Title: Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Gender Identity Through Workplace Discourse / Edition 1, Author: Janet Holmes
Title: Gender Differences in Human Cognition / Edition 1, Author: John T. E. Richardson
Title: Gender and Everyday Life / Edition 1, Author: Mary Holmes
Title: Gender, Power, and Communication in Human Relationships / Edition 1, Author: Pamela J. Kalbfleisch
Title: Boys and Literacy: Exploring the Issues / Edition 1, Author: Trisha Maynard
Title: Debating Single-Sex Education: Separate and Equal?, Author: Frances R. Spielhagen
Title: Parents, Gender and Education Reform / Edition 1, Author: Miriam E. David
Title: Psychology and Gender Dysphoria: Feminist and Transgender Perspectives / Edition 1, Author: Jemma Tosh
Title: The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex / Edition 1, Author: Charles Darwin
Title: Gender and Addictions: Men and Women in Treatment / Edition 1, Author: S. L.A. Straussner
Title: Language and Masculinity / Edition 1, Author: Sally Johnson
Title: Towards Gender Equity in Mathematics Education: An ICMI Study / Edition 1, Author: Gila Hanna
Title: Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Classrooms: A Practical Guide, Author: Julie Nicholson
Title: Nature's Body: Gender in the Making of Modern Science / Edition 2, Author: Londa Schiebinger
Title: The Colour of Angels: Cosmology, Gender and the Aesthetic Imagination / Edition 1, Author: Constance Classen
Title: Theoretical Perspectives on Sexual Difference / Edition 1, Author: Deborah L. Rhode
Title: The Theory of Sex Allocation, Author: Eric L. Charnov
Title: Gender and Conversational Interaction / Edition 1, Author: Deborah Tannen
Title: Evolution and Gender: Why It Matters for Contemporary Life / Edition 1, Author: Rosemary Hopcroft
Title: Measuring Sex Stereotypes: A Multination Study / Edition 1, Author: John E. Williams

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