Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind: Your Mind's Journey to Inner Peace
What if you could, like a diamond forged through heat and pressure, transform every painful, scary, and stressful experience in your life into one that is meaningful, courageous, and inspiring? What if you were provided with the tools that allow you to tap and manifest the true power that exists within you—the power to shine? Are you ready to discover your path to peace?

In this fascinating book, Dr. Darren Weissman shares ancient spiritual wisdom fused with a modern-day understanding of the mind’s relationship to biology and behavior that has implications not only for your health, but for the well-being of the entire planet. You’ll learn how to use The LifeLine Technique—a philosophy and technology for awakening your infinite potential for healing and wholeness—and share the experiences of scores of people whose lives have been forever changed as a result.

Conscious visionaries pronounced more than 40 years ago that the road to peace is paved with the power of love. Dr. Weissman’s book provides the steps you can use to learn to walk that path, and it will help you understand why it is your moral imperative to choose love over fear.
Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind: Your Mind's Journey to Inner Peace
What if you could, like a diamond forged through heat and pressure, transform every painful, scary, and stressful experience in your life into one that is meaningful, courageous, and inspiring? What if you were provided with the tools that allow you to tap and manifest the true power that exists within you—the power to shine? Are you ready to discover your path to peace?

In this fascinating book, Dr. Darren Weissman shares ancient spiritual wisdom fused with a modern-day understanding of the mind’s relationship to biology and behavior that has implications not only for your health, but for the well-being of the entire planet. You’ll learn how to use The LifeLine Technique—a philosophy and technology for awakening your infinite potential for healing and wholeness—and share the experiences of scores of people whose lives have been forever changed as a result.

Conscious visionaries pronounced more than 40 years ago that the road to peace is paved with the power of love. Dr. Weissman’s book provides the steps you can use to learn to walk that path, and it will help you understand why it is your moral imperative to choose love over fear.
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Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind: Your Mind's Journey to Inner Peace

Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind: Your Mind's Journey to Inner Peace

by Darren R. Weissman
Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind: Your Mind's Journey to Inner Peace

Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind: Your Mind's Journey to Inner Peace

by Darren R. Weissman


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What if you could, like a diamond forged through heat and pressure, transform every painful, scary, and stressful experience in your life into one that is meaningful, courageous, and inspiring? What if you were provided with the tools that allow you to tap and manifest the true power that exists within you—the power to shine? Are you ready to discover your path to peace?

In this fascinating book, Dr. Darren Weissman shares ancient spiritual wisdom fused with a modern-day understanding of the mind’s relationship to biology and behavior that has implications not only for your health, but for the well-being of the entire planet. You’ll learn how to use The LifeLine Technique—a philosophy and technology for awakening your infinite potential for healing and wholeness—and share the experiences of scores of people whose lives have been forever changed as a result.

Conscious visionaries pronounced more than 40 years ago that the road to peace is paved with the power of love. Dr. Weissman’s book provides the steps you can use to learn to walk that path, and it will help you understand why it is your moral imperative to choose love over fear.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781401923839
Publisher: Hay House Inc.
Publication date: 03/01/2010
Pages: 312
Sales rank: 677,610
Product dimensions: 5.94(w) x 8.46(h) x 0.83(d)

About the Author

Dr. Darren R. Weissman, the author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude, is the developer of The LifeLine Technique, an advanced holistic system that discovers, releases, and interprets the root cause of physical symptoms and stress—emotions trapped within the subconscious mind. His mission is world peace through inner peace. Darren is an internationally renowned lecturer and has helped thousands of people awaken to their infinite potential and The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude.

Read an Excerpt

Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind

Your Mind's Journey to Inner Peace
By Darren R. Weissman


Copyright © 2010 Darren Weissman
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4019-2383-9

Chapter One

Love's Universal Healing Power

"What science can't explain, it doesn't see. This includes beauty, devotion, faith, inspiration, nobility, compassion, empathy, fate, intuition, and love itself. Are we really claiming these are fictions or illusions?" - Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Although the concept that "love heals" is as ancient as the human race, it was not something I always understood. I studied chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, magnetotherapy, shamanism, natural healing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Applied Kinesiology, Total Body Modification, Neuro Emotional Technique, and Chinese energetic medicine, searching for the answer to the eternal question that Caroline Myss posed in her bellwether book Why People Don't Heal and How They Can. Like all major transformations, in order for the answer to emerge from within, I needed external catalysts.

I was introduced to the "I love you" hand gesture in 1998 by my cousin Rob Morgan, who worked as an intern in my office in preparation for becoming thefirst deaf chiropractor to graduate from the Palmer College of Chiropractic. After a full day of observing my work with clients, Rob held up his hand to me in the "I love you" sign.

I felt a warm, powerful, and peaceful feeling as he did so. Intrigued by my internal reaction, using muscle testing, I checked Rob for weak reflex points on his body. When I found one, I held my hand next to his body in the "I love you" sign mode. The reflex instantly "locked out," as Rob and I looked at each other in amazement. I didn't realize then the impact of that moment.

Three years later, I received an e-mail from my friend Greg. It contained photographs of Dr. Masaru Emoto's groundbreaking water-crystal research. Emoto, a doctor of alternative medicine and a visionary researcher, had made an amazing discovery that was opening the world's eyes to new vistas of health and healing. I later found information about his work in his book Messages from Water:

Human vibrational energy-thoughts, words, ideas, and music-affects the molecular structure of water. It is the very same water that comprises over 70 percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet.... The quality of our life is directly connected to the quality of our water.

Dr. Emoto exposed test tubes filled with tap water to words, music, and positive thoughts and then froze them. He extracted a frozen crystal from each tube, and using a process called dark-field microscopy, he examined and photographed them all. Each formation was different, documenting the essence of water's power-its consciousness-and the instantaneous impact thoughts, words, and actions have on its molecular structure.

Dr. Emoto's work provided tangible empirical evidence of what many conscious visionaries-from Louise L. Hay; Debbie Shapiro; and Candace Pert, Ph.D.; to Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.; David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.; and Gregg Braden-had already been espousing and teaching for many years before: emotions impact the health of the body, as well as our sense of well-being. Dr. Emoto's work just showed us how.

The final catalyst to my awakening was triggered by my friend and colleague Dr. Ingrid Maes, who challenged me to look past the fear blocking my path and see, with clarity of vision, my soul's destiny. In February 2002, I channeled The LifeLine Technique Flow Chart (see page 78), a logarithmic blueprint of the subconscious mind. The vision appeared, as ornate and detailed as a Tibetan sand mandala. I was concerned that if I moved, the vision of the Flow Chart would dissipate into thin air. I scribbled words and drew lines, arrows, and geometric shapes on a piece of scrap paper handed to me by my fiancée (and now wife), Sarit. I saw everything I'd ever studied, as well as images perceived for the very first time. They were woven together in a seamless, matrix-like framework.

I knew intuitively that this was the unified system of healing and wholeness I had been seeking, and because of Dr. Emoto's water-crystal research, I knew love and gratitude were essential components of deciphering this secret code of the mind. Thus began my understanding of the potential power of Infinite Love & Gratitude and the collapse of the illusory walls of fear that had been holding me back from knowing my truth.

I now know unequivocally that Infinite Love & Gratitude is a universal healing frequency. Coupled with The LifeLine Technique Flow Chart to decipher the pain, fear, or stress in your body and life, it is the foundation for your mind's journey to inner peace. With this book, you'll learn how and why so that you can bridge the gaps in your life that are inhibiting you from experiencing and creating peace in your heart and freedom in your life.

Teaching People to Heal Themselves

From the outset, it was clear that teaching people about the power of Infinite Love & Gratitude and how to use The LifeLine Technique had the potential to transform the world of health and healing on a global scale. This vision soon became my mission. In the beginning, only a few people believed it and worked tirelessly with me to manifest it. We were, to borrow the famous phrase of renowned anthropologist Margaret Mead, "a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens" who passionately shared the power of Infinite Love & Gratitude as a universal healing frequency with whoever wanted to learn.

For close to ten years, I've helped thousands of people transform themselves from imbalances in their bodies that their allopathic (Western-medical) doctors labeled "incurable." Even more, I've been fortunate enough to teach people around the world how to activate the power of their minds to transform their own lives and use it to help others.

As noted in the Introduction, The LifeLine Technique can be learned by anyone and everyone. The following two stories demonstrate that you can experience the benefits even with just the initial training.

Dolly lived with cats all her life, but in 2004 her body began to "speak" to her with an allergy to them. That all changed when she learned The LifeLine Technique:

One day while I was waiting for a bus, I decided to go through The LifeLine Technique Flow Chart for myself, giving myself Infinite Love & Gratitude as I did so. When I got home that evening, I immediately noticed that I wasn't having allergic symptoms around my cats or with any other cats. I didn't even have the intention of "treating" the cat allergy with The LifeLine Technique. I just conducted the session for practice and was amazed by what happened!

In another case, Mary shared the following experience she had within a few weeks of attending her first LifeLine Technique training:

I have a friend who has a ten-year-old daughter named Lisa. For several years, Lisa's body had been expressing the symptom of psoriasis on her torso, arms, legs, face, and scalp. Her family physician prescribed many topical ointments, but they did nothing to alleviate the symptoms. After the first training, I contacted my friend to see whether I might be of some help to Lisa. I was thrilled when they both said yes!

Being totally inexperienced with The LifeLine Technique, I referred to my training notes throughout our sessions. I used the 1-2-3 PLAN at each session. Lisa had a hard time creating an intention (Step 2), so I used Louise Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life to find affirmations that would help her to do so. The affirmations were "I love and approve of myself" and "I deserve the best, and I accept it now." The subconscious emotions that came up during the sessions included anger at self, lack of self-worth, and withheld feelings. Each time an emotion came up, I harmonized it with Infinite Love & Gratitude.

When Lisa came in for the fifth session, I noticed that she only had little white "dots" on her arms where the psoriasis had been. I also noticed that her scalp and face were totally clear. By the sixth session, all signs of the psoriasis were gone. I told Lisa how great her skin looked, and she beamed the most beautiful smile!

I am amazed by the power of The LifeLine Technique and so grateful to have it in my life!

You Are a Barometer for All of Humanity

In Gregg Braden's book Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, he shares the results of a study conducted by the International Peace Project in the Middle East, which was first published in The Journal of Conflict Resolution in December of 1988:

During the Israeli-Lebanese war of the early 1980s, researchers trained a group of people to "feel" peace in their bodies rather than simply think about peace in their minds or pray for peace to occur.

On specific days of the month, at specific times each day, these people were positioned throughout the war-torn areas of the Middle East. During the window of time that they were feeling peace, terrorist activities stopped, crimes against people lessened, emergency-room visits declined, and traffic accidents dropped off in number. When the people stopped expressing these feelings, the statistics reversed. These studies confirmed the earlier results: When a small percentage of the population achieved peace within themselves, that peace was reflected in the world around them.

The current state of your life-as well as your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being-is a barometer for all of humanity and Mother Earth. With the power of Infinite Love & Gratitude and the decoder of your mind-The LifeLine Technique-you'll be able to expand your capacity to thrive and live a passionate and purposeful life, which is the ultimate expression of peace. Because we're all one, no matter what your race, nationality, gender, religion, political views, beliefs, or social status, when your life resonates with inner peace, it becomes the harbinger for the world you're helping to create. Every shared experience reaffirms to me the innate capacity of the body to heal itself when it's given the proper conditions: Infinite Love & Gratitude for any and every experience!

Recognizing the growing trend toward alternative approaches to health and medicine, some scientists are attempting to document the healing power of love, opening the way for understanding how you transform your reality when you make a choice to live your life based upon it, regardless of how fearful you may feel. One thing you can be sure of: unconditional self-love is the place to begin.

Chapter Two

The Science of Love

"When we experience the unconditional nature of love, we open to a vista of unlimited healing power." - Debbie Shapiro

In 1991, the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) Research Center was established for the purpose of exploring how the heart communicates with the brain, and the impact of that communication on the physiological function of the body. Since its inception, IHM has become a highly regarded, global leader in psychophysiology, stress management, and the physiology of heart-brain research. Among the goals of one of IHM's initial research projects was to determine the physiological ramifications of love and other positive emotions. The findings are fascinating, and they include the following ideas:

Feeling love and sincere appreciation increases the coherence of the heart's energy-wave pattern, altering the electromagnetic field emanating from this area.

Positive emotions (such as love) increase harmony and coherence in the heart's rhythms and improve the balance in the nervous system.

Negative emotions lead to increased disorder in the heart's rhythms, as well as disordered rhythms in the autonomic nervous system, thereby adversely affecting the rest of the body.

Additionally, researchers discovered that the heart's energy field is about 60 times more powerful than that of the brain; it can be measured several feet away from the body. This means that the energy field of the heart is always touching, and interacting and commingling with, the hearts of other people, sometimes acting as a gauge of subtle electromagnetic communication between people. In other words, IHM has found a way to measure and validate those "vibes" we feel when we first meet or interact with others!

While IHM's work is just a tiny fraction of the ongoing research seeking to document the function of the heart, what we now have is a scientific basis for understanding how that function impacts mental clarity, creativity, emotional balance, physical well-being, and personal effectiveness.

Everything emanates from the heart-love, passion, music, beauty, compassion, empathy, and faith. In fact, as Louise L. Hay has been teaching all of us for the past quarter century, "Love is the miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives."

Documenting The LifeLine Technique

When I first awakened to The LifeLine Technique, I felt it was important to provide some empirical evidence for the transformational experiences I'd been witnessing. Inspired by the research of Masaru Emoto, and with the assistance of my friend and colleague Dr. Tom Bayne, we used dark-field microscopy to conduct live blood-cell analyses before and after a LifeLine Technique session. Because blood is nearly 90 percent water, I hypothesized that, like Dr. Emoto's work with crystals, we should witness a change in it.

We collected and documented scores of blood slides taken immediately before and immediately after sessions with The LifeLine Technique. Many of the pictures, like the two examples reprinted here, were first published in The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude.

Recently, I received an e-mail from a registered nurse and nutritionist who had a session with a Certified LifeLine Practitioner. She conducted her own experiments using a dark-field microscope:

I just wanted to send you a quick note and tell you about the difference in the dark-field microscope pictures of my pre-and post-sessions with The LifeLine Technique. The pre-session picture was very toxic. Not only was it hard to get the drop of blood to form after the finger prick, but the red blood cells were all stuck together (aggregation); and there were a fair number of bacterial spheres, target cells, and large crystals. After the session, the finger stick formed a quick bead, and the red blood cells were floating side by side. I saw fewer bacteria and no target cells. The large crystals were reduced to tiny broken-glass-like clusters. I have never seen anything like this before!

Understanding Through Experience

Because The LifeLine Technique is best understood through experience, I feel it's important to share with you the testimonials I have received from people whose lives have profoundly changed as a result of sessions with this revolutionary healing modality. Not only do these experiences include people with whom I've personally done sessions, but they're also from those who have had sessions with other Certified LifeLine Practitioners (CLPs). Every CLP has a personal experience with The LifeLine Technique. They came to the first training program from all walks of life-laypeople with no background in health or healing, stay-at-home moms, senior citizens, healing-arts practitioners, bodyworkers, allopathic nurses and doctors, psychotherapists, social workers, and life coaches-and then decided to become certified.


Excerpted from Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind by Darren R. Weissman Copyright © 2010 by Darren Weissman. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Foreword Gregg Braden xiii

Introduction xvii

Part I Breaking the Code of Your Mind

Chapter 1 Love's Universal Healing Power 3

Chapter 2 The Science of Love 11

Chapter 3 What Do You Choose? 19

Chapter 4 The Measure of Healing 25

Chapter 5 Preparing the Road to Peace 29

Chapter 6 The Path to Peace 33

Chapter 7 Living in the Now 41

Chapter 8 To Know What We Know 47

Part II Interpreting the Code of Your Mind

Introduction to Part II: It's as Easy as 1-2-3! 57

Chapter 9 Becoming a Master of Dialogue 59

Chapter 10 Guidelines for Muscle-Reflex Testing 67

Chapter 11 The Infinite Love & Gratitude Sequence (ILS) 73

Chapter 12 The LifeLine Technique Flow Chart: In Search of Life's Greatest Treasures 77

Chapter 13 Step 1: The Reconnection-Expanding Your Sense of Oneness 81

Chapter 14 Step 2: Creating What Is Possible, Now! 95

Chapter 15 Step 3: Opening the Doorway to Your Authentic Self 105

Chapter 16 Step 4: Time to Create Balance 115

Chapter 17 Step 5: Awakening to Your Power 119

Chapter 18 Step 6: The Gift in Strange Wrapping Paper 125

Chapter 19 Step 7: Change? a Natural Part of Life 133

Chapter 20 Step 8: Energy in Motion (E-motion) Stays in Motion 139

Chapter 21 Step 9: Being Creative, in Control, and Whole 145

Chapter 22 Step 10: Expressing Your Truth 153

Chapter 23 Step 11: Emotions, the Energy That Moves You 167

Chapter 24 Step 12: The Key to Healing, Regeneration, and Wholeness 173

Chapter 25 Step 13: Assembling the Spirit for Peace 193

Chapter 26 Step 14: Integration of the Mind, Body, and Spirit 199

Chapter 27 Step 15: Is There Any More Resistance? 205

Chapter 28 Step 16: The Tools for Living an Optimal Life 211

Chapter 29 We Are All One 231

Endnotes 237

The LifeLine Technique Glossary of Terms 247

Information and Resources 257

Index 259

Acknowledgments 273

About the Author 278

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