Abberline: The Man Who Hunted Jack the Ripper

Abberline: The Man Who Hunted Jack the Ripper

by Peter Thurgood
Abberline: The Man Who Hunted Jack the Ripper

Abberline: The Man Who Hunted Jack the Ripper

by Peter Thurgood


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The name Frederick George Abberline has become synonymous with that of Jack the Ripper, and he has been portrayed as everything from an alcoholic, a drug addict, a womaniser and a bully. In reality Abberline was none of these but instead was a devoted husband and a dedicated policeman in a time of rampant corruption. Furthermore, the Whitechapel murders were not the only notorious cases he worked on. From his humble origins as a clockmaker through to his rising through the ranks of the Metropolitan Police, Abberline tells the story of a man who lead some of the most infamous investigations in criminal history. Long before the Ripper, Abberline infiltrated an Irish terrorist group known as the Fenians, before he became embroiled in the Cleveland Street Scandal – an incident that almost brought the Government to its knees. When he retired from the police at the age of 49, Abberline had received eighty-four commendations and awards – a testament to his tenacity and ability.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780752492773
Publisher: The History Press
Publication date: 04/01/2013
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 192
File size: 2 MB
Age Range: 12 Years

About the Author

Peter Thurgood is the author of The Stories Behind London’s Streets.

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The Man Who Hunted Jack The Ripper

By Peter Thurgood

The History Press

Copyright © 2013 Peter Thurgood
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-7524-9277-3


The Cleveland Street Scandal

July 1889 was one of the hottest Julys on record. Office staff at the City of London Police headquarters at 26 Old Jewry had been given special dispensation, allowing them to work in their shirt sleeves; probably a first for this period in time, but not something carried forward to uniformed police officers. Even though Sir James Fraser was the Commissioner of the City of London Police, he did not receive any different treatment on this particular ruling than his uniformed officers. Sir James wasn't an easy man to get on with at the best of times: an ex-military man who was used to issuing commands and having them obeyed without question, something that didn't quite work in the same way in the city police force. He was also used to having his every comfort taken care of by his own personal batman; again, something sorely missing in his new post.

It came then as no surprise to his subordinates when he went absolutely berserk, after opening a letter addressed personally to him from Scotland Yard telling him to deal with a case regarding a series of alleged thefts from the London Central Telegraph Office, in St Martin's le Grand. 'Who the hell do these people think they are dealing with?' he bellowed. 'This is nothing more than a case of petty theft, I am the Commissioner, God damn it.' He threw the letter across the room to the sergeant who had just delivered it, and told him to deal with it. The sergeant had seen Sir James in one of his moods before on several occasions, and knew instinctively when not to say anything; he just scooped the letter up, mumbled a brief 'yes sir' and left the room.

Police Constable Luke Hanks was on desk duty when the sergeant approached him and gave him his orders to go to the London Central Telegraph Office, where he was to be in charge of this investigation. The amounts of money, the sergeant told him, were believed to be mainly small sums, but added together they could become a considerable amount. 'If you handle this correctly,' the sergeant said, 'it could lead to promotion, so get over there and be thorough in your investigation.'

PC Hanks couldn't wait to get out of the heat of the office, and the thought of being in charge of his own case, with possible promotion at the end of it, prompted him to move quicker than he had done for years.

One hour later, Hanks, with his note pad and pencil at the ready, was at the London Central Telegraph Office being shown into a room, which had been allocated to him to work and take statements. The room was not much bigger than a broom cupboard, with a tiny desk, two upright wooden chairs and one small window, set so high on the wall behind him that he could not see out of it, let alone reach it in order to open it. Hanks nevertheless entered into his work with gusto, and by midday he had interviewed and taken statements from at least twenty workers. Not only did Hanks carry out his work with verve and vigour, but he also stuck strictly to the rules regarding police dress code, meaning that he kept his heavy serge tunic buttoned to the neck and his large and cumbersome helmet on his head the whole time he was conducting the interviews. By the afternoon, however, the heat generated by the close proximity of the interviewees and PC Hanks, in such a small room, became more than he could bear. He was not, after all, a very young man: fast approaching 50, and with a little more body weight to carry around than he was prepared to admit.

No one from his station was likely to turn up, so at 4 p.m., Hanks decided to take a chance and take off both his tunic and helmet, along with a few pounds in weight which he had possibly shed as well. The heat, however, was still unbearable, even though he was working in his shirtsleeves, so while waiting for the next interviewee, he climbed up on to the desktop and wrestled with the catch on the small window, finally managing to ease it open slightly. The first draft of air that drifted through the open space was wonderful, cooling him down almost immediately, but along with the air, came something else: a smell so foul it almost caused him to vomit; for what he hadn't known was that immediately outside this room was the stabling yard for the Telegraph Office's horses. No wonder the window had been set high into the wall and kept closed. Needless to say, Hanks closed the window immediately, and preferred to sweat it out rather than try to open it again.

Weather-wise, the second day wasn't very different from the first, and as there was no way he was going to have the window open again, Hanks decided to try to speed things up a little. Instead of just taking formal statements, which was very slow and laborious, he insisted on each staff member supplying a written statement, which would include all their personal details, as well as all monetary transactions they had dealt with in the last two weeks. Each interviewee then had to empty their pockets out on to the desk, where Hanks would make a note of the exact amount each person had on them. Younger members of staff, who were employed as telegraph boys, were strictly forbidden to carry any personal money on them in the course of their duties, purely to prevent any confusion as to whether such money could be classed as their own or the customer's. This, of course, helped Hanks out a lot, especially when he called the next boy, Charles Thomas Swinscow, into the room, and asked him to empty his pockets on to the desk. Hanks was more than surprised to see the princely sum of 14s, which was approximately four weeks' wages at that time, or around £400 today.

A look of satisfaction spread over Hanks' face, as he stood up and started putting his tunic and helmet back on, which had been hanging on a hook behind the door. He felt that, at long last, he was getting somewhere with his investigation, and there was no better way to impress the young, and the gullible, than to confront them with authority; the overall look of his complete uniform would, he was sure, do exactly that.

'How would you feel about spending the next ten years of your life locked up in a prison cell?' he asked the young lad. Within minutes, the boy had broken down and was pleading with PC Hanks not to imprison him. He hadn't stolen this money at all, he had earned it, he said. Hanks, however, begged to differ, pointing out that he would have had to work for a whole month to get such a large amount as this. He gave the lad an ultimatum: either say where the money had really come from or he would place him under arrest and charge him with theft.

Charles Swinscow was still in his early teens, and was almost at breaking point. The very thought of imprisonment would probably kill his mother, he said, let alone what it would do to him. He begged PC Hanks for mercy, saying he would tell him all he knew, if he promised not to gaol him. Hanks told the boy to calm down; if he started talking, he would do everything he could to help him.

Swinscow blurted out how he came by the money: he hadn't stolen it, but had earned it from a man named Charles Hammond, for supplying services at his premises at 19 Cleveland Street, in neighbouring Fitzrovia. 'Services,' said Hanks, 'is a very vague word, would you care to elaborate?' The young Swinscow squirmed in his chair, his face starting to redden, and his voice lowered a tone as he explained that the 'services' he had provided were in the form of male prostitution for clients that Charles Hammond provided at his premises. He went on to say that he was introduced to Hammond by 18-year-old Henry Newlove, who worked as a General Post Office clerk. In addition to this, he named two 17-year-old telegraph boys, George Alma Wright and Charles Ernest Thickbroom, who also rented out their services to Hammond.

PC Hanks quickly realised that he was on to something much bigger here than petty theft from the Central Telegraph Office; for at this period in time, all homosexual acts between men, as well as procurement or attempted procurement of such acts, were strictly against the law, and punishable by varying terms of imprisonment. With this in mind, Hanks obtained corroborating statements from both Wright and Thickbroom. Once armed with these, it was much easier to squeeze a confession out of Newlove, which included him dropping several well-known names into the equation, probably in the hope of being seen as someone who was willing to help the police in every way he could. Amongst those named were Lord Arthur Somerset, who was the head of the Prince of Wales' stables; Henry FitzRoy, Earl of Euston; and an army colonel by the name of Jervois. Newlove agreed that all these men were regular visitors to the Cleveland Street address, but said it was more than his life was worth to state this in writing.

PC Hanks began to realise that what he had stumbled upon here was probably a matter of great, maybe even national, importance, for these men were connected to royalty. When his superiors saw his report they would undoubtedly recognise the excellent manner in which he had handled the case so far, and hand him the much-wanted promotion that he so desired. This was what PC Hanks hoped for, and indeed expected when he presented his findings, along with the statements and confessions that he had obtained from the boys. But instead of the recognition that he craved for, all he received was an obligatory nod and a smile, coupled with 'Well done Constable Hanks'. His superiors deemed the case far too important for them to handle on their own, and immediately passed it over to Scotland Yard, thus ending PC Hanks' dream of obtaining promotion and the possible fame and money that went with it. He was immediately detailed to forget about the Cleveland Street scandal, as it became known, and to continue his work, in the miserable little office backing on to the stables, regarding the alleged thefts at the Central Telegraph Office.

Sir James Monro, was greatly worried by the names listed in Hanks' original report, which were allegedly connected to the Cleveland Street case. There was no doubt in his mind that the case needed thorough investigation, but at the same time, he also felt that it needed to be handled in a very restrained manner. He feared if the press discovered such people as Lord Somerset, with his royal connections, might be involved, as well as the other names and their political implications, it could bring down not just the government, but possibly the royal family as well.

Monro knew that he had to tread very carefully indeed with this case; he needed a top officer in charge, but not one who would bring too much publicity along with him. The obvious first choice was Melville Macnaghten, whom he had great faith in, and whom he had earlier offered the post of first chief constable in the Metropolitan Police. This appointment, however, never came to fruition, as it was opposed by Charles Warren, who at this time, was London's Commissioner of Police. It seemed that Warren and Monro had never had a great affinity to each other, which only succeeded in Warren's rejection of Macnaghten, or probably anyone who Monro suggested.

With this ongoing rift between Monro and Warren, Monro decided to go for what some say he saw as a soft option: a name that everyone would recognise, but without any of the controversies attached that a more senior officer such as Macnaghten would possibly bring to the case with him. He announced, without delay, the appointment of Inspector First Class Frederick George Abberline to the case. Abberline had previously worked at Scotland Yard for almost a year, until September 1888, when he, along with several other officers, were drafted into H Division, Whitechapel, East London, working on the infamous Jack the Ripper case. Abberline's move to East London came just after the disembowelled body of Mary Ann Nichols was discovered lying in the gutter of Buck's Row, Whitechapel. Nichols was allegedly the first Jack the Ripper victim. I use the word 'allegedly' as there were eleven separate murders dating from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891, all of which were included in the London Metropolitan Police Service investigation. They were known collectively in the police files as the 'Whitechapel murders'.

Only five of these murders, however, are counted today as definitive Jack the Ripper murders. The other six were kept separate, thus making a clear distinction between those of Jack the Ripper and those committed by a person or persons unknown. The murders were considered far too complex for the local Whitechapel H Division CID, headed by Detective Inspector Edmund Reid, to handle alone; which is why Scotland Yard were drafted in, and the name of Inspector Frederick Abberline became forever synonymous with that of Jack the Ripper.

Frederick George Abberline was 46 years old at this time, and had been in the police force for twenty-six years. Described as medium height and build, with dark brown, thinning hair and a friendly disposition, he sometimes walked with a slight limp, especially during the summer months, due to a varicose vein on his left leg.

Inspector Abberline wasted no time in organising the team appointed to him by Sir James Monro. He was determined to bring this case to a speedy conclusion. Armed with all the evidence acquired by PC Hanks, he quickly obtained two arrest warrants, the first being for the arrest of Charles Hammond, the owner of the brothel on Cleveland Street, and the second being for the arrest of 18-year-old Henry Newlove, who acted as a procurer for Hammond. The crimes they were to be charged with were for the violation of Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885. The law made all homosexual acts between men, as well as procurement or attempted procurement of such acts, punishable by up to two years, imprisonment with or without hard labour.

Abberline and two of his officers arrived at 19 Cleveland Street, at precisely 6 a.m. the following day, a time when most people were still in bed and an easy arrest almost a certainty. Abberline grasped the huge iron door knocker and banged it repeatedly as loudly as he could against the door. The two officers beside him stood with their truncheons drawn, ready to charge into the house the moment the door was opened, but unfortunately it never was; the occupants had long since flown the coop.

Had someone tipped the occupants off? With so many high-profile names involved, this theory certainly couldn't be ruled out. Abberline's priority at this time was to get into the house and carry out a thorough search to see if any clues had been left. In order to do this, however, he either needed someone to actually let him in or, failing that, he needed a search warrant, which would probably take another twenty-four hours to obtain. Applying for a search warrant would not only delay his investigation, it might also warn his opponents, if they didn't already know, as to exactly what he was up to. He made his decision, and rightly or wrongly, told his officers to put their shoulders to the door and smash it down if necessary.

A few minutes later, Abberline and his men were inside the house, which looked very much as if the previous occupants had left in quite a hurry, with books scattered the floor, small pieces of furniture overturned, and vases and crockery smashed and broken. The larger pieces of furniture, such as beds, bookcases and armchairs, had been left, but little else. The lounge, which was elaborately decorated with red velvet flock wallpaper, a crystal chandelier and two plush day beds, was also bereft of any personal effects. After about an hour searching from room to room and not finding anything that might possibly give him a lead, Inspector Abberline decided to leave the premises. He paused for a moment by the street door, where he noticed a side table with a vase standing on it. The vase had a Chinese pattern and square base, and was exactly the same as one his parents had when he was a boy. Underneath the base, however, was something else. He discovered it to be a small black book, and a quick glance through showed it to contain addresses, which might prove valuable to his investigation. He didn't have time to look at it in detail, so he stuffed it into his pocket and left.

Abberline knew that if he was to succeed in this case, he needed to make an arrest very quickly, as someone seemed to be one step ahead of him and relaying his moves before he made them. Leaving one officer to secure and guard the premises, Abberline hailed a hansom cab and hurried off with the second officer to Camden Town. He knew from the witnesses' statements that Newlove's mother lived here, and Henry Newlove sometimes stayed there when he was not with Hammond at the Cleveland Street house.

The driver stopped his cab at the end of a narrow alley, explaining that this was the address but it was too narrow for him to drive down. Camden Town at this time was known for its slums, and this alley, which didn't even have a name exhibited anywhere, was certainly no exception. The tiny, two-up, two-down houses, many of which had broken windows and doors that looked like they were hanging off their hinges, didn't look fit to house animals, let alone human beings. Abberline recognised Mrs Newlove's house by the number 9, which had been drawn in chalk upon the brickwork beside the door.


Excerpted from Abberline by Peter Thurgood. Copyright © 2013 Peter Thurgood. Excerpted by permission of The History Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Title Page,
1 The Cleveland Street Scandal,
2 Early life – Undercover Work and Marriage,
3 The Whitechapel Murders,
4 In Charge?,
5 Leather Apron,
6 Searching for the Real Annie Chapman,
7 Arrests,
8 When Evidence is not to be had – Theories Abound,
9 The Double Event,
10 The Final Ripper Victim,
11 Hell,
12 The Suspects,
13 Abberline's Number One Suspect,
14 The Argument For and Against Klosowski,
15 Highly Implausible?,
16 Another Ripper Suspect?,
17 Did Abberline Know the Identity of the Ripper?,
18 Victims,
19 An Inspector Calls,
20 Retirement Beckons,
Plate Section,

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