| Abbreviations for Frequently Cited Sources | xvii |
1. | A Great Intellect in Repose | 3 |
| Humor and Being | 6 |
| Melville's Aesthetics of Repose | 8 |
| Melville's Rhetoric: Voicing the Voiceless | 19 |
| Melville and the Reader: "Lord when shall we be done changing?," | 27 |
I | America's Comic Debate | |
2. | America's Repose | 33 |
| Britain's Amiable Tradition | 34 |
| Amiability on Native Ground | 41 |
3. | The Example of Irving | 52 |
| Irving's Comic Debate | 53 |
| Salmagundi and Some Versions of the Bachelor | 55 |
| A Rip in the Canvas: Irving's Picturesque | 63 |
| Irving's Goldsmith and the Rhetoric of Geniality | 66 |
4. | Playing Along: America and the Rhetoric of Deceit | 70 |
| The Deep Thought of Laughter | 70 |
| A Veracious History of Lying | 72 |
| The Lie of our Land: Forms of Comic Lying | 82 |
5. | E. A. Poe and T. B. Thorpe: Two Models of Deceit | 88 |
| Poe's Humor | 88 |
| Thorpe's Big Bear | 100 |
6. | The Genial Misanthrope: Melville and The Cosmopolitan Ideal | 109 |
| Melville's Cosmopolite | 110 |
| Europe's Cosmopolite: "At Home in Every Place," | 112 |
| America's Con Man Cosmopolite: "Nowhere a Stranger," | 116 |
| Herman Melville: "Diogenes Masquerading as a Cosmopolitan," | 127 |
II | Rhetoric And Repose | |
| Typee | |
7. | The Anxieties of Humor | 131 |
| Reliability and the Amiable Rebel | 134 |
| Tommo's Picturesque | 139 |
| Tommo's Amiable Eden | 140 |
8. | Typee in Manuscript | 146 |
| Drama and Restraint | 146 |
| Finding Voice: Transcription, Transformation, and Translation | 152 |
| Forging Ideology: Melville and "Little Henry," | 157 |
9. | Tommo's Rhetoric of Deceit | 161 |
| Tattoo, Taboo, and Cannibalism: Forms of Conversion | 162 |
| Tommo Prometheus | 165 |
| Baffled Scientist and Con Man Revivalist | 174 |
| Rover and Cosmopolite | 178 |
| Moby Dick | |
10. | Ishmael: Sounding the Repose of If | 186 |
| Ishmael's Initiation: Narcissist and Cosmopolite | 187 |
| Knowledge and Voice | 192 |
| Finding Voice: Ishmael's Genial Desperation | 199 |
| Pondering Repose | 204 |
11. | Ahab: Personifying the Impersonal | 209 |
| "What Cozening, Hidden Lord and Master," | 212 |
| Displaced Fools | 219 |
| On the Margin of the Maelstrom | 228 |
12. | Melvill's Comedy of Doubt | 230 |
| Melville's Reader: Partner, Victim, Participant | 231 |
| Allegory and Breakdown | 234 |
| The Confidence-Man | |
13. | Comic Debates: The Uses of Cosmopolite | 244 |
| Pitch: The False Misanthropist | 245 |
| Charlie Noble: The False Genialist | 250 |
| Charlemont: The Genial Misanthrope | 261 |
| Coda: Something Further | 265 |
| Notes | 269 |
| Index | 299 |