Title: Stray Dog of Anime: The Films of Mamoru Oshii, Author: B. Ruh
Title: Pulling a Rabbit Out of a Hat: The Making of Roger Rabbit, Author: Ross Anderson
Title: Working with Walt: Interviews with Disney Artists, Author: Don Peri
Title: Race and the Animated Bodyscape: Constructing and Ascribing a Racialized Asian Identity in Avatar and Korra, Author: Francis M. Agnoli
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Title: Contemporary Disney Animation: Genre, Gender and Hollywood, Author: Eve Benhamou
Title: Seven Minutes: The Life and Death of the American Animated Cartoon, Author: Norman M. Klein
Title: American Animated Cartoons of the Vietnam Era: A Study of Social Commentary in Films and Television Programs, 1961-1973, Author: Christopher P. Lehman
Title: Film Cartoons: A Guide to 20th Century American Animated Features and Shorts, Author: Douglas L. McCall
Title: Pixar and the Aesthetic Imagination: Animation, Storytelling, and Digital Culture, Author: Eric Herhuth
Title: Doing Their Bit: Wartime American Animated Short Films, 1939-1945, 2d ed. / Edition 2, Author: Michael S. Shull
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Title: Daws Butler - Characters Actor, Author: Ben Ohmart
Title: Iwao Takamoto: My Life with a Thousand Characters, Author: Iwao Takamoto
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Title: Animating Truth: Documentary and Visual Culture in the 21st Century, Author: Nea Ehrlich
Title: Tunes for 'Toons: Music and the Hollywood Cartoon / Edition 1, Author: Daniel Ira Goldmark

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