Title: Stitch and the Samurai, Volume 2 (Disney Manga), Author: Hiroto Wada
Title: Emma: Manga Classics, Author: Jane Austen
Title: Magical Boy Volume 2: A Graphic Novel, Author: The Kao
Title: Attack on Titan: The Harsh Mistress of the City, Part 1, Author: Ryo Kawakami
Title: Great Expectations: Manga Classics, Author: Charles Dickens
Title: Jane Eyre: Manga Classics, Author: Charlotte Brontë
Title: Attack on Titan: The Harsh Mistress of the City, Part 2, Author: Ryo Kawakami
Title: The Scarlet Letter: Manga Classics, Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Title: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Manga Classics, Author: Mark Twain
Title: Les Miserables: Manga Classics, Author: Victor Hugo
Title: Romeo and Juliet: Manga Classics, Author: William Shakespeare
Title: Star Wars Lost Stars, Vol. 3 (manga), Author: Claudia Gray
Title: Star Wars Lost Stars, Vol. 2 (manga), Author: Claudia Gray
Title: Sense and Sensibility: Manga Classics, Author: Jane Austen
Title: Kamo: Pact with the Spirit World, Volume 3: Pact with the Spirit World, Author: Ban Zarbo