Title: Unconditional Love: A Guide for Navigating the Joys and Challenges of Being a Grandparent Today, Author: Jane Isay
Title: Elder Abuse: Conflict in the Family, Author: Karl Pillemer
Title: The Ways Women Age: Using and Refusing Cosmetic Intervention, Author: Abigail T. Brooks
Title: Graying Gracefully: Preaching to Older Adults, Author: William J. Carl Jr.
Title: Middle Age and Aging, Author: Bernice L. Neugarten
Title: Left Turns, Author: Joshua Ross
Title: Der Altersübergang als Neuarrangement von Arbeit und Leben: Kooperative Dienstleistungen für das Alter(n) in Vielfalt, Author: Werner Schneider
Title: Reminiscence: Social and Creative Activities with Older People in Care / Edition 1, Author: Roger Sim
Title: Retire and Go!: Two Seniors and a Year of Slow Travel on a Budget, Author: Russ Firlik
Title: History of Old Age / Edition 1, Author: Georges Minois
Title: Growing Old in Christ, Author: Stanley Hauerwas
Title: The Art Of Living Long, Author: Luigi Cornaro
Title: Old Age: Constructions and Deconstructions / Edition 1, Author: Haim Hazan
Title: The Economics of Individual and Population Aging, Author: Robert L. Clark
Title: Take Charge!: The Complete Guide to Senior Living in New York City, Author: John Vinton
Title: Disciplining Old Age: The Formation of Gerontological Knowledge / Edition 1, Author: Stephen Katz
Title: Fictions of Old Age in Early Modern Literature and Culture, Author: Nina Taunton
Title: Aged by Culture / Edition 1, Author: Margaret Morganroth Gullette
Title: Aging and Old Age, Author: Richard A. Posner