Bird from Hell: Third Edition

Bird from Hell: Third Edition

by Gerald McIsaac
Bird from Hell: Third Edition

Bird from Hell: Third Edition

by Gerald McIsaac


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As children, we are captivated by stories of huge fantastical creatures, such as the wooly mammoth and the pterodactyl. The prevailing wisdom is these species are long extinct, but new evidence uncovered by author Gerald McIsaac casts doubt on these widely held assumptions. McIsaac gathered stories from the elders of the First Nation—those who were formerly referred to as Indians, Native Americans, or Aboriginals. First Nation elders provided McIsaac with detailed descriptions of six species long thought to be extinct. These species include the Devil Bird, the Hairy Elephant, the Wilderness Wolf, the Rubber-Faced Bear, the Lake Monster, and Sasquatch. In Bird from Hell, McIsaac separates fact from fiction by comparing eyewitness accounts of these species with scientific opinion concerning their identity. His conclusion is that these huge species are not extinct, but he needs assistance in gathering evidence to substantiate this claim. By following the simple directions provided in Bird from Hell, you can help prove these various species still exist.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781466950283
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Publication date: 08/08/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 184
File size: 4 MB

Read an Excerpt

Bird from Hell

By Gerald McIsaac

Trafford Publishing

Copyright © 2012 Gerald McIsaac
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4669-5027-6

Chapter One

It is best to bear in mind that the elders grew up in an environment and time that is commonly referred to as the Stone Age. They were members of a hunting-gathering society. To say that life was difficult would be an understatement. Almost everything they used first had to be gathered or killed. That changed when the Dene met traders from another civilization who offered sacks of flour, rice, and sugar for furs, but the change was not immediate.

There was a cultural misunderstanding, one that persists to this day.

The flour and rice was thrown on the ground, and the sugar was thrown into the fire. They liked to see the sugar sparkle as it was thrown into the flames. The Dene did not know that rice, flour, and sugar were all foods. Still, they knew even less about how to prepare that food. They were trading for the containers, which were very valuable. In fact, they were far superior to the stomachs of the animals, which were the only other containers the Dene used.

It is worth noting that the only way the Dene could boil meat was to fill the stomach of an animal with water, add hot rocks from a campfire, and throw in the meat when the water boiled. They tell me that mountain goat was considered the best for this, because they could get three meals from one container.

This gives you some indication of the world in which the elders lived. To this day, I cannot imagine how they survived, much less raised families. Of course, they were nomads and followed the herds, and their knowledge of the animals in these mountains has no equal. I pay close attention to their stories for that reason.

As best I can gather, there were numerous groups of people who came across the Bering Strait over many thousands of years and walked down this natural corridor, this space between two mountain ranges called the Rocky Mountain Trench. The people with whom I lived apparently came across in the latest migration, possibly within the last few hundred years.

The Dene immediately found that the best areas like the coastal regions, where there was a great deal of seafood and where life was relatively easy, were already occupied. Across the mountains to the east, the prairies were also occupied. In fact, almost all the country was occupied, with the exception of the Rocky Mountain Trench, and the people who occupied those prime pieces of real estate had no intention of sharing with newcomers. In that respect, the situation in those days was similar to that which we have today. All too often, in many countries of the world, immigrants are just not welcome.

As a result, the Dene people were forced to subsist in the trench.

For those who are not aware of the geography, the Rocky Mountain Trench runs from the Arctic to Mexico, and we have the rugged Rocky Mountains to the east and the less rugged Cassiar Mountains to the west. It makes for beautiful scenery and a rough life. These mountains are not very forgiving. Any moment of complacency can prove fatal. When I first met them, they were in the process of changing from a hunting-and-gathering society of nomadic existence to a more settled lifestyle. We lived in log cabins along the banks of the Ingenika River, and we had no electricity or running water. Fresh meat was available but it first had to be shot. We packed water and cut cordwood for heating, cooking, and cleaning. Clothes were washed on scrub boards in laundry tubs. It was difficult, but we enjoyed ourselves.

The village was not accessible by road, and all supplies had to be either brought in by barge or flown in, which was very expensive. We had a store that mainly sold dry goods, and the mail was flown in twice a month. Luxuries were few and far between.

Of course, things are different now. We now live in a modern village a little north of the "old village," as we call it. Electricity is supplied by generators, and we have running water, a modern school, and a fine store. There is now a bridge across the Ingenika River, and gravel roads connect the villages to towns.

As a result, we have to deal with clouds of dust and restricted visibility in the summer, and in the winter, there are icy roads to avoid. The roads also tend to be quite narrow, only wide enough for one vehicle, with the occasional wide spot in the road every two or three kilometers.

We tend to call them logging roads, which they are, although mining trucks, lowbed trucks, and pickups use them. Not too many cars travel on these roads, or at least they do not run for very long, because such vehicles cannot stand the punishment of these gravel roads.

The roads are maintained by the Forest Service. At the start of the road, signs stating the name of the road, such as the Finlay Main Line or the Russel Main Line, as well as the radio frequency to use are posted. The radio frequencies are generally given names, such as Krause channel or Clear Lake channel, for example. The staff pretty much has to name these stations, because all vehicles that travel on those roads have to use two-way radios. To do otherwise is to court suicide. Usually, there is a sign beside the road with a posted kilometer number every two kilometers or so. Most people use the word click for kilometer.

For example, a logging truck travelling south to the mill with a load of logs may see a sign that reads, "18 km." The driver knows that km is short for kilometers, so if he is on the Finlay Main Line, he will get on the two-way radio and call eighteen loaded on the Finlay. Any vehicles travelling north or away from the mill is expected to pay attention to this and pull over into a wide spot, out of the way. For those who consider this unfair, consider the fact that each logging truck may carry fifty tons of logs, and if the truck comes to a sudden stop, then the logs it is carrying tend to come forward into the cab of the truck. Such things do happen, and they tend to ruin the whole day for the driver.

At the start of the year, this terminology changed. Across the province, the vehicles that are heading into the forest are now required to use the term "up," while the vehicles that are heading toward town are required to use the term "down." The signs that announced this change in terminology were clearly posted near town. For those of us who did not live near town, this change made for a little confusion.

The side roads off the main line lead to logging areas, which we call "logging blocks." After the timber is harvested, the roads inside that block are deactivated. That just means that a machine, usually a backhoe, goes into the area and tears up the road at regular intervals. At that point the logged out area is replanted.

To get to Kwadacha, there is a road called the Russel Main Line. It follows the Finlay River north to the other village, but it only runs on the west side of the river. On the east side of the river, there is another road called the Finlay Main Line. Traffic on the Russel Main Line uses a different radio frequency than traffic on the Finlay Main Line. In each case, the vehicles calling their clicks have to specify which road they are travelling. The empty vehicles may or may not call their clicks.

Recently, a couple girls nearly died when the vehicle they were driving broke down on the road to town. It was the middle of winter, and the temperature got down to forty degrees below zero. They had no two-way radio and were unable to call for help. They spent a very cold night in the pickup, and fortunately, they were found the next day. They would not have survived another night in that severe cold.

Of course, the reason they were not rescued earlier was because no one was looking for them. The first vehicle that came along stopped and gave assistance. The roads in these mountains are not to be confused with highways.

The girls had lived in these mountains all their lives and had driven that road many times without any major mishaps, and as a result, they developed a certain complacency that nearly proved fatal.

Most people here carry a box of candles and matches in the winter months for just such emergencies. Candles throw a great deal of heat, or at least they do if they are lit.

When people like teachers first move out here, they tell me that the first obstacle they face is the culture shock. Apparently, it is similar to moving halfway across the world, so if the reader has a difficult time imagining life in these mountains, you are not alone. I am hoping the pictures I have provided will prove helpful. These mountains are remote and rugged, and they are the home to several species that are thought to be extinct. These species are rarely seen, in part because there are so few people living in these mountains.

I pay strict attention to the descriptions of the species, and I use these along with my powers of observation. These are the facts, and I focus on these facts. These people have also shared their beliefs with me, and while I respect their beliefs, I do not necessarily share them.

I often checked scientific literature and journals for animals that matches the descriptions I have heard. Then to confirm my suspicions about an animal, I tried to speak to people who had seen the species. While this was not always possible, I have spoken to individuals who have indeed seen these creatures on numerous occasions. I always allowed them to describe the experience in their own words. As a result, I have come to conclusions that are stranger than fiction.

I should add that the elders are aware of my efforts and have given them their approval. They are helping me in any way they can. For that reason, any youngster who tries to lead me astray with a line of phony garbage could be making a serious mistake. That would be disrespecting the elders, and that is never a good idea.

For quite some time, I have remained silent with my suspicions, because I did not want to be locked up as a crazy person. I have since learned that even though many people do not question my sanity, for they are already convinced that I am crazy, there is still no need to lock me up as long as I can function after a fashion. That is a great comfort, because I hate confined spaces. I believe the scientific name for that is claustrophobia.

I did call the biologist in the nearest city, Prince George, and told him about my suspicions. He was skeptical to say the least, which is just a polite way of saying he did not believe a word I was saying. This did not terribly surprise me. In fact, it was the very answer I expected. After I did more research and became convinced of the existence of these huge species, I decided to go public with this book. They absolutely exist, and now it is simply a matter of proving their existence. This is not as far-fetched as it may sound. These species are more widespread than I first thought they were, and I have enclosed clear directions on the method for finding them. I feel a sense of urgency in this, because at least a couple of these species are man-eaters.

The species that terrifies these people more than any other is the one they refer to as the "Devil Bird." They are commonplace in these mountains, and the latest encounter happened about a two-hour drive south of the village of Tsay Keh Dene, in a place we call Raspberry, where a fellow had purchased a homestead recently. He was outside after dark and was attacked by a flying animal. He survived the encounter and now knows that the legends he has heard are true.

His story is typical. People move into these mountains knowing that only superstitious fools believe in spirits flying around in the darkness. Of course, they are half right. It is not spirits they have to worry about but flying animals. As a result, they go outside after dark and frequently pay the price. This man is lucky to be alive today.

The description the Dene people have given me precisely matches that of a pterodactyl. I have tried to hunt one down and shoot it, but I have yet to succeed.

The other species that scares them is the one they refer to as the "Hairy Elephant," which matches the description of the woolly mammoth. Because it is the largest land-dwelling animal in the world and an ornery beast at that, their fear is understandable. Apparently, it did not go extinct. At the same time, the largest canine in the world, the dire wolf, did not go extinct. I can testify to the existence of that animal, because I have personally seen several of them. They call that particular wolf the "Wilderness Wolf." This brings us to the world's largest bear, the mega bear, also referred to as the short-faced bear, which they refer to as the "Rubber-Faced Bear." Those are the three species of megafauna, a term that means "big animals," which the scientists assume went extinct at the end of the last ice age. We will return to that subject later.

The other huge reptile, which is referred to as the "Lake Monster," is also a man-eater. I can think of only one species that matches that description, and that is the plesiosaur.

Last but certainly not least, we come to Bigfoot, otherwise known as Sasquatch. The Dene people are supremely well aware of the existence of this species, and I have had my own run-in with them. I have since spoken to several people who have met them up close, too. I am convinced that they are nothing other than a separate species of human, and I know exactly how to make contact with them.

As for the reader who is skeptical, which probably includes almost everyone, I can only say that such an attitude is scientific, and I welcome it. I only ask that you keep an open mind. I am determined to prove the existence of these species. I have set various traps for the devil bird and the wilderness wolf, and I have tried to get pictures of Sasquatch, without success. At least now I know that which does not work, but now I am convinced that I know how to find them. It just takes time and money.

I might add that the people who are not laughing are those who have spent a great deal of time in these mountains. Almost without exception, they agree that there is something out there, but they just do not know what it is. They are about to find out.

The mountains are extremely beautiful and just as dangerous. No doubt my photography is terrible, but I suggest the reader take a good look at those faces, the faces of those who have lived in these mountains all their lives, and consider the fact that these are the faces of my sources of information. These people are the experts on these mountains.

The idea that there are species that have yet to be discovered should not surprise anyone, at least not anyone who has been following the latest scientific developments. Just recently, new discoveries include a monkey in Burma, a wallaby in New Guinea, a chameleon in Tanzania, and an American turtle much closer to home, just to name a few. Then, too, several years ago, everyone was shocked to find that there were hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean that supported a great number of life-forms, including bacteria, plants, and animals, not to mention life-forms that seem to be a combination of plant and animal.

In my opinion, there other species yet to be discovered here in North America, such as the ones listed. There are some scientists, such as Luis Alvarez, who are of the opinion that the pterodactyl and the plesiosaur went extinct sixty-five million years ago, when a giant asteroid hit the earth and caused such terrible damage that the dinosaurs and reptiles were largely wiped out. Then there are others who have the precisely opposite opinion. They do not question the fact that the earth was hit by a huge rock, but they maintain that modern birds are the descendants of dinosaurs and that birds are in fact dinosaurs.

I hear that scientific discussion has been known to break down, and there have even been cases of violence. I hope this is just a vicious rumor. We are all entitled to our opinions, and those who have different opinions should be respected. I certainly have no wish to get involved in such arguments. I just want to prove the existence of these species and leave the arguments concerning birds and dinosaurs and mass extinctions to someone else. Because there is strong disagreement here, I can only suggest keeping an open mind and examining all the evidence. There can be no excuse for personal attacks.

As for those who object that such ancient species must have gone extinct millions of years ago, I can only draw your attention to such species as sharks, crocodiles, and duck-billed platypuses. Such species are truly ancient and have changed only very slightly over the many millions of years.

The fact is that it is almost impossible to prove that any species is extinct, for extinct species leave no trace of their nonexistence. We can choose to believe that species like the dodo bird and the passenger pigeon are extinct, but there is no way to prove it. On the other hand, there is a very simple way to prove that a species is not extinct. It is simply a matter of producing a living member of that species.


Excerpted from Bird from Hell by Gerald McIsaac Copyright © 2012 by Gerald McIsaac. Excerpted by permission of Trafford Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Author's Note....................vii
Chapter 1: Background....................1
Chapter 2: Bird from Hell: The Devil Bird....................13
Chapter 3: Devil Bird Attacks....................19
Chapter 4: Hunting the Devil Bird....................29
Chapter 5: Looking for Devil Bird Eggs....................37
Chapter 6: Devil Bird and the Golden Eagle....................45
Chapter 7: Fire-Breathing Dragons and Little People....................51
Chapter 8: Highway of Tears....................59
Chapter 9: Lake Monster and the Hairy Elephant....................65
Chapter 10: Rubber-Faced Bear and the Wilderness Wolf....................73
Chapter 11: Bears or Giants....................95
Chapter 12: More on Giants....................111
Chapter 13: Industrial Developments and Border Fences....................117
Chapter 14: Latest Developments....................127
Chapter 15: Woolly Mammoth and Sabre-Toothed Cats and Ground Sloths et al....................145
Chapter 16: Concerning Mega Bears....................151
Chapter 17: Concerning Giants....................157
Chapter 18: Concerning Career Suicide and the Decline of Civilization....................161
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