Amaze Every Customer Every Time: 52 Tools for Delivering the Most Amazing Customer Service on the Planet

Amaze Every Customer Every Time: 52 Tools for Delivering the Most Amazing Customer Service on the Planet

by Shep Hyken
Amaze Every Customer Every Time: 52 Tools for Delivering the Most Amazing Customer Service on the Planet

Amaze Every Customer Every Time: 52 Tools for Delivering the Most Amazing Customer Service on the Planet

by Shep Hyken


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You must deliver an amazing customer experience. Why? It is the competitive edge of new-era business—in any market and any economy.

Renowned customer experience expert Shep Hyken explains how consistently amazing customers through stellar service can elevate your company from good to great. All transformations require a role model, and Shep has found the perfect role model to inspire your team: Ace Hardware. Ace was named as one of the top ten customer service brands in America by Businessweek and ranked highest in its industry for customer satisfaction. Through revealing stories from Ace’s over-the-top work with customers, Shep explores the five tactical areas of customer amazement: leadership, culture, one-on-one, competitive edge, and community.

Delivering amazing service requires everyone in your organization to step up and be a leader. It doesn’t take a title. It takes the right set of tools and principles. To help you empower employees at all levels, Shep brings the content to a deeply practical level. His 52 Amazement Tools—like “Ask the extra question” and “Focus on the customer, not the money”—are simple, clear, useful for almost anybody, and supported with compelling research and stories.

Between these covers, you will find the tools and tactics you need to transform your company into a seriously customer-focused operation that will amaze every customer every time.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781626340091
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press
Publication date: 09/03/2013
Pages: 240
Sales rank: 928,790
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.10(d)
Age Range: 3 Months to 18 Years

About the Author

Shep Hyken, customer service and experience expert, is the founder and Chief Amazement Officer at Shepard Presentations, where he helps companies build loyal relationships with their customers and employees. His clients range from companies with fewer than fifty employees to corporate giants, such as AT&T, American Express, General Motors, IBM, Kraft, Marriott, Toyota, Verizon, and many more.

Shep is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Moments of Magic, The Loyal Customer, The Cult of the Customer and The Amazement Revolution. His articles have appeared in hundreds of publications.

A prolific, award-winning speaker known for his content-rich, entertaining, and high-energy presentations, Shep has been inducted into the National Speakers Association’s Hall of Fame for lifetime achievement.

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Greenleaf Book Group Press

Copyright © 2013 Shep Hyken
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-62634-009-1



Amazing Every Customer Every Time will give you a competitive edge in any economy and any marketplace.

WHAT IS AMAZEMENT, and why should you bother learning what it takes to Amaze Every Customer Every Time?

Amazement is the level of customer experience that gives you a clear advantage in any economy and any marketplace. Amazement is the competitive edge that separates good companies from truly great companies. And believe it or not, an amazing customer experience is well within your capacity to deliver to every customer, every single time.

Amazement is the advantage that makes the competition start thinking about how "unfair" it is to have to be operating in the same market, the same planet, the same dimension as you do.

Amazement is what makes it easy for you to stand out and win repeat business, create customer evangelists, and reap referrals—whether times are good or bad; whether your company sells ballpoint pens, ball bearings, or ballroom dancing lessons; whether your customers are consumers, businesses, or both.

Amazement is what the "best of the best" companies have figured out. And it's what you can figure out too. These companies know that no matter how great their product or service, they can't expect to get and keep customers if they don't deliver an amazing experience. Guess what! You can't either.

These companies know what amazement is (and isn't), and they know how to make it happen. And before too long, if you keep turning pages, you will too.

Here's something else the best of the best have figured out: They know that when it comes to delivering truly amazing customer service, everyone in the organization must step up and be a leader. That's true of the best of the best service organizations. And it's true of your organization too.

Amazing Every Customer Every Time doesn't take a specific title. It takes the willingness to step up and become a role model who sets an example that others aspire to. You can do that, right now, whether you founded the company or just got hired today.


We shift gears now to discuss how to best use this book. A lot of business books are meant to be read. This is not one of them.

Yes, you heard me right. This book is not meant to be read. It is meant to be used!

The next three chapters will give you the "lay of the land" about why I chose Ace Hardware as my role model for this book; why I picked this company to showcase these 52 best practices, tactics, and strategies about how to Amaze Every Customer Every Time. Chapter five, titled "The Seven Amazement Principles," gives you a little bit of background on the vocabulary and key concepts you will find throughout the book.

After that, you're off to the races. The rest of the book—most of it in fact—is divided into five main chapters, which happen to be the five areas that Ace has focused on since 1924 to grow and sustain its business through incredibly difficult economic and competitive times. These strategic areas are leadership, culture, one-on-one customer engagements, gaining a competitive edge, and community. Within these five chapters you will find 52 Amazement Tools in the form of tactics that will help you achieve a specific amazement objective. Some of these tools may appear to be common sense—but unfortunately, common sense is not always so common. Some of them will probably confirm that what you are already doing is on the right track. Others will introduce you to new tactics that you'll want to introduce to your organization. Some can be implemented immediately, while others will take time.

As you start to get into the 52 tools, there are two ways to approach this book.

Some of you will continue reading every page, in order, until you reach the last page of the book, taking notes along the way and deciding how to implement the most relevant tactics throughout.

And others will want more immediate gratification. That's fine. Simply leaf through part two until you find something that catches your eye. While all of the tools are important and useful, there may be one or two that stand out as particularly relevant to your organization and that you feel should get implemented immediately.

Either way, you're supposed to find something that you want to use ... and then start using it!

In the chapter titled "Leadership," you'll realize that everyone can take a leadership position and be an amazement role model. While the tactics work for those who hold management responsibilities, don't be fooled into thinking that your title and responsibility doesn't connect to the word "management." When it comes to amazing your customers, everyone can be a leader.

In the chapter titled "Culture," you will find tactics that connect to building a strong service-driven culture. Everyone has their hand in building and sustaining a culture that delivers amazement to both customers and employees.

In the chapter titled "One-on-One," you will get specific tactics that you can use during real-time interactions with individual customers.

In the chapter titled "The Competitive Edge," you'll learn how to take your organization far above the competition by delivering amazing customer service.

And finally, in the chapter titled "Community," you'll learn about building stronger connections with all those people in the larger world with whom you live, and maybe even sell to.

So get started. Read through the chapters in part one. Then, even if you feel compelled to read the rest of the book in its entirety, I urge you to first browse through part two. Find what's relevant and most interesting to you and to your organization, and resolve to implement it.

By the way, at the end of each chapter in part one, each tool in part two, and the epilogue, you will find some summary points under Your Amazement Toolbox. Feel free to quote them at your next meeting, use them as a conversation starter, or tweet them on Twitter to the rest of the world. And at the end of each of the 52 tools and the epilogue, you'll find questions—called The Drill—to help you drill deeper into the tactics and implement them better. Make your way through the book in the sequence that makes the most sense to you. Then go back to the beginning of part two to read and start implementing the rest of the strategies and tactics. It only takes one great idea to transform your business!



Recognized for customer service and being the most helpful stores on the planet, Ace is a perfect role model for amazement.

WHY WRITE A BOOK about Ace Hardware?

Well, first and foremost, let me clarify. This is actually a business book about how to Amaze Every Customer Every Time. So the question is, why choose Ace for such a book? Because I wanted to feature one company as a role model throughout, a single company that exemplifies every current best practice for customer amazement. I looked at all kinds of companies, and I realized that Ace not only fit the bill but also was uniquely positioned as the perfect company to serve as a role model.


Because you are Ace!

I know that may sound like a strange claim, but read on and see whether you agree with me by the time you get to the end of this chapter.

* * *

Let me begin by saying that I'm a lucky guy. I've been fortunate enough to make a living as a public speaker and consultant on the topic of customer service since the early 1980s. You may remember, depending on how old you are, this was the period when customer service was just beginning to come into vogue as an important subject for business leaders.

And I have seen a whole lot come and go in that time. Three decades ago, we had certain brands and certain companies that stood out as being the true "rock-stars" when it came to building customer loyalty and market dominance.

The "rock-star" brands of that time, the ones best known for their superior customer service, were companies like IBM, Delta Airlines, and Eastman Kodak.

Let's think about this for a minute. IBM is still around, and it is still one of the most successful, most admired companies in America. If it no longer stands out the way it once did as one of the top few service companies in the country, it may be because its market has changed in ways that were impossible for anyone to predict, and because its level of visibility has changed too. In the areas in which it competes, IBM maintains a strong reputation for customer satisfaction that is worthy of its proud history, but it's not the global rock-star brand for customer service that it was during the 1980s. In other words, there are not as many businesses today trying to emulate IBM as there used to be.

Delta Airlines is still up and running, but ask yourself: How many people now look to that airline as a shining, reliable example of great customer service? I believe there's really only one rock-star airline in America right now, and it's not Delta. (It's Southwest Airlines.) In the years since its glory period, Delta has gone through a bankruptcy, and like a lot of the big carriers, it has some ill will to deal with in its customer base. Let's be frank. Most of the airline industry is struggling in terms of its customer satisfaction levels—and just about everything else.

What about Eastman Kodak? Well, something went off track somewhere along the line, and in 2012, it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. So you probably can't consider it a rock-star customer service company anymore.

My point is that what's trendy, what's sexy, and what's "hot" is not always a good indicator of a company's long-term philosophy about its customers, or its ability to deliver on that philosophy. It is not necessarily a good role model for the rest of us. Some companies get hot for a while, then seem to cool off, and maybe even go out of business. Meanwhile, other companies with far longer, more impressive, and more relevant records of performance get ignored.

Today, if you asked 100 businesspeople to name the top customer service companies in the country, most of them would name the rock stars of today. They'd name companies like:


Southwest Airlines



Those are today's "sexy" customer service companies, and don't get me wrong, they're all doing a great job. My only question would be: How do we know which ones are likely to still be doing a great job 30 years from now?

What if we thought about a different kind of rock star in the arena of customer service and business success?

What if we could identify a company that has consistently been on the right track philosophically, and successfully executing according to that philosophy, for the last 70 or 80 years? What if we went looking for a company that's been offering "proof of concept" on its commitment to customer service by winning just about every customer service award possible for the better part of a century? What if we could find a company that delivered on a brand promise so powerful that it was able to compete—and win—in one of the toughest sectors of our economy, against industry players with far more money to spend?

Well, if we did that, we'd end up face-to-face with a new kind of rock star in the world of customer service—one that might not have as much glitz and media buzz but had a much better chance than anyone else out there of sharing strategies that were relevant today and tomorrow, for companies big and small. We'd be looking at a company that had succeeded in building amazement into the DNA of the business.

We'd be looking at Ace Hardware, which is not only an undiscovered rock star after about 89 years on tour (as of this writing) but also solid as a rock. Year in and year out, decade after decade and generation after generation, this brand has stood the test of time, which counts for a lot in my book. And since that's what you happen to be reading, let me tell you some things you might not know about Ace.


If you are reading these words, you almost certainly have some history with Ace Hardware. As of this writing, there are more than 4,600 Ace Hardware stores in over 70 countries. I bet you've been in at least one of them, and I bet you've seen plenty of Ace commercials on TV. It's such a familiar part of the landscape, in fact, that you probably think you know Ace Hardware.

But I'll bet you don't.

I'll bet you didn't know that, with the exception of 85 of the 4,600 stores, they are all locally owned and operated. The person who owns and runs that Ace store in your neighborhood is a member of your community. He or she pays taxes to the same local government you do, sends kids to the same schools you do, and votes at the same polling stations you do.

I'll bet you didn't know that each one of those locally owned stores is part of a multibillion-dollar buying group.

And I'll bet that you didn't know that Ace is one of the national leaders in customer satisfaction across all sectors. You may not even have known that Ace is the clear leader in customer satisfaction in the brutally competitive retail hardware sector—and has been for years.

Just so you can get some clarity about the level of achievement I'm talking about here, take a look at this announcement from J.D. Power and Associates, the leading US market research firm in the area of customer satisfaction, product quality, and buyer behavior:

Ace Hardware Ranks Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Home Improvement Retailers for a Sixth Consecutive Year. Ace Hardware performs particularly well in the two most influential factors: staff and service and store facility.

So now you know: I'm not making this up. Even though this company often flies "under the radar," Ace has been identified as No. 1 in customer service, year after year, in a highly competitive industry—retail hardware—by the top research firm in the country. And there are plenty of other sources that have given Ace this kind of ranking for years. According to a recent Bloomberg Businessweek report, Ace ranks in the top ten among all US brands for customer satisfaction. That means Ace is hanging with names like Apple Inc., L.L. Bean, and the Four Seasons luxury hotel chain.

Clearly, the people at Ace are doing something right. If you're curious about what that "something right" might be—and whether it could possibly be relevant to your company—read on.


Over the past year or so, a lot of people have asked me what the follow-up volume to my New York Times bestseller The Amazement Revolution was going to be. I have to tell you, when I told people it was going to be about Ace Hardware, I got some strange looks. Not only that, I got a lot of puzzled follow-up questions, most of them variations on "At this point in your career, you could write about any company you want ... so why in the world would you choose to write a book about a hardware store?"

There are a lot of possible answers to that question: I've personally gotten great service from Ace for many years. It's an underappreciated brand. It has stood the test of time. And so on. But my favorite answer of all has only three words: David and Goliath.

Let me explain what I mean by that. According to the experts, the retail sector seems to be going in one direction: super-big stores that descend on major population centers with low, low pricing as one of their major strategies. Think of the most recognizable players: Walmart, Sam's Club, Office Depot, and so on: big boxes and heavy discounts.

That's the model that hardware competitors like Lowe's and Home Depot are betting the big dollars on. Each of them is committed to building a big company with a centralized command structure that offers consumers big inventory, big floor plans, big parking lots, and big discounts—so the company can win the hard-earned dollar of the consumer who wants the lowest possible price and the widest possible selection of home improvement products.

Isn't "big is better" the mantra now? Isn't that the "new normal" in which the retail sector is supposed to be operating? Most of the experts would say "Yes." If you were betting and asked the experts for advice on the smartest bet, they would tell you to bet on Goliath to beat David, every time.

So, if those are the rules this industry is supposed to be playing by—and a lot of smart people tell us that those are the rules—what would you bet the marketplace would do to a player like Ace? After all ...

Ace offers competitive pricing, but typically doesn't offer consumers the lowest possible price.

Excerpted from AMAZE EVERY CUSTOMER EVERY TIME by SHEP HYKEN. Copyright © 2013 Shep Hyken. Excerpted by permission of Greenleaf Book Group Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


PART ONE: AMAZEMENT 101....................          

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction to Amazement....................     3     

CHAPTER TWO: The Case for Ace....................     7     

CHAPTER THREE: People with the Passion to Serve....................     19     

CHAPTER FOUR: Operationalizing Helpful....................     27     

CHAPTER FIVE: The Seven Amazement Principles....................     35     

PART TWO: THE 52 TOOLS FOR CUSTOMER AMAZEMENT....................          

CHAPTER SIX: Leadership....................     45     

CHAPTER SEVEN: CULTURE....................     77     

CHAPTER EIGHT: One-on-One....................     119     

CHAPTER NINE: The Competitive Edge....................     173     

CHAPTER TEN: Community....................     203     

EPILOGUE: CREATE A DEMANDING CUSTOMER....................     219     

FINAL WORDS....................     223     

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................     225     

INDEX....................     227     

ABOUT THE AUTHOR....................     235     


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