Title: They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group, Author: Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Title: The 9/11 Terror Attacks (Odysseys in History Series), Author: Valerie Bodden
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Title: The Persecution of Christians and Religious Minorities by ISIS, Author: Bridey Heing
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Title: What Motivates Suicide Bombers?, Author: Roman Espejo
Title: The Capture and Killing of Osama Bin Laden, Author: Marcia Amidon Lusted
Title: Code Breakers and Spies of the War on Terror, Author: Elizabeth Schmermund
Title: Homeland Security, Author: Myra Immell
Title: How to Draw Witches and Wizards, Author: Steve Beaumont
Title: The Middle East, Author: Debra A. Miller
Title: Homeland Security, Author: Debra A. Miller
Title: Are Privacy Rights Being Violated?, Author: Ronald D. Lankford
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Title: How Should the U.S. Proceed in Iraq?, Author: William Dudley
Title: Biological Warfare, Author: Christine Watkins
Title: How to Draw Warriors, Author: Steve Beaumont
Title: The Oklahoma City Bombing, Author: Diane Andrews Henningfeld
Title: Terror at the Munich Olympics, Author: Courtney Farrell

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