Ancient Aliens in the Bible: Evidence of UFOs, Nephilim, and the True Face of Angels in Ancient Scriptures
“Starting from the Old Testament these pages address the story of what is often not highlighted or, worse, deliberately forgotten or interpreted differently in order to conceal the potential disruptive effects.”—Mauro Biglino

Did a distant race of ancient aliens once inhabit the lands of the Bible?

Do the ancient writings of the Bible and other texts provide proof of their existence?

Did the “prophets” have close encounters with ancient aliens?

Were the “angels” physical beings sent to perform specific tasks by their alien masters?

Ancient Aliens in the Bible answers these questions and more. Analyzing the historical and archaeological evidence, and using the work of former Vatican translator Mauro Biglino as his guide, Xaviant Haze provides ample proof that what our ancestors described in ancient biblical texts were real-life events and not visions. The UFO encounters in the Bible are described as concrete experiences by flesh-and-blood beings. The angels were assigned specific duties and struggled to carry them out; some even rebelled and took earthly wives, forbidden by their superiors.

Ancient Aliens in the Bible reveals that:
•  Lamech’s wife gave birth to the son of an angel with glowing eyes.
•  Moses was led to the promised land by UFOs.
•  Noah’s great-grandfather, Enoch, got a heavenly tour of space.

Your view of the Bible will never be the same.
Ancient Aliens in the Bible: Evidence of UFOs, Nephilim, and the True Face of Angels in Ancient Scriptures
“Starting from the Old Testament these pages address the story of what is often not highlighted or, worse, deliberately forgotten or interpreted differently in order to conceal the potential disruptive effects.”—Mauro Biglino

Did a distant race of ancient aliens once inhabit the lands of the Bible?

Do the ancient writings of the Bible and other texts provide proof of their existence?

Did the “prophets” have close encounters with ancient aliens?

Were the “angels” physical beings sent to perform specific tasks by their alien masters?

Ancient Aliens in the Bible answers these questions and more. Analyzing the historical and archaeological evidence, and using the work of former Vatican translator Mauro Biglino as his guide, Xaviant Haze provides ample proof that what our ancestors described in ancient biblical texts were real-life events and not visions. The UFO encounters in the Bible are described as concrete experiences by flesh-and-blood beings. The angels were assigned specific duties and struggled to carry them out; some even rebelled and took earthly wives, forbidden by their superiors.

Ancient Aliens in the Bible reveals that:
•  Lamech’s wife gave birth to the son of an angel with glowing eyes.
•  Moses was led to the promised land by UFOs.
•  Noah’s great-grandfather, Enoch, got a heavenly tour of space.

Your view of the Bible will never be the same.
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Ancient Aliens in the Bible: Evidence of UFOs, Nephilim, and the True Face of Angels in Ancient Scriptures

Ancient Aliens in the Bible: Evidence of UFOs, Nephilim, and the True Face of Angels in Ancient Scriptures

Ancient Aliens in the Bible: Evidence of UFOs, Nephilim, and the True Face of Angels in Ancient Scriptures

Ancient Aliens in the Bible: Evidence of UFOs, Nephilim, and the True Face of Angels in Ancient Scriptures

Paperback(First Edition)

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“Starting from the Old Testament these pages address the story of what is often not highlighted or, worse, deliberately forgotten or interpreted differently in order to conceal the potential disruptive effects.”—Mauro Biglino

Did a distant race of ancient aliens once inhabit the lands of the Bible?

Do the ancient writings of the Bible and other texts provide proof of their existence?

Did the “prophets” have close encounters with ancient aliens?

Were the “angels” physical beings sent to perform specific tasks by their alien masters?

Ancient Aliens in the Bible answers these questions and more. Analyzing the historical and archaeological evidence, and using the work of former Vatican translator Mauro Biglino as his guide, Xaviant Haze provides ample proof that what our ancestors described in ancient biblical texts were real-life events and not visions. The UFO encounters in the Bible are described as concrete experiences by flesh-and-blood beings. The angels were assigned specific duties and struggled to carry them out; some even rebelled and took earthly wives, forbidden by their superiors.

Ancient Aliens in the Bible reveals that:
•  Lamech’s wife gave birth to the son of an angel with glowing eyes.
•  Moses was led to the promised land by UFOs.
•  Noah’s great-grandfather, Enoch, got a heavenly tour of space.

Your view of the Bible will never be the same.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781632651150
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 10/23/2017
Edition description: First Edition
Pages: 240
Sales rank: 425,159
Product dimensions: 5.20(w) x 8.20(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

Xaviant Haze is a researcher, teacher, and archivist of ancient manuscripts with a keen interest in lost civilizations, ancient aliens, ancient giants, and the myths of the prediluvian world. He is the author of 10 books, including The Suppressed History of America., his free online library, is home to one of the most complete collections of metaphysical, spiritual, and alternative history books and podcasts in the world, with links and resources to all major works in the field. He resides in a haunted house in Miami, Florida.

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The Sumerian civilization that flourished around 3000 BC is considered the world's oldest. The founders of this civilization gave the world a long list of firsts, including democracy, voting, and even the dreaded tax system. Most of the ancient stories found in the biblical texts can be found in earlier tales written by the Sumerians. These Sumerians not only wrote about the previous eras of humankind, but did so with chilling detail. Their legends include a history that stretches back half a million years to when a rogue group of aliens landed on Earth and began genetic experimentation on the primitive population. The Sumerians also wrote about the highly controversial Planet X, also known as Planet 9. The debate over its existence has driven astronomers and scientists mad for more than five decades. According to the ancient Sumerians this ninth planet travels the opposite way of the other planets, such as Mars and Jupiter, around the sun every 20,000 years. This retrograde orbit of Planet 9 means that it's not a natural planet that was created by the sun, like the rest of the planets in our universe. This planet is indeed a rogue planet that appears to have been captured by the gravitational forces of our solar system. Perhaps this planet even smashed into Earth at one point and helped create the moon and the asteroid belt. (We still don't know what was responsible for that massive caved-in depression located hundreds of miles under the vast Pacific Ocean.)

We do know, however, that Planet 9 does exist; new evidence based on mysterious gravitational wave signals affecting other planets and strange radio signals from beyond the sun confirm this. However, Planet 9 has been found a bunch of times in the past 30 years, according to various press clippings from major publications, including a 1983 article in the Washington Post:

A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. ... "All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is," said Gerry Neugebauer, Chief IRAS scientist.

In an article published in 1987, Newsweek reported Planet 9 theories by NASA research scientist John Anderson and concluded:

If he is right, two of the most intriguing puzzles of space science might be solved: what caused mysterious irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune during the 19th Century? And what killed off the dinosaurs 26 million years ago.

Around Halloween of 1996, CNN reported a rebel planet teetering on the fringes of our solar system. The findings were featured in the New York Times:

A new planet that breaks all the rules about how and where planets form has been identified in orbit of a twin star about 70 light years from Earth in a constellation commonly known as the Northern Cross. The new planet has a roller coaster–like orbit that swoops down close to its central star and then swings far out into frigid fringes, following a strange egg-shaped orbit that is unlike that of any other known planet.

In 2016, astronomers at Caltech announced that there are several hidden planets within our solar system. About the same time, astronomers also found an icy dwarf planet just beyond the orbit of Neptune and new pictures from deep in the Orion Nebula show a wealth of unexpected planets and possible Earth-like worlds. On February 22, 2017, NASA announced the discovery of seven Earth-like planets found around a nearby star. NASA's prolonged Kepler mission recently found five planets orbiting a distant bright star named Kepler-62. One of these planets was a "water world" full of endless oceans; the other four planets resembled the gaseous hells of Jupiter. But perhaps the most incredible discovery of late is the alien planet HD 131399Ab, which resides in a triple star solar system. This small planet is roughly 300 light-years from Earth and is home to three suns. These newly discovered planets and the mysterious Planet 9 all allude to the vastness of the universe. And in this great vastness it would be foolish to think that we are alone.

The ancient Sumerians believed that Planet X (Planet 9) was inhabited by a space-traversing race called the Anunnaki, which are the same Elohim (Watchers) of the Bible and other ancient Hebrew texts. These Anunnaki came to Earth in search of gold, needing it to restore the depleted atmosphere of their damaged planet. These advanced Anunnaki alien beings were most likely humanoid in appearance and possibly found that dealing with the primitive, still-evolving beings was a hilarious and somewhat grotesque experience. Nevertheless, outposts were established and mining operations began. The Sumerians say that more than 600 Anunnaki emissaries were now working among the primitive population of Earth and toiling away in the mines of endless gold. After a while, the Anunnaki became bored and began to experiment with genetic manipulations on the primitive hominoids of Earth. This project was done in their laboratories, which produced a number of failed attempts before successfully creating a new humanoid species known as Lulu, "the blended one, the mixed one." This genetically altered human was also called the Adama or the Adam, and this is where we get the biblical name Adam from. The name Adam was never meant to represent one man, but was the name of a particular humanoid species — Homo sapiens — a race created by the Anunnaki. This makes the biblical passage that says, "God created mankind in his own image" a little more interesting, because "God" was nothing more than an alien geneticist with obvious human features. According to the Sumerians, these experiments were done by the Anunnaki more than 300,000 years ago, which is around the same time that the first Homo sapiens' bones appear in the fossil records. The first wave of these new humans was created to be a race of workers dumb enough to follow orders and mine gold until their backs gave out. They were literally created to serve God, although the truth of just who "God" really was should make you rethink that whole phrase.

Working under the control and supervision of the Anunnaki, "gods" in the Mesopotamian Iraqi lands of Sumer, this "Land of the Watchers" had little use for the worker race it was growing bored of. Corresponding Egyptian stories also recall a time of "Watchers" in the Golden Age of Zep-Tepi, when the Neteru Sky Pharaohs inhabited Earth. In fact, all Middle Eastern cultures share a common era when "gods" walked the earth and supervised the men serving and working for them. These Adams, a hybrid species unable to procreate, didn't possess the knowledge of the gods, and were viewed as nothing more than a slave species designed to work the mines. Feeling sorry for them, one of the Anunnaki high commanders named Enki decided to give the Adams the gift of knowledge and the ability to procreate with the female Eves. This genetic re-tinkering had grave consequences for not only Enki, but for the rest of human history as well. When the Anunnaki leader Enlil found out what his little brother had created behind his back, he was furious and threatened to destroy the Adams.

It is curious that the biblical texts relate the snake with providing the knowledge via the forbidden fruit. Enki was also depicted as a snake, and the one who gave Eve the ability to reproduce. In the third chapter of Genesis this event is retold with a clever scene-stealing snake that tempts Eve with the forbidden fruit. (Eve was specifically warned not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge.) The result of this forbidden tasting would give Eve knowledge, meaning she would be free to reproduce at will and no longer chained by the will of the gods. As punishment, Enki, along with the procreating Adams and Eves, were exiled from Eden, the home of their highly advanced laboratories.

Eden was known as a protected paradise. The word paradise comes from the ancient Persian word pairidaesa (a walled-in compound, enclosed place, or garden), and because Eden was a massive experimental laboratory it makes sense that it was very secure and enclosed. Now exiled, Enki and his brood not only survived, but they also multiplied, populating the lands of Sumer and beyond. This would later serve as another headache to Enlil, who began to experience the whispers of mutiny from the soldiers under his command. Already a prolonged mining mission, it was made worse by an out-of-control hybrid genetic experiment, which created a population whose existence violated the intergalactic federation's rules on interfering with the evolutionary processes on native planets. Enlil then had a new set of problems when members of his platoon saw how beautiful the Eves were. Despite Enlil's orders to stay away from the Eves, they began a sexual revolution when they started to have sex with the Eves. This led to pregnancies and the eventual birth of the Nephilim (giants), but first it led to the wrath of "God," an outraged Enlil, and those Anunnaki who agreed with him. According to Genesis 6:1–7:

And after that men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose. And God said: My spirit shall not remain in man for ever, because he is flesh, and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went in to the daughters of men, and they brought forth children, these are the mighty men of old, men of renown. And God seeing that the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that all the thought of their heart was bent upon evil at all times, It repented him that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with sorrow of heart, He said: I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man even to beasts, from the creeping thing even to the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them.

These "men of renown" were the Nephilim, an ancient race of giants who were the offspring of the Anunnaki rebels and who had mated with the beautiful earthly Eves. So, with a newfound growing population that was spiraling out of control and a nearmutinous crew, Enlil was finding the whole situation very difficult to manage. Luckily for him a natural catastrophic event was on its way, and if Enlil played his cards right he would have the perfect excuse for wiping out his little brother's pesky genetic experiment. Knowing that Planet X was about to make its return and pass by Earth, Enlil foresaw the epic destruction that would soon be taking place: The extreme gravitational forces exerted by the passing planet would cause the Earth's poles to shift; disastrous consequences were about to affect the entire planet. This event, known as the Flood, happened about 13,000 years ago at the end of the last great ice age, and Enlil took advantage of this opportunity at the expense of humanity. Enlil and the rest of the chosen Anunnaki left the planet without warning, condemning all animals, hybrids, and humans to extinction.

In fact, the gods left on their spaceships and watched from a safe distance as their home planet passed by Earth, throwing it into chaos. However, Enki couldn't let all of his creation perish, so he chose to warn a man named Uta-Napishtim, the Sumerian "Noah," about the imminent disaster about to strike Earth. Enki gave the man the knowledge to rescue himself and his family, and provided the instructions on how to build an ark to survive the impending disaster. Enki made sure that some animals would also be on this vessel. He knew that if this ark (submarine?) could survive the Flood, it might be possible for his experiments to live on in a post-Flood world. The Sumerian man that Enlil rescued, Uta-Napishtim, is present in Flood myths from all over the world, and is variously named Noah in the Bible, Cox to the Aztecs, Powaco to Indians from the Delaware region, Manu Yaivasata in Hindustan, Dwytach to Celts, Sze Kha in Patagonia, Noa to the inhabitants of the Amazon, Nu-u in Hawaii, and Nuwah to the Chinese.

After the Flood, human evolution carried on while the surviving gods returned to establish new cities and new command centers. There are three main areas of development in which archaeology has found proof of the existence of major human civilizations: Lower Mesopotamia (Sumer), the Nile Valley (Egypt), and the Indus Valley (India). A fourth area, referred to as sacred, was dedicated and reserved for the Anunnaki in the current lands of the Sinai region. The Egyptian origin myths claim that Ptah (depicted wearing a space helmet) came from "beyond the sea," which was the Red Sea Strait, also called Ta-Neteru, or "Land of the Watchers," in Jerusalem, where the Anunnaki had situated their new headquarters after their old bases were destroyed by the Flood. Jerusalem thus became ground zero for the Anunnaki's continued mission on Earth.

The Flood was devastating, but failed to wipe out Enlil's creation, which continued to multiply after the waters receded and mankind moved on. While rebuilding their empire, the Anunnaki now thought it wise to speed up the process of evolution, so they chose certain Adams to govern their territories by passing on parts of their scientific, botanical, and astronomical religious zealots the world over. For example, the prophet Abraham, the "righteous king," ruled Jerusalem and was appointed "Melchizedek" (God's most high) by the Anunnaki about 3670 BC, which is the exact date that the Jewish calendar begins.

With their new command center established and an Adam (Abraham) to help run it while concealing the Anunnaki's involvement from the public, Abraham essentially became the first king of Jerusalem and, because of his connection with the gods, would go down in history as an important biblical/Hebrew/Islamic prophet. However, Abraham wasn't a prophet at all; the only special element about him was that he had ancient alien and UFO encounters thousands of years ago. Much like the other "prophets" that we'll discuss later in this book, these men weren't prophets, and were only remembered for nothing more than encounters with ancient aliens (the Anunnaki).

Ancient writers had the disadvantage of trying to describe technology without having the proper vocabulary to do so, and this must be remembered when reading through the copious volumes of ancient manuscripts that deal with the Anunnaki and ancient alien encounters in mankind's mysterious past. As the Anunnaki began a new era of ruling, they did so with semi-gods taking the leadership roles, as their hybrid creations were expanding at frightening post-Flood rates. These semi-gods were meant to be intermediaries between the Anunnaki and the new terrestrial species. Obsessed with astronomical knowledge and a desire to return to their ancestral home in space, they left warnings regarding Planet 9 that could help alert mankind to another impending worldwide disaster.



Ancient weapons of mass destruction have been detailed by historians since biblical times. The Sumerians speak of a weapon possessed by the Anunnaki that produced an evil wind that made hair fall out, peeled away the skin, and lead to death by mystic injury. Sounds like the aftereffects of a nuclear tornado. These weapons would be used to eviscerate whole cities (Sodom and Gomorrah) and take down massive megalithic walls (Jericho). But eventually the Anunnaki realized that even with their advanced technologies and superior intelligence they were greatly outnumbered by the Adams and their semi-divine rulers who also now possessed once-forbidden knowledge and lost technology. The Anunnaki retreated further into the background before disappearing forever. As the centuries passed, this event would be recalled as the time when the gods abandoned Earth, a tradition and belief shared the world over.

Ancient men viewed the "gods" as the givers of knowledge, associating them with the heavens and as immortal beings. This is because these Anunnaki lived for thousands of years, in accordance with the orbital cycle of Planet X, which kept them alive much longer than the earthly Adams. These Anunnaki gods ruled for several human generations, and because no Adam lived long enough to witness a death of one of the gods, Adams began to view the gods as immortal. Handing down the incredible tales of the gods from generation to generation, mankind's ancestors helped establish this concept of immortality without realizing that the "gods" die just as men do. These misinterpreted gods were flesh-and-blood beings just like us.

The Sumerians chronicled the presence of the Anunnaki during their time on Earth with polytheist religious beliefs that partitioned the power of the gods into different locations and rankings. The oldest god was Anu, the original general of the first Anunnaki mission to Earth. He visited the newly conquered planet only a few times and wielded most of his power from far away back on Planet X. The "gods" under his command, his Anunnaki platoon controlled the operations on Earth and later picked the semi-divine kings chosen to represent them. This authority from heaven came directly from the General Anu, and it is why only the rulers could communicate with him and not the subjects. Inanna, later known as Ishtar, Isis, Aphrodite, and Venus, was an important Sumerian goddess known for travelling on flying machines. In Egyptian iconography, Isis is shown with wings and a helmet. The Sumerian word for "God" is Digir, which is similar to the Hebrew word for "God" (Elohim). Both Digir and the Elohim recall the brilliance of the gods' flying machines, which were bright and glittering. The Sumerian ideogram for Digir was a symbolized star representing the "beings from above," the same meaning as the biblical term Elohim, which is wrongly translated using the singular form in order to keep the idea of God ethereal, remote, and non-physical.


Excerpted from "Ancient Aliens in the Bible"
by .
Copyright © 2018 Xaviant Haze.
Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Foreword Mauro Biglino 7

Introduction 13

Chapter 1 Planet 9 from Outer Space 21

Chapter 2 Adams and Eves in Laboratories 37

Chapter 3 Giant Offspring of the Elohim 47

Chapter 4 Angels at the Gates of Gomorrah 71

Chapter 5 The Many-Faced God 95

Chapter 6 Close Encounters of Isaiah and Elijah 117

Chapter 7 Enoch's Magic Carpet Ride 131

Chapter 8 Close Encounters of Zechariah and Ezekiel 153

Chapter 9 UFOs in the New Testament 167

Chapter 10 Birth of an Alien Jesus 177

Chapter 11 WikiLeaks and the Vatican 185

Chapter 12 The Book of the Secrets of Enoch 197

Chapter 13 Alien Worlds, Alien Theologies 209

Notes 231

Bibliography 239

Image Index 241

Index 249

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