A History of Western Society, Concise Edition, Volume Two / Edition 12

A History of Western Society, Concise Edition, Volume Two / Edition 12

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Bedford/St. Martin's
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Bedford/St. Martin's
A History of Western Society, Concise Edition, Volume Two / Edition 12

A History of Western Society, Concise Edition, Volume Two / Edition 12

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Delve into the everyday lives of people from the past with this brief and affordable text. History of Western Society, Concise Edition, Volume 2 presents the details of life throughout history to enhance your understanding of what life used to be like.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781319073893
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's
Publication date: 12/14/2016
Edition description: Twelfth Edition
Pages: 1135
Product dimensions: 7.30(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.90(d)

About the Author

John P. McKay (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) is professor emeritus at the University of Illinois. He has written or edited numerous works, including the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize-winning book Pioneers for Profit: Foreign Entrepreneurship and Russian Industrialization, 1885-1913.
Clare Haru Crowston (Ph.D., Cornell University) teaches at the University of Illinois, where she is currently associate professor of history. She is the author of Fabricating Women: The Seamstresses of Old Regime France, 1675-1791, which won the Berkshire and Hagley Prizes. She edited two special issues of the Journal of Women's History, has published numerous journal articles and reviews, and is a past president of the Society for French Historical Studies.

Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison) taught first at Augustana College in Illinois, and since 1985 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she is currently UWM Distinguished Professor in the department of history. She is the coeditor of the Sixteenth Century Journal and the author or editor of more than twenty books, most recently The Marvelous Hairy Girls: The Gonzales Sisters and Their Worlds and Gender in History. She is the former Chief Reader for Advanced Placement World History.
Joe Perry (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is Associate Professor of modern German and European history at Georgia State University. He has published numerous articles and is author of the recently published book Christmas in Germany: A Cultural History (2010). His current research interests include issues of consumption, gender, and television in East and West Germany after World War II.

Table of Contents

14. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 14 LaunchPad
Document 14-1: Christopher Columbus, Diario (1492)
Document 14-2: Hernando Cortés, Two Letters to Charles V: On the Conquest of the Aztecs (1521)
Document 14-3: Alvise da Ca' da Mosto, Description of Capo Bianco and the Islands Nearest to It: Fifteenth-Century Slave Trade in West Africa (1455–1456)
Document 14-4: King Nzinga Mbemba Affonso of Congo, Letters on the Slave Trade (1526)
Document 14-5: Saint Francis Xavier, Missionaries in Japan (1552)
Document 14-6: Michel de Montaigne, Of Cannibals (1580)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 14

15 Absolutism and Constitutionalism ca. 1589–1725
Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad
Seventeenth-Century Crisis and Rebuilding
The Social Order and Peasant Life
Famine and Economic Crisis
The Thirty Years’ War
Achievements in State-Building
Warfare and the Growth of Army Size
Popular Political Action
Absolutism in France and Spain
The Foundations of French Absolutism
Louis XIV and Absolutism
Life at Versailles
The French Economic Policy of Mercantilism
Louis XIV’s Wars
The Decline of Absolutist Spain in the Seventeenth Century
Evaluating the Evidence 15.1: Letter from Versailles
Absolutism in Austria and Prussia
The Return of Serfdom in the East
The Austrian Habsburgs
Prussia in the Seventeenth Century
The Consolidation of Prussian Absolutism
The Development of Russia and the Ottoman Empire
Mongol Rule in Russia and the Rise of Moscow
Building the Russian Empire
The Reforms of Peter the Great
The Ottoman Empire
Evaluating the Evidence 15.2: Peter the Great and Foreign Experts
Constitutional Rule in England and the Dutch Republic
Religious Divides and Civil War
The Puritan Protectorate
The Restoration of the English Monarchy
Constitutional Monarchy
The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century
Baroque Art and Music
Evaluating the Evidence 15.3: John Locke, Two Treatises of Government
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: What Was Absolutism? LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: Europe After the Peace of Utrecht, 1715 LaunchPad
Living in the Past: The Absolutist Palace LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Hürrem
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

15. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 15 LaunchPad
Document 15-1: Henry IV, Edict of Nantes (1598)
Document 15-2: Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture (1679)
Document 15-3: The Bill of Rights (1689)
Document 15-4: Peter the Great, Edicts and Decrees (1699–1723)
Document 15-5: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651)
Document 15-6: John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government: Vindication for the Glorious Revolution (1690)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 15

Guided Reading Exercise
The Scientific Revolution
Why Europe?
Scientific Thought to 1500
The Copernican Hypothesis
Brahe, Kepler, and Galileo: Proving Copernicus Right
Newton’s Synthesis
Natural History and Empire
Magic and Alchemy
Evaluating the Evidence 16.1: Galileo Galilei, The Sidereal Messenger
Important Changes in Scientific Thinking and Practice
The Methods of Science: Bacon and Descartes
Medicine, the Body, and Chemistry
Science and Religion
Science and Society
Evaluating the Evidence 16.2: “An Account of a Particular Species of Cocoon”
The Rise and Spread of Enlightenment Thought
The Early Enlightenment
The Influence of the Philosophes
Enlightenment Movements Across Europe
The Social Life of the Enlightenment
Global Contacts
Enlightenment Debates About Race
Women and the Enlightenment
Urban Culture and Life in the Public Sphere
Evaluating the Evidence 16.3: Denis Diderot, “Supplement to Bougainville’s Voyage”
Enlightened Absolutism
Frederick the Great of Prussia
Catherine the Great of Russia
The Austrian Habsburgs
Jewish Life and the Limits of Enlightened Absolutism
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: The Enlightenment Debate on Religious Tolerance LaunchPad
Living in the Past: Coffeehouse Culture LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: The Partition of Poland, 1772–1795 LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Moses Mendelssohn and the Jewish Enlightenment
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

16. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 16 LaunchPad
Document 16-1: Nicolaus Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1542)
Document 16-2: Francis Bacon, On Superstition and the Virtue of Science (1620)
Document 16-3: Frederick the Great, Essay on the Forms of Government (ca. 1740)
Document 16-4: Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, From The Spirit of Laws: On the Separation of Governmental Powers (1748)
Document 16-5: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract: On Popular Sovereignty and the General Will (1762)
Document 16-6: Voltaire, A Treatise on Toleration (1763)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 16

Guided Reading Exercise
Working the Land
The Legacy of the Open-Field System
New Methods of Agriculture
The Leadership of the Low Countries and England
Evaluating the Evidence 17.1: Arthur Young on the Benefits of Enclosure
The Beginning of the Population Explosion
Long-Standing Obstacles to Population Growth
The New Pattern of the Eighteenth Century
The Growth of Rural Industry
The Putting-Out System
The Lives of Rural Textile Workers
The Industrious Revolution
The Debate over Urban Guilds
Urban Guilds
Adam Smith and Economic Liberalism
Evaluating the Evidence 17.2: Adam Smith on the Division of Labor
The Atlantic World and Global Trade
Mercantilism and Colonial Competition
The Atlantic Economy
The Atlantic Slave Trade
Identities and Communities of the Atlantic World
The Atlantic Enlightenment
Trade and Empire in Asia and the Pacific
Evaluating the Evidence 17.3: Olaudah Equiano’s Economic Arguments for Ending Slavery
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: Industry and Population in Eighteenth-Century Europe LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: Rural Industry: Progress or Exploitation? LaunchPad
Living in the Past: The Remaking of London LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Rebecca Protten
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

17. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 17 LaunchPad
Document 17-1: The Guild System in Germany (1704–1719)
Document 17-2: Thomas Mun, England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade (1664)
Document 17-3: Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776)
Document 17-4: Olaudah Equiano, A Description of the Middle Passage (1789)
Document 17-5: Robert, First Baron Clive, Speech in the House of Commons on India (1772)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 17

Guided Reading Exercise
Marriage and the Family
Late Marriage and Nuclear Families
Work Away from Home
Premarital Sex and Community Controls
New Patterns of Marriage and Illegitimacy
Sex on the Margins of Society
Children and Education
Child Care and Nursing
Foundlings and Infanticide
Attitudes Toward Children
The Spread of Elementary Schools
Evaluating the Evidence 18.1: Parisian Boyhood
Popular Culture and Consumerism
Popular Literature
Leisure and Recreation
New Foods and Appetites
Toward a Consumer Society
Evaluating the Evidence 18.2: A Day in the Life of Paris
Religious Authority and Beliefs
Church Hierarchy
Protestant Revival
Catholic Piety
Marginal Beliefs and Practices
Evaluating the Evidence 18.3: Advice to Methodists
Medical Practice
Faith Healing and General Practice
Improvements in Surgery
The Conquest of Smallpox
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: Literacy in France, ca. 1789 LaunchPad
The Past Living Now: The Commercialization of Sports LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Rose Bertin, “Minister of Fashion”
Thinking Like a Historian: A New Subjectivity LaunchPad
Living in the Past: Improvements in Childbirth LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

18. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 18 LaunchPad
Document 18-1: Edmond Williamson, Births and Deaths in an English Gentry Family (1709–1720)
Document 18-2: Mary Wortley Montagu, On Smallpox Inoculations (ca. 1717)
Document 18-3: John Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693)
Document 18-4: John Wesley, The Ground Rules for Methodism (1749)
Document 18-5: Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1794)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 18

Guided Reading Exercise
Background to Revolution
Social Change
Growing Demands for Liberty and Equality
The Seven Years’ War
The American Revolutionary Era, 1775–1789
The Origins of the Revolution
Independence from Britain
Framing the Constitution
Limitations of Liberty and Equality
Evaluating the Evidence 19.1: Abigail Adams, “Remember the Ladies”
Revolution in France, 1789–1791
Breakdown of the Old Order
The Formation of the National Assembly
Popular Uprising and the Rights of Man
A Constitutional Monarchy and Its Challenges
Evaluating the Evidence 19.2: Abbé Sieyès, What Is the Third Estate?
World War and Republican France, 1791–1799
The International Response
The Second Revolution and the New Republic
Total War and the Terror
The Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory
Evaluating the Evidence 19.3: Contrasting Visions of the Sans-Culottes
The Napoleonic Era, 1799–1815
Napoleon’s Rule of France
Napoleon’s Expansion in Europe
The Grand Empire and Its End
The Haitian Revolution, 1791–1804
Revolutionary Aspirations in Saint-Domingue
The Outbreak of Revolt
The War of Haitian Independence
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: The Rights of Which Men? LaunchPad
Living in the Past: A Revolution of Culture and Daily Life LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: Napoleonic Europe in 1812 LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Toussaint L’Ouverture
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

19. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 19 LaunchPad
Document 19-1: Commissioners of the Third Estate of the Carcassonne, Notebooks of Grievances (1789)
Document 19-2: Abbé Sieyès, What Is the Third Estate? (1789)
Document 19-3: National Assembly of France, Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)
Document 19-4: The Law of 22 Prairial (1794)
Document 19-5: Napoleon Bonaparte, The Napoleonic Code (1804)
Document 19-6: Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)
Document 19-7: François Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture, A Black Revolutionary Leader in Haiti (1797)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 19

Guided Reading Exercise
The Industrial Revolution in Britain
Why Britain?
Technological Innovations and Early Factories
The Steam Engine Breakthrough
Steam-Powered Transportation
Industry and Population
Industrialization in Europe and the World
National and International Variations
Industrialization in Continental Europe
Agents of Industrialization
The Global Picture
New Patterns of Working and Living
Work in Early Factories
Working Families and Children
The New Sexual Division of Labor
Living Standards of the Working Class
Evaluating the Evidence 20.1: Debate over Child Labor Laws
Evaluating the Evidence 20.2: The Testimony of Young Mine Workers
Relations Between Capital and Labor
The New Class of Factory Owners
Responses to Industrialization
The Early British Labor Movement
The Impact of Slavery
Evaluating the Evidence 20.3: Advice for Middle-Class Women
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Samuel Crompton
Living in the Past: The Steam Age LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: Continental Industrialization, ca. 1850 LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: Making the Industrialized Worker LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

20. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 20 LaunchPad
Document 20-1: Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)
Document 20-2: Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 (1844)
Document 20-3: Factory Rules in Berlin (1844)
Document 20-4: Ned Ludd, Yorkshire Textile Workers Threaten a Factory Owner (ca. 1811–1812)
Document 20-5: Robert Owen, A New View of Society (1813)
Document 20-6: The Child of the Factory (1842)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 20

Guided Reading Exercise
The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars
The European Balance of Power
Metternich and Conservatism
Repressing the Revolutionary Spirit
Limits to Conservative Power and Revolution in South America
Evaluating the Evidence 21.1: The Karlsbad Decrees: Conservative Reaction in the German Confederation
The Spread of Radical Ideas
Liberalism and the Middle Class
The Growing Appeal of Nationalism
The Foundations of Modern Socialism
The Birth of Marxist Socialism
The Romantic Movement
The Tenets of Romanticism
Romantic Literature
Romanticism in Art and Music
Evaluating the Evidence 21.2: English Romantic Poets
Evaluating the Evidence 21.3: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Children’s Stories and Household Tales
Reforms and Revolutions Before 1848
National Liberation in Greece
Liberal Reform in Great Britain
Ireland and the Great Famine
The Revolution of 1830 in France
The Revolutions of 1848
A Democratic Republic in France
Revolution and Reaction in the Austrian Empire
Prussia, the German Confederation, and the Frankfurt National Parliament
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: Europe in 1815 LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: The Republican Spirit in 1848 LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Germaine de Staël
Living in the Past: Revolutionary Experiences in 1848 LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

21. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 21 LaunchPad
Document 21-1: David Ricardo, On Wages (1817)
Document 21-2: Klemens von Metternich, Political Confession of Faith (1820)
Document 21-3: John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1859)
Document 21-4: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto (1848)
Document 21-5: Eugène Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People (1830)
Document 21-6: The People’s Charter (1838)
Document 21-7: William Steuart Trench, Realities of Irish Life (1847)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 21

Guided Reading Exercise
Taming the City
Industry and the Growth of Cities
The Advent of the Public Health Movement
The Bacterial Revolution
Improvements in Urban Planning
Public Transportation
Evaluating the Evidence 22.1: First Impressions of the World’s Biggest City
Rich and Poor and Those in Between
Middle-Class Culture and Values
The Distribution of Income
The People and Occupations of the Middle Classes
Middle-Class Culture and Values
The People and Occupations of the Working Classes
Working-Class Leisure and Religion
Changing Family Lifestyles
Middle-Class Marriage and Courtship Rituals
Middle- and Working-Class Sexuality
Separate Spheres and the Importance of Homemaking
Child Rearing
The Feminist Movement
Evaluating the Evidence 22.2: Stephan Zweig on Middle-Class Youth and Sexuality
Science and Thought
The Triumph of Science in Industry
Darwin and Natural Selection
The Modern University and the Social Sciences
Realism in Art and Literature
Evaluating the Evidence 22.3: Émile Zola and Realism in Literature
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: European Cities of 100,000 or More, 1800–1900 LaunchPad
The Past Living Now: Modern Sewage Systems LaunchPad
Living in the Past: Nineteenth-Century Women’s Fashion LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Franziska Tiburtius
Thinking Like a Historian: The Promise of Electricity LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

22. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 22 LaunchPad
Document 22-1: Edwin Chadwick, Inquiry into the Sanitary Condition of the Poor (1842)
Document 22-2: Jack London, The People of the Abyss (1902)
Document 22-3: Isabella Beeton, Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management (1861)
Document 22-4: Dressing the Respectable Woman (ca. 1890)
Document 22-5: Clara Zetkin, Women’s Work and the Trade Unions (1887)
Document 22-6: Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (1871)
Document 22-7: Herbert Spencer, Social Statics: Survival of the Fittest Applied to Humankind (1851)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 22

Guided Reading Exercise
Napoleon III in France
France’s Second Republic
Napoleon III’s Second Empire
Nation Building in Italy, Germany, and the United States
Italy to 1850
Cavour and Garibaldi in Italy
Growing Austro-Prussian Rivalry
Bismarck and the Austro-Prussian War
Taming the German Parliament
The Franco-Prussian War
Slavery and Nation Building in the United States
Evaluating the Evidence 23.1: The Struggle for the Italian Nation
The Modernization of Russia and the Ottoman Empire
The “Great Reforms” in Russia
The Russian Revolution of 1905
Reform and Readjustment in the Ottoman Empire
Evaluating the Evidence 23.2: Eyewitness Accounts of Bloody Sunday
The Responsive National State, 1871–1914
The German Empire
Republican France
Great Britain and Ireland
The Austro-Hungarian Empire
The Nation and the People
Making National Citizens
Nationalism and Racism
Jewish Emancipation and Modern Anti-Semitism
Marxism and the Socialist Movement
The Socialist International
Labor Unions and Marxist Revisionism
Evaluating the Evidence 23.3: Adelheid Popp, the Making of a Socialist
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: The Unification of Germany, 1864–1871 LaunchPad
Living in the Past: Peasant Life in Post-Reform Russia LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: How to Build a Nation LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Theodor Herzl
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

23. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 23 LaunchPad
Document 23-1: The First Meeting Between Mazzini and Garibaldi (1833)
Document 23-2: Giorgio Asproni, Reflections on the Death of Cavour (1860)
Document 23-3: Otto von Bismarck, Speech Before the Reichstag: On the Law for Workers’ Compensation (1884)
Document 23-4: John Leighton, Paris Under the Commune (1871)
Document 23-5: Émile Zola, “J’Accuse” the French Army (1898)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 23

Guided Reading Exercise
Industrialization and the World Economy
The Rise of Global Inequality
The World Market
The Opening of China
Japan and the United States
Western Penetration of Egypt
Global Migration Around 1900
The Pressure of Population
European Emigration
Asian Emigration
Evaluating the Evidence 24.1: Nativism in the United States
Western Imperialism, 1880–1914
The European Presence in Africa Before 1880
The Scramble for Africa After 1880
Imperialism in Asia
Causes of the New Imperialism
A “Civilizing Mission”
Critics of Imperialism
Evaluating the Evidence 24.2: The White Man’s Burden
Evaluating the Evidence 24.3: The Brown Man’s Burden
Responding to Western Imperialism
The Pattern of Response
Empire in India
The Example of Japan
Toward Revolution in China
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: The Partition of Africa LaunchPad
Living in the Past: The Immigrant Experience LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: Women and Empire LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Cecil Rhodes
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

24. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 24 LaunchPad
Document 24-1: Commissioner Lin Zexu, Letter to Queen Victoria (1839)
Document 24-2: Jules Ferry, Speech Before the French Chamber of Deputies (1884)
Document 24-3: The Rhodes Colossus (1892)
Document 24-4: Henry Morton Stanley, Autobiography (1909)
Document 24-5: Mark Twain, King Leopold’s Soliloquy (1905)
Document 24-6: J. A. Hobson, Imperialism (1902)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 24

Guided Reading Exercise
The Road to War
Growing International Conflict
The Mood of 1914
The Outbreak of War
Waging Total War
Stalemate and Slaughter on the Western Front
The Widening War
Evaluating the Evidence 25.1: Poetry in the Trenches
The Home Front
Mobilizing for Total War
The Social Impact
Growing Political Tensions
Evaluating the Evidence 25.2: Wartime Propaganda Posters
The Russian Revolution
The Fall of Imperial Russia
The Provisional Government
Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution
Trotsky and the Seizure of Power
Dictatorship and Civil War
Evaluating the Evidence 25.3: Peace, Land, and Bread for the Russian People
The Peace Settlement
The End of the War
Revolution in Austria-Hungary and Germany
The Treaty of Versailles
The Peace Settlement in the Middle East
The Human Costs of the War
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Vera Brittain
Living in the Past: Life and Death on the Western Front LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: Territorial Changes After World War I LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: The Partition of the Ottoman Empire and the Mandate System LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

25. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 25 LaunchPad
Document 25-1: Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, Telegram to the German Ambassador at Vienna (July 6, 1914)
Document 25-2: Klaxon Horn Used to Warn of Gas Attacks (1917)
Document 25-3: Baron Manfred von Richthofen (1917)
Document 25-4: Helena Swanwick, The War in Its Effect Upon Women (1916)
Document 25-5: Vladimir I. Lenin, What Is to Be Done? (1902)
Document 25-6: Woodrow Wilson, The Fourteen Points (1918)
Document 25-7: A Defeated Germany Contemplates the Peace Treaty (1919)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 25

26 THE AGE OF ANXIETY 1880–1940
Guided Reading Exercise
Uncertainty in Modern Thought
Modern Philosophy
The Revival of Christianity
The New Physics
Freudian Psychology
Evaluating the Evidence 26.1: Friedrich Nietzsche Pronounces the Death of God
Modernism in Architecture, Art, Literature, and Music
Architecture and Design
New Artistic Movements
Twentieth-Century Literature
Modern Music
Evaluating the Evidence 26.2: The Futurist Manifesto
An Emerging Consumer Society
Mass Culture
The Appeal of Cinema
The Arrival of Radio
The Search for Peace and Political Stability
Germany and the Western Powers
Hope in Foreign Affairs
Hope in Democratic Government
The Great Depression, 1929–1939
The Economic Crisis
Mass Unemployment
The New Deal in the United States
The Scandinavian Response to the Depression
Recovery and Reform in Britain and France
Evaluating the Evidence 26.3: George Orwell on Life on the Dole
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Living in the Past: Modern Design for Everyday Use LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: The Radio Age LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Gustav Stresemann
Mapping the Past: The Great Depression in the United States and Europe, 1929–1939 LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

26. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 26 LaunchPad
Document 26-1: Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)
Document 26-2: Mary Cassatt, Reading Le Figaro (1878)
Document 26-3: John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1920)
Document 26-4: Hyperinflation in Germany (1923)
Document 26-5: Sir Percy Malcolm Stewart, Parliament Addresses the Great Depression in Britain (1934)
Document 26-6: Heinrich Hauser, With the Unemployed in Germany (1933)
Document 26-7: German Communist Party Poster (1932)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 26

Guided Reading Exercise
Authoritarian States
Conservative Authoritarianism and Radical Totalitarian Dictatorships
Communism and Fascism
Stalin’s Soviet Union
From Lenin to Stalin
The Five-Year Plans
Life and Culture in Soviet Society
Stalinist Terror and the Great Purges
Evaluating the Evidence 27.1: Stalin Justifies the Five-Year Plan
Evaluating the Evidence 27.2: Famine and Recovery on a Soviet Collective Farm
Mussolini and Fascism in Italy
The Seizure of Power
The Regime in Action
Hitler and Nazism in Germany
The Roots of National Socialism
Hitler’s Road to Power
State and Society in Nazi Germany
Popular Support for National Socialism
Aggression and Appeasement
The Second World War
German Victories in Europe
Europe Under Nazi Occupation
The Holocaust
Japanese Empire and the War in the Pacific
The “Hinge of Fate”
Allied Victory
Evaluating the Evidence 27.3: Everyday Life in the London Blitz
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Primo Levi
Thinking Like a Historian: Normalizing Eugenics and “Racial Hygiene” in Nazi Germany LaunchPad
Living in the Past: Nazi Propaganda and Consumer Goods LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: World War II in Europe and Africa, 1939–1945 LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

27. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 27 LaunchPad
Document 27-1: Richard Washburn Child, Foreword to the Autobiography of Benito Mussolini (1928)
Document 27-2: Vladimir Tchernavin, I Speak for the Silent (1930)
Document 27-3: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf: The Art of Propaganda (1924)
Document 27-4: Soviet Propaganda Posters (1941 and 1945)
Document 27-5: Winston Churchill, Speech Before the House of Commons (June 18, 1940)
Document 27-6: The Nuremberg Laws: The Centerpiece of Nazi Racial Legislation (1935)
Document 27-7: Alfred Rosenberg, The Jewish Question as a World Problem (1941)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 27

Guided Reading Exercise
Postwar Europe and the Origins of the Cold War
The Legacies of the Second World War
The Peace Settlement and Cold War Origins
West Versus East
Big Science in the Nuclear Age
The Western Renaissance/Recovery in Western Europe
The Search for Political and Social Consensus
Toward European Unity
The Consumer Revolution
Evaluating the Evidence 28.1: Western European Recovery and the Promise of Prosperity
Developments in the Soviet Union and the East Bloc
Postwar Life in the East Bloc
Reform and De-Stalinization
Foreign Policy and Domestic Rebellion
The Limits of Reform
Evaluating the Evidence 28.2: The Nixon-Khrushchev “Kitchen Debate”
The End of Empires
Decolonization and the Global Cold War
The Struggle for Power in Asia
Independence and Conflict in the Middle East
Decolonization in Africa
Evaluating the Evidence 28.3: Frantz Fanon on Violence, Decolonization, and Human Dignity
Postwar Social Transformations
Changing Class Structures
Patterns of Postwar Migration
New Roles for Women
Youth Culture and the Generation Gap
Review & Explore
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: The Aftermath of World War II in Europe, ca. 1945–1950 LaunchPad
Living in the Past: A Model Socialist Steel Town LaunchPad
Thinking Like a Historian: Violence and the Algerian War LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Armando Rodrigues
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

28. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 28 LaunchPad
Document 28-1: George C. Marshall, An American Plan to Rebuild a Shattered Europe (June 5, 1947)
Document 28-2: Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962)
Document 28-3: Joseph Stalin, Interview Regarding Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech (March 14, 1946)
Document 28-4: Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (1961)
Document 28-5: Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (1949)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 28

Guided Reading Exercise
Reform and Protest in the 1960s
Cold War Tensions Thaw
The Affluent Society
The Counterculture Movement
The United States and Vietnam
Student Revolts and 1968
The 1960s in the East Bloc
Evaluating the Evidence 29.1: Human Rights Under the Helsinki Accords
Crisis and Change in Western Europe
Economic Crisis and Hardship
The New Conservatism
Challenges and Victories for Women
The Rise of the Environmental Movement
Separatism and Right-Wing Extremism
Evaluating the Evidence 29.2: Simone de Beauvoir’s Feminist Critique of Marriage
The Decline of “Developed Socialism”
State and Society in the East Bloc
Dissent in Czechoslovakia and Poland
From Détente Back to Cold War
Gorbachev’s Reforms in the Soviet Union
Evaluating the Evidence 29.3: Dissent in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
The Revolutions of 1989
The Collapse of Communism in the East Bloc
German Unification and the End of the Cold War
The Disintegration of the Soviet Union
Looking Back / Looking Ahead
Review & Explore 
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Living in the Past: The Supermarket Revolution LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Margaret Thatcher
Thinking Like a Historian: The New Environmentalism LaunchPad 
Mapping the Past: Democratic Movements in Eastern Europe, 1989 LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

29. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 29 LaunchPad
Document 29-1: Solidarity Union, Twenty-One Demands: A Call for Workers’ Rights and Freedoms (1980)
Document 29-2: Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika: A Soviet Leader Calls for Change (1987)
Document 29-3: Jeff Widener, Tank Man (1989)
Document 29-4: Betty Friedan, Statement of Purpose of the National Organization for Women: Defining Full Equality (1966)
Document 29-5: Vaclav Havel, New Year’s Address to the Nation (1990)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 29

Guided Reading Exercise
Reshaping the Soviet Union and the Former East Bloc 
Economic Shock Therapy in Russia
Russian Revival Under Vladimir Putin
Coping with Change in the Former East Bloc
Tragedy in Yugoslavia
Instability in the Former Soviet Republics
Evaluating the Evidence 30.1: President Putin on Global Security
The New Global System
The Global Economy
The New European Union
Supranational Organizations
The Human Side of Globalization
Life in the Digital Age
Ethnic Diversity in Contemporary Europe
The Prospect of Population Decline
Changing Immigration Flows
Toward a Multicultural Continent
Europe and Its Muslim Population
Evaluating the Evidence 30.2: William Pfaff, Will the French Riots Change Anything?
Confronting Long-Term Challenges 
Growing Strains in U.S.-European Relations
Turmoil in the Muslim World
The Global Recession and the Viability of the Eurozone
Dependence on Fossil Fuels
Climate Change and Environmental Degradation
Promoting Human Rights
Evaluating the Evidence 30.3: The Thessaloniki Programme
Looking Back / Looking Ahead
Review & Explore 
LearningCurve LaunchPad
Mapping the Past: The European Union, 2016 LaunchPad
Living in the Past: The Euro LaunchPad
Individuals in Society: Edward Snowden
Thinking Like a Historian: The Conservative Reaction to Immigration and Islamist Terrorism LaunchPad
The Past Living Now: Remembering the Holocaust LaunchPad
Summative Quiz LaunchPad

30. Documents from Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 30 LaunchPad
Document 30-1: Amartya Sen, A World Not Neatly Divided (November 23, 2001)
Document 30-2: Tariq Ramadan, Western Muslims and the Future of Islam (2004)
Document 30-3: A Greenpeace Activist at the G8 Summit (2001)
Document 30-4: A Tunisian Woman Casts Her Vote (2011)
Quiz for Sources for A History of Western Society, Chapter 30

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