Bitter Legacy (Matt Royal Series #5)

Bitter Legacy (Matt Royal Series #5)

by H. Terrell Griffin
Bitter Legacy (Matt Royal Series #5)

Bitter Legacy (Matt Royal Series #5)

by H. Terrell Griffin


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Best-Selling and Award-Winning Author

Matt Royal has gotten himself into a royal mess

After a week away, Matt Royal's ready to get back to the Longboat Key good life—good fishing, good food, good beer, and more good fishing. But Matt comes back to bad news: while he was away, a sniper tried to kill one of his best friends. Even worse, now that Matt's back, someone's trying to kill him. And whoever is trying to kill him is trying really hard.

With no clue who's after him or why, Matt soon finds he's at the center of a mystery involving a lawyer's murder, a tourist left for dead, a ruthless biker gang, a reclusive billionaire with nothing to lose, and an ancient document that could bring ruin to some of the most entrenched financial interests in Florida.

Between solving the mystery and staying alive, Matt's got his hands full. But he'd better watch out or his hard-charging ways could get him sideways with the newest member of Longboat Key's police force, the undeniably attractive Jennifer Duncan. For Matt, it's shaping up to be a really long week.

Perfect for fans of John D. MacDonald’s Travis McGee

While all of the novels in the Matt Royal Mystery Series stand on their own and can be read in any order, the publication sequence is:

Blood Island
Wyatt’s Revenge
Bitter Legacy
Collateral Damage
Fatal Decree
Chasing Justice
Mortal Dilemma

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781608090327
Publisher: Oceanview Publishing
Publication date: 01/11/2012
Series: Matt Royal Series , #5
Pages: 360
Product dimensions: 5.70(w) x 8.80(h) x 1.00(d)

About the Author

H. Terrell Griffin, a former trial lawyer and soldier, is the award-winning and best-selling author of the Matt Royal Mystery Series set on the Florida Gulf Coast island of Longboat Key, and Vindication, set in The Villages of Central Florida. His novels have repeatedly been compared to John D. MacDonald for their setting, character, and style. Bitter Legacy joins the Longboat Key series of Blood Island, Wyatt’s Revenge, Collateral Damage, Fatal Decree, Found, Chasing Justice, and Mortal Dilemma.

Read an Excerpt

Bitter Legacy

A Matt Royal Mystery

By H. Terrell Griffin

Oceanview Publishing

Copyright © 2011 H. Terrell Griffin
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-60809-032-7


The killer shot Logan Hamilton in the chest. Not from close range, but from a long way off. Maybe from the rooftop of one of the high-rise condos that line Main Street in downtown Sarasota. Logan had been walking east and crossed Gulfstream Avenue, staying on the north side of the street. He was coming from a boat docked two blocks away at Marina Jack, ambling toward a restaurant on the corner of Main Street and Palm Avenue. He had a lunch date with Bill Lester, the chief of police of Longboat Key, an island lying off Florida's west coast just across the bay from Sarasota.

The chief had arrived early and was sitting at a sidewalk table, idly watching the downtown workers scurrying off to lunch or errands before returning to their desks in stock brokerages, banks, or law firms. Their lunch hours were used for a lot of things, not always lunch. It was Friday, and there was a hint of expectancy lingering in the thin spring air, relief that another week was about over, that the weekend beckoned.

Lester was wearing a pair of jeans, a white golf shirt, sneakers, and a ball cap. He was not tall, five eight maybe, and still carried nearly the same weight as when he had signed on with the police department twenty years before. A small belly protruded over the waist of the jeans, but most of it disappeared when he stood. He was on his way to Ed Smith Stadium to see a spring training game. Marie Phillips, Logan's girlfriend, had left word at the police station that Logan wanted to meet for lunch, so here he was. The game didn't start until two.

A breeze blew from the west, bringing a slight chill off the Gulf of Mexico. It was late March, the sun bright and warm on the chief's face, the wind blocked by the planters situated along the curb. He raised his hand, signaling to Logan, who was just across Palm Avenue waiting for a motorcycle to clear the intersection.

A slight cracking sound assailed the chief 's ears, a sound his professional senses immediately identified as a rifle report coming from behind him. Logan crumpled to the sidewalk, going over backward, no attempt to catch himself. He was down and still as the chief came out of his chair, moving fast, running toward the body, pulling his badge from his pocket, jerking the pistol from the ever-present holster at his waist. No, he thought. Not Logan. Please, not Logan. Logan was his friend, his drinking and fishing buddy. Who would kill Logan? Why?

He crossed Palm Avenue at a dead run, stopped, and stood over Logan. He looked up the street from where he thought the bullet had come, his pistol pointed at the sky. Nothing. No movement, except pedestrians running toward him. No threat, just curious people. Death had come to a quiet street in Sarasota on a spring day that made people smile and gave them purpose, a day that rivaled the ambrosia of the gods in its sweetness. Not Logan, not on this day, not now. The chief's breath was shallow, quick, the onset of hyperventilation threatening to overcome his professional instincts.

He fell to his knees beside Logan, tears welling in his eyes. He was fighting off the panic that struggled to overcome the detachment he would need to get him through the next minutes. Logan wore a pair of cargo shorts, boat shoes, shirt, and a windbreaker bearing the logo of the University of Tampa Spartans. His sparse graying hair was tousled by the wind, his middle-aged face flaccid, benign looking, bereft of life. Hope was deserting Lester as he tore open Logan's shirt, exposing a patch of reddened skin that would become a bruise, but no entry wound. He saw movement in the victim's chest, the lungs filling and deflating rhythmically. Logan wasn't dead. Where had he been hit? Where the hell were the medics? Lester pushed back the panic, striving mightily to purge himself of the deluge of adrenalin that gushed through his body. Logan was alive, but for how long.

The chief looked more closely at Logan's chest, trying to find a bullet hole. Nothing. He moved the windbreaker back over the bruise. He noticed something heavy in the inside pocket of the jacket. A thick paperback book, five or six hundred pages at least. Lester pulled it out and found the bullet lodged in the book. Relief spread through him. Logan hadn't been shot. The bruise was not lethal. A few days in the hospital and he'd be as good as new. He chuckled, a nervous reaction to the relief. Saved by Ayn Rand, he thought.

A sniper rifle bullet travels at about three thousand feet per second when it leaves the barrel. The friction caused by the air through which it travels slows the projectile. The farther the distance between the rifle and the target, the slower the bullet is traveling when it impacts the victim. The slower the bullet, the less damage it does. It was impossible to determine the distance the bullet in Logan's book had traveled, but it had to have been a long way, or the slug would have penetrated his chest.

The chief scanned the street, looking east, trying to see any movement, any clue as to where the bullet had come from. Where was the sniper? There were a lot of possibilities. The tall condominiums that had sprouted like weeds along Main Street, a couple of high-rise office buildings. All would have provided the shooter with a place from which to bring sudden death to interrupt the rhythms of a spring day in a quiet seaside town.

Only a few seconds had elapsed since Bill had reached Logan. It seemed like an eternity. The chief bent over the body, saw slight movement of the head, and then Logan's eyes popped open. "You're hurt," said Lester. "Stay down."

Logan stirred. "Bill?" He shook his head, trying to clear it. He was trying to focus his eyes and his mind, trying to understand what had happened. "What the hell is going on?"

The chief put a hand on Logan's chest. "Somebody took a shot at you. You're okay. Stay down. For now. Trust me."

Logan closed his eyes, let his body relax. Concern etched its way across his features, an eye popped open, glanced at Bill as if to reassure himself that the chief was still there, still had his gun out. The eye closed, opened again, closed. Logan was trying to comply with Lester's order, but it was obvious to the chief that he was scared. With good reason. Somebody had tried to kill him. A man came out of the bar in the middle of the block, holding a cell phone aloft. "Paramedics are on the way."

A siren wailed, the sound bouncing off the buildings. An ambulance was leaving the downtown firehouse a couple of blocks away. Two police cruisers were three blocks east, turning onto Main Street, traveling in tandem, their sirens yelping, light bars flashing, engines roaring, coming fast. They fell in behind the ambulance as it screamed to a stop at the curb. A paramedic hurried from the passenger seat, carrying a case, his whole body conveying a look of urgency. He started toward the chief and Logan. The driver opened the back door of the ambulance, removed a gurney, and stood quietly on the sidewalk as if waiting for some sign to proceed.

"He's okay," shouted Lester.

"Let me check," said the paramedic.

He leaned over Logan, put his finger on his carotid artery, inserted the ear pieces of his stethoscope and listened for a few moments to Logan's heart, nodding his head. Logan's eyes were open, a bemused expression on his face.

"I tried to tell him I'm okay," Logan said. "Let me up."

The paramedic shook his head. "We're getting you to the hospital." Lester waved his badge at the man. "No. We're not going to the hospital."

"Sorry, Chief. I've got to take him in."

"Somebody just tried to kill him. He can't go to the hospital."

"I don't have any choice. He's going to Sarasota Memorial."

"Call your chief. Tell him Bill Lester wants to talk to him."

The paramedic stopped, uncertainty flashing across his face. He looked at the chief's badge and his gun and reached for his cell phone. He spoke into it and in a few seconds spoke again. Then he handed the phone to Lester. "It's Chief Fulcher."

"Les," said Bill Lester, "I've got a situation here. One of my citizens has been shot on your street. He's a good friend of mine. Dome a favor and tell your man to do what I ask him to do."

The police chief was quiet for a moment or two and then handed the phone back to the paramedic. The man spoke again, listened, clicked the phone off. "What do you want me to do?"

"Take us to the medical examiner's office."

"You want to go to the morgue?"

The chief nodded his head. "Doc Hawkins can check him out."

The cops had tumbled out of their cars behind the paramedic, then pulled up short. They recognized Lester, backed off a step or two, looked about, puzzled. One spoke quietly into the radio microphone attached to the epaulet of his shirt, leaned in to hear the response, spoke softly to the cop standing next to him, his body language indicating indecision. They both pulled out notebooks and began to question the onlookers who always gather to gawk.

The chief took a sheet from the gurney, covered Logan, and helped the paramedic load him onto a stretcher. He crawled into the back of the ambulance and told the driver to take them to the county morgue. Lester picked up his phone and made another call as the meat wagon sped on its way to the last place anyone ever wants to escort a friend.

The chief medical examiner for the Twelfth Judicial Circuit, Dr. Bert Hawkins, was standing by the door as Logan was unloaded from the ambulance. He didn't look happy.

"I'll take it from here," Hawkins said to the paramedic. "I'll bring your gurney back as soon as I get him on the table."

"Do you want any help?" asked the paramedic.

"No, thanks." He turned to Chief Lester. "You might as well come with me."

"Wouldn't miss it."

They pushed the gurney down a long corridor and turned into the autopsy room at the end. The place smelled of disinfectant and ancient medicinal odors that the air-conditioning was unable to purge. The fluorescent lights reflected off the highly polished tile floor and bounced off the expanse of white walls unbroken by pictures or other decorations. The morgue was not a pleasant place.

Hawkins removed the sheet from Logan, saying, "Let's get this piece of shit onto the table so I can start cutting."

"Cutting, my ass," said Logan as he sat upright. "What's going on, Bill? My chest hurts like hell and I'm lucky I'm not dead. Who shot me? Why am I in the morgue?"

"We don't know who shot you. I called Bert from the ambulance and told him I was bringing you in, alive and well."

Bert cleared his throat. "You know that the Sarasota PD is going to be swarming this place in a few minutes. They'll want a statement from the victim. "

"I still don't know what the hell is going on," said Logan. "Who wants me dead, and why?"

"I'm kind of making this up on the fly," Lester said. "When I saw you go down after the shot was fired, I thought you were dead. The shooter probably thought so, too."

"He was almost right."

"Yeah. If we keep you under wraps for a few days, you'll be safe and we might get a line on who's trying to kill you and why. If you end up in a hospital, whoever is after you might try again."

"Somebody just tried to kill me. I don't have any idea who or why," said Logan. "Is that the best idea you can come up with?"

"For right now."

Bert said, "I've got to get this gurney back to the ambulance guys. You stay here."

"Logan," said the chief, "I'm glad you're okay. Your girlfriend's message said it was important that we meet for lunch. What's up?"

"When did you talk to Marie?"

"I didn't. She left the message with our dispatcher."

"The dispatcher called me on my cell and said you wanted to meet for lunch," Logan said. "At the Sports Page."

Lester opened his phone, dialed, identified himself, and said, "Did you call Logan Hamilton and ask him to meet me for lunch today?" When he hung up, he said to Logan, "The dispatcher got the call from Marie and called me. That was all he knew about our meeting. Somebody was setting you up. But why did they want me on the scene?"

"I don't know. Why the hell would somebody want to shoot me in the first place?"

"Good question. Maybe the CSI people will turn up something on the shooter. We'll get you into a hotel for tonight and figure out something more permanent tomorrow."

"I'm hungry," said Logan. "Never did get lunch."

"Let Doc Hawkins take a look at you and we'll grab a sandwich."

"Somewhere safe," said Logan.

Hawkins returned. "Want to tell me what's going on?"

"You know everything we know," said Lester.

"Okay. Let me take a look at you, Logan. "

Hawkins did a cursory examination. He shined a penlight into Logan's eyes, palpated the back of his skull where it had hit the sidewalk when he was shot, looked closely at the bruise left by the bullet. He finished and said, "No signs of concussion or anything broken. You've got a knot on the back of your head and you're going to be sore for a few days in the area where you took the bullet. All in all, you look better than most of my patients. "

"You're the medical examiner," said Logan. "Your patients are all dead. "

"Yeah. That probably explains it. "


I eased my boat slowly into its slip, adding power as I fought the current flowing through the lagoon with the outgoing tide. A brown pelican sat on the outboard piling, watching nervously. As I laid the boat gently against the dock, the bird took flight, rose a few feet, and landed on a nearby pier.

Jessica Connor stepped from the gunwale onto the dock and looped a line around a piling. I shut down the big outboards and walked another line to the bow, lassoed a cleat, and pulled the boat in snug against the pilings. I would loosen the lines after we unloaded, giving the boat a little room to float away from the dock with the wind and current.

It was mid-afternoon on Saturday. We'd had a good run the sixty miles from Boca Grande Pass, staying about two miles offshore on a sea of glass, the autopilot engaged, the engines humming, and Jessica sitting nude next to me enjoying the sun and my reaction. She put the bikini on as we came into Longboat Pass and idled under the bridge. Just inside, I turned south and then east, rounded Land's End, and came to my cottage clinging to the edge of Longboat Key, facing the lagoon and Jewfish Key.

"Matt," said Jessica, "you'd better check this line before you go up. I'm never sure I've got it tied right. "

"No sweat. Let's haul the junk up to the house and then I'll secure the boat. "

The sun was warm as we worked at unloading a week's worth of dirty clothes and the other detritus of a vacation well spent. Jessica made several trips, carrying the gear to the end of the dock, while I washed down the boat. She was a twenty-eight-foot Grady-White with a small cabin, powered by twin Yamaha 250-horsepower outboards. A sweet piece of machinery that I called Recess.

Jessica and I had spent the week boating around southwest Florida, stopping at likely looking places in Charlotte Harbor, Pine Island Sound, and points south. We stopped for cheeseburgers at Cabbage Key and I was glad to see a portrait of the longtime dockmaster, Terry Forgie, hanging in the restaurant. He'd been an institution, and the place was a little less lively with his passing. We had dinner with my friends Dan and Cher Clark in Punta Gorda. We stayed two nights at Everglades City and spent Friday night at the old Miller's Marina just inside Boca Grande Pass.

We'd made a pact that we'd tune out the world. We turned off our cell phones and refused to watch TV or read newspapers. If somebody dropped the big bomb on New York or Washington, we'd probably hear about it from somebody at the marinas we visited. Anything less than that wasn't worth our attention.

We'd had more than our share of wine and beer and good seafood and outstanding sex, but our idyll was about to end. Jessica would leave the next day for Paris and her job at the American embassy there. I would rejoin the slow rhythms that make up life on my slice of paradise, Longboat Key. My buddy Logan Hamilton and I would fish, walk the beach, eat good food at the island establishments, drink our share of beer, ogle the women, fish some more when the mood struck us, and on occasion talk of things deep or amusing or silly. We'd spend time with our friends at Tiny's, the bar on the edge of the village, eat lunch at Mar Vista or Moore's, and gobble up the days that seemed to stretch endlessly before us.


Excerpted from Bitter Legacy by H. Terrell Griffin. Copyright © 2011 H. Terrell Griffin. Excerpted by permission of Oceanview Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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