21 Days to Success with LinkedIn: Business Social Networking the Gnik Rowten Way
An exciting approach for entrepreneurs and business professionals looking to maximize their success with LinkedIn
Building on the helpful information in 21 Days to Success Through Networking, fictional protagonist Gnik Rowten continues to develop a network of influencers, LinkedIn experts, friends, and business contacts. The LinkedIn power users with whom Gnik interacts are actual LinkedIn experts who have agreed to be depicted in the book. Each chapter ends with a summary of the key learning experience from the day’s events. Gnik never stops learning from others as he interacts online to strengthen, solidify, and expand his network, focusing on using LinkedIn to its fullest potential.
21 Days to Success with LinkedIn: Business Social Networking the Gnik Rowten Way
An exciting approach for entrepreneurs and business professionals looking to maximize their success with LinkedIn
Building on the helpful information in 21 Days to Success Through Networking, fictional protagonist Gnik Rowten continues to develop a network of influencers, LinkedIn experts, friends, and business contacts. The LinkedIn power users with whom Gnik interacts are actual LinkedIn experts who have agreed to be depicted in the book. Each chapter ends with a summary of the key learning experience from the day’s events. Gnik never stops learning from others as he interacts online to strengthen, solidify, and expand his network, focusing on using LinkedIn to its fullest potential.
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21 Days to Success with LinkedIn: Business Social Networking the Gnik Rowten Way

21 Days to Success with LinkedIn: Business Social Networking the Gnik Rowten Way

21 Days to Success with LinkedIn: Business Social Networking the Gnik Rowten Way

21 Days to Success with LinkedIn: Business Social Networking the Gnik Rowten Way

Paperback(New Edition)

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An exciting approach for entrepreneurs and business professionals looking to maximize their success with LinkedIn
Building on the helpful information in 21 Days to Success Through Networking, fictional protagonist Gnik Rowten continues to develop a network of influencers, LinkedIn experts, friends, and business contacts. The LinkedIn power users with whom Gnik interacts are actual LinkedIn experts who have agreed to be depicted in the book. Each chapter ends with a summary of the key learning experience from the day’s events. Gnik never stops learning from others as he interacts online to strengthen, solidify, and expand his network, focusing on using LinkedIn to its fullest potential.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781937290054
Publisher: Information Today, Inc.
Publication date: 11/23/2015
Edition description: New Edition
Pages: 144
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 7.90(h) x 0.50(d)

About the Author

Ron Sukenick is the president and founder of the Relationship Strategies Institute and a presenter, consultant, and business coach. He is the author of Networking Your Way to Success and a contributor to the New York Times bestseller Masters of Networking. Ken Williams is a presenter and mentor with a local marketing business. He is a former sales manager and has experience working in human resources and customer service, areas in which he now trains business professionals in improving. They are the coauthors of 21 Days to Success Through Networking. They both live in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Read an Excerpt

21 Days to Success With LinkedIn

Business Social Networking the Gnik Rowten Way

By Ron Sukenick, Ken Williams

Information Today, Inc.

Copyright © 2015 Ron Sukenick and Ken Williams
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-937290-12-2


day 1

I'm on LinkedIn. Now What?

Gnik reviewed his calendar first thing in the morning. "Nothing so pressing that I can't move it around," he mused. Feeling an urgency to meet with Garrett, he scrolled through his mobile contacts until he found the number then pressed the phone icon. I suppose I could have texted him, he thought as the call went through, but nothing beats the personal touch.

Garrett answered on the third ring.

"Garrett? Good morning — it's Gnik Rowten ... Gnik with a 'G,' remember?"

"Of course I remember you, Gnik. You were just starting your marketing business when we last met, if I recall correctly."

"You've got a good memory," Gnik said, smiling. "I know you must be busy, but I have a couple of questions if you can spare a few minutes."

He could hear papers rustling, then Garrett said, "Actually, I have about 10 minutes right now, Gnik. What's on your mind?"

Gnik had a lot on his mind. "When we met, you talked about taking some of my networking interactions online and specifically recommended LinkedIn. After that conversation, I set up an account and connected with a few friends — mostly my college crew and a few business contacts here in the city. But something I heard yesterday got me thinking there must be opportunities to use LinkedIn in ways I hadn't even considered. I'm looking for some direction and I thought of you right away — after all, you were the one who told me I can never have too many friends."

Garrett chuckled. "Actually, Gnik, you have 'friends' on Facebook, but on LinkedIn, they're 'connections.' There's a lot to LinkedIn. In fact, there's far too much to fit into the 10 minutes we have right now, so let me leave you with a few questions. Think about them, and we can schedule a time to talk in a couple of days."

Gnik flinched. Garrett asked great, insightful questions, but they tended to make you think harder and deeper than you were prepared to do.

"Shoot." Gnik's outward confidence hid his apprehension.

"Let's start with the basics. Don't answer me right now, just jot the questions down and we'll discuss them later. First, do you have an All-Star profile?"

Garrett paused while Gnik made a note of it. "Got it," Gnik said.

"Next, how are you going to use LinkedIn? As a way to stay in touch with business contacts? To find a job? Or are you trying to find clients and customers?"

"Okay, I need to think about that."

"And one more question for now: Who is your coach?"


Garrett hesitated, then said, "I'm going to leave it at that for now. You can interpret the questions however you want. Let's talk in a few days."

After they hung up, Gnik considered the questions as he peeled a banana at his kitchen table. He suspected they had multiple levels of meaning. When he turned on his laptop and looked at his LinkedIn profile for the first time in months, he felt an immediate twinge of embarrassment. As a marketing expert, he knew it should effectively represent his personal and professional brand. What he was looking at came up well short in that department.

"I have to enhance this profile to reflect who I am and what I have to offer."

He'd almost said it out loud. The thought bounced around his head as he picked up his smartphone and checked for new text messages. If Pam was available for a meeting, he would need to leave soon to get to the coffee shop at the regular time. There was a text from her, which read:

Welcome back, Gnik! I'd love to hear about your trip and the conference. Regular time and place works for me. See you then!

Gnik quickly packed his new tablet device, a notebook and pen, and a few other items before hurrying out the door and down the street to the coffee shop. He arrived a few minutes before the appointed time, claimed the table in the corner where he and Pam typically met, and ordered his usual. Turning on the tablet, he opened his LinkedIn profile page again and stared at it, uncertain where to start.

"Hey, Gnik!" Pam's enthusiasm was always contagious. "What's going on?"

"I had to see you, Pam," he said as she ordered coffee. The two spent a few minutes catching up before she asked, "How was your presentation?"

"It went okay, but it's what happened after the conference that I want to talk about."

He recounted his conversation with Whitney on the plane, and how he'd decided to focus on LinkedIn to strengthen his business. He handed his tablet to Pam, then confessed, "I'm looking at my profile with new eyes, and I have to admit it's a little embarrassing."

She scrolled down the page to view the layout. "It does look a little bland," she said with a wink. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't even know where to start."

She let him stew in his thoughts for a moment. "Gnik, what is LinkedIn?" she asked finally, handing his tablet back.

He scoffed at the question. "It's a professional networking platform, of course."

"That's not what I mean," she pressed him. "What is LinkedIn to you?"

He leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling, not at all sure what she was driving at.

"It's not a trick question, Gnik. I mean, consider that laptop I always see you with. If I were to ask what it is, you could tell me it's a computer, or you could say it's a tool for helping you develop and implement marketing strategies, or you might even call it a miniature movie theater. So, what's LinkedIn? And don't give me a technical definition — I want to know what you think it is and what you're going to use it for."

He leaned forward and laughed. "I have no idea!"

"Not true," she insisted. "After all, you did say you wanted to focus on it to increase your business. Just think for a minute ... what is LinkedIn to you?"

He pondered the question, then offered, "It's a way for people who may or may not know me to gain access to me, my services, and my network."

Pam smiled. "Very thoughtful answer. I suggest you keep that in mind as you build your profile."

Gnik realized the significance of what they'd just shared. "Thanks, Pam," he said with sincerity. "You always give me such great insights."

She shook off the compliment. "It was all you, Gnik."

They finished their coffee and she gave him a hug before heading to the door.

"Keep in touch — I want to see how this works out for you," she said.

"Absolutely. Let's talk again soon."

Gnik's Aha!

Day 1: It takes more than just signing up for LinkedIn to be "linked in." I will need to learn LinkedIn and use it effectively if I expect it to pay dividends.


day 2

First Things First — Complete Your Profile

The start of the morning was uneventful. Gnik showered and dressed for the day. Instead of heading right to the coffee shop, he dropped into the overstuffed leather chair in the middle of the room. This was his "thinking chair," and he called the room his "work room," though there wasn't a lot of space for him to work in. Somehow, sitting in the thinking chair's soft folds of leather always seemed to help him assess the day's challenges and even find solutions.

As he settled comfortably in the chair, he checked his handwritten notes from the phone conversation with Garrett and reflected on his talk with Pam. He added her now-familiar question to the three posed by Garrett.

What is LinkedIn?

Jotting down the answer he'd given Pam next to the question helped him focus his thoughts. It's a way for people who may or may not know me to be able to gain access to me, my services, and my network.

"Yeah, I kind of like that," he said aloud.

He looked at Garrett's questions and considered how he was going to use LinkedIn. It should help me to connect with others and others to connect with me — a two-way street. I want to use the site to increase the number of people I can help, in addition to finding people who are willing to help me.

Garrett's first question began to weigh more heavily on Gnik's mind. Do I have an All-Star profile? Turning on his laptop and opening his LinkedIn profile page, he noted that a "strength meter" on LinkedIn graded his profile as "Intermediate." Reviewing the sections that could be added to his profile, he wondered how much would be too much. Certifications? Interests? Volunteerism?

What does it take to have an All-Star profile?

Gnik reclined in his chair. At first I thought this was a much simpler question than Garrett usually asks, but there's more to it than meets the eye.

Experimenting, he replaced the word "All-Star" with "finished," leaned back again, and stared at the ceiling, which offered no help. Of course it's not finished. I don't know that it'll ever be.

He turned back to his laptop and clicked on the link to edit the "details" on his profile page. He suddenly saw the profile in a new light. This almost looks like a resume. He attacked the missing sections with renewed vigor. I'm going to focus on the areas I think are the most important.

He started with the "Experience" section. Drawing from his resume, he described past positions and his current business. He added his college degree and other education details, then listed the marketing skills he had developed.

For the "Summary" section he wrote a few sentences explaining what he could offer to potential clients. He scrolled up the page and checked that his current location and industry were correct. Just below his name, he added a brief headline that highlighted his primary skills and included his personal tagline, "Making the Most of Your Marketing Dollar."

Gnik saved the newly updated profile page and read it as if with a fresh pair of eyes. Not perfect, but getting there. He rechecked the profile strength meter. Simply by adding details from his resume and embellishing a bit, he had raised his profile to "Expert." Not All-Star yet, but closer.

He crossed off Garrett's opening question and closed his laptop, feeling that the day was off to a good start. Thinking he'd return to Garrett's other questions later, he prepared for an afternoon out of the apartment. A new client needed some copywriting, and the local library would provide the necessary resources in a distraction-free environment.

After arriving at the library, Gnik worked for several hours on the first draft of the pamphlet his client had requested. Finally satisfied with the mock-up, he emailed it to his client then read the handful of emails that had arrived since midday. There was nothing urgent, and he was ready for a refreshing walk home in the cool evening air. He left the library and followed the familiar route.

As he walked, Gnik replayed the events of the morning. The cold, clear air seemed to crystallize his thoughts as he mentally reviewed the list of questions from Garrett and Pam.

I'm on the right track, he told himself as he walked. I have a pretty good idea how I'm going to use LinkedIn.

He reflected on his new profile page. It may still be a little vanilla, but so am I. He smiled at his self-deprecating joke and immediately thought of the stand-up comedian he'd met on the plane. I need to reach out to Whitney.

Back home, Gnik streamed some music as he prepared his evening meal. After peeling a few potatoes, he took a seat at his computer. He typed in Whitney's information, found her LinkedIn profile, and was about to send a message.

I'm not sure she'll remember my name. Maybe I'll include a reminder ...

He tweaked LinkedIn's default connection message with some wording of his own.

Whitney, let's strike a bargain. I help you with marketing, and you help me inject some humor into my presentations.

Thanks, Gnik with a "G"

Finishing his meal, Gnik reviewed the day in its entirety. Remembering how tentative he had felt initially, he smiled as he realized the progress he'd made.

Gnik's Aha!

My profile may never be "perfect," but I should make it as complete as possible.


day 3

Know Your Purpose on LinkedIn

Gnik woke before his alarm had a chance to ring. He lay in the early morning shadows and gazed at the ceiling, mentally reviewing yesterday's progress. He was excited about his LinkedIn profile now, and was looking forward to the next steps he could take to build his brand.

Pam ran a limousine service and frequently drove for wedding parties, and he knew she had a good connection with a photographer. He needed a professional headshot and had reached out to her the night before. She was happy to give him the photographer's contact information.

Gnik's call to Dave the photographer went right to voicemail and he left a message. He showered and put on his favorite suit. Hopefully he'd be able to schedule some time with Dave later in the day.

Sipping his breakfast smoothie, he scanned the to-do list on his computer screen. He had just started to arrange the day's schedule when the telephone interrupted his planning. Expecting a callback from Dave, Gnik answered the phone without looking at the ID. "Hello, this is Gnik."

The familiar voice on the other end surprised him.

"Good morning, Gnik with a 'G.' Garrett here. I had a notification this morning that you'd updated your LinkedIn profile, and I took a look. Nice improvement. I wanted to touch base and see how things are going."

Gnik smiled with satisfaction. "Things are good, Garrett. Your questions really got me thinking, especially the one about an All-Star profile, and I'm getting my act together. I'm hoping to have a profile photo taken today."

"Excellent. A professional-looking headshot on your page can do a world of good." Garrett chuckled. "I can't tell you how many times I've gone to someone's profile only to see a picture of their dog. If I wanted to do business with their dog, that would be fine ... but I digress. What about the other questions?"

Gnik panicked momentarily as he tried to remember them — he knew there were two more. "I'm getting there," he replied weakly, hoping Garrett would let it go at that.

"Getting there? That doesn't sound too convincing, Gnik. Tell me more."

"Well, I began by updating my profile. At first I just filled in the gaps, but then I realized it should be a better reflection of who I am. It's not All-Star level yet, but I'm getting closer."

Garrett waited for Gnik to continue.

"And I realize that a coach can help me have better success on LinkedIn. There's a lot to learn, and trying to navigate it all myself is a tall order."

"Go on," Garrett prompted.

"I'm afraid I don't remember the other question," Gnik confessed.

"How are you going to use LinkedIn?"

It was a similar question to the one Pam had posed, and Gnik offered the same response. "I see LinkedIn as a way for people who may or may not know me to gain access to me, my services, and my network."

Garrett took a deep breath. "That's fine, Gnik, but it doesn't answer my question. Does it?"

He had a point. "I guess not," Gnik said sheepishly.

"Give it some more thought," Garrett said. "I think it's important for you to decide how you are going to use LinkedIn before you go any further." He paused for effect. "Let's talk later in the week. I'll be interested to hear what you discover."

After wrapping up the call, Gnik sat back in his chair. He had a different perspective on his early morning enthusiasm. Having a good profile is a start, he realized, but it's only a start.

While he was reflecting on this, Dave the photographer called and they scheduled a photo session for that afternoon. In the meantime, Gnik worked on a client project and answered his email. Scrolling through the subject lines, he looked to see if anything interesting had hit his inbox but nothing noteworthy had come in all morning.

He realized he had expected his shiny new profile to get people flocking to his LinkedIn page, and was a little surprised to see no boost in activity. Reminding himself that it had only been a few hours didn't lessen his disappointment. The line from a movie he'd seen long ago kept running through his mind. If you build it, they will come.

Well, he had built it, and would keep building it, but he told himself that no matter how strong an image he projected, it would take time to attract a following. He brushed his disappointment aside and went to work on the next client's project. The old movie line had another consequence — he'd been inspired to watch a film that evening, and take a break from his networking and client work.


Excerpted from 21 Days to Success With LinkedIn by Ron Sukenick, Ken Williams. Copyright © 2015 Ron Sukenick and Ken Williams. Excerpted by permission of Information Today, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Author's Note,
Day 1: I'm on LinkedIn. Now What?,
Day 2: First Things First — Complete Your Profile,
Day 3: Know Your Purpose on LinkedIn,
Day 4: Get Clear on Your Goals,
Day 5: Create a Winning Profile,
Day 6: Develop Your Connection Strategy,
Day 7: Make Time to Grow Your Network,
Day 8: Understand the Power of Groups,
Day 9: Take the Leap Into Groups,
Day 10: The Road to Credibility,
Day 11: Ye Shall Give and Receive Recommendations,
Day 12: Explore the Power of LinkedIn,
Day 13: Interaction Brings Cooperation,
Day 14: Maintain High Visibility,
Day 15: Step Up and Out of Your Comfort Zone,
Day 16: Build Your Network Fast,
Day 17: Find the Right People,
Day 18: Follow the Leaders,
Day 19: Practice the Habit,
Day 20: Crack the LinkedIn Code,
Day 21: Bring it All Together,
Gnik's 21 Aha! Moments,
About the Authors,

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