Advancing in Enlightenment: The Crash Course

Advancing in Enlightenment contains forty-four years of metaphysical study of the most profound channeled teachings from five of America's teachers with the highest integrity. With seven simple chapters, this book combines the wisdom of the ages to master the physical reality that surrounds you to personally improve your life. Spiritual knowledge allows one to manifest the life of one's dreams in balance with inner peace while projecting that peaceful state out to the rest of world.

Advancing in Enlightenment: The Crash Course

Advancing in Enlightenment contains forty-four years of metaphysical study of the most profound channeled teachings from five of America's teachers with the highest integrity. With seven simple chapters, this book combines the wisdom of the ages to master the physical reality that surrounds you to personally improve your life. Spiritual knowledge allows one to manifest the life of one's dreams in balance with inner peace while projecting that peaceful state out to the rest of world.

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Advancing in Enlightenment: The Crash Course

Advancing in Enlightenment: The Crash Course

by Gail M. Knox
Advancing in Enlightenment: The Crash Course

Advancing in Enlightenment: The Crash Course

by Gail M. Knox



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Advancing in Enlightenment contains forty-four years of metaphysical study of the most profound channeled teachings from five of America's teachers with the highest integrity. With seven simple chapters, this book combines the wisdom of the ages to master the physical reality that surrounds you to personally improve your life. Spiritual knowledge allows one to manifest the life of one's dreams in balance with inner peace while projecting that peaceful state out to the rest of world.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781960075574
Publisher: Authorunit
Publication date: 05/26/2023
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 180
File size: 2 MB

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The Journey

I was fourteen years old in the summer of 1970 when I first learned about the teachings of metaphysics (as meaning that which is beyond physics) and with every additional source the clarity within the information increased so much that it was necessary to combine it all for total understanding. I'd decided to share that revelation in 2010 just as this new wave of high energy arrived. It came in so fast that just as I had completed a chapter I was presented with new information that completely changed the original meaning of what I'd just written due to a deeper understanding of the material.

Now it's come to knowing what you need to know when you need to know it and being content with the fact that you don't have to know everything but still knowing that when you do need to know something the information will be presented to you at that moment. That's the energy presently behind this book finally coming together, because it is not only new information I continue to find but also old teachings that's just been waiting there to rediscover.

That's what life is all about, being on this continuing journey of your own self-discovery in the process of becoming more of who and what you truly are by letting go of old, limiting and false beliefs. For when presented with truth you will find those old beliefs no longer make any sense and do not serve your best and highest good. What I have found allows me to stand in a place of knowing, with a deep sense of inner peace, no matter what is happening in the world around me.

It's time to pass along and share this information so all may stand in a new place of knowing with the same kind of inner peace, for that is the energetic state of being that allows people to move forward in positive emotion and project that peaceful state out into the world in which we live. The teaching will begin with the realization that you're more than just a physical body occupying space in this third dimension and now is the time to WAKE UP into a greater spiritual enlightenment.

Bashar teaches there are three aspects of you as an individual that must be understood about the receiving and processing of information coming down from higher realms of creation involving thoughts. The fact that we consist of our mind, body and soul is not new information, but is common knowledge that everybody agrees upon. The new information tells us how they actually function. You have a physical brain anchored in the physical body; then you have the conscious mind of thought energy, not only contained in the physical body because your imagination can take you anywhere and you also have the higher mind of the eternal soul that operates both inside and outside of every physical reality. Your higher mind is the conceiver; the conscious mind is the perceiver; and the physical brain is only the receiver of information.

Your physical personality mind can't conceive of anything nor is it capable of generating ideas, as it is not designed to function in that way. There is no way that a physical brain or your conscious mind can know how things are going to happen as they do not contain that ability or the capacity. It's only the higher mind, that part of your existence operating just outside of our third dimensional physical reality that possesses the knowledge of how things will occur as it resides in realms where everything is seen and known. The conscious mind only has the ability to perceive that which has already happened as the result of the ideas that were received by the brain from the conception of the higher self.

Your creative ability, inspiration, intuition and ideas are produced from the higher mind, not a physical brain. With this simple exercise to expand awareness, you can initiate communication to accelerate personal growth and understanding.


Let's start with a simple exercise in the expansion of awareness. You can do this as you read it but then do it later with your eyes closed as more of a meditative exercise to fully focus yourself in the experience.

This is a demonstration of you and your conscious thought on a real journey to meet with your higher self.

With your mouth closed, take a deep breath in through your nose to five counts, hold for two counts and then exhale releasing the breath through your mouth to five counts and hold the turn-around breath for two counts. Repeat that process and just relax as you continue to breathe deeply for the remainder of this exercise. Now become aware of your-self in the room you occupy, wherever you are sitting, becoming very aware of the space you are in and your position within it. Next you will engage visualization and see yourself within the surrounding property, then by expanding your vision, also include the town where this area is located and notice where you sit in the middle of it. Next, see if you can try to imagine where your town is located within the state, but if you can't picture it, just visualize it the way you have seen it on a map and then in the same way see your state as located within your country. Now picture a rotating globe and view your country within the continent, and each continent within the planet and pinpoint your position on it.

Next visualize the solar system with the nine planets orbiting the sun and then how the solar system looks within the Milky Way Galaxy. At the center of this galaxy you notice a black hole and with a closer look you'll see just on the edge a golden door. Open the door. The light is bright but as you step inside and adjust your vision to the light you find yourself in a golden room, with a golden chair and then you notice there is someone there. You simply can't believe it but this golden being has your features and seems very familiar. You finally come to an astounding realization that you had a twin but were separated at birth. You are instantly filled with love in your heart while rejoicing as the twin flame is ignited. Only then do you discover your twin already knew you and has watched you your entire life but couldn't open the door until you first opened it from the other side. The golden one accompanies you to the chair and as you sit upon it you find communication has been activated.

This is the place of your inner sanctum where no other angel, guide or guardian can enter. It represents a place of safety and home and now you will use it as a demonstration that you acknowledge and are willing to open up the lines of communication. So take this visualization and use it as a tool to connect to your higher self then communicate clearly everything you want to say. Know that this inner vision is an actual journey of your own conscious thought, taken to a place of extreme high energy. To avoid fatigue, limit your visit to no longer than three minutes, say good-bye then return the awareness back to your breathing. After a few more deep breaths slowly begin to open your eyes.

Ideas, inspiration, creativity and intuition all originate in the higher mind so in using the knowledge and understanding of this relationship you'll now begin to open up the lines of communication to that spiritual side of yourself. Only by fully engaging with this other aspect will you function more like a whole person, as the purpose of your physical mind and ego just keeps your focus held within physical experiences. We perceive this duality as something we're separated from, but what a divine joke for us to decide that our own thoughts belong to someone else just because we can't see them. Know it is this higher, grander, self (that part of you that co-exists outside of physical reality) that has chosen to experience physical reality through you in this domain of free will and choice that sees all. The deep truth is that you are an eternal consciousness having a physical time-space experience of duality in separation from the eternal all-knowing to allow for all possibilities to occur in all appropriateness and backed by unconditional love. That is your real true self and where the memory of this life will be stored after you complete whatever lessons have been laid out before you and the physical body has all but perished into dust.

It is through an open communication between you who resides in this third dimension and your eternal self that will guide you beyond just ideas, inspiration, intuition and creativity, because those thoughts are freely given regardless of any knowledge of a higher self. People have been taught to believe the physical brain is in charge, abandoning their sense of intuition. Then when life gets hard they are left crying out WHY ME! When you open up the lines of communication, you then receive awareness of spiritual guidance as you have a navigator steering you clear of the pitfalls of daily living to a new life full of health, happiness, abundance, joy and peace which are all things the higher self wants to experience along with you.


One of the purposes within physical creation is to gain the experience of contrast within our three dimensional domain, where light and dark energies co-exist. Creation resides in the vibration of atoms and since our entire physical world is formed by atoms and molecules, you can say everything is energy. A space had to be created and then separated from the high vibrational state of spiritual oneness and enlightenment where both light and dark energies are experienced at the same time. Ours is the only arena where dark energy can be experienced because the fifth through twelfth dimensions of high spiritual enlightenment only consists of light energy where any form of separation from Spirit or any negative manifestations are not permitted. The laws of physics demand it and you can be sure of this truth, for if you had two adjoining rooms that were separated only by a doorway, with one room being in total darkness and the other filled with light and the door was opened, the light would flood into that darkened room and the darkness would immediately disappear. It is an impossibility that the darkness could spill into the lighted room and this analogy is the true nature of light and dark energy. Also the light and dark energy is not seen as being good or evil but understood in terms of being either positive or negative. By itself the energy is the same as magnetism or gravity. Say you fell down and got hurt you wouldn't blame it on the fault of that evil gravity as it's just gravity. In third dimension, dark energy exists as a balancing factor to light until the energy becomes infused or backed by conscious intent.

Light energy has an active attribute when combined or infused with consciousness as those atoms vibrate at faster rates because of the amount of spiritual enlightenment they possess, which in turn determines the vibrational frequency emitted and the density. The fifth through the twelfth dimensions are high vibrational states of differing degrees of enlightenment while the dark energy exists in a low vibrational state and density, then contained within these third and fourth dimensions.

Dark energy fights for balance knowing nothing of light which sees all. The fuel feeding dark energy within third dimension comes from energies emitted by human negative emotions. People can emit either the high vibrational frequency of positive energy or the low vibrational frequencies in negative energy connecting them to the Universal Law of Attraction, which is like attracts like. People exhibiting positive emotions demonstrate positive thoughts attracting people, places and things resulting with matching experiences that are uplifting and feel good. People exhibiting negative emotions indicate negative thinking which then attracts negative people, places and things now resulting with the matching experiences that can be very depressing and always feel bad so be aware, for that which you put out is what you get back.

Life is basically simple and very easy to navigate through if you understand the laws that govern it. In this new energy, as more people become enlightened, the balance between the light and dark energy is shifting. The dark energy is being transformed and disappearing from our world, as in our analogy of the light and dark rooms and that's why you see so much darkness, for it is plainly exposed as it struggles for balance. But you always have been and currently are in charge of the direction you take your life by controlling the vibrational frequencies emitted from your thoughts and emotions.

Bashar gives the mechanical descriptions of these energies, as positive energy follows a mechanism which is integrative, binding and unifying that brings things together creating oneness or wholeness to the nature of structure. Negative energy is segregating, separating, diversifying with tendencies to break down and tear systems apart. For example, communication wouldn't be supported to occur in a harmonious way as seen by yelling in anger or words being roughly stated.

There are fifteen levels of human negative emotion that dark energy feeds upon as it struggles for balance on the physical plane. By itself darkness has no intelligence, but what it does have is an innate knowing of what it is and reacts to balance. It's when people consciously intend to harness negative energy that evil intention is born and then purposely generated. For there are those in the world who understand that fear separates one from using their personal power and uses that to control and dominate that reality as fear and negative emotions only tend to strengthen dark energy. How much dark energy is projected onto you daily from the media and your local and worldly televised news programs? Without your realization you are subjected to an emotional manipulation which is practiced to keep all the masses focused on disaster, war, killings, grief, sadness and despair, fear of your earth, fear of your universe, hatred and fear of each other, conflict and tales of injustice, that provoke people into exhibiting negative emotion and fuel dark energy on a grand scale. The best thing for you and the world is to turn it off! By doing so, you'll send a message to the media that you no longer care to be burdened with bad news and the time has come to create the Good News Network, as Kryon tells us.

Humanity in general fears the unknown, with death and what comes after being the thing that's feared most, since we don't know what's going to happen. So the greatest tool used by the media for emotional control, to keep us in fear, is the constant exposure to every violent and unnatural death that occurs and we're bombarded with it. You do realize that our stay here is but temporary as we all have to leave at some point. But you are the planner of your own journey (you even waited in line to come here) and there is no other being capable of ending it in any other way than according to plan but yourself. So connecting to and enabling your own self-empowerment is the way to choose and make positive changes in your life. You are meant to be happy, joyful, happy, joyful, happy joyful then dead. With every cure of disease a new one will take its place for those who choose to die from illness. If the lesson is a short simple one or meant to start others on a spiritual path for answers, dying young would be chosen. There is always a spiritual gift attached to every death that's meant for someone and most are personal, making it completely unnecessary to inform us of every passing. But the Annunaki's main purpose for using the media is to increase our fears and spread negativity.

All of the negative situations those people in the news stories experienced occurred as they matched them at exact vibrational frequency levels. Those born into areas of peace and prosperity chose to be there (the specific lesson, surroundings and family are all chosen) with the intension to grow spiritually with time for education in the creative fields of art and music. In war torn regions people must spend their time just struggling to survive the effects of war. The emotional vibrations produced are at extreme opposites and a person experiencing a specific life lesson in peace would be thrust into emotional turmoil witnessing the horror of war even though they could be across an ocean. The same is true when witnessing tragedy. Those experiences were for the personal growth of the specific individuals involved in them, but with media coverage of those personal negative manifestations, negative emotions are spread to those never meant for that particular learning experience who are now tormented by disturbing images being repeatedly broadcast.


Excerpted from "Advancing in Enlightenment"
by .
Copyright © 2017 Gail M. Knox.
Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Dedications, vii,
Foreword, xi,
Introduction, xv,
Chapter 1: The Journey, 1,
Chapter 2: Multi-Dimensionality, 17,
Chapter 3: The Soul, 43,
Chapter 4: The Energetic Body, 63,
Chapter 5: Beliefs, Definitions, and Meanings, 85,
Chapter 6: The Medicine Wheel, 101,
Chapter 7: Our Alien Friends and Galactic Family, 123,
End Notes:, 33,
Demonstration:, 135,
Bibliography, 143,
For More Information See the Following Works:, 143,
Bashars Digital Downloads at, 151,

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