Title: 马力历险记 3 之可可岛宝藏(简体字版): The Adventures of Ma Li (3): The Treasure of Cocos Island(A novel in simplified Chinese characters), Author: B杜
Title: 遇见阿尔卑斯, Author: 静贤 蒋
Title: 馬力歷險記 3 之可可島寶藏(繁體字版): The Adventures of Ma Li (3): The Treasure of Cocos Island (A novel in traditional Chinese characters), Author: B杜
Title: 馬力歷險記 1 之地球軸心(繁體字版): The adventures of Ma Li (1): The Time Axis (A novel in traditional Chinese characters), Author: B杜
Title: 馬力歷險記 2 之黃金國(繁體字版): The Adventures of Ma Li (2): Eldorado (A novel in traditional Chinese characters), Author: B杜
Title: 马力历险记 2 之黄金国(简体字版): The Adventures of Ma Li (2): Eldorado (A novel in simplified Chinese characters), Author: B杜
Title: 马力历险记 1 之地球轴心(简体字版): The adventures of Ma Li (1): The Time Axis (A novel in simplified Chinese characters), Author: B杜
Title: Long Way Down, Author: Jason Reynolds