Title: RockStar Teenage Girl: SELF and Confidence Building for Tween and Teenage Girls, Author: Nordica Francis
Title: The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure, Author: Caroline Paul
Title: Women Heroes of World War II-the Pacific Theater: 15 Stories of Resistance, Rescue, Sabotage, and Survival, Author: Kathryn J. Atwood
Title: Girl Rising: Changing the World One Girl at a Time, Author: Tanya Lee Stone
Title: She Represents: 44 Women Who Are Changing Politics . . . and the World, Author: Caitlin Donohue
Title: Speak Up!, Author: Laura Coryton
Title: Founding Mothers: Women of America in the Revolutionary Era, Author: Linda Grant Depauw
Title: Do the Work! Gender Equality, Author: Julie Knutson
Title: Women Heroes of World War II: 26 Stories of Espionage, Sabotage, Resistance, and Rescue, Author: Kathryn J. Atwood
Title: GIRL: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You, Author: Karen Rayne PhD