A Mechanic'S Guide to Eternity: God the Father Has a Beautiful Wife

A Mechanic'S Guide to Eternity: God the Father Has a Beautiful Wife

by Kinsley Warburton
A Mechanic'S Guide to Eternity: God the Father Has a Beautiful Wife

A Mechanic'S Guide to Eternity: God the Father Has a Beautiful Wife

by Kinsley Warburton


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Preceding the birth of his second child who was born with Spina-Bifida, author Kingsley Warburton had a strong dream alerting him to the forthcoming birth. This experience began a path of inquiry into spiritual worlds, a path he shares in A Mechanics Guide to Eternity.

Warburton condenses and summarizes some of the core seminal works of religious and spiritual thought during the past two centuries. He offers a concise guide for those who seek spiritual paths but may not have time or access to the vast libraries of thought that exist. A Mechanics Guide to Eternity justifies the equal contribution of male and female energies in the creation of our worlds. The pattern of husband and wife becoming one unit is a copy of what came before in heaven.

Through a positive and uplifting approach, Warburton shows how the spiritual worlds are alive and well and are encouraging humankind to participate with them. Love is an energy and will nurture and welcome all of the worlds people into her embrace.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452531274
Publisher: Balboa Press AU
Publication date: 10/09/2015
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 102
File size: 203 KB

About the Author

Kingsley Warburton has been an automotive mechanic his all life. He and his wife and children live in Australia.

Read an Excerpt

A Mechanic's Guide to Eternity

God the Father has a Beautiful Wife

By Kingsley Warburton

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2015 Kingsley Warburton
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-3120-5


The Love Story

I would like to share with you a love story so wonderful, so intense, so intimate, so true, so empowering, and so sad in a way yet so exciting that my hand has trouble delivering what the heart has to tell.

If you knew you were a son or daughter of the gods, would you be thinking the way you do now, would you be working the way you are now, or would you chart a different course for this lifetime on the earth? Would you stay in obscurity, or would you claim your rightful position beside the gods?

Most people would like to know for sure whether our world was created by a higher intelligence and, if this is so, whether this intelligence is friendly or causing all the suffering we see all around us. I call the name of this intelligence God, which for me stands for the male/female creative impulse that fills the earth. One can understand this name as meaning consciousness and love because there is no tyrant, scolding and vengeful, wanting you to feel guilty about something. God is love. You have experienced love at some time in your life. It is not something to be collected or horded. It can be given freely or not at all.

It is hard to see love, but it is very easy to feel love, and God is love. In fact, God is abundant love, and we were created to love as God does. It is not possible for the love impulse to hate, envy, or lust. We created those negative impulses with the incredible mind we were endowed with.

The gods do not see what they did not create, because what they did not create does not really exist; it only exists in our immature and untrained minds. We are the created ones who have doubted our own heritage and have decided to fear the gods instead of opening ourselves to the love of our first parents. Yes, parents to be admired, appreciated, loved, but not worshiped. Who grovels in praise before their earthly parents? They would think you needed medical attention. Good children love, admire, emulate, and take advice from their loving parents. Your Creator Father and Mother would love you to have remembrance of them and maybe love them one day. Ancient Sanskrit uses the word sama when describing both parents. The life energy streams from the gods into the whole earth, into every living thing in equal measure.

The modern Christian myth that we are all sinners, born into sin and condemned by God, and only the death of his only heavenly son will appease God's anger towards us, is pure fiction, pure rubbish. So much anguish, so much suffering, so much pain we have caused ourselves and the loving mind of the gods in our pursuits of fear, trembling, and doubt.

I would suggest we put aside all old ideas and beliefs and consider God as thought. I know you are thinking, If God is just thought, then there can be no substance. God is all in the mind. In a sense, you are right.

Consider it this way. Everything we humans do, whether it is getting up in the morning or building a space ship to go to Mars or scratching our noses, is first established as thought, and then action is taken. Thought and planning are our power base, that is to say, if we do not exercise any thought, then nothing will happen. And when we exercise thought, everything happens, even unintended results, simply because we are amateurs when exercising thought and do not take into account all the possibilities.

Thought and planning is what propels any action and is what propels all action of the whole universe. We can mathematically predict each year when the earth will shift its axis and begin another summer in our part of the earth. We have been able to do so for some thousands of years. The loving intelligence that put out the original plan took into account all possibilities. God is consciousness and of a higher order and intelligence.

This guide contains a message for you from your heavenly Mother and Father. They have loved you from the beginning and will love you into eternity, and they crave your love in return. They created a space for you on the earth so you can grow to be like them.

We are an Idea of God. Ideas are a commodity like love that we can give away and still retain in full. God put out a pure idea for humankind, but humankind used his God-given mind to doubt his Creator, creating in his own mind an opposing fear force that has plagued us ever since.

Our heavenly parents are not to be feared. Like all parents, they know us from the beginning, and if you look towards them, the blinding light of their love will satisfy every craving you ever had and fill your inner self with indescribable joy.

Take time out to put off all the fears and tears and insecurities and false beliefs. As an earth people, we can and do believe many different concepts; not all are correct. One belief that this one short life on earth is all you have to look forward to is one of them. Take a moment and feel yourself within. Do you feel better in your heart area now that you have read this far? Is your heart aching for true love and true information? Are you now excited about your future?



Let's go back to the beginning before humankind was created. Back to the very beginning in the first book in the Bible, when it is said in the ancient texts that God said (in Genesis 1:3–4), "Let there be light and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness."

Can you see the work of two energies here? Something like a male with intent and a female with creative ability?

Another example (and there are many) is in Genesis 1:31. "God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." In other words, if he created all that was made, he would have known it was good because he would have seen it while creating.

An echo of this intent to create is re-enacted daily in our lives when a father sees his newborn child and rejoices with great joy and celebration. Undoubtedly, he thought it was good. He might have intent to create but could not by himself. He needed a partner, a wife, in order to manifest his creation. "Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and they shall be one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). One who is his equal but different. I know "equal but different" sounds a little complicated. The Sanskrit term for father/mother is sama, as stated earlier. It is also the root word for our English word same, but in Sanskrit, it leans towards the sense of equality and of equal value more than the sense of identical. The perfect balance of the creative forces was necessary in order to create.

My understanding of God the Father is represented as the pure form of ego, and God the Mother as the creative conscience (wisdom and knowledge). The ego mind was necessary to build the material worlds. When the ego suggested substance, God the Mother brought substance into being.

When we go back again to the Genesis 1:3–4, it declares, "God said (male part of origin) let there be light," and there was light. The creative part of the origin (female) brought light forth in response to the plan of the ego (male).

It is interesting to see the first days of a fertilised human egg. The egg just keeps multiplying cells without any real plan; all cells are the same. In about two weeks, a plan appears from nowhere as a line in the middle of all the multiplying cells, and then the human cells begin to form around the line and become different parts of the new body.

We must expand our minds and reopen the corridors of knowledge awaiting us when we look again towards the magnificent intelligence demonstrated by our creators, the heart knowledge that our Creator Mother and Father toiled very hard over a long period of time to bring us forth.

We should remember them and their incredible determination to see their work come to fruition. "Then God said, let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth" (Genesis 1:26). They are living into eternity with us; in a sense, we are their vehicles. They have shared their God mind with all of us in the firm knowledge that we will mature and rejoice with them eventually.

We can start now. When we open our remembrances of our beginnings, we find so much loving kindness that we find it hard to comprehend how we have lived without this knowledge for so long. To see how real creation works, we need only to look away from all that we have made and go and sit beside a stream or a tree, or just with our feet on the ground, and look around us.

Maybe on a slip of grass there will be the tiniest bug, complete and content in its own world. Or look into the leaf of the tree we are sitting under. That one small leaf has been planned and thought about in such a way that it not only supports the tree but also contributes to all life on earth by producing oxygen. We establish laws of science and nature, but these particular laws we are establishing have been in operation since the world began. We did not invent the laws. We just increased our knowledge as an earth people that little bit more so we can understand them.

We must look outward to see the signposts of our creators. We must look within to receive all the wisdom and knowledge streaming towards us from our heavenly parents.

Look within. Do not only look without into illusion, doubt, and fear. Look within and change what appears to be without by changing how you perceive. Look within for that voice of truth and intuition and act, and be amazed at what then is without.


How We Went Astray

Most ancient civilisations have at their dawning a time often described as a golden age. A time when humankind lived in peace with his fellow humans and with the gods. It was a time of prosperity and abundance. A time when there were no judgements on people and everyone did what was right in their own eyes. In Proverbs 8:31 of the Old Testament Bible, wisdom is speaking. "Rejoicing in his inhabited world, and delighting in the human race."

What happened next was that the ego aspect of our nature, which was embedded in humankind in order to survive on the earth, and represented here as male for simplicity, began to forget his origins. He thought that he could create without the co-operation his creative equal (sama). Let's call it female for simplicity. He did achieve this in a sense, considering all that has been created on the earth. When we examine any one of these creations, we attribute their ingenuity to humans and not to the gods; however, our origins (heavenly parents), of which we are part — and have their powers and abilities within us — created the universe and everything in it.

Is it not time to come out of the preschool of life and our own imaginings and step into the real world by remembering our origins and looking deep within ourselves for that small memory that remains and begin to live as we have never lived before?

The ego cannot just pay lip service to his creative half, as he does in the Songs of Solomon, another Old Testament Bible book. When you read of the beautiful love story unfolding and how her lover (ego) knocks on the door of her private chamber, she rushes to the door to open unto him, only to find that her lover (ego) has left.

The ego has run off thoughtlessly on his own again. Wisdom runs off after him, searching for him in the streets, only to be met with violence and harassment, and she has endured so much ever since.

The ego must join as one with his creative half. The creative half has many manifestations. One is the balance of energies within the individual, and another is the balance of energies within a partner relationship. Still another is the balance of the relationships we have with the animals around us and our environments. But the energies must be in balance to have any power at all over the negative energy that causes us so much pain on the earth.

We need the ego not as a dominating force but as a balanced force within us. The ego searches and sees outwardly. Wisdom, or the creative half, searches and sees within. They must be in balance, or chaos reigns. When we have the wisdom without the ego, we simply sit in one place and do not participate in the physical world. We do not plan, and we do not act. Only a balance of the two forces can achieve peace on earth.

Our egos, trying to do things on their own without the balance and benefit of our creative halves, can only tick up failure after failure. For example, what we build will eventually fall down or be torn down or is created to benefit only a few.

Our creations compared to what our source has created are meagre. Our egos working on their own have been leading us into a hard and sorrowful place in our time on the earth. We struggle to live unless we band together and join all our egos. Even then, a lot of us starve and die of sickness or are killed or abused in war situations.

We must reject the unbalanced and short-sighted notions of the ego and strive to unite the ego to its rightful position alongside the wisdom half, which dwells in all of us in equal measure. Only then will we recognise what creating is all about. We see sickness and feel sorry but can do nothing really about it. We apply the intellect only and find that for each sickness we control, many more arise.

Our egos or intellects acting on their own are causing all the sorrow and pain we are experiencing on our earth path. We have separated ourselves from the only balance we can have. We were meant to be partnered to the gods through a balance of both energies. Unfortunately, the ego energies want to take over and organise everything. As stated, the ego cannot create. It might have intent but has to join that intent equally and unreservedly with the creative half for anything of substance to take place. Creating happens when the creative half is allowed to do her work from the plan presented by the ego. We might not know how, and we might not need to know how; we merely have to accept the gift with gratitude.

All suffering draws our attention away from seeking the truth as we concentrate on the pain or discomfort. We are sons and daughters of our source. It is the only real association we can have.

I find it dismaying that there have been many centuries of ministers/priests/pastors, and they have not told us how to arise out of the dire situations we have created for ourselves and become what we really are: daughters and sons of the gods.

We do belong on the earth, but we do not belong here so immersed in matter, bogged in a miry pit of our own making. Look at the animals. They belong here in the natural environment. They do not need to be clothed or to have refined shelters. They are adapted to dwell on the earth and to prosper. We, on the other hand, must dwell together and share our skills to survive on this rugged planet. We are the most unadapted creatures on the earth. We should be overseers of the animal kingdom but not part of it. We must stop doubting and fearing our heritage, which is pure love and not judgement.

The way back is simple. Remember our source.

We do not have to change anything else; we simply have to refuse to lose the memory of our heavenly Father and Mother. Life does not have to be as hard as it is now. Remember your source, and you will begin to arise out of matter to dwell on matter.

You will become more like your source parents, more filled with light. Try after waking and before getting out of bed greeting your heavenly parents with "Good morning, loving Father. Good morning, beautiful Mother." Even doing this for one day will bring lightness to your situation. Someone will want to offer you help in something that in the past your ego has steadfastly refused. Instead, today just accept and thank the heavens for their help.


Have Faith, and Fear Not

Fear not anything at any time for any reason. To realise to fear not anything gives you the power to become a son or daughter of the gods. When you forgo fear, you forgo attack. Above all, fear not your source parents.

When your situation is not going exactly the way you might have planned, start looking into yourself and follow your own guidance. You are the only one who can ask a question concerning your life and receive an answer that is complete truth in your heart; follow that truth. It might be you are following a plan put together by others. It might be your ego has led your life into another dead end. There might have been a natural calamity or political upheaval. The voice of intuition (feelings and words from the heart) will always be there. The new plan will be ready to implement because the gods love you so much. They will never leave you without a plan.

They want you to experience life on earth and grow into your own true strengths, and that is of a strong and powerful co-worker with them. What a disappointment to the gods when we simply dismiss an event as just good or bad luck and we never consider the reasons behind the event that has just happened, for either good or ill.


Excerpted from A Mechanic's Guide to Eternity by Kingsley Warburton. Copyright © 2015 Kingsley Warburton. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Introduction, vii,
Chapter 1: The Love Story, 1,
Chapter 2: Creation, 5,
Chapter 3: How We Went Astray, 9,
Chapter 4: Have Faith, and Fear Not, 15,
Chapter 5: The Marriage and the Ego, 17,
Chapter 6: The Importance of Eve, 21,
Chapter 7: The Marys, 25,
Chapter 8: Jesus and the Christ Consciousness, 35,
Chapter 9: How the Gods Have Put Us Together, 41,
Chapter 10: The Spiritual World Is a Busy Place, 47,
Chapter 11: The Mind Is Amazing, 55,
Chapter 12: Regaining Your Life Path, 63,
Chapter 13: Revenge, 67,
Chapter 14: You Are What You Eat, 71,
Chapter 15: Pray for Each Other, 75,
Chapter 16: Listening to Your Heart, 79,
Chapter 17: You Shall Know the Truth, 87,
Affirmations, 91,

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