?"

"Mother always said that you should recite the Miserere. When you finish, the tea is done to perfection."

"And so your tea always is, my dear. Your mother was a wise and—from her photograph—a beautiful woman."

The Barone put down his cup and reached into his jacket pocket to take out a chased-gold cigarette case. The Contessa, who preferred no one to smoke in the salotto—or, in fact, anywhere near her—seemed far from demurring when the Barone lit a Gauloise with a gold lighter. The Contessa's eyes wavered for a moment in Urbino's direction.

Before the Barone could launch into another monologue, Urbino said: "Excuse me, Barone, but—"

"Bobo," the Barone said. He exhaled a curling stream of smoke in the direction of the Contessa's collection of ceramic animals.

"What I was going to say, Bobo"—the name didn't come easily to Urbino's lips—"is that you don't seem as upset as I would be. That seems strange."


"Not at all, Barbara dear. He's right—and he's right to say it. I admire honesty. The poor boy has been dragged back from his needed therapy and I'm not being appreciative of his sacrifice. But you see, Urbino, I don't want to blow this out of proportion. I hate to see Barbara all wrought up. She's afraid I'll—what did you call it, my dear?—'dry up.' Perhaps it's best to let this business alone."

"Let it alone? I wouldn't want something like this left alone if I were being threatened. I'd want to find out if anyone meant me any harm. Of course, people who are serious about doing harm seldom give warning. They just strike out. This might only be a version of a poison-pen letter, but nonetheless there is a threat." Urbino went over to the table and picked up the sheet. "What does it say? 'The only difference is that D'Annunzio is dead.'"

"It gives me a chill, Bobo! You must take it seriously."

"Why would anyone want to harm me? No, Barbara, it's D'Annunzio this crackpot wants to harm. He has enemies even today. This could be literary criticism masquerading as an attack on my reputation! I can endure it! I have nothing to hide and just as little to fear."

"What do the police say?" Urbino asked.

"Oh, they'll send someone to the Doges' Palace and to the Gazzettino, I suppose," the Barone said in an offhand manner. "The Commissario wasn't much concerned."

"If you don't make it seem as if you care, Bobo, the police aren't going to try very hard. Urbino is good at these things. He can ask around and maybe get some answers the police wouldn't get. You know how Italians clam up when the police come along."

"I'm afraid he'd be wasting his fine talents on this silly affair." He shook his head dismissively. "And who knows? If you start poking around, Urbino, we could be playing right into the hands of this prankster."

"I think there's more danger in doing nothing. Have you ever had any problem like this before?"

"Never!" He gave a laugh that seemed to be more nervousness than humor. "Oh, there once was some trouble during a performance in Milan. Some self-styled anti-fascists and women modeling themselves after your American feminists, Urbino. There were posters—'BURN D'ANNUNZIO,' 'D'ANNUNZIO: MAN AGAINST PEACE, MAN AGAINST WOMEN.' Got in the newspapers. But it came to nothing in the end. This is just more of the same thing."

"But if it isn't, Bobo! Urbino is very discreet. I couldn't bear it if there was even the slimmest possibility that you were in danger from some crackpot—or even embarrassed or inconvenienced."

A look of irritation passed over the Barone's face. Urbino sensed that he usually got his way and wasn't taking this defeat well. The Barone got up and went over to the Contessa and bent down to plant a kiss on her forehead.


Excerpted from Black Bridge by Edward Sklepowich. Copyright © 1995 Edward Sklepowich. Excerpted by permission of OPEN ROAD INTEGRATED MEDIA.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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