Title: Monster A Go-Go: Teen Trash from Psychedelic Tokyo 1966-1969, Vol. 1, Artist: Monster A Go-Go / Various Pre-Order Now
Title: The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators, Artist: The 13th Floor Elevators
Title: Bull of the Woods, Artist: The 13th Floor Elevators
Title: Greatest [2 LP], Artist: Thee Midniters
Title: Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era 1965-1968, Artist: The Nuggets
Title: Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era 1965-1968, Artist: The Nuggets
Title: Bull of the Woods, Artist: The 13th Floor Elevators
Title: Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era 1965-1968, Artist: The Nuggets
Title: Easter Everywhere, Artist: The 13th Floor Elevators
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Title: Sixties Japanese Garage Psych Sampler, Artist: Sixties Japanese Garage-Psych Sampler / Various
Title: Nazz Nazz, Artist: The Nazz
Title: Boom, Artist: The Sonics
Title: Frustration, Artist: The Mystic Tide
Title: Nippon Guitars: Instrumental Surf, Eleki & Tsugaru Rock 1966-1974, Artist: Takeshi Terauchi
Title: The Best of the Trashmen, Artist: The Trashmen
Title: A Web of Sound, Artist: The Seeds
Title: The Inner Mystique, Artist: The Chocolate Watchband
Title: Heavy Music: The Complete Cameo Recordings 1966-1967, Artist: Bob Seger

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