Adventure Bible Book of Devotions, NIV: 365 Days of Adventure

Adventure Bible Book of Devotions, NIV: 365 Days of Adventure

by Robin Schmitt
Adventure Bible Book of Devotions, NIV: 365 Days of Adventure

Adventure Bible Book of Devotions, NIV: 365 Days of Adventure

by Robin Schmitt


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Grab your spyglass and compass and set sail for adventure! Like a map that leads to great treasure, this revised edition of the NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions takes kids on a thrilling, enriching quest. This yearlong devotional is filled with exciting fictional stories about kids finding adventure in the real world. Boys and girls will learn more about God and the Bible, and be inspired to live a life of faith—the greatest adventure of all. Companion to the Adventure Bible, the #1 bestselling Bible for kids.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780310723622
Publisher: Zonderkidz
Publication date: 09/25/2013
Series: Adventure Bible Series
Edition description: Revised
Pages: 416
Sales rank: 624,160
Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 8.40(h) x 1.20(d)
Age Range: 8 - 12 Years

About the Author

Robin Schmitt has written several books for children and adults, including The Adventure Bible Handbook, The NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions, Married for Life, 101 Amazing Things About Heaven, and The 100 Most Important Bible Verses for Men. Robin has a passion for inspiring readers of all ages toward spiritual maturity and childlike faith. He lives in Michigan with his wife and three children. Robin blogs at

Read an Excerpt

NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions

Adventure Bible

By Robin Schmitt


Copyright © 2013 Zondervan
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-310-72362-2


January 1

Swimming with the Polar Bears

The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:25

It was New Year's Day, snow was falling, and Aaron and his sister were standing on the beach in their swimsuits. Many other people were doing the same. It was time for the Polar Bear Swim!

"I c–can't believe I'm d–doing this," said Aaron, his teeth chattering.

Shivering, Christina said, "D–don't wimp out n–now."

As a crowd of onlookers cheered, everyone ran splashing into the ocean. Aaron and Christina dove under the icy waves. They came up gasping and whooping, then raced back to shore to wrap themselves in towels.

A kid watching them shook his head. "You guys are crazy."

Laughing, Aaron replied, "W–we know!"

* * *

Naaman thought it was foolish to dunk himself in the Jordan River. But when he obeyed God and did it, he was healed of leprosy. (See 2 Kings 5:1–14.) Will you trust and obey God when he asks you to do something "foolish"? What if he wants you to tell the cashier she gave you too much change? Or to forgive someone who isn't sorry? Acts like these may not seem wise, but God knows they make you a better person.

January 2

Knocked off Your Feet

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith. 1 Corinthians 16:13

Link up, everybody," Lilly said. "We'll go faster!" Sitting at the top of the hill, she and four of her classmates grabbed each other's snow tubes. Another classmate, Denny, gave them a push, then jumped on his tube and held on to them. They started down the icy slope, laughing and yelling as they picked up speed. Lilly's school was having its winter party at a ski resort with six tubing lanes. She and her friends were careening down the steepest, bumpiest one.

"Woooeee!" shouted Katrina as they scored some air time. The group plummeted to the bottom of the hill and slid to a stop.

"Whoa, that was fast," said Denny. Grabbing his tube, he headed for the rope tow.

"Watch out!" Lilly cried. A rider in the next lane slammed into Denny's legs, flipping him over. "You gotta stay alert," Lilly said, helping him up.

Rubbing his head, Denny said, "Yeah. Guess I learned that lesson."

* * *

What knocks your faith out from under you when your guard is down? It could be something someone says on the radio. Or a comment someone writes in a magazine. Or maybe a remark from a friend who doesn't believe in God. Keep your guard up by remembering what the Bible says. Keep believing the truth so doubt can't take you down.

January 3

Powerful Pull

[Jesus said,] "I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." John 12:32

Sitting at the desk in his bedroom, Dylan wound copper wire around a large nail. "What are you doing, son?" his father asked, walking into the room.

Dylan looked up. "Making an electromagnet. I saw the instructions for it in a book." As his dad watched, Dylan taped one end of the wire to the positive side of a D-cell battery. Then he taped the other end to the negative side. "Okay, I'm ready to test it," he said.

Scattering small nails on his desk, Dylan held the point of the large nail over them. They leaped up and stuck to it.

* * *

Some Christians are afraid to tell people about the gospel. They think others won't like hearing about how Jesus was nailed to a cross on the ground and then was lifted up to die. But when people understand that he died to save them, they see the cross differently. The love Jesus showed the world by dying on the cross draws people to him like a magnet. Don't be afraid to share the gospel with others! You'll help them realize how much Jesus loves them.

January 4

Angry Eruptions

[Love] is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:5

As Rob walked along the road, he saw plumes of steam in the distance. They were rising from the Hawaiian coast. Suddenly Rob stopped. The road ended right in front of them! "This is where lava flowed over the street in 1990," Rob's dad said. "From this point we'll be walking on hardened lava." Rob and his family were hiking near Mount Kilauea, the world's most active volcano.

They started making their way over the smooth, black rock. "I can see hot lava!" said Rob's sister, Jamie, as they approached the shoreline. Rob could see it too. The molten rock was flowing into the sea, creating massive steam clouds. "What makes the lava come out?" Jamie asked.

Her mom replied, "Well, magma pushes up underground, building lots of pressure. Then the volcano erupts."

Grinning, Rob said, "Kinda like Jamie when she gets mad!"

* * *

Selfishness and bitterness will bubble inside you like red-hot magma, causing anger to erupt. Don't let either one into your heart. Think of others and listen to people when you have disagreements with them. And forgive those who hurt you. Ask God to fill your heart with love, so that will flow out of you instead.

January 5

Taking a Tumble

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

Amber watched her brother ride his snowboard down the half-pipe. Holding her own board, she was taking a break from the bunny hill. She was just a beginner, but Bradley considered himself a master. He zipped up and down the sides of the half-pipe, catching air at the top. She could tell he was showing off.

Then he raced toward a jump at the bottom of the hill, yelling, "Watch this!" She rolled her eyes as he hit the jump. But it seemed that Bradley was more focused on impressing her than on hitting the jump properly. He wiped out, tumbling head over heels.

While he brushed himself off, she applauded, laughing. "I like that move!"

* * *

There's a difference between self-respect and pride. Pride will make you tumble. It caused Satan, who was once a beautiful angel, to take a terrible fall. He wanted to be God, so God threw him down from heaven. (See Isaiah 14:12–15 and Luke 10:18.) Don't let pride be your downfall. Choose self-respect, which goes hand in hand with humility.

January 6

Monster Mash

[Jesus told his disciples,] "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant." Matthew 20:25–26

The indoor arena was filled with dirt for the monster truck rally. One of the big trucks spun in circles, kicking up clouds of dust. Skidding to a stop, it stood facing a line of automobiles parked side by side. As the driver revved its engine, Daisy and her brother Billy hollered, "Crush 'em!" "Smash 'em up!"

Spinning its huge tires, the truck lunged forward. The front wheels flew up in the air as it hit the side of the first car. Then the truck came crashing down on top of the automobiles. Bouncing and swaying, it crawled across the cars, grinding them up. "Monster trucks rule!" shouted Billy, pumping his fist.

* * *

Just because you're bigger than some other kids, don't roll all over them like a monster truck. In other words, don't bully people to get your way. Be gentle and considerate with younger siblings and other children who are smaller than you. Use your greater size and strength to serve others, not smash them. Follow Jesus' example. Being God, Jesus was bigger and more powerful than anyone. But instead of crushing people, he helped them.

January 7

The Domino Effect

Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down. Proverbs 26:20

Chaz and his sister were building a huge domino display in their basement. At least they started with dominoes. Then they used their little brother's building blocks. Now they were using anything they could find.

"Wait'll Mom and Dad see this," Chaz said as he set up some books.

Lila nodded. "Yeah. They're gonna flip out!"

Chaz reached for another book. "I'll bet they—oh, no!" His elbow had knocked over the last book, and the others had started tumbling. Before he could grab them, they all fell over, knocking down the cereal boxes. Next the video game cases began toppling.

Quickly Lila put her finger on one that was still standing. Holding it upright, she stopped the damage from spreading any farther.

* * *

Gossip can travel quickly around your school, church, or neighborhood. When it does, it causes lots of damage. People argue, feelings get hurt, and relationships get broken. Don't be like other kids who fall for the temptation to pass along rumors. When gossip hits you, ask the Holy Spirit to help you stand tall and keep it to yourself. That'll stop the harmful domino effect that gossip creates!

January 8

Frozen Waves

Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end. Proverbs 29:11

Denise and her mom got out of the car near the beach. But first they put on hats and mittens. "Wait'll you see this, Denise," her mom said. "I love coming to Lake Michigan in the wintertime. It looks so different than in the summer!" They followed a path through snow-covered trees.

When they reached the beach, Denise saw an icy landscape. "Look, Mom. The waves are frozen!" All along the shore were large gray and white formations that looked like waves which had suddenly turned solid. Denise and her mother strolled along the shoreline, admiring the formations. "Did these waves just freeze all at once?" Denise asked.

"No," her mom said. "They built up over time. The shallow water freezes first. Then as waves splash on the ice, the formations get bigger and bigger. Some get huge."

"I know," Denise said, pointing. "That one looks like an iceberg!"

* * *

If you let anger build up inside you, it'll just grow bigger and bigger. Find ways to melt away your anger when it starts freezing over. Praying will help. So will talking with the person you're angry at. Ask your parents for ideas about good ways to express your anger. These are the best ways to get rid of the ice without losing your cool.

January 9

The Real Thing

Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. Ephesians 6:13

Josh loved pretending he was someone else—a cowboy, a fireman, an astronaut. This made him a good actor, and he'd been in many school plays and church skits. Tonight was special, though. The community theater was doing Camelot, a musical about King Arthur. And he was going to be in it!

Wearing his costume, Josh hurried to the prop table. For weeks he'd been practicing with a toy bow, but this was the dress rehearsal. The prop man handed him a long wooden bow, saying, "Remember, this is real."

Josh examined the weapon. It felt heavy. Slinging the quiver of arrows over his shoulder, he stood before a mirror. Now he really felt like the character he was playing—Tom, a boy who wanted to be a knight.

* * *

It's fine to play with plastic weapons when you're learning about the armor of God. But remember: the weapons God gives you are real. Salvation really is a helmet. Faith really is a shield. And God's word really is a powerful sword you can use against the Devil, just as Jesus did. (See Matthew 4:1–11.)

January 10

Time for a Change

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you," [says the Lord]. Ezekiel 36:26

This car weighs three thousand pounds," Lisa's dad said. "Are you ready to pick it up?"

Nodding, Lisa replied, "I'm ready."

Her father stepped aside. "Okay. Pull the lever!" Lisa pulled it down. She watched as the hydraulic lift raised the vehicle.

"That's good!" her father said, and she released the lever. She hurried over to him, curious to see what the bottom of a car looked like. It was Take Your Child to Work Day, and Lisa was spending the day with her dad, an automobile mechanic. He put a pan on the floor beneath the car. Then he set up a stepladder, handed Lisa a wrench, and helped her remove a nut under the car's engine. "Watch out, because oil will come out," he warned. Sure enough, when the nut popped off, black oil poured out. "Now, as soon as all that dirty old oil drains out, we'll replace the nut. Then I'll let you pump in some fresh new oil. That'll make this car a whole lot happier!"

* * *

When you've sinned, you don't have to clean yourself up inside before you draw near to God. Just come as you are. He'll take away the mess you've been hiding and pour brand-new life into you.

Excerpted from NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions by Robin Schmitt. Copyright © 2013 Zondervan. Excerpted by permission of ZONDERKIDZ.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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Topic Index....................     367     

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