Title: Juvenile Crime, Author: Jacqueline Langwith
Title: Violence, Author: Doreen Piano
Title: Gangs, Author: Amanda Hiber
Title: Community Policing, Author: Roman Espejo
Title: Everything You Need to Know About Gun Violence, Author: Adam Furgang
Title: Violence Against Women: Public Health and Human Rights, Author: Linda Bickerstaff
Title: Hate Crimes, Author: Noel Merino
Title: Tragedy in Tucson: The Arizona Shooting Rampage, Author: Aimee Houser
Title: What Is a Hate Crime?, Author: Robert Winters
Title: Capital Punishment, Author: Mary E. Williams
Title: Homelessness and Street Crime, Author: Pete Schauer
Title: The Death Penalty, Author: Jenny Cromie
Title: Surveillance, Author: Andrew A. Kling
Title: When Is Free Speech Hate Speech?, Author: Martin Gitlin
Title: Capital Punishment, Author: Paul G. Connors
Title: Is the Death Penalty Fair?, Author: Mary E. Williams
Title: Sexual Violence, Author: Noah Berlatsky
Title: White-Collar Crime, Author: Kelly Wand
Title: Gangs, Author: Mary E. Williams
Title: People Trafficking, Author: Judith Anderson

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