Title: P'ungmul: South Korean Drumming and Dance, Author: Nathan Hesselink
Title: The Vision of Modern Dance: In the Words of Its Creators / Edition 2, Author: Jean M. Brown
Title: Dance History: An Introduction / Edition 2, Author: Janet Adshead-Lansdale
Title: The Aging Body in Dance: A cross-cultural perspective / Edition 1, Author: Nanako Nakajima
Title: Dancers Talking Dance: Critical Evaluation in the Choreography Class / Edition 1, Author: Larry Lavender
Title: Sounding the Center: History and Aesthetics in Thai Buddhist Performance / Edition 2, Author: Deborah  Wong
Title: Jazz Dance: A History of the Roots and Branches, Author: Lindsay Guarino
Title: The Routledge Dance Studies Reader / Edition 2, Author: Jens Richard Giersdorf
Title: Dan Ge Performance: Masks and Music in Contemporary Côte d'Ivoire / Edition 1, Author: Daniel B. Reed
Title: Dance As a Theatre Art: Source Readings in Dance History from 1581 to the Present / Edition 2, Author: Selma Jeanne Cohen
Title: First We Take Manhattan: Four American Women and the New York School of Dance Criticism / Edition 1, Author: Diana Theodores
Title: Dance Marathons: Performing American Culture in the 1920s and 1930s, Author: Carol Martin
Title: The Cultivation of Body and Mind in Nineteenth-Century American Delsartism, Author: Nancy Ruyter
Title: Modern Dance, Negro Dance: Race in Motion, Author: Susan Manning
Title: Lord of the Dance: The Mani Rimdu Festival in Tibet and Nepal, Author: Richard J. Kohn
Title: Digging the Africanist Presence in American Performance: Dance and Other Contexts / Edition 1, Author: Brenda D. Gottschild
Title: Dancing Across Borders: The American Fascination with Exotic Dance Forms, Author: Anthony Shay
Title: Dance: a Short History of Classic Theatrical Dancing, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Rethinking Dance History: Issues and Methodologies / Edition 2, Author: Larraine Nicholas
Title: The Body, Dance and Cultural Theory / Edition 1, Author: Helen Thomas

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