Title: Apology Against Rufinus, Author: St. Jerome
Title: The Life of St. Augustine, Author: St. Possidius Of Calama
Title: Canons of the Ecumenical Council of Nicaea I: 325 AD and other early synods, Author: Henry Percival
Title: The Existence of God, Author: Francois Fenelon
Title: The Lord's Table, Author: Andrew Murray
Title: Against the Pelagians, Author: St. Jerome
Title: Commentaries on Ezra, Author: Matthew Henry
Title: Against the Galileans, Author: Julian the Apostate
Title: The Iroquois Constitution, Author: Anonymous
Title: First Adam vs. Last Adam: America's Tale Of Two Kingdoms, Author: Rodney Hempel
Title: The Second Helvetic Confession, Author: Heinrich Bullinger
Title: The Bible History, Old Testament, Volume 3: Israel under Joshua and the Judges, Author: Alfred Edersheim
Title: Canons of the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, Author: Henry Percival
Title: Commentaries on Ruth, Author: Matthew Henry
Title: On the Councils, Author: St. Hilary of Poitiers
Title: Concerning Faith in Things Not Seen, Author: Saint Augustine
Title: Against War, Author: Desiderius Erasmus
Title: Heretics, Author: G. K. Chesterton
Title: Against the Valentinians, Author: Tertullian of Carthage
Title: On Virginity, Author: St. Gregory of Nyssa

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