Title: Gender and Media: Representing, Producing, Consuming / Edition 1, Author: Tonny Krijnen
Title: Dames in the Driver's Seat: Rereading Film Noir / Edition 1, Author: Jans B. Wager
Title: Echo and Narcissus: Women's Voices in Classical Hollywood Cinema / Edition 1, Author: Amy Lawrence
Title: Projecting 9/11: Race, Gender, and Citizenship in Recent Hollywood Films, Author: Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo
Title: Spectacular Bodies: Gender, Genre and the Action Cinema / Edition 1, Author: Yvonne Tasker
Title: Gender and Society in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema / Edition 1, Author: David William Foster
Title: Gender and Sexuality in Weimar Modernity: Film, Literature, and
Title: Media, Gender and Identity: An Introduction / Edition 2, Author: David Gauntlett
Title: Running Scared: Masculinity and the Representation of the Male Body, Author: Peter Lehman
Title: The 21st Century Superhero: Essays on Gender, Genre and Globalization in Film, Author: Richard J. Gray II
Title: Outlander's Sassenachs: Essays on Gender, Race, Orientation and the Other in the Novels and Television Series, Author: Valerie Estelle Frankel
Title: Women and Soap Opera: A Study of Prime Time Soaps / Edition 1, Author: Christine Geraghty
Title: Deviant Eyes, Deviant Bodies: Sexual Re-Orientation in Film and Video / Edition 1, Author: Chris Straayer
Title: Living Up to the Ads: Gender Fictions of the 1920s, Author: Simone Weil Davis
Title: Advertising and Consumer Citizenship: Gender, Images and Rights / Edition 1, Author: Anne M. Cronin
Title: Media Representations of Gender and Torture Post-9/11 / Edition 1, Author: Marita Gronnvoll
Title: Beyond Terror: Gender, Narrative, Human Rights / Edition 1, Author: Elizabeth Goldberg
Title: Feminism, Gender, and Politics in NBC's «Parks and Recreation» / Edition 1, Author: Erika Engstrom
Title: Italian Cinema: Gender and Genre, Author: M. Günsberg
Title: Tomboys: A Literary and Cultural History, Author: Michelle Ann Abate

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