Title: The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure, Author: Caroline Paul
Title: Kevin Durant, Author: John Bankston
Title: The Story of the Minnesota Timberwolves, Author: Nate LeBoutillier
Title: Yoga & Pilates, Author: Sara James
Title: Capoeira: A Martial Art and a Cultural Tradition, Author: Jane E. Atwood
Title: Doping in Sports: Winning at Any Cost?, Author: Stephanie Sammartino McPherson
Title: Tom Brady, Author: Jason Glaser
Title: Skydiving! (Extreme Sports Collection): Take the Leap, Author: Jeremy Roberts
Title: The Story of the Tampa Bay Buccanneers, Author: Sara Gilbert
Title: The Story of the Montreal Canadiens, Author: Michael E Goodman
Title: Oakland Athletics, Author: Brian Howell
Title: Story of the Chicago Bears (Library Edition), Author: Nate LeBoutillier
Title: The Miami Heat, Author: Mark Stewart
Title: The Story of the Oklahoma City Thunder, Author: Nate LeBoutillier
Title: Story of the Arizona Cardinals (NFL Today Series), Author: Sara Gilbert
Title: Cleveland Indians, Author: Marty Gitlin
Title: Mountain Biking, Author: Leslie Rapparlie
Title: Apolo Anton Ohno, Author: Michael V. Uschan
Title: Story of the Seattle Seahawks (NFL Today Series), Author: Sara Gilbert