Anthology of World Scriptures: Eastern Religions / Edition 1

Anthology of World Scriptures: Eastern Religions / Edition 1

by Robert E. Van Voorst
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Cengage Learning
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Cengage Learning
Anthology of World Scriptures: Eastern Religions / Edition 1

Anthology of World Scriptures: Eastern Religions / Edition 1

by Robert E. Van Voorst
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Van Voorst's ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD SCRIPTURES: EASTERN RELIGIONS includes readings on Feng Shui, Engaged Buddhism, and the Falun Gong movement. Included in this concise, affordable reader is coverage of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shinto. Van Voorst's characteristic clarity makes this an easy-to-understand, dependable guide to the history, doctrines, ethical systems, structures and rituals of these major Eastern religions.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780495170600
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Publication date: 01/31/2006
Edition description: 1ST
Pages: 264
Product dimensions: 7.30(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

Dr. Robert E. Van Voorst is Professor of New Testament Studies at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, and former professor of religion at Lycoming College in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, where he was named Teacher of the Year in 1995. He has served as a visiting professor in Oxford University and Zhejiang University in China. Van Voorst has written frequently on religious studies in noted journals and reference works. In addition, he has authored numerous books, including six with Cengage Learning: RELG: WORLD, 3rd Edition; READINGS IN CHRISTIANITY, 3rd Edition; ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD SCRIPTURES, 9th Edition; ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD SCRIPTURES: EASTERN RELIGIONS; ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD SCRIPTURES: WESTERN RELIGIONS; and READING THE NEW TESTAMENT TODAY, now also in a Chinese version. Other books by Van Voorst include BUILDING YOUR NEW TESTAMENT GREEK VOCABULARY, 3rd Edition; THE ASCENTS OF JAMES, a recovery and commentary on a second-century Jewish-Christian document; and JESUS OUTSIDE THE NEW TESTAMENT, an examination of traditions about Jesus in ancient classical and Jewish documents, now also in Italian.

Table of Contents

Preface. Acknowledgments. 1. EASTERN SCRIPTURE AMONG THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS. A Brief History of Scripture Scholarship. The Nature and Definition of Scripture. The Uses of Asian Scripture. Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Asian Religions Through Their Scriptures. Asian Scriptures and Modern Scholarship. Asian Scriptures and the World Wide Web. The Plan of This Book. Suggestions on How to Read Asian Scriptures. Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Suggestions for Further Reading. 2. HINDUISM. A. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Use. Origin and Development. B. Teaching. Aditi and the Birth of the Gods (Rig-Veda 10.72). Two Philosophical Views of Creation (Rig-Veda 10.129; Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad 1.4.1-7). The God Indra (Rig-Veda 2.12). Rudra and Shiva (Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3.1-13). "That You Are" (Chandogya Upanishad 6.1-2, 9-11). The Goddess as Kali (Markandeya Purana Devi-Mahatmya 7.1-25). C. Ethics. Sin and Forgiveness (Rig-Veda 7.86). The Three Das (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 5.2). The Way of Asceticism (Mundaka Upanishad 2.1-3 5-8 10-13). Stages of Life for a Twice-Born Man (Laws of Manu 2.69-74 191-201; 3.1-19; 6.1-9 33-49). The Life of Women (Laws of Manu 3.55-60; 5.147-165). D. Organization. Creation and the Caste System (Rig-Veda 10.90). The Four Castes (Institutes of Vishnu 2.1-17). The Outcastes (Laws of Manu 10.51-57). E. Ritual and Meditation. The Gayatri Mantra (Rig-Veda 3.62.10). Devotion to Agni in Prayer and Sacrifice (Rig-Veda 1.1; Agni-Brahmana 1.1-19). The Puja of a Yogin (Agni Purana). Soma (Rig-Veda 8.48). Marriage (Rig-Veda 10.85.20-47). Cremation (Rig-Veda 10.16). Charms and Spells (Atharva-Veda 6.20; 7.70; 6.9; 3.16). Chanting of Om (Chandogya Upanishad 1.1.1-10). The Practice of Yoga (Shvetashvatara Upanishad 2.8-15). F. Selections from the Bhagavad-Gita. G. Later Developments of Scriptural Themes. Mohandas Gandhi on the Bhagavad-Gita. Two Tamil Poets. Poems of Mira, a Hindi Female Saint. Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. Suggestions for Further Reading. 3. BUDDHISM. A. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Use. Origin and Development. B. History. The Past Lives of Siddhartha Gotama (Jataka 190). The Life of Siddharta Gotama (Selections from the Buddhacarita). The Death of the Buddha (Mahaparinibbana Sutta 6.1-12, 31-35, 45-48). C. Teaching. The Sermon on the Four Noble Truths (Dhammacakkapparattana Sutta 1-8). The Skandhas and the Chain of Causation (Buddhacarita 16.1, 28-50). The Essence of Buddhism (The Heart Sutra). A Description of Nirvana (Milinda-pandha 4.8.65-66). A Mahayana View of the Buddha (Saddharma- Pundarika Sutra 2.36; 10.1). Poems of Early Nuns (Therigatha). D. Ethics. Conduct of the Monk (Dhammapada 25.360-382). Admonition to Laity (Cullavagga Dhammikasutta 18-29). The Wisdom of the Buddha (Dhammapada 1-20, 157-166). The Bodhisattva Ideal (Mahavastu). E. Organization. Founding of the Order (Mahavagga 1.6.10, 11-16, 27-30, 32, 34, 37). The Rules of Defeat for Monks and Nuns (Patimokkha Parajika Dhamma 1-4). Rules Requiring Formal Meetings (Patimokkha Samghadisesa Dhamma 1-13). The Order of Nuns (Cullavagga 10.1.1-6). F. Ritual and Meditation. The Relics of the Buddha (Mahaparinibbana Sutta 6.58-60). Mindfulness in Meditation (Majjhima-nikaya, Satipatthanasutta 10.1-9). A Mahayana View of the Merit of Making Images (Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo 16 no. 694). Tibetan Scripture to Guide the Soul after Death (Bardo Thodol 1.1-2). A Zen Koan: "What is Extraordinary?" (The Blue Cliff Record 26). G. Later Developments of Scriptural Themes. Enlightenment according to a Founder of Tibetan Buddhism (The Life of Milarepa 2.7). The Main Characteristics of Falun Gong (Li Hongzhi, Zhuan Falun, Lecture 1, Conclusion). A Contemporary Statement of Buddhist Essentials (Thich Nhat Hanh, Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings) Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. Suggestions for Further Reading. 4. JAINISM. A. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Origin, Development and Use. B. History. The Life of Mahavira (Acaranga Sutra 2.15.6-9, 14, 16-20, 22-25, 27). C. Teaching. The World is Uncreated (Mahapurana 4.16-31, 38-40). The Causes of Sin (Acaranga Sutra 1.1-2. Can Women Achieve Liberation? (Strinirvana-pariccheda 2 4; Sutraprabrita 1.22-26). The World is Full of Suffering (Uttaradhyayana Sutra 19.61-67, 71, 74). The Road to Final Deliverance (Uttaradhyayana Sutra 28). D. Ethics. Ahimsa (Sutrakritanga 1.7.1-9). Rules for Monastic Life (Uttaradhyayana Sutra 35). The True Monk (Uttaradhyayana Sutra 15.1-16). E. Organization. The Five Great Vows (Acaranga Sutra 2.15.i-v). F. Later Developments of Scriptural Themes. Stories from Jaina Commentaries (Avasyaka 1.484.11- 485.13; Mulasuddhiprakarana 179-180). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Suggestions for Further Reading. 5. SIKHISM. A. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Use. Origin and Development. B Teaching. Selections from the Japji (1-3, 5-6, 9, 12-13, 15, 17-18, 20-22 Epilogue). Remembering God (Gauri Sukhmani, Mahala 5). Creation of the World (Asa Ki Var, Mahala 1). Dancing for Krishna (Rag Gurji, Mahala 3). The Hindu Thread (Asa Ki Var, Mahala 1). C. Ethics. Truth is the Basis of Conduct (Hymns of Guru Nanak). Prayer for Forgiveness (Rag Bihagra, Mahala 5). Against the Use of Wine (Rag Bihagra, Mahala 1). D. Organization. The Guru (Rag Gauri, Mahala 3). God's Power in the Sikh Community (Rag Gauri, Mahala 5). E. Ritual and Meditation. Hymn for the Installation of the Guru Granth (Rag Devgandhari, Mahala 5). A Marriage Hymn (Rag Asa, Mahala 5). F. Later Developments of Scriptural Themes: The Dasam Granth. Guru Gobind Singh's Story (Dasam Granth ,Vichitar Natak 6). God as the Holy Sword (Dasam Granth, Vichitar Natak 1). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. Suggestions for Further Reading. 6. CONFUCIANISM. A. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Use. Origin and Development. B. History. The Character of Confucius (Analects 2.4; 7.1-9, 19-24; 10.1-3, 8-12). C. Teaching. The Way (Analects 16.2). The Goodness of Human Nature (Mencius 6.1.1-4, 6). The Love of Learning (Analects 17.8-9). D. Ethics. The Virtues of the Superior Man (Analects 1.1-4 6-9 14; 15.17-23). Benevolence (Analects 4.1-6). The Actions and Attitudes of Filiality (Classic of Rites 10.1, 4, 7, 10-11 13-15; Analects 2.5-8; 4.18-21; 13.18). Propriety (Analects 3.3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17-19). The Basis of Good Government (The Great Learning 1, 3-7; 9.1, 3-5). The Ruler as Example to the People (Analects 2.18-20; 12.11, 17, 19; 13.4-6). Confidence and Prosperity in Government (Mencius 4.3, 9; 1.6.20-24). E. Ritual. Divination (Classic of Changes 1, 47, 54). Songs for Sacrifice (Classic of Poetry, Kau 7; Minor Odes 10.1, 3; 5). Music and Morality (Classic of Rites 17.2.10-11, 15-16, 18). F. Later Developments of Scriptural Themes. Debate over Human Natuare (Xunzi 3.150-151; Fuyan 3.1a-b). Attack on Buddhism (Ch'ang-li hsien-sheng wen-chi 39.2b-42). Advice for Reading Texts (Conversations of Master Chu 4.37-39, 41). Neoconfucian Ethics (Chang Tsai The Western Inscription). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. Suggestions for Further Reading. 7. TAOISM. A. Introduction. Overview of Structure. Origin, Development, and Use. B. Teaching. The Nature of the Tao (Tao Te Ching 1, 6, 25, 34; Chuang-tzu 29). The World (Tao Te Ching 7, 42, 52). The Domain of Nothingness (Chuang-tzu 7). The Relationship of Taoism to Confucianism (Pao-p'u Tzu 7.5a). C. Ethics. Nonaction (Chuang-tzu 7). Individual Life in Harmony with the Tao (Tao Te Ching 16, 22, 33, 44). The Superior Man (Chuang-tzu 12). Government (Tao Te Ching 3, 18, 57, 64). Great and Small Rulers (Chuang-tzu 1). On Death (Chuang-tzu 18). Reward and Retribution (T'ai-Shang 1). D. Ritual. Methods of Prolonging Life (Pao-p'u tzu 15.6b-7a; 19.6b-7a). The Life and Ascension of Shen Xi (Shenxian zhuan, Daozang jinghua 5.11). Proper Sexual Methods for Men and Women (Yufang bijue 635-636). A Complete Taoist Scripture The True Scripture of the Great Emperor. The Origins of Feng Shui (Zhang Shu 1.1-4, 7-25, 30-43). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Suggestions for Further Reading. 8. SHINTO. A. Introduction. B. Selections from the Kojiki and the Nihongi. Preface to the Kojiki. The Creation of Japan (Kojiki 1-5, 33). The Shrine at Ise (Nihongi 5). The Story of Emperor Yuryaku and the Woman Akawi-ko (Kojiki 154). C. Selections from the Norito. Festival of the Gates (Norito). Ritual Prayer for Forgiveness and Purification of Government Officials (Norito). Glossary. Questions for Study and Discussion. Scriptures in Film. Suggestions for Further Reading. Index.
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